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S42.E08: Emma Stone / Shawn Mendes

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The Lucy "or that bitch cray" cracked me up.

Funniest line of the night!! Loved it.  Second best line: "Don't promise me ribs and bring me a short penis."  To go against the obvious set-up is best!!


Who amongst us haven't given and received the candle? Or received and given it? Sometimes in the same Christmas? 

Emma and Aidy reminded me of The Judds, in costume, hair and mannerisms. Speaking of candle gifting--Bath and Body Works had their 3 wick candles on sale for $8.50 (regular $22.00) on Saturday, so expect to be given one all the women here!!!! I went but the line was insane, like a 1/2 hour wait.  Frick no!


It's just sad how much more likable and human KM's portrayal of Dementor Conway is than the actual person. The actual person is beyond reprehensible to me and I can't even watch her without throwing up in my mouth

She's raising (with a nanny and husband) 4 little kids too!!!

Edited by WhineandCheez
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This was a rare SNL that got better in the last half hour. Who wrote the inspired lunacy that is Dabette Goldry. It is right up there with her "abducted by aliens" character in terms of shear, unadulterated cray cray. Who wrote that one??

Speaking of just letting it rip, no one had the off switch on Leslie during WU-she was a runaway freight train and I hope someone had their finger on the dump button since there was no telling where she was going to go.

The Rachel impression was really starting to grate until......the surprise appearance. Loved it!

Did not enjoy the posters come to life one-didn't work for me and ran several minutes too long.

Edited by AriAu
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No trying to be picky but its DEBETTE.  I know this only because I spent quite a bit of time thinking "how does SNL make up these names?" Like last week on Secret Word, the Host Keenan's name was something like "Grant Choad", cracked me up to no end.

Edited by WhineandCheez
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I really liked this episode. I adore Emma Stone, and she was so great here. The monologue was cute (Vanessa playing the mean girl was hilarious, as was Bobby). I enjoyed all of the sketches. I think the hot dog girl one was my favorite. Emma Stone's ditzy voice and mannerisms slayed me, and Kate's exasperation with her (culminating in the hot dog eating) was hilarious.

The high school theatre sketch is one of my favorite recurring sketches. But it really wasn't the same without Taran. (No offense to Mikey Day.) I missed his overly exaggerated and enthusiastic dancing between scenes as they're moving the boxes around. Vanessa and Kenan's characters snarky commentary remains the best part of these for me. Also loved the singing cleaning ladies singing "Christmas" songs. Their dancing and accents were hilarious. Cecily owns at playing foreign women. 

Weekend Update was pretty not bad. Had it's moments. I usually love Leslie Jones' appearances, but this one was fairly meh. We get it Leslie...you like big wangs. However, I love, LOVED the Rachel/Jennifer Aniston bit! Colin's reaction after every apartment cutaway is pretty fantastic. 

I like Shawn Mendes! He's a good Canadian kid, super talented, and hasn't Bieber-ed out yet, and hopefully never will!

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The fact that Donnie tweeted…about the cold open where they made fun of his tweeting…we are truly staring directly into the face of the End Times, folks. I hope the show starts incorporating his reactions into sketches and Update. For this one he tweeted while the show was going on (and I think even before Update? I didn’t watch live) and hopefully going forward they can anticipate this and call him out in the same show. I also loled when he talked about the awful picture that all the networks were using and Conway pulled out a plate of mashed potatoes.

Loved the continuity of the Leslie/Kyle relationship (is it real? I honestly can’t tell!). Vanessa: “I did two movies. Trainwreck…and another one.”

I have a feeling we’re going to be seeing a lot of Student Theatre Showcase over the next four years.

In my group of friends we have a “candle” that everyone knows is a joke: it’s a random VHS about pandas (I think from National Geographic) and whoever gets it at one holiday passes it along to someone random the next year. We also had a non-joke candle for a while: one year when I was about ten this girl at my summer camp that I didn’t really like but that forced herself into our friend group anyway gave me a picture frame as a birthday present, and literally told me when she gave it to me that she had just found it in her house and that no one in her family was using it. I never used it either and I’m sure it got regifted to someone else.

I loved The Hunt For Hill. All these pics popping up of randos taking pictures with Clinton when they spot her hiking literally had me considering going up to Chappaqua for a weekend to hike on the off chance I’d run into her. This election has broken me, friends.

I’d hoped with all my heart that the capper to the “where will Trump hold his victory rallies” joke would have been something like “and right here in Studio 8H!” Are we really going to keep pretending that that whole thing didn’t happen? I looooooved Leslie’s bit (also her jacket was amazing, I want it!). And while I tire of Vanessa’s Rachel impression (and the weird Friends bashing in general; the sudden scene transitions are staples in most multi-cam sitcoms, not just Friends), but I liked the layer that was added to it by bringing Jen Aniston out. Vanessa is just a mega Friends nerd (aren’t we all, Vanessa?) and she can’t let the show go despite the fact that it’s been off the air for 12 years.

I don’t know if it was intentional or not, but the cleaning ladies sketch felt like a send-up of those Christmas songs where Santa is weirdly sexualized, like “Santa Baby” or “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus.” I’m sure there are people with a Santa fetish out there but the fact that it’s been mainstream for so long is bizarre.

I related way too hard to Wells for Boys, and I’m a girl. I think it was the “sitting around and waiting for adulthood” part that hit home. Yep, that was me as a kid; tired with the childishness of everyone around me and just wanting to grow up so I could vote and do other things that made me a contributing member to society.

On 12/4/2016 at 0:35 PM, peeayebee said:

BTW, I had to rewind as I watched this on my DVR to catch that NBC has a new show coming called The Wall. I figure this was in the works before the election.

Every time I see that commercial, I cringe. Literally the worst time for a show with that title. Between that and the rebooted Celebrity Apprentice with Ah-nold, NBC might be the most tone-deaf channel right now (which is saying something).

On 12/4/2016 at 1:14 PM, futurechemist said:

I thought the cold open wasn't that impressive.  I was hoping for something more than just "here's some actual stuff that Trump did recently".  Also, I didn't get why Bannon was dressed as the Grim Reaper. I was hoping for something bolder like a Klan robe or Nazi uniform.

I think it was because of some interview he did where he spoke of figures like Darth Vader and the Devil in an aspirational way. This dude has no illusions about some skewed greater good, he wants to be Voldemort and he's not ashamed.

On 12/4/2016 at 2:18 PM, cpcathy said:

I notice, that other Presidents have taken SNL's ribbing in stride, like Bill Clinton having Darrell (in matching tuxes!) at some function to play him, and George H. W. meeting Dana Carvey in person, and, though not SNL, Obama having his "anger translator" with him at the WHCD. Why can't Trump understand this is part of the deal?

Pathological narcissism is a hell of a drug.

On 12/4/2016 at 5:12 PM, wknt3 said:

I'm not sure that Bobby could do him justice. He has the right body type sure and has done some good work playing shlubs, schmucks and opportunists. But has he ever played an outright sociopathic asshole? I wonder if we wouldn't have a repeat of the Darrel Hammond as Trump problem where he just doesn't go for the jugular enough. I agree that there isn't a lot out there for casual viewers to recognize. But why include him at all if you don't have either a hook or anything insightful to say?

Bobby seems like a sweet guy, but he can play nasty when he wants to. Drunk Uncle. Chris Christie. I think Bannon could be right up his alley if they can find a good angle.

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17 minutes ago, helenamonster said:

Bobby seems like a sweet guy, but he can play nasty when he wants to. Drunk Uncle. Chris Christie. I think Bannon could be right up his alley if they can find a good angle.

As far as I am concerned, Bannon IS Drunk Uncle. 

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1 hour ago, backformore said:

As far as I am concerned, Bannon IS Drunk Uncle. 

Idk, Drunk Uncle's a prick but he's ultimately harmless (or as harmless as someone with his particular rhetoric can be). Bannon is smart, calculating, and has ambitions. He is truly dangerous.

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9 hours ago, possibilities said:

I think she said she likes confident, honest ones. She specifically said not to worry about the size, just own it.

You're right! I stand respectfully corrected. I guess I was thinking of past update appearances where she seemed to indicate that size did matter. They ran together in my head. I adore Leslie, but I just wasn't feeling her this weekend on update. To the point where I obviously didn't even pay attention to what she said.

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On 12/5/2016 at 9:30 AM, WhineandCheez said:

Funniest line of the night!! Loved it.  Second best line: "Don't promise me ribs and bring me a short penis."  To go against the obvious set-up is best!!

Comedy term (and big word) o' the week -- Paraprosdokian

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