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Season 3 Discussion

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I still can't get a read on Patrick. Is he into David or is he just looking for a good business investment? Hard to trust Alexis's judgment on that. Also, I'm not sure that David was "jealous" Alexis was flirting with Patrick - I think mostly he's just confused about Patrick. He seemed to scoff at the notion he was gay based on what he was wearing. 

Loved the drunken phone call - notice Moira walking away from the phone with the cord tangled around her.

Jocelyn can't possibly think Moira would be interested in Roland. Not enough tequila in the world.

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17 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Jocelyn can't possibly think Moira would be interested in Roland.

It's so weird how women in this area are SO attracted to Roland.  Remember the unemployment lady?  And when Jocelyn was talking to Johnny and said something along the lines of "naked Roland in the bed and there's no way she could resist that".  I think it's a great joke that women (from that area anyway) are so into him.

And I am really starting to love the Patrick/General Store story line.  I was on the fence at first but in reality that IS a great business model for such a small town and has a chance of being successful.  After all that's how general stores used to work.  I'm liking Patrick more and loved his little false reveal about being....... the one who picked out the frame.  Personally I think Patrick is into David on both the business and romantic fronts and they have chemistry.  

I do miss Stevie/David but this pairing is working for me.  And I was loving the Stevie/Johnny pairing so I'm hoping for more of that. 

"Can we drink in the cart?"
"Let's go get our golf sticks." 

Edited by HotRats2112
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Was there a scene cut in which Moira gave that "great speech", or was it one of those "let the viewers fill in the blanks" kind of things?  Still think Moira is really Lola Heatherton.

I do hope for a David /Patrick pairing. Patrick seems amused, in a good way, with David. I see next week brings an ex-boyfriend to town; got to look for signs of jealousy. 

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I loved the dancing scene with the elderly ladies and Alexis.  But great points all around.  Ted is a catch and here's hoping Alexis maybe comes to her senses.  And I love the opening scene with the faces Alexis was making (just look at the screen shot in the post above this).  I love her so much.  She's been great this season.  The vet clinic, going back to high school, Ted's naked bunny cam.

"She has arthritis. But not in that hand."  

Edited by HotRats2112
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I thought this was a relatively weak episode overall, but I spent the whole time trying to figure out where I'd seen Sebastien before. Had to look him up and OMG IT'S CESARE BORGIA. I knew his face looked familiar but in modern clothes and completely different hair I did not recognize him. 

I'm not sure what to make of the retirement ladies telling Alexis Ted is still hung up on her. Didn't he have something going on with one of the local ladies - an older woman Alexis ribbed him about? Maybe he just didn't want to date that lady's granddaughter for other reasons. Frankly Ted can do way better than Alexis. She's showing some growth by going back to school, but still - she's never going to be a mental giant. 

Roland is such an idiot it's irritating. This seems to be the only character Chris Elliot knows how to play. Who would even associate with someone like that?

Edited by iMonrey
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Alexis/Annie are the MVPs to me this season. I love to watch the little nuances of Alexis' character that Annie brings.  And Moira -- oh my gosh, total love for any and all moments of hers.  Catherine O'Hara is a master at this.

I'd never seen the Sebastian Raine actor before.  Good Lord, he's handsome.  I got a kick out of his completely pretentious manner of speaking and his total creative-nonsense lines.  Hilarious.  Good job, Moira, on calling him out on his BS after quickly seeing through him.

Dear Ted.  I thoroughly got a kick out of the dancing scene and it was sweet (Annie's word) to hear that Ted is still stuck on her.  We shall see...

The poker scene wasn't a laugh-fest but Ray's little moments were priceless as they always are.  You have to pay very close attention to Ray.  So many funny bits.  I am amused by the way that the Bob character kind of dances/swishes everywhere he walks.  

Another favorite part:  the memory card accidentally fell out of Sebastian's camera into David's hand and then into David's drink and he had to step on it over and over.  Love David.

Can you tell -- I love this show so much!

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10 hours ago, MerBearHou said:

I am amused by the way that the Bob character kind of dances/swishes everywhere he walks.  

I really think Bob is gay.  In season 1 when they go to the cabin and Moira mistakes Gwen for a man. The way Bob thinks Johnny wants to "fill Ray's seat".  The way Bob would always think Johnny was hitting on him.  And that walk with the jazz hands!  I love Bob.  


10 hours ago, MerBearHou said:

You have to pay very close attention to Ray.

I also love Ray.  Especially the way he loves to point out the Rose's fall from grace.  He had some great lines in this one too.

"How are you enjoying the watch?"

I love Ronnie too but I don't want to go through every secondary character.  

EDIT!  I love the extra "The Crew" above.  It's Ronnie and Ray talking about how exciting life is in Schitt's Creek. 

Edited by HotRats2112
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My head itched so much during this episode 

But it was also probably my fav this season. Everything with Alexis and David was amazing. Loved Stevie and Patrick ganging up on David at the store. Loved David exclaiming over everything in Stevie's apartment. Them talking about missing each other made me realize how much I missed them together. 

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On 3/19/2017 at 10:09 PM, ahisma said:

She wants pictures that show her as the glamorous socialite she feels she is, and he wants to show her in her fall from grace, lost out in the middle of nowhere. 

I actually thought Moira was pretty dumb to want to sabotage those pictures, and David was pretty dumb to help her. Those photos had the potential to be art, to be genuinely interesting, to create buzz about her, in a way that the photos she was hoping for never would.

I agree, in the real art world those pictures would be amazing. But who Moira is, she could never accept them. She knows there are people (like the friends they saw at the restaurant) who would only laugh at "Schittsville" or who, even worse, would pity her. Look at the way she still dresses and makes herself up every day—she will never allow herself to appear as anything less than at the top of the world, and David knows that about her. (As does Sebastian. He was terribly underhanded about saying, "Oh, I'm just doing some test shots, nothing to worry about." He was definitely being the user David knew him to be.)

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The other reason that the pictures were a big deal is that Sebastien is a famous and respected photographer. Think a fictitious version of Annie Liebowitz. He contacted Moira and wanted to collaborate on a project with her, which would be a big deal to a D list celebrity like Moira whose claim to fame is being on a soap opera.

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Yeah. I agree that, Moira being Moira, she would never agree to the pictures that Sebastien envisioned. But (not to make too big a deal of it), that's her tragic flaw. Because those pictures would have been the first step back towards the "rehabilitation," the return to cultural relevance, she so desperately craves. Oh, the irony.

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There was so much to love in this episode! Stevie and Patrick teasing David about the body milk (anyone with a fiber of common sense!) was great, as was the last scene where David and Alexis were giving Johnny shit about the terrible plaque in the garden. Extra apostrophes are a pet peeve of mine so David describing what Moira's Rose's Garden actually meant was hilarious.

I'm glad that Jocelyn pointed out Johnny funding the garden to have it named after Moira was no different than any of the times he donated money to have other things named after her. I laughed when the couple at the motel relaxed when they found out Johnny was so insistent on changing the sheets because Alexis had lice (as opposed to him just being creepy) and then said that their 6 year old daughter had lice and Johnny said that Alexis was 28. Bonus: now we finally know how old she is!

It was cute to see Stevie encouraging David to test the waters with Patrick. I loved when David commented on her Sarah MacLachlan poster and she told him not to diss Sarah MacLachlan, only to have David tell her that he followed Lilith Fair for two summers. Of course he did! Although that does give us a clue to his age as well. Lilith Fair took place in the summers of 1997-1999 and then once more in 2010. He must be several years older than Alexis since I don't think an 11 year old boy would be following a tour around the country all summer. Then again, these are the same parents who had no idea that Alexis left her Swiss boarding school so who knows?



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My head itched so much during this episode 

Mine too! LOL.

This was definitely an interesting episode. They appear to be moving towards a Ted and Alexis reconciliation, although I strongly suspect (and somewhat dread) that Mutt will return in the season finale sans girlfriend, and she'll be torn again.

This thing between Patrick and David is really interesting. Patrick is such an enigma - he really seems to enjoy teasing David, but is it because he finds him absurd, or is it more like the way little boys like to pull little girls' pigtails when they like them? Stevie certainly seems to suspect it's the latter. 

I really do like the relationship between Stevie and David. They have such a great friendship and I think she gets as much from him as he does from her. 

My favorite part was that couple walking in on Johnny changing their sheets. But who the hell would stay at that motel? It's so weird they even have guests. Other than people driving cross-country and needing some place to stop overnight (a la "Psycho") I can't think of why anyone would stay in that rat hole. 

The plaque was hysterical.

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6 hours ago, Locutus said:

They're teasing us so much with David and Patrick. I'll be disappointed if it's all a "misunderstanding ". If something does happen, I hope it's more than just a surprise kiss in the last scene of the season, a la last season. The two guys do compliment each other. I can see a successful relationship coming from it.

I agree and from what we have seen, Patrick is not a player -- just a bright, good fellow with a dry sense of humor.  Not a Sebastian Raine or "throuple" in sight.

I just adore this show.

Edited by MerBearHou
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On Thursday, March 23, 2017 at 0:25 PM, iMonrey said:


My favorite part was that couple walking in on Johnny changing their sheets. But who the hell would stay at that motel? It's so weird they even have guests. Other than people driving cross-country and needing some place to stop overnight (a la "Psycho") I can't think of why anyone would stay in that rat hole. 

I agree, I keep expecting The Winchesters to check in. Now THAT would be a fun mash-up of shows. 

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On 2017-03-23 at 1:25 PM, iMonrey said:

Mine too! LOL.

This was definitely an interesting episode. They appear to be moving towards a Ted and Alexis reconciliation, although I strongly suspect (and somewhat dread) that Mutt will return in the season finale sans girlfriend, and she'll be torn again.

This thing between Patrick and David is really interesting. Patrick is such an enigma - he really seems to enjoy teasing David, but is it because he finds him absurd, or is it more like the way little boys like to pull little girls' pigtails when they like them? Stevie certainly seems to suspect it's the latter. 

I really do like the relationship between Stevie and David. They have such a great friendship and I think she gets as much from him as he does from her. 

My favorite part was that couple walking in on Johnny changing their sheets. But who the hell would stay at that motel? It's so weird they even have guests. Other than people driving cross-country and needing some place to stop overnight (a la "Psycho") I can't think of why anyone would stay in that rat hole. 

The plaque was hysterical.

I wonder if I'm the only one who would prefer Mutt's gf to return sans Mutt? But I'll just never be able to remember if it is Tennessee or Tallahassee. Never.

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17 hours ago, MissBluxom said:

But I'll just never be able to remember if it is Tennessee or Tallahassee. Never.

And now neither can I.  Thanks!  I wonder if Mutt and... and.. his girlfriend will return in the finale.  

And I agree with whoever said I don't want a surprise kiss at the end of the season with David and Patrick.  It's too cliche.  I love how flustered David gets around him.  There is actual chemistry there as opposed to the carpenter guy so I hope they build off it instead of having David seemingly randomly hook up with someone. 

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Johnny and Stevie celebrate when the motel reaches its first fully booked status; Moira and the Jazzagals prepare for a gig; Alexis preps for her high-school graduation and makes a momentous decision; David goes on an accidental date with Patrick.

Edited by The Crazed Spruce
removed "unaired usa" tag

I'm with David - I don't share drinks with most people anymore. In middle school and high school, I did it all the time but after that I somehow realized that I didn't want to share everyone's cooties.

Loved Johnny and Roland both asking if they got a 50% discount if they shopped with their wives. I guess Barbie was right - math IS hard!

That portrait was HUGE. How did they even fit it in the door of their motel room?

Hilarious how excited Ted and Alexis were about her 63. I like that Ted shut down kissing again though. They are in a good place now so I understand not wanting to change their relationship now, especially after he proposed to her twice. I think they will end up reconciling eventually but I like that he is trying to make the mature decision instead of just falling back into old patterns.

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I don't think that painting would have fit through the door. Good thing the motel interior is a set. :D

Not enough Stevie, although of course she was perfect in her short scene.

I agree that I like Ted and Alexis in the long run, but let them take their time getting there.

I'm undecided on Patrick and David. It can be a fine line between laughing with someone or at them, and most of the time it feels to me like Patrick is a little more on the 'at' side. With Stevie, I feel like she and David are coming from the same place. With Patrick, it feels lopsided. The show is definitely going in the P/D direction, but  I'm not as big a fan. :-/

Edited by ahisma
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I love the way they're building up to David/Patrick, both in the writing and the character choices by the actors. This type of (relatively) slow burn is almost never seen on TV anymore. Every show nowadays seems to shove their designated couple together within an episode or two based on their "undeniable chemistry" (usually indicated by a hot-and-heavy makeout session,) and expect the audience to buy into the "written in the stars" soulmates trope.

With David and Patrick, it's taken half of a season for them to get to their first hug, which I found very sweet. It's clear to me (based on the character choices by the actors) that both Patrick and David realize something is going on, but neither man seems to be clear on what they want to do about those feelings. As far as I'm concerned, this dance is far more indicative of how a relationship develops organically between two people.

As for David and Stevie, I think their connection as friends is perfect - each of them really understands and cares about the other, and they've been through enough together to tell each other anything. Everyone needs that type of friendship in their lives.

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I really couldn't tell if Patrick was being "funny" or just being a jerk.  He came across as a jerk to me but at the same time David does need to be put in his place.  Drinking their stock (juice).  Forgetting to get insurance on the store.  

I was pretty happy about David's potential new man but after this episode I was missing the Stevie days.

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OK that portrait was hysterical and there's no way they could have gotten it into their room because clearly it wouldn't fit through the door. Cracked me up though. Still - there was something rather sad/poignant about them leaving it in the trash heap and walking away from it at the end, as well as Moira and Johnny's surprisingly self-aware conversation about it, and not "going down that road."

Ugh, I can't believe next week is the season finale already! Damn. And we're still left hanging about Patrick and David - did you think that hug lasted a little too long? I agree with giovannif7 about the slow burn, but the "will they or won't they?" is kind of driving me nuts.

"It's gone from soft to semi-firm." "As long as it doesn't get hard." 

Edited by iMonrey
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22 hours ago, iMonrey said:

OK that portrait was hysterical and there's no way they could have gotten it into their room because clearly it wouldn't fit through the door. Cracked me up though. Still - there was something rather sad/poignant about them leaving it in the trash heap and walking away from it at the end, as well as Moira and Johnny's surprisingly self-aware conversation about it, and not "going down that road."

I thought it was a bit sad, too.  I liked Johnny's suggestion that they could cut it up to make separate portraits; that would have worked. Or just crop down the sides and the bottom.

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