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Previews: Coming Next Week - Discussion and Speculation


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I cannot remember, and I've seen almost every episode, a Surviv-away carrying around the immunity necklace like that.  The obvious (Occam's razor ftw,) answer is that the conversation shown is taking place right after the Immunity Challenge, before (Spencer) has a chance to hang it on its designated hanging spot.  [That every tribe just happens have, every season.]

Edited by Way Wes Jr

I re-watched the clip, and it is hard to tell at first blush whether it's before the IC, or between IC and TC.  But I'd speculate that it is post-IC.  And I base that on 28 seasons of Survivor editing, and not on Spencer, but on Tony and Woo.


Looking at the moment when we see Spencer holding the II, Trish is on the far right of the screen and Kass is more to the middle, with Spencer between them but closer to Kass.  To Kass's left are Tony and Woo.  And they are just sitting there, on the edge of their shelter, watching the women arguing, and looking somewhat exhausted.


If this moment were to happen before the IC, they'd be standing and more energetic, getting ready to leave for the challenge.  Or trying to stop the fight, so they can all focus on beating Spencer in the IC.  And if it were closer to TC, they'd be grabbing their torches, and Tony his bag of "tricks"/idols.  But they're not.  They're just sitting and watching. 


So it has to be shortly after the IC, and the fight is because the 4-person alliance is shattering (again) because Spencer did win again.

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Copying my comment from the episode thread...


I'd like to believe that they wouldn't have shown him jumping/falling into the water if it meant he was out of the challenge.  Hoping that it is something like the challenge in Micronesia (? I think it was that season.) where they had to stand on poles and retrieve a key by means of buckets of water raising it, then jump in to swim to the next part of the challenge.


IMHO, that was a lame promo.

I just took a closer look at the preview, and it's definitely that challenge KnitWit is thinking of rather than an endurance challenge. (For the record, Spencer looks to be in second place - Woo is still on the perch next to Spencer, then there's an empty perch and the back perch has a player on it, but it's too far away from the camera to tell if it's Tony or Kass.)


The bigger question is who's yelling at him to jump. Surely they wouldn't do the loved one visit in the finale?

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I just took a closer look at the preview, and it's definitely that challenge KnitWit is thinking of rather than an endurance challenge. (For the record, Spencer looks to be in second place - Woo is still on the perch next to Spencer, then there's an empty perch and the back perch has a player on it, but it's too far away from the camera to tell if it's Tony or Kass.)


The bigger question is who's yelling at him to jump. Surely they wouldn't do the loved one visit in the finale?

I was thinking Tony's crying and Kass' "do you want me to be your mama" comments were probably from the loved ones visit bit, so I think we will get that. Maybe the Spencer fall bit is from the reward challenge that determine's who's loved ones gets to stay.

Assuming Spencer doesn't make the finals (which, I don't know how he would if he doesn't win immunity), I literally have no idea who would win the game at this point. Sometimes it's really hard to tell if a jury is going to be comprised of bitter people who want to stick it to those that backstabbed them, or if they respect the game enough to give it to the best player even if that person lied to their face. So I have no idea who would be a good "goat" to take to the end. Woo is well liked, but hasn't made any kind of move at all. Tony has made huge moves, but he's brash and annoying and lies and backstabs. Kass betrayed her alliance at the merge, is a smug asshole, and has gotten in fights with half the people on the jury, but you can't say she hasn't made big moves either.  Who do you take to the end? Who wins? I really don't know.


Though, I think if Spencer makes it to the finals, he'll win. He's played a good game all around: physically, socially, and strategically. 

The finale promo I just watched said 4 castaways, 3 tribal councils... which has to mean we are dealing with a final 2.


That being said, I believe Jeff did confirm in his interview with Dalton Ross that regardless idols stop at final 5. 


Hmm... I guess we'll wait and see. I'm thrilled the finale is on a Wednesday. 

In the past seasons, they usually have 5 players left on the 2 hour finale, but now we only have 4 players left. This, together with Jeff not mentioning that this is the last time that they can use the hidden immunity idol, makes me think it is a final 2. Also, why are they moving the finale to Wednesday?

Maybe now that they're beating Idol on a regular basis they think they stand a better chance of beating Idol on Wednesday than Game of Thrones & the rest of the Sunday lineup.

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