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S06.E18: Young Adult

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I just want to say CeCe and Winston might be my favourite platonic relationship on TV. I love them together. I actually got emotional about their last mess around together. I don't even know how it happens but i freaking love them together. 

The other plots didn't do much for me but Schmidt's assistant calling CeCe to ask for her blood type made me laugh for some reason.

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The whole thing about Fergueson/Sweatshirt made me really sad.  But then I got mad at Winson for allowing his cat to go outside.

I am really happy for Nick that his book is getting such good reviews, even though it is from young girls.  I don't like how he visited them at the school after Jess told him it was inappropriate

Be careful what you wish for, Schmidt!

Edited by NaughtyKitty
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Do cats not wear collars? I was confused why Winston wouldn't've have had him wearing some sort of id, especially if he's an "outside cat". I'm not at a cat person though so maybe I am woefully ill-informed.

My absolutely favourite moment of this was when Schmidt used the wrong term and Jeremy instantly corrected him that it was a "mess-around" even though I have no idea how Jeremy could possibly have accumulated all that information in 2 days. I still loved it.

I was ever-so-briefly amused that bunches of 12 year old girls were into Nick's book, but beyond that initial reveal, I could leave that whole plot.

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I had a hard time with this episode. I can't stand teachers, parents, and other authority figures who want to be friends with kids. It creeps me out. I do like that Jess realized her mistake and was able to fix it, but she's been a teacher/principal for over a decade. She should've learned years ago to have boundaries with her students.

I like Winston and CeCe's friendship and them both trying to not to cry about it being their last mess-around was fun. I also like Schmidt's new assistant storyline. I hope the assistant stays loyal and we aren't going to get a "Schmidt has to deal with his backstabbing assistant" storyline. I'm tired of Schmidt being the butt-monkey at work. I want to see him succeed.

Edited by Rockstar99435
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I think Schmidt's assistant was hilariously creepy.  One moment he's outside of the door, the next, he just suddenly appears inside, like a stealthy cat!

I didn't really like any of the other plots.  Winston's getting married, so maybe it's time to part with Ferguson.  Though, the mess around with Cece was kinda adorable.  The whole Jess/Nick thing was okay, but kinda dragged.

I'm still wondering if there's going to be a seventh season.  I guess we'll find out in May.

48 minutes ago, Cranberry said:

Why would he dump his cat when he gets married? Pets should be a lifelong commitment... plus Aly likes the cat.

Totally agree. That doesn't even make sense. I think Aly even mentioned the cat in the prank episode. Also, his name is FURguson. 

eta: Are we going to end with just Jess and Nick in the apartment? Aly has her own. Has there been a mention regarding where Aly and Winston and Furguson! will live after they're married?

Edited by MischaMouse
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I loved everything with Jeremy, the scarily competent assistant! I cracked up every time there was a random cut and there he was, like a teleporter. I hope he ends up sticking around.

There is nothing I love more than a Winston and CeCe mess around, especially if it involved Ferguson! I refuse to believe this is the last one. They're just so much fun. And I loved Fergusons little treadmill and piano.

The Nick and Jess plot was alright, and I thought it was a good plot for Jess, realizing she has to be an authority figure now. And Nick always cracks me up, and I thought his story was kind of an interesting look at authorial intent and periphery demographics. Plus, we got the "I know all my readers are blue collar nautical workers off the coast of Main" line.

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I love seeing that cat <3 but Winston really shouldn't let him run around like that, of course someone is going to steal him! If I saw that cat out running around it would be mine. Sorrynotsorry. I love Winston and CeCe, they are really the only reason I still watch this show. Well I still like Schmidt too, I guess I just don't care about Jess or Nick anymore or Jess and Nick.

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