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Big Brother: Over The Top, Week 8 (11/16/2016 - 11/22/2016)


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I'm ready to find out the details of this next care package.  If it is a separate competition that only Justin can compete in, I think there is a 50/50 shot that Justin actually completes it.  But if it is some sort of figure out the code to open the hidden room, I could see Jason and Kryssie helping him out and then later throwing the veto to him.

Edited by zenithwit
4 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

I'm ready to find out the details of this next care package.  If it is a separate competition that only Justin can compete in, I think there is a 50/50 shot that Justin actually completes it.  But if it is some sort of figure out the code to open the hidden room, I could see Jason and Kryssie helping him out and then later throwing the veto to him.

I thought the Final CP was an automatic trip to the Final 4?!

2 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I thought the Final CP was an automatic trip to the Final 4?!

Here is the wording off of CBS' website: "The winner of this care package will receive the opportunity to automatically advance to the final four.  In order to earn safety this week and claim their spot in the final four, they will have to complete a challenge given by Big Brother."

3 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

Here is the wording off of CBS' website: "The winner of this care package will receive the opportunity to automatically advance to the final four.  In order to earn safety this week and claim their spot in the final four, they will have to complete a challenge given by Big Brother."

So it's not an automatic automatic. He still has to complete a task. I hope it involves numbers. LOL!!

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I assume it's going to be individualized for Justin to complete before Sunday. I'm going to laugh if he fails, but I hope he does. Because that will almost automatically ensure that Jason goes home this week and man, I need that to happen. But if Jason wins veto, then Justin goes up and probably leaves, and that would make me laugh for days. 

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I guess if it's a Final 3 of Shelby with either Morgan, Justin or Kryssie she wins, right? If it's a Final 3 of Morgan, Justin or Kryssie.....I guess it's a toss up between Justin or Kryssie, um, right? I think the only one who can't possibly win is Morgan. Of course, this might all be a moot point if Jason can somehow win Veto. It's going to be a long and boring weekend with the CP on Friday and Veto not until Monday.

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I hope Justin loses the CP comp. It would just be hilarious. Plus it would help lower the chances of Shelby going home.

I just want Jason to go this week. He is Shelby's only competition for winning the game. I am fairly sure the winner will be Shelby or Jason. Unless Justin gets the F3 he wants of him, Kryssie, Morgan, in which case Justin will win. Morgan has no real shot at winning imo. I would say the same for Kryssie, but considering we tried to get her nommed multiple times this season and it never happened I don't know.

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I hope Jason goes, too. Only two people can vote, one of whom is Shelby. She will probably write his name. Hopefully Morgan will nominate Jason and Kryssie.

When is Justin's care package challenge? I tried finding out on the CBS site but could not find it. Some chat about it being today. Usually CP is tomorrow, but since there's no voting, perhaps it's earlier?

Twitter can be pretty entertaining in times like this. People are listing the various ways the veto comp could be rigged in favor of the HG's:

For Shelby: 
"LSAT's - A Refresher Course"
"All Things Pepperdine."

For Jason: 
"Nicki Minaj Lyrics."
"How Well Do You Know The Logo Channel?"

For Justin:
"Creole Cooking."
"New Oh-leeens, Ya Dig."

For Morgan:
"Cheerleading 101."
"Alex Willett History."

For Kryssie:
"Burping, Farting and Other Bodily Functions."
"Count My Tattoos."


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2 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

When is Justin's care package challenge? I tried finding out on the CBS site but could not find it. Some chat about it being today. Usually CP is tomorrow, but since there's no voting, perhaps it's earlier?

I imagine it'll just be tomorrow like usual, around 4 et. Well that's when they'll give it to him, at least. I'm not entirely sure when the actual comp will take place.

I haven't been able to watch much so I expect to be a little confused but I want to make sure I understand. Morgan told Kryssie that she and Alex are sisters and Krissie just plain called her a liar? Without even thinking about it? Without comparing their pictures and realizing they look exactly alike? Kryssie is so sure she's s,marter than everyone. I will pay actual money to see her reaction when she finds out the truth.

Does Shelby know M and A are sisters? I want Shelby to win.

I want to hear Julie Chen say "Kryssie, you are a moron. An arrogant moron, the worst kind. America actually hates you." I miss the chenbot.

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2 minutes ago, zibnchy said:

Does Shelby know M and A are sisters? 

Yes. They told her together the week Alex left.

The only thing of interest from Julie's interview is that the finale is Thursday, December 1st.

I'm assuming they're locked down for the CP comp setup, so I would guess it'll be played tomorrow soon after the CP reveal.

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Hi all! 

Wow! It's been awhile since I've been on PT! Things have changed. 

I've been a Misfit/Late Night Jamboree fan the entire game. I thought Danielle played an awesome game. I was rooting for her to win. Jason was second. I think he's done a good job, and I'm hoping he gets the veto.  Kryssie? I've given Kryssie break after break. I've tried to overlook the burping ( if she just would've said excuse me!!-but! She didn't ) She had no social game, sucked at comps, etc. I won't vote for her...nor Justin (Clueless) nor Shelby (she tantrumed her way to the top) I can't respect that type of gameplay. Morgan was just a lump. Sorry Morgan. I love the game. You didn't understand it.  Lol

Thats it from me. If it can't be Danielle or Jason, I just can't vote. And I would've liked to have voted for Shelby, if she gets that far!!

My 2 cents?

Edited by jojomano
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If Jason (by some miracle from God) makes it to the finale, I'll vote for him.  If Shelby (unless she's up against Jason) makes it to the finale, I'll vote for her.  If neither Jason nor Shelby make it to the finale, I won't bother voting because I really don't care who wins out of Justin, Morgan and Kryssie.

My 2 cents.  :)

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, J.D. said:

If Jason (by some miracle from God) makes it to the finale, I'll vote for him.  If Shelby (unless she's up against Jason) makes it to the finale, I'll vote for her.  If neither Jason nor Shelby make it to the finale, I won't bother voting because I really don't care who wins out of Justin, Morgan and Kryssie.

My 2 cents.  :)

I'm sort of like you. If it's Jason without Shelby I still might vote for Shelby. That girl cracks me up. If Jason isn't with Shelby he will get my vote. If it's Justin, Kryssie & Morgan I'm voting for Morgan. The other two still gross me out and I don't want them anywhere near the money.

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38 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I'm sort of like you. If it's Jason without Shelby I still might vote for Shelby. That girl cracks me up. If Jason isn't with Shelby he will get my vote. If it's Justin, Kryssie & Morgan I'm voting for Morgan. The other two still gross me out and I don't want them anywhere near the money.

Shelby does crack me up! She's pretty funny. And she's wants to help women involved in human trafficking. That's a noble cause. BUT, she has been such a brat to production. The way she got the redo of the HOH which cost Jason his HOH, because she through a fit. That's pretty bratty. 

Shes fun to watch though ?

Let me preface this by saying I did not hear any of these conversations between Khyrsee and Jason last night. I only read about them. What an A-hole. He obvious thinks that America only appreciates and roots for A holes like him who excel in bashing, humiliating  and trashing other people to gain popularity.  HIs online life is superior to anyone else and if you have a good life offline, you are unworthy. 

It makes me so mad that he diminishes everything to whining about other people success, and so they become undeserving. Hasn't he watched and participated in this show for enough years to know better.  When he goes off on these anti houseguest tangents,I really want him and Khyrsee to go out right after each other. No dragging her to the end. 

He complains that the girls won't deal with him. There are no more deals. You just have to win. What does he have to offer them ? Is he the one upset he wont get any coverage because he is not in the HOH making BS deals?

Rant over !  Hope Shelby wins POV . Boot Jason and Khyrsee 

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I agree completely, @missyb.

Another thing I find hilariously hypocritical about Jason is how at the beginning he was going on and on about how since he's been here before he knows without a doubt the show isn't rigged and then claiming rigged the second things weren't 100% going his way. He has had it so easy this season. He hasn't had to fight until this week. His most notable game move was lying to Shelby/Morgan/Alex, which was stupid and did nothing but hurt him strategically and socially. And now he's whining about the girls not wanting to make a deal with him! Please!

The person who I really want to see win is Shelby. But I'd also be perfectly fine with Morgan winning because she's not a shitty person and she has actually had to do stuff to stay in the game, unlike the remaining LNJ members. Also, I admit I would kinda enjoy a Kryssie win. It would be hilarious. The only people I'd really hate to see win are Jason and Justin, who coincidentally have the best chance of winning. LOL.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 6
2 hours ago, jojomano said:

The way she got the redo of the HOH which cost Jason his HOH, because she through a fit. That's pretty bratty. 

You mean how her mirror broke before Jason's time had ended?  That's not being bratty, that's just not accepting a broken-ass comp.  She's playing for a lot of money, she shouldn't have to accept a broken comp. 

I'm voting for Shelby or no one.  Can't stand Jason, hope he leaves this week.

  • Love 7
5 hours ago, jojomano said:

Shelby does crack me up! She's pretty funny. And she's wants to help women involved in human trafficking. That's a noble cause. BUT, she has been such a brat to production. The way she got the redo of the HOH which cost Jason his HOH, because she through a fit. That's pretty bratty. 

Shes fun to watch though ?

Well, Shelby had real reason to get a redo. Her mirror was actually broken. Whether she broke it or Kryssie broke it before her, I'm proud that she actually stood up for herself and asked for a redo. As a lawyer, I'm sure she laid out the reasons as to why. And production took three hours to anaylze the situation, so they clearly agreed with her.

Here's some proof that Shelby's broken mirror affected her HOH performance:


This was Shelby's HOH turn vs Kryssie's. As you can see, Shelby could hit the laser early on on the far right because of the broken mirror, but it wouldn't stay on the target, while Kryssie was unable to hit it because it wasn't supposed to move that way. Then, there's a video of Shelby's run and how the broken mirror had her waste time:

So she wasn't a brat for wanting a redo, because the broken mirror genuinely affected her performance, especially when she could have actually beat Jason's time if the mirror was not broken. Why shouldn't she stand up for her performance when it wasn't entirely her fault?

ETA: Also, Shelby mentioned that she was using a demo mirror for that first round. 

I mean, Danielle was more of a brat than Shelby because she disrespected production constantly. She napped when she wasn't supposed to more times than I can count. Her last few days had her blatantly ignoring production asking her to switch her mic for a while, or to go to DR. I know you're not a huge fan of Kryssie/Justin, but they're also disrespectful to production, to the point of breaking the rules and talking about it and production doing nothing. 

Also, would Jason be considered bratty for complaining to production that his mirror was fault for his second run? I would say not because it's not his fault. The broken mirrors were production not being prepared for this happening and not switching out mirrors every round. 

Just wanted to provide some more information because there's more to the HOH redo comp than people think if they don't know the full details! 

Edited by Lady Calypso
  • Love 7
5 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

You mean how her mirror broke before Jason's time had ended? 

So it definitely happened before Jason's time then? Twitter would have me believe it happened afterwards, in which case I could see it seeming a bit suspect that they let her compete again. But Twitter is full of people with not the tightest grip on reality, so I figured they weren't entirely right.

They just announced Justin's CP. The note said they'll announce when he has to compete. Annoying! I wanna know the exact time, dammit!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

So it definitely happened before Jason's time then? Twitter would have me believe it happened afterwards, in which case I could see it seeming a bit suspect that they let her compete again. But Twitter is full of people with not the tightest grip on reality, so I figured they weren't entirely right.

Twitter's not smart because they think it happened after Jason's time. Technically, they noticed Shelby's mirror was broken when she was 7:24 into it (Jason's time was 8:15). However, it was clearly not working properly a couple of minutes into her run. I don't think they would have had a three hour delay between Shelby and Justin's runs if they weren't positive about their decision. I highly doubt Shelby spent two and a half hours yelling at them to check the tapes.

Twitter was just bitter that Jason didn't officially win. Twitter calls rigged when it's not in their favour and "YAAS QUEENS Y'ALL ARE JEALOUS OF MY BOO' when it is.

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5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Twitter was just bitter that Jason didn't officially win. Twitter calls rigged when it's not in their favour and "YAAS QUEENS Y'ALL ARE JEALOUS OF MY BOO' when it is.

No wonder Jason's their fave, he's just like that!

Also, to be clear, the note about the CP said that if Justin does not complete the challenge then he will be eligible to be nominated/evicted. I think the wording is kinda interesting. It says he has to complete it. I was hoping it'd be a mental comp because he would be screwed lol. But I'm thinking it's maybe something physical, maybe a maze or obstacle course. But only half the yard is closed off, so I don't know.

Justin was just called to DR. Here's hoping that means the comp is coming soon.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

No wonder Jason's their fave, he's just like that!

Also, to be clear, the note about the CP said that if Justin does not complete the challenge then he will be eligible to be nominated/evicted. And I think the wording is kinda interesting. It says he has to complete it. I was hoping it'd be a mental comp because he would be screwed lol. But I'm thinking it's maybe something physical, maybe a maze or obstacle course. But only half the yard is closed off, so I don't know.

Justin was just called to DR. Here's hoping that means the comp is coming soon.

Man, I wish I could watch right now. Sadly, I'm at work and then I'm going out to dinner. I hope he doesn't complete it! 

So Justin's CP challenge is that he has to "walk to the F4" by walking on a tightrope.  It looks like the tightrope is 2-3 feet off the ground.  He gets 2 hours to practice and then has one official attempt to walk the tightrope.  If he touches the ground during his official attempt, he loses his F4 fast track pass.

It's nice symbolism but I was hoping for more of a "how much do you want it" type challenge (like standing in one spot in the yard for 24 hours or hell, kicking a soccer ball into a net 1000 times). 

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Justin's been playing both sides, SO he is definitely going to throw this veto.  Now that he won the challenge, he doesn't have to worry about going up on the block and IF he were to win the veto, he'd have to show his cards by either keeping the noms the same and showing Jason and Kryssie that he has truly flipped sides ~OR~ removing someone from the block and forcing Morgan to put up Shelby.   He's safe.  Why put another target on his back?

He's going to throw the veto comp.  I'm 100% convinced.... no matter what he says.

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1 minute ago, ByaNose said:

They could have made just a little harder. I mean how about back and forth once?! He practically ran over that rope.

Yeah, or how about having to cross the tightrope 500 or 1000 times in 24 hours?  I'm sure his legs would get tired after awhile and he would have to push himself.

Eh, it was the final care package, I'm fine with a simple challenge to be safe for the week. Shelby and Morgan just need to win veto, and all is good. Although I'm thinking Morgan might not be so motivated. She (correctly) thinks both Shelby and Jason are threats at the end. Why not let them battle it out, and if Shelby leaves where she has nothing to do with it, so much the better. But, it would be nice for her to have 2 on  1 (and Justin) at the final four instead of her against 2 (and Justin).

Hopefully Morgan realizes, though, that it would be better to have Shelby at F4 than Jason. Sure, they are both threats, but she knows for sure Shelby would take her to F3. Jason has said in his DRs that he wants to, but Morgan doesn't know that (and why should she believe him anyway?).

But that said, I just really hope Shelby wins veto!

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And now that Justin has a pass, he's once again all in on Jason, and Morgan/Shelby are back to being evil, awful, horrible bitches, because of course. Screw the LNC, Shelby needs to smoke another veto, and have Jason crying all the way home. Yeah, y'all, I've reached the petty, vindictive stage of my season. 

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Yeah, I'm not really feelin' this LNC wishy washy bullshit they have been pulling.  And I really can't get behind Justin or Jason at all at this point.  I'm not a fan of Kryssie in any way shape or form, but if one of the remaining LNC has to win this I'd rather it be her, and I can't believe I just typed that.   I'm rooting hard for Shelby...  As for Morgan - if she turns on Shelby I won't be happy with her either.   I do realize that there is a certain degree of disloyalty and turn coating that typically needs to happen heading into the endgame, but things seem particularly distasteful for me this season.  Those two need each other to get to the end, and I'd like to think they'd be really happy for whichever of them win.

Edited by LuvizBlind
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Morgan said last night in her live DR that she wants Shelby and Kryssie in her ideal final 3. Kryssie because she can beat her. She said she wasn't sure with Shelby, but she thinks Shelby is a good person and she deserves to win and the others aren't good people. It's still two weeks away and it's 50/50 right now if Shelby makes it through the week (or, well, maybe 40/60 actually), but I don't think Morgan will turn on Shelby.

Which is funny, because all three LNC'ers last night in their DRs were touting how they want to take each other to final 3 because they all played 'the most loyal game ever', but honestly Shelby, Morgan and Alex have been way more loyal to each other. They've never even tried to make fake deals with the other side and throw the other two under the bus. The LNC flipflop all over the place when it's convenient for them. Which, yes, that's the game and sometimes that's what you have to do, so I don't fault anyone for doing that. Heck, I adore people on Survivor who see an opening and take it. So good on you. But don't turn around then and use your unfaltering loyalty to the other two and the other side's 'dishonesty' to crow about how your side is more deserving.

I want Shelby or Morgan to win veto because I am hardcore rooting for Shelby and I want her to stay (and win), but I also would love for Shelby and Morgan to win veto and then win the Final Four veto and HOH just to see some of the smugness on the other side washed away. I know the chances of that are slim, but I am going to be wishing for it anyway.

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This must've been a seriously boring weekend with no updates in over 24 hours on here... I attempted to watch some but cannot handle even a few minutes of Jason and Kryssie. The belching alone is enough for me to turn it off. I know via reddit they had some pretty vile things to say about Shelby and Jason especially is getting to Evel Dick levels. It's pretty gross.

With that said, I cannot wait for Monday's Veto and would love nothing more than a Shelby/Morgan win. Anything else and the season is pretty much done for me.

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