Lady Calypso November 7, 2016 Share November 7, 2016 Well, this will be a shitty birthday. This is the first week, though, where things went horribly, horribly wrong and DE always go bad (except for that one DE in 13 when Jeff got evicted). So I expect Morgan/Alex gone on Wednesday. 3 Link to comment
ByaNose November 7, 2016 Share November 7, 2016 Bye Alex. The odds were in their favor but alas it wasn't meant to be. I hate Danielle. Link to comment
DAngelus November 7, 2016 Share November 7, 2016 If Jason was smart, he'd pull off Alex and have the sisters vote Whitney out. She's just as CP eligible as Morgan is, she's much more likely to win in the end, and this helps him cripple Justin going into the DE. But he'll never do it, not even if the BS offer him F4, or even F3. (He doesn't know the sisters are sisters; Alex/Shelby can promise they'll cut Morgan ahead of him.) Gah. 6 minutes ago, ByaNose said: Bye Alex. The odds were in their favor but alas it wasn't meant to be. I hate Danielle. I hate all four of them. No need for half-measures, IMO. 2 Link to comment
peachmangosteen November 7, 2016 Share November 7, 2016 The only thing that can save this season now for me is Jason or Justin going in the DE. Otherwise we're going to get a F3 of Justin/Jason/Kryssie or Jason/Danielle/Kryssie with fucking Jason winning and I can not abide that! Damn, this show almost always starts out good for me and then ends up being my worst case scenario with a winner I hate. LMAO why do I keep watching?! 2 Link to comment
DAngelus November 7, 2016 Share November 7, 2016 4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said: Damn, this show almost always starts out good for me and then ends up being my worst case scenario with a winner I hate. LMAO why do I keep watching?! I got exactly what I asked for after Week 1 of BB 13 (Rachel/Porsche F2, Rachel winning) and that was bliss. (Except for the part where Porsche was kind of brat while under Dani Donato's spell, during the mid-game.) But I can't get that lucky all the time. Or really, ever again. An all-LNJ final will be my third-worst ever, after BB8 (Dick gets away with everything and production cheats for him, multiple times) and BB15 (just so many vile people, including the entire F3). BB12 gets bumped off of the podium. Yay? Link to comment
peachmangosteen November 7, 2016 Share November 7, 2016 (edited) I can't remember much about seasons 1-5 or what my opinions were, but from 6 on the person I wanted to win has only won twice. LMAO! Oh damn, Whitney just said to Justin, "Let's celebrate tonight!" while BS was upstairs within earshot. Morgan went down and asked her what they were celebrating. LOL. Edited November 7, 2016 by peachmangosteen Link to comment
Lady Calypso November 7, 2016 Share November 7, 2016 (edited) I can't remember the last time when I got at least one of my favourites in F3. I mean, I guess Vanessa for 17, but I stopped watching when I realized that she wouldn't win. 16 had Derrick win, which I guess was ok since he deserved it, but I didn't like him much. 15 had Andy win and GM and Spencer in the F3 with him, which was the worst F3 ever. 14....actually 14 had Dan, Ian, and Danielle, which was great. My worst scenario for that season was Frank, Shane, and Boogie, so thank god that never happened. And then 13 was very boring but Rachel deserved it, and 12 did NOT have my favourite in F3 because his own alliance cut him. So, of course, this season will end up being a bust as well. Of course, the worst F3 this season would be Justin/Jason/Kryssie for me, with a Justin win. Justin/Kryssie don't deserve being anywhere near F3. Kryssie's a quitter, and Justin's a dumbass who breaks rules, doesn't listen to people, and still doesn't know how to play the game. Not to mention he's a disgusting, manipulative asshole that nobody realizes is an asshole because he's "funny" and plays dumb. Fuck that New Orleans asshole. I liked Victor better. Edited November 7, 2016 by Lady Calypso 2 Link to comment
peachmangosteen November 7, 2016 Share November 7, 2016 It seems like the BS fans on Joker's are bailing so Justin or Danielle will definitely get the DE veto CP. This season is officially over for me I think. 1 Link to comment
Lady Calypso November 7, 2016 Share November 7, 2016 LOL, Alex/Morgan/Shelby are upstairs on the bridge and they just caught Whitney in a lie. Whitney was telling Justin that they were going to celebrate (clearly about the veto win), unaware that they were on the bridge. So Morgan just went downstairs to ask what they were celebrating and Whitney lied and said about Justin not being a Have Not (he hasn't been one for days). Well, now they know officially that Whitney's not part of their alliance anymore. They had their suspicions, but now it was just confirmed. They're pissed. Link to comment
DAngelus November 7, 2016 Share November 7, 2016 Well, now at least they won't feel any regrets if they campaign to Jason to "ditch the rat". Not that he's likely to listen. Link to comment
ByaNose November 7, 2016 Share November 7, 2016 3 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said: It seems like the BS fans on Joker's are bailing so Justin or Danielle will definitely get the DE veto CP. This season is officially over for me I think. Yeah, I'm out too. I just turned it off. I can't watch LNJ being all happy and the eventual de-balling of the BS. In less, Morgan can win the HOH & Veto she will be next. Actually, Shelby could be next since she can't play. This totally sucks. I.just.can't.believe.Justin.won.the.Veto. Ugh! I am so out. Call me when it's over. My only hope is Shelby makes the Final 3. Link to comment
DAngelus November 7, 2016 Share November 7, 2016 4 minutes ago, ByaNose said: I.just.can't.believe.Justin.won.the.Veto. I'd have a hard time believing it, too. Especially as he wasn't playing. (You meant "Jason", I believe.) New game! Let's take turns saying one thing you dislike about a particular member of the LNJ, and let's see who gets the most bricks thrown at them. We'll keep the tallies numbered, to keep things orderly. Kryssie (1) : She lectures people about the "right" way to play Big Brother…and she's seen all of one season. It's like Stevie Wonder trying to teach painting. Link to comment
J.D. November 7, 2016 Share November 7, 2016 Just read all this stuff you guys have been writing. Thanks for the laughs. You guys are hilarious when you're fired up. Link to comment
zenithwit November 7, 2016 Share November 7, 2016 While it does not look good for Alex this week, there may be hope for Shelby and Morgan. Jason knows that he cannot beat Justin in a F3 and will be looking to get Justin out. The LNJ will have to turn on each other at some point and Shelby and Morgan's votes can be bought. Link to comment
DAngelus November 7, 2016 Share November 7, 2016 4 minutes ago, zenithwit said: Jason knows that he cannot beat Justin in a F3 and will be looking to get Justin out. But Jason can't play in the DE HoH, either. Link to comment
ByaNose November 7, 2016 Share November 7, 2016 16 minutes ago, DAngelus said: I'd have a hard time believing it, too. Especially as he wasn't playing. (You meant "Jason", I believe.) New game! Let's take turns saying one thing you dislike about a particular member of the LNJ, and let's see who gets the most bricks thrown at them. We'll keep the tallies numbered, to keep things orderly. Kryssie (1) : She lectures people about the "right" way to play Big Brother…and she's seen all of one season. It's like Stevie Wonder trying to teach painting. Thank you. I meant Jason. I was so mad and I typed Justin. I can't even blame auto correct. 1 Link to comment
peachmangosteen November 7, 2016 Share November 7, 2016 (edited) I really hope BS don't really call Whitney out. It's such a bad idea and honestly they were ready to drop Whitney anyway, so they can get off their high horse. Although, they're basically screwed now regardless and it would be really fun to see a confrontation, so maybe I do want them to do it lol. Edited November 7, 2016 by peachmangosteen Link to comment
J.D. November 7, 2016 Share November 7, 2016 I'm watching the flashback where Shelby's crying in the HOH room. (I'm behind, ya'll). I feel bad for Shelby. She's really beating herself up over having to reset that middle tube. :( It's no big secret I like Jason and so of course I'm glad he won. Still, I don't like Kryssie or Danielle and I'm only ... meh ... on Justin, so I don't consider myself a LNJ fan. On the BSers, I like Alex, Shelby and Whitney. Don't hate Morgan....I just don't know what she has done that's all that strategic. Anyway. I wish Jason had teamed up with Alex, Shelby and Whitney from the start. Those are the only 4 I like. That said, that comp wasn't fair at all. Jason and Whitney were in the shade and the rest were in the sun. If they all would have been in either shade or in the sun, then Alex the gymnast would have had a better chance. She's on slop this week so it MAY not have made any difference either way... still, at least the comp itself would have been fair. Shelby, please quit crying. You're making me sad. :( 1 Link to comment
Lady Calypso November 7, 2016 Share November 7, 2016 I missed the beginning of Jason and the Ballsmashers' conversation so I'll have to go back, but Ballsmashers are pitching him taking Alex down and them voting Whitney out. Jason's telling them why he can't, but he's listening. They know it's a long shot, but they're trying. They're promising him safety and they're just throwing Whitney under the bus. Wow, Danielle brought Alex/Morgan Have Not food. That's....odd. But she interrupted the game talk, so they're all leaving so the conversation's done. Danielle/Jason are discussing the scenarios, but it sounds like they'll still go with Alex being evicted. Justin's there and I just really can't stand him. I've switched to the Ballsmashers feed. Whitney's there and it's just really, really awkward. Alex/Shelby can't even look at Whitney. Shelby just full out walked out of the Tokyo room, while Alex/Morgan are making polite small talk. Link to comment
me5671 November 7, 2016 Share November 7, 2016 Screw you, America!!! Wtf... this season started off so good. I knew it couldn't last. Not sure if I can stick it out the rest of the season. Someone awful will prevail, as always. 1 Link to comment
leocadia November 8, 2016 Share November 8, 2016 America is why we can't have nice things! Oh well, I'll continue to support the remaining BS'ers (minus Flipney) until the bitter end. When they're gone, so am I. Link to comment
Vicky November 8, 2016 Share November 8, 2016 Yeah - this is disappointing. I haven't been watching the feeds very much because those LNJ people are irritating whether they're winning or losing. If they're losing nothing's fair and if they're winning they 'deserve' it. That was my take based on the small bits I watched and what I've read here. I wish this had been a more compelling season. I liked the idea of a feeds only show and it seems like, other than casting, they've done a good job. Thank you to everyone here for sharing your thoughts and recaps. I appreciate you! Have a good day everyone...:) 3 Link to comment
Matteo November 8, 2016 Share November 8, 2016 It's been a good season really... I guess I just can't always want or expect things to go the way I want. The America votes have been disappointing me lately. I don't like rewarding people for their crappy behavior. 4 Link to comment
Katesus7 November 8, 2016 Share November 8, 2016 "America" did everything in their power to ensure Dick won back in the day. I have never been down with "America". Morgan and Shelby need to win some comps, and start getting into people's heads that people like Justin and Whitney aren't so great to take to the end. Shelby is my ride or die, though, so I'm sticking this nonsense out until she's gone. When she goes, I go. 4 Link to comment
J.D. November 8, 2016 Share November 8, 2016 Inside lockdown. The hot tub is leaking all over the backyard. Link to comment
Matteo November 8, 2016 Share November 8, 2016 Yes! And luckily, I think Shelby has the best chance of the BS to get to final 3. It seems like Alex and Morgan are higher on the list. I hope by some force than Shelby can skate into Final 3. Link to comment
J.D. November 8, 2016 Share November 8, 2016 (edited) Shelby, Morgan and Alex in the yoga room trying to think of ways to turn this thing around and Shelby said she's going to bring out her inner lawyer a 'la Reese Witherspoon and she's running with that idea...."Shelby, you're not a waitress anymore. You're a lawyer." LOL Alex and Morgan are cheering her on. I can't wait till they find out her true identity. Edited November 8, 2016 by J.D. Link to comment
J.D. November 8, 2016 Share November 8, 2016 I gotta hand it to these three girls....they are definitely not quitters. Shelby's waiting in the HOH room for Danielle to come up. She's planning on trying to work something out with her. Link to comment
J.D. November 8, 2016 Share November 8, 2016 Oh man, this is painful to watch. Link to comment
missyb November 8, 2016 Share November 8, 2016 Conversation with Danielle done, now Danielle is telling LNJ + Whitney everything that was said. So annoyed that BS are losing another member. Hope against hope that Morgan wins the HOH . If that ha[[ens, I don't really care of Whit wins the CP. Its really only safety for herself ( she should be nominated and forced to use it on herself) and any LNJ goes home ( prefer Justin). I can't fault Whitney for flipping. BS were suspicious of her long before there was any reason to be. She absolutely did what was right for her game. 2 Link to comment
DAngelus November 8, 2016 Share November 8, 2016 Why are they even trying to get something from Danielle? If Jason puts Morgan in her place, she's only one vote and Justin/Kryssie can override her, and even if she synchs up with America to force a tie, Jason would get to break it. Jason's the one they need to deal with. He controls the Veto, he controls the renom, he's the tiebreaker. Anything that can be done, needs to be done with him. Unless you could somehow flip the entire LNJ against Jason and Whitney ("he's protecting her, they must have an F2 deal, he's sold you out!"), Jason is the only hope here. I mean, I presume he's hopeless, but I don't even see the point in trying to work through Danielle. 1 Link to comment
missyb November 8, 2016 Share November 8, 2016 After tomorrow, there will be no doubt that Alex is the one going home. So, my eviction vote will go to Whitney. I don't dislike her at all. I think she has played a good game and only switched when Justin told her Alex and Scott were targeting her. She did what she had to. But !! I do not want the LNJ sitting around thinking they have America figured out., One vote towards Whitney should at least make the wonder. 2 Link to comment
Lamb18 November 8, 2016 Share November 8, 2016 (edited) So I need to vote twice today. I'm leaning toward Danielle because she's a full-out LNJ but I'd like to punish Whitney for being a traitor. (I know it's just a game, but still.) So Shelby and Jason cannot compete in the DE HOH, but can they compete in the HOH following the double elimination? Shelby needs to win that one (if she's still around). I feel depressed that Wednesday may be a BS bloodbath. Just as well I'll be at my niece's band concert. Has anyone found out exactly when we vote on Wednesday for the DE CP? I heard 5 - 6 central time, but have not seen a time on the CBS website. I definitely will vote for Morgan. Well I'm off to vote in a different type of election! Edited November 8, 2016 by Lamb18 Link to comment
Lady Calypso November 8, 2016 Share November 8, 2016 So, Danielle/Jason made a fake alliance with the Ballsmashers and told them that they were going to put up Justin, vote him out, and then go after Whitney for DE. This gave the Ballsmashers a lot of false hope and they are going to be pissed when today's veto ceremony happens. So basically, Jason just screwed himself AND Danielle if Morgan wins DE HOH. This reminds me of Paul's fights to rile people up before competitions, except this does nothing to benefit Jason's game. It actually will make him a target. Also, Whitney/Justin are planning to go after Danielle for DE. 2 Link to comment
MrHufflepuff November 8, 2016 Share November 8, 2016 Yeah, I don't really see the purpose of Dani/Jason's plan... but, we rarely get blindsides anymore on the regular show, so I'm curious to see it unfold. On a normal season, this would be terrible jury management. I would have thought this would be bad "America" management too, but I've given up trying to predict how the America voting will go this season. 1 Link to comment
Lady Calypso November 8, 2016 Share November 8, 2016 23 minutes ago, MrHufflepuff said: Yeah, I don't really see the purpose of Dani/Jason's plan... but, we rarely get blindsides anymore on the regular show, so I'm curious to see it unfold. On a normal season, this would be terrible jury management. I would have thought this would be bad "America" management too, but I've given up trying to predict how the America voting will go this season. Unfortunately, Misfits fans will almost always be Misfits fans, regardless of their behaviour. It's only when your personal favourite is attacked, like Justin going after Danielle, that allegiances can change. Just like there are many Ballsmashers fans who will remain Ballsmashers fans. It's just easier for them to stay fans because they're not vile, disgusting, awful people. Luckily, the Ballsmashers are still semi-aware that Jason could still put up Morgan, so it's not a true blindside. Not like Jozea's eviction. I think a lot of Ballsmashers fans stopped voting or stopped watching because of Scott's eviction, and then this week with Jason basically being HOH. I think we're walking into a Jason or Justin win. My list of who I want to win goes as such: Alex (but that'll never happen now) > Morgan > Shelby > Danielle > Whitney > Jason > Cornbread in a surprise twist > Julie Chen > Rachel when she comes back tomorrow to host the HOH competition >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Kryssie >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Justin 3 Link to comment
missyb November 8, 2016 Share November 8, 2016 I think a lot of Ballsmashers fans stopped voting or stopped watching because of Scott's eviction, and then this week with Jason basically being HOH. I think we're walking into a Jason or Justin win. Anyone but Justin. He just has not done enough in the game. And he blatantly tells his allies , Oh, I can't win this week. Sorry, no help from me but I'll keep it cool and funny with the rest of then house for you all. Tired of him. I wish there was a way to sway public sentiment against him. r 1 Link to comment
ByaNose November 8, 2016 Share November 8, 2016 (edited) 27 minutes ago, missyb said: I think a lot of Ballsmashers fans stopped voting or stopped watching because of Scott's eviction, and then this week with Jason basically being HOH. I think we're walking into a Jason or Justin win. Anyone but Justin. He just has not done enough in the game. And he blatantly tells his allies , Oh, I can't win this week. Sorry, no help from me but I'll keep it cool and funny with the rest of then house for you all. Tired of him. I wish there was a way to sway public sentiment against him. r I guess the Jason fans will push Jason, Danni, Justin & Krissi to the Finals. After that, I don't really know who will win. I won't be watching and will read about it the next day. I will be too depressed to watch these vile people continue with their winning streak. I'm bitter like that. Edited November 8, 2016 by ByaNose 3 Link to comment
peachmangosteen November 8, 2016 Share November 8, 2016 (edited) 13 hours ago, missyb said: I can't fault Whitney for flipping. BS were suspicious of her long before there was any reason to be. She absolutely did what was right for her game. I completely agree. The only people who I'd like to see win (not including Alex as she'll be gone tomorrow) are Shelby, Morgan, Whitney, and Danielle. I assume there won't be an AN or AEV for the DE. Which is good because that means if Morgan wins HOH then her and Shelby are both safe no matter what. Edited November 8, 2016 by peachmangosteen 2 Link to comment
ByaNose November 8, 2016 Share November 8, 2016 16 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said: I completely agree. The only people who I'd like to see win (not including Alex as she'll be gone tomorrow) are Shelby, Morgan, Whitney, and Danielle. I assume there won't be an AN or AEV for the DE. Which is good because that means if Morgan wins HOH then her and Shelby are both safe no matter what. I would like to see Morgan win HOH to even up the game a bit. At least, she and Shelby would be safe for another week. Although, the care package would just ruin her nominations....I think. Isn't it a double Veto or something like that? I'm not sure what exactly it does or who is even in the running for the care package anymore. 3 Link to comment
DAngelus November 8, 2016 Share November 8, 2016 14 hours ago, missyb said: I can't fault Whitney for flipping. BS were suspicious of her long before there was any reason to be. She absolutely did what was right for her game. I can't get behind this excuse. She spent more time in one-on-ones with Justin than she did with any of the BS. She didn't bring her supposed alliance any useful intel that I can recall. It looked very much as though she was just positioning herself to be safe if luck started running against the BS. And when she got on the block against Shelby (the scenario she was always afraid of, and even moreso because Shelby had the vote-canceling CP), I completely agree that she needed to make a deal to get Danielle to take her off of the block, and that there was nothing wrong with using her vote how Danielle wanted that week. (For one thing, it's what the BS wanted, too.) But I don't see how this excuses: • Flipping completely to the New Jamboree for the rest of the game. Dani didn't ask for this, they didn't even make any formal agreement. A favor for a favor would have been a perfectly normal agreement. Indeed, it was Morgan's willingness to be open to such deals (as opposed to Whitney's blank nothings) that was why Dani had changed her target from Morgan to Whitney in the first place. Not any secret deal that Alex and Scott struck with Danielle to throw Whitney to the wolves or other delusions from Whit's paranoid mind that she indulges herself in to excuse her treachery. I mean, the last thing I want to do is to indulge Danielle self-aggrandizing sanctimony, but she's right. You don't have to flip to win the game. Danielle didn't flip, even though she knew she was at the bottom of her alliance, even though many of us were making the argument that she should flip earlier in that same week. Danielle decided to stay loyal…and Whitney decided to sell her "friends" down the river. I find it hard to find her behavior more admirable. • Lying to her former allies, faking allegiance while running cackling to the Jamboree any chance she gets. She could have simply been honest. Or she could have played a middle game and kept the BS in the loop somewhat about the other side's intentions. She could have told the BS the truth, or she could have cut ties entirely. Instead she lies and spies, and smirks about it afterwards. Fuck her. • Backstabbing the only person in the Jamboree she owes any allegiance to, Danielle, by plotting against her, making an alliance to get her out, calling Dani a slut, encouraging Justin to sleep with Danielle to control her, etc. Jamboree Whitney is evidently a very different person from BS Whitney, and not for the better. • Encouraging Justin's rulebreaking, whining, and maneuvering for special treatment. I guess if the Jamboree were still rubbing their arm-sweat all over the BSers linens, she'd be cool with that, too? So no, I don't excuse Whitney and say there's nothing to fault her about. She's a piece of shit, just like the ones she chooses to lie down with. JMO. 2 Link to comment
DAngelus November 8, 2016 Share November 8, 2016 17 minutes ago, ByaNose said: Although, the care package would just ruin her nominations....I think. Isn't it a double Veto or something like that? I'm not sure what exactly it does or who is even in the running for the care package anymore. The care package is simply the Veto for the DE HoH. They're not going to play for Veto, simply award it to the winner of the CP. Those who remain CP-eligible are Morgan (if she stays), Whitney, Danielle, and Justin. Justin stans are presumably saving him for the last one (advance to F4 if you have a cute mustache and Production wants you to win), so he won't be in contention for this one. Link to comment
DAngelus November 8, 2016 Share November 8, 2016 1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said: Rachel when she comes back tomorrow to host the HOH competition Is she really? This would be cool, if there weren't so many jackasses in the house. I suppose it might be mildly amusing to see Kryssie have no idea who Rachel is, but fuck that. I just want Kryssie evicted on because her flatulence is a health hazard to everyone else in the area, or something like that. Having Rachel present for Morgan's last gasp won't really make anything any better. Link to comment
Sounditout November 8, 2016 Share November 8, 2016 (edited) Sorry if this has been posted, I didn't have a chance to read everything first :) If anyone would like to see an interview with Alex's boyfriend here is the link. Eric with YRR covers BB and has interviews with all the evicted houseguests and also family members. Great site for BB addicts! Edited November 8, 2016 by Sounditout Wrong link? Link to comment
missyb November 8, 2016 Share November 8, 2016 3 minutes ago, Sounditout said: Sorry if this has been posted, I didn't have a chance to read everything first :) If anyone would like to see an interview with Alex's boyfriend here is the link. Eric with YRR covers BB and has interviews with all the evicted houseguests and also family members. Great site for BB addicts! Her boyfriend sounds like a sweet guy. I listen to his interviews a lot , fast forward a lot. Sometimes his arrogance is annoying ( Eric's). He has not lived in the big brother house and he speaks as if he has. Especially in this interview. Link to comment
missyb November 8, 2016 Share November 8, 2016 I'm at a point where if Shelby and Morgan are the next to go, I am all for a Jason win and would vote him the winner. If the LNJ were silly enough to let a vet get to the end, a so called BB expert, with a built in fan base , knowing the winner would be voted on by a fan base, the deserve to lose. It will serve them right. Ironic that this entire season ended up the way to did because Monte thought he was doing the house a favor, and the easiest thing by nominating the vet. The person who everyone should want to get out of the house first. 2 Link to comment
Lamb18 November 8, 2016 Share November 8, 2016 1 hour ago, ByaNose said: I guess the Jason fans will push Jason, Danni, Justin & Krissi to the Finals. After that, I don't really know who will win. I won't be watching and will read about it the next day. I will be too depressed to watch these vile people continue with their winning streak. I'm bitter like that. I'll watch as long as there is a BS standing. Once they're gone, I'm out. My order of favorites: 1. Shelby 2. Morgan 3. Alex 4. the remaining tied for next to last place in awfulness, Last Place: Jason. I think he instigates the meanness, plus he has a malicious streak I don't like. 1 Link to comment
ByaNose November 8, 2016 Share November 8, 2016 1 hour ago, DAngelus said: The care package is simply the Veto for the DE HoH. They're not going to play for Veto, simply award it to the winner of the CP. Those who remain CP-eligible are Morgan (if she stays), Whitney, Danielle, and Justin. Justin stans are presumably saving him for the last one (advance to F4 if you have a cute mustache and Production wants you to win), so he won't be in contention for this one. Ugh! Justin he is so gross, dumb and hasn't even played. That said, he will probably get it. Link to comment
Lamb18 November 8, 2016 Share November 8, 2016 Quote As a reminder, the remaining Houseguests will NOT compete in a Power of Veto competition during the Double Eviction episode of Big Brother: Over the Top. Instead, America will vote live on which HG should receive Week 6's Care Package, which bestows the winning Houseguest with the coveted POV advantage. In addition, voting for America's Care Package will open after the HOH is crowned on Nov. 9; then, the Care Package winner will be revealed before the safety ceremony. During this special episode, will be no America’s Nominee or America's Eviction vote. This is from CBS's website on the Double Eviction ceremony. Voting begins after the HOH competition, so it must be later in the evening. The regular episode starts at 7:00 central time with eviction taking place at the end around 8:00 CT. Then they must go into the HOH competition right afterwards. After that's done, then voting for ACP starts. I guess it's open for an hour? Then after the DE Veto is awarded, then a Veto ceremony, then eviction. Then there must be a new HOH competition?? Link to comment
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