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Big Brother: Over The Top, Week 6 (11/02/2016 - 11/08/2016)


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From Jokers:  "Jason to Justin: "Let's hope you didn't screw yourself going up & talking with Shelby last night." Justin asks why would that have screwed himself. Jason says if Shelby is playing personal, Justin might be nommed."

Interesting because that decision is all Jason's.  Shelby will obviously save Alex/Morgan, Jason is the one who has to decide which 2 of his 3 to save.  Based on his earlier convo with Kryssie, he may be setting it up to nom Justin and blame Shelby for it...

ETA:  wishful thinking -- this took place before the CP was announced.  Still, one can hope!

Edited by leocadia
  • Love 1
16 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Whitney is probably being a spy.

Yes, she is.


WHITNEY:  I feel like [the other side] wouldn't automatically save Danielle.  Because they don't like her.

She says this knowing that saving Dani is exactly the LNJ's plan.  Lying liar.

Shelby is talking about claiming the Ballsmasher nominee as hers because she has "more faith" in them winning the Veto than the LNJ nom.  Hopefully this is just BS for Whitney's spying ears. 

Edited by DAngelus

Hopefully it's not.  I want Shelby to nominate Whitney.  Then I want Alex or Morgan to win veto and take her off the block.  Then Shelby can nominate Justin.  I still don't think he'd have the votes to go home, but it would be a start. Maybe if America noms & votes Kryssie, Whitney tries to vote out Danielle, and Morgan & Alex vote out Justin.  It could work!

Edited by Katesus7
  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, DAngelus said:

Shelby is talking about claiming the Ballsmasher nominee as hers because she has "more faith" in them winning the Veto than the LNJ nom.  Hopefully this is just BS for Whitney's spying ears. 

I'm pretty sure it is, because before Whitney came to join them, she was saying how she'd probably end up claiming Danielle, since they think the LNJ will put Danielle up so she won't be America's Nom.

Shelby is upset and it is written all over her face.  She has also started to make some mistakes.  When Whitney joined the girls, Shelby mentioned that she probably would want to claim the nom with the higher likelihood of winning veto.  We'll see if Danielle is willing to throw veto.

Hopefully the fans out there that prefer seeing a more even match up will vote for Kryssie for AN.  If Alex or Morgan goes up as AN, one of the BSers will definitely go home and then it will be 5 vs 2 going into double eviction.

4 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Hopefully it's not.  I want Shelby to nominate Whitney.  Then I want Alex or Morgan to win veto and take her off the block.  Then Shelby can nominate Justin.  I still don't think he'd have the votes to go home, but it would be a start. Maybe if America noms Kryssie, Whitney tries to vote out Danielle, and Morgan & Alex vote out Justin.  It could work!

It works the other way, too, though, assuming AN is Kryssie. They can take off Danielle and put Justin up. And Danielle probably has a better chance of winning veto than Whitney does.

4 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

I still don't think [Justin]'d have the votes to go home,

2-2, even without America.  And in your scenario, if it's Justin/Dani/Kryssie on the block, maybe Whitney can't bring even joins a 3-1 vote against Justin rather than voting out Kryssie, and hoping America agrees.  Since America has already voted against Danielle in Week 3, and it's not as if they nominated Dani this week, as she was already a nominee.

And even if it's a tie, if Shelby outperforms Jason in the Veto (how I hate this!), she would get to evict Justin.

I still want Shelby to "claim" Danielle for one reason; if a Ballsmasher wins Veto, they could then hold Danielle's eviction vote hostage.  If she doesn't agree to vote out Justin, she's staying on the block, right next to "Sweet Baby Whitney".  Does she think she's safe from the AV against Kryssie?  Does she think that, even if it ends up a 2-2 tie and Jason has the tie-breaker, that he'd keep her over Kryssie?  You want to come down, you have to vote Justin.  Deal?

Ok, now that we know that Jason is co-HOH, it's time to play JOZEA'S SCENARIOS Game.

Danielle/Whitney as Noms

  • If Danielle is nominated by Shelby and Whitney by Jason and AN is Alex= That leaves possibly 4v2 for veto. Shelby needs to do better than Jason no matter what. If Alex or Shelby don't win, Alex leaves. If Alex wins and takes herself off, then Danielle goes. If Danielle wins veto, though, she takes herself down and Shelby puts up Justin. If Shelby does better than Jason in the veto, then Justin could go. The votes will be up to America, though. Votes will be Danielle+Kryssie vs Morgan+America. America might vote against Alex so she'd go. But if America votes for Justin to leave by some miracle, then it's a tie and Shelby breaks it. If Jason does better, though, then it'll be up in the air whether he goes after Justin then as a perfect opportunity or he takes out Alex. 
    • If AN is Kryssie= That potentially leaves it 5v1. Anyone but Kryssie/Shelby win and they take down Whitney and Alex goes up and out. Danielle might risk it and stay up on the block to get Alex out. However, she seems to be a smart player so if she is, she'll take herself down, Justin goes up, and he goes. 
  • If Danielle is nominated by Jason and Whitney by Shelby and AN is Alex= Basically, anyone but Alex/Shelby need to win. Alex basically goes if she's up on the block come Wednesday. 
    • AN is Kryssie= Anyone from Misfits needs to win and take down Danielle. Then Alex goes up and she goes. If Shelby wins, she could very well take down Whitney and put up Justin. It'll show Whitney that her girls are loyal to her, BUT that might leave Justin as an evictee, especially if Shelby does better. If not, Danielle might go. 

Voters: 3+ America if AN is taken down; 4+ America if AN is left up.

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3 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Oh yeah, it's risky.  It just depends on if she wants to roll the dice.  I say - roll the dice!

True. It's just the LNJ want her to nom Whitney (or actually they were seriously just discussing how she might nom Alex so Alex doesn't get AN) and I don't want the LNJ to get anything they want, so I want her to nom Danielle.

I'm going to be so nervous until America's Nom is announced. I just really need it to be Kryssie.

  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, flipflopdiva said:

True. It's just the LNJ want her to nom Whitney (or actually they were seriously just discussing how she might nom Alex so Alex doesn't get AN) and I don't want the LNJ to get anything they want, so I want her to nom Danielle.

I'm going to be so nervous until America's Nom is announced. I just really need it to be Kryssie.

Kryssie for AN. She'll have another meltdown which will be great. Of course, the Morgan haters might nominate her. It should be a fun week.

31 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

If AN is Kryssie [in the aforementioned scenario]= That potentially leaves it 5v1. Anyone but Kryssie/Shelby win and they take down Whitney and Alex goes up and out.

First of all, there's a 3/8 chance that either Morgan or Alex gets to play Veto.  (Shelby would choose them if she pulls her own name, of course.)  So that's not insubstantial.   Also, they could get Whitney to choose a sister if her name gets pulled by promising to take her down.  (She wouldn't want to make this deal, but it would blow up her game to refuse it, IMO.)

More importantly, as long as Shelby beats Jason in the Veto, "Alex goes up and out" doesn't happen.  

• Voting to evict Alex: Justin and Whitney (and only if Whitney is willing to risk exposing herself fully, which she might not be with Shelby holding the tie-breaker)

• Voting to evict Kryssie as AN:  America (one assumes), Morgan, and Shelby as the tie-breaker.

So even then, there would be hope.

ETA:  And, if Shelby wins the tiebreaker,  no way in hell does Dani take down Whitney on the off-chance Alex goes home as Jason's re-nom.  She's had America vote against her once, she's got to be aware that they could easily turn on her if she pulls a Marcellas move, and America+Morgan+Shelby is enough to evict, as noted above.  

Heck, even with Jason holding the tie-breaker, she has to think it's way too dangerous to stay up there. What if Whitney flips back?  Then it's Morgan+Whitney+America=Goodbye, Danielle. She put her game on the line to take Whitney down as HoH, that was one thing, but to do it when she's on the block? Shouldn't happen. The "I have to do what's best for my own game" mantra is all the excuse she should need, no matter how much Jason tries to pressure her, or Whitney (a proven traitor, after all) promises her safety.

Edited by DAngelus

The CBS site also says this is the last week for HNs.

There are way too many variables and scenarios in this week for me. I feel for all the players because it must be stressful as hell.

But the silver lining of this is that Jason can't get the DE veto CP or the 'comp to advance to F4' CP. 

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 3

Kudos to him for pulling it off, but he's basically talking Shelby into the set-up that Danielle fed to him.  Really, he has nothing to lose - he doesn't care if Danielle's plan backfires and she goes home.   How did we get from Alex/Morgan being safe to Alex being a potential nom, lol??? I understand the logic, but it all seemed so much simpler earlier.   This week is giving me a headache.  Too many scenarios and speculation.  I wish they realized that the HN situation doesn't mean a thing in regards to America's nominee.  

Shelby designates her second safety at 7.00 PM BBT on Sunday.  Even if Jason has spun her head, she's got 51.5 hours to un-spin it, with the sisters' help.  Let's not panic, just yet.

BTW, let me understand the "logic" in play here…Shelby should definitely make Alex a nominee to prevent America from possibly making her one?  Jason's logic does not resemble our Earth logic…

I guess the "argument" is that America might nom Alex, but they won't nom Whitney?  Of course that argument only works if Shelby thinks Whitney is loyal.  Which she definitely doesn't, so I would assume she's yanking Jason's chain.  But I didn't watch the convo, so…

I might watch it later, as it appears to be important, strategically. But OTOH, it involves Jason, so…we'll see.  Maybe if I break out the booze, I don't know.

Edited by DAngelus
14 minutes ago, DAngelus said:

BTW, let me understand the "logic" in play here…Shelby should definitely make Alex a nominee to prevent America from possibly making her one?  Jason's logic does not resemble our Earth logic…

I also think they are worried about veto. Nominating someone means they can definitely play in veto. Otherwise, there's a chance that it's the whole other side vs Shelby for veto, and then Alex gets backdoored.

I'm not sure what their best move is tbh but it seems so risky to put Alex on the block. I don't think Morgan would be AN over Kryssie, but then America has not been voting how I approve lately so it could very well happen.

I kind of want them to go back to the original plan and make it Danielle/Whitney and Shelby noms Danielle. Of course the other side would all once again be wanting to take off Whitney to backdoor Alex, but at least Danielle (and Kryssie if she is the AN) and Shelby winning would keep Alex and Morgan safe.

Gah. This week is so stressful as a viewer. I can't even imagine how it feels for the poor houseguests.

ETA: They are thinking there will only be two Have Nots and that the HNs will tell them something about AN. So maybe tomorrow after they realize it tells them nothing, it will also help the girls rethink their plan.

Edited by flipflopdiva
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13 minutes ago, flipflopdiva said:

Otherwise, there's a chance that it's the whole other side vs Shelby for veto, and then Alex gets backdoored.

But as long as Shelby outperforms Jason (such a fucking ripoff! She actually won the HoH, she should be the tiebreaker!), a backdoor doesn't matter.  Morgan+America votes for the AN and forces the tie, and Shelby breaks it.  I mean, as long as the Veto isn't chainsmoking, Shelby at least has a chance to beat Jason.  She certainly crushed him in the HoH.

Also, I still have severe doubts that Kryssie/Danielle would stay on the block just to allow for the backdoor.  Kryssie would be knowing that America put her up and Danielle remembering that America nommed her and voted against her; I have to think that either of them would ultimately use the veto on themselves, so it would be only 3-1, not 5-1 odds against.

(And of course, as noted, Dani winning and taking herself off gets Justin backdoored, which would just be paradise. :) )

Edited by DAngelus

The veto is going to be timed? The CP said the HoH with the better time in the veto, will break a tie. Any guesses to a timed veto?

So it has to be an individual veto comp, one by one to get a timed score so only certain endurance comps and no questions.


I hear so much about Justin not knowing the game and how cool it is to have someone like him in the house. What about Shelby? Assuming she is telling the truth, she hasn't watched the show either. She has been able to come in and pretend to be a different person and seems to at least understand the comps and the game (not saying she is great at all comps, but tries).

Edited by silverspoons

Yes, that makes sense; it's almost the only way to have a definitive "who did better, Shelby or Jason?" answer, assuming that neither one wins.  

It is, however, three consecutive timed vetos, not to mention we just had a timed HoH, so they're going to that wall a bit too often, IMO.  And I don't know why they simply couldn't do OTEV; only one person gets eliminated in each round of that, so it's easy enough to see which HoH last longer in that one.

Good news!  Danielle fans are voting Kryssie as the AN, because they think she'll be easiest to beat in the Veto.  And also, they're not too happy about J/J/K being all "go put your head in the noose, Danielle, it's our best chance to backdoor Alex", for obvious reasons.

Still to early to see if this holds up, but there's hope.  Get the block and tackle out and get Kryssie on that couch! Yes!

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Whitney, Morgan and Shelby in Yoga room discussing nomination scenarios.  Most of it is same ol' same ol', but Whitney is really pushing to have Shelby put up Alex.  Her argument is that makes it a better chance that Kryssie will be AN and also because Alex would be the best person to win the veto.  That all may be true and the girls have already discussed this possibility, but it also comes off like Whitney is scrambling to keep herself off the block.  Mostly it worries me because I think she's a vote for the other side.

ETA:  Also Justin is continuing to be a huge baby about being a have not.  I get that it's hard, but everyone else has made it through tougher weeks than he has with less boo-hooing.  He really thinks that he's such a special snowflake that it hurts him more than anyone else.

Edited by leocadia
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Yay, Shelby's first up for live DR! I can go to bed soon lol.

ETA: Shelby is leaning towards nomming Alex or Morgan because she thinks they have the best chance at veto. She said she's waiting to see which one is HN so she can put them up so they won't be AN. It'll be interesting to see how she reacts to the HNs situation.

She doesn't really believe Jason is going after Danielle. She said that she hates Jason the least of the hypocridiots though, which Shelby, no!

She said she trusts Morgan the most, but then changed it to a toss up between Alex and Morgan. She said she believes Whitney is coming back to BS.

ETAA: Danielle is delusional. I kinda feel bad for her that she is so into LNJ since they are already throwing her overboard.

Kryssie is so horrible lol. I'm so sad that she likely will not be the AN this week. It would be such entertainment if she got it!

Edited by peachmangosteen

Oh man, it sounds like Shelby is going all in and might nominate Alex or Morgan? Well, that is certainly rolling the dice, but makes me very nervous. It might help put Kryssie on the block as AN, though. I can't think about it, I'll just sit here listening to the BSers paint heir nails and chat about stuff. Because I'm sure on the other feed the LNC are out there talking trash and being hateful. No, thanks.

  • Love 1

I'm starting to feel sad that there is a tide turning against the Ball Smashers. I can barely listen to a conversation with the LNJ. Sure, there are many things i don't like about how the two sides interact. I came in late but did the BS'ers invite Khyrsee and Dani to their nail party ?? They should have. America would have loved it. 

I am hoping Khyrsee is Americas nom and that the BS'er wins veto. 

  • Love 1

Are we only getting two H-Ns, then?  Because only Dani, Alex and Morgan are eligible.  (Justin/Whit/Kryssie just did it, Shelby and Jason are HoH.)

Just watched the weekday episode.  God, Justin was awful in his "apology" to Shelby in the HoH, and he's like "I don't have anything against you".  Yeah, except for how during the late night bitch session with Whitney and Kryssie in the HN after Shelby won HoH, he was spouting some nonsense about how since it's Week 6, it makes "sense" that the HoH is "the Spawn of Satan", because 666 is the Number of the Beast blahblah.

I wonder what his middle name is?  Be funny if he was named "Justin Jeremy Duncan" or some such, and his own name was "666", like Ronald Wilson Reagan. 

Oh, and then he just sat around moaning that Shelby is "a terrible person", more than a few times.  None of which Whitney bothered to tell her "alliance partner", of course.

Shall we do some DR-capping?  Sure, why not?  Only carpal-tunnel (or sanity) can stop me!

Shelby is up first.  She looks absolutely gorgeous in the leopard-print:

Screen Shot 2016-11-04 at 7.53.11 PM.png

She says she was sad to see Scott go, but better him than her, of course.  And she trusted Morgan more than Scott, anyhow, and it was clear that Alex was Scott's #1, anyway.  She calls it "a depressing question".  Aw.

Q2 is about the pictures from the HoH.  She reiterates (as she told Julie) that she didn't even really look at the weirdness of the morphs, she was just focused on winning.  She does [correctly, IMO] say that her and Whitney's morph was the cutest.

Q3 is whether, now that we're past halfway, the HG sees him/herself making any "big game moves" coming up.  


SHELBY (loud, mocking, bitter):  Well, I had PLANS to make big game moves this week, BUT…as I will address in later questions, I don't really get to do that any more, because of the co-HoH! (gritted teeth) I was planning on taking out one of the big threats to win this game, BUT now that Jason is co-HoH, I don't get to put one of them up, so…(normal voice)…if I do get to make a big game move, you better bet I will, BUT…um, yeah.  It's double-eviction next week, I don't get to play in HoH, and my HoH kind of got messed up this week by the co-HoH, so I don't have many opportunities of big game moves to make.  So I'm gonna try if I get an opportunity, but (scowls sarcastically) my opportunity was taken away from me this week!  (Sighs, then devastating smile)  But I still love you, America.

God, she's awesome. :)

Q4 is about trust and loyalty.  Shelby really can't choose between the blondes.  She's really closest with Alex, but apparently Alex got freaked when Shelby told her that she had lied to Jason and said she [Shelby] was coming for Alex.  (This was something the Danielle thread reported on…they actually believed it! I didn't even bother to debunk it here, because it was obvious BS from Shelby.)  She thinks Whitney is coming back to the BS, and she'll sort-of trust Whit as long as Whitney doesn't prove she's flipped.

Q5 is about the CP.  She groans and then rants about how she finally wins a comp and has to share all the benefits thereof.  She hopes Morgan gets the next CP.

Q6 is how the dual HoH affects her strategy:


SHELBY (grimacing, then yelling in frustration):  WELLLLLL…it affects it a LOT!!

Specifically, she's annoyed that she no longer has Jason as a possible back-up target after Justin, and can't put either of them up.  Now it's going to be "one of each" (giving Whitney wayyyy more credit for loyalty than she deserves) and she's tempted to put up a sister because she thinks they can win the Veto.  (Er, still only a 1/6 chance there, Shelb.  Play it safer, if you can.)  

Q7 is predict the noms. She says Jason is putting up Danielle, and she's not impressed by Dani's rep as a "strategist" and besides Dani reneged (how does Shelby not know how to pronounce the word? Mind-boggling…) on their deal last week, so she certainly doesn't mind if D gets an F and goes home.

Q8 is about sharing the HoH (only for her and Jason).  She's still very frustrated about this:


SHELBY:  I'm glad we talked about just using it for sleeping and bathing and stuff, it's not going to be the hang-out spot it usually is, because the other side of the house, aka the Hypocridiots, loves to stay up to 3.00 AM every night, they scream, they fart, they burp…they're just gross and loud people.  So I was really nervous about losing the perk of being HoH and having…like, it was a refuge for me to get away from these people that I hate so much, and it's basically been taken away from me, but it looks like I can still go hang out up there without Jason bring up his side of the house.  We just said [that strategy and social sessions will be held downstairs].  So it sucks that I finally win HoH and I basically have to give up half of my week.

But she's glad she's HoH, so that she at least doesn't have to worry about going on the block two weeks in a row.

Q9 is the catchall.  Anything else, Shelby?


SHELBY (playing with her hair): UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM…no!  (beat, drops the "little girl" impression) Wait, maybe.  I'm fucking—I'm freaking scared for this double-eviction coming up. I can't play in HoH.  The only good thing about this co-HoH is that Jason can't play in it, either; we're both sitting ducks next week.  So I need to make sure that one of the people from his side goes this week, so that we're going into the HoH with three people on my side and only two on his.

Damn, she's really overestimating how much she's "bring Whitney back in", isn't she? :(  I mean, she sounds as though she trusts Whitney 80% or so…I wouldn't trust Whit 8%.  Maybe not even 0.8%.  

Still, there's always hope.  Maybe Whit will just throw comps for the next couple of weeks, letting everything shake out on its own.  Hang in there, Shelby girl.

Edited by DAngelus

Oh, Alex, I love you, but your social game needs work. The BSers put their face masks on and came downstairs, where the LNC were playing "never have I never". They finished the game and started a new one, and asked if the BSer wanted to play. All said yes, except Alex, who said she would just watch. I get that she doesn't want to put her life online, because she knows how this works, but it just looks bad. 

  • Love 1

(No way am I getting all of these done tonight.  Oh, well.)


She's glad of Scott's eviction, and somehow claims that by not nominating him immediately, she "kept her word" to him.  OMG, is she kidding?  She claims that she's gained some trust from Whitney and says Scott would just be an obstacle to getting out Alex.

Her idea of an upcoming "game move" is getting rid of Alex, who her whole alliance has been targeting since Week 2, so not really a "move" per se.  More of "same old, same old".  Oh, and if her 4-person alliance is in the F4, she'll have to choose someone to drop, so that would be a "move".  Again, no.

She's loyal to J/J/K, still not acknowledging that they're ready to kick her to the curb.  She refuses to answer beyond that.

She's glad Jason got the CP.  She still thinks the Hypocridiots "found a way to weaponize" last week's CP, even though the LNJ's successful week was in spite of the CP, not because of any benefit they got from it.

She's says the dual-HoH has affected her strategy in that it's led to her "volunteering" for the block. (Or being conned into it by Jason/Kryssie, in actuality.)  She's confident about winning because she won last week.  Not how it works, Ditzi Dani.

She predicts her on the block against either Whitney or Alex and she prays a BS goes up as AN.  Volunteering for the block doesn't mean she wants to go home, so she needs a blonde as the AN.  She complains that Alex hasn't been on the block yet, ignoring that Kryssie couldn't put Alex up because America gave her safety and that she herself was planning on backdooring Alex, only to find that America would rather nominate Scott, instead.  So maybe America likes Alex, and won't use the AN on her?  Just a thought, Ditz. 

Q8b (for non-HoH) is about strategy for staying off of the block.  Not applicable, as Ditzi Dani has volunteered.

She hopes her relationship with Whitney grows, still not getting that Whitney is part of an alliance that wants her gone.  She does a lot of shoutouts, including some for people who haven't signed releases, and so we get fish.

Well, that was a waste.  Nothing of substance, just like between her ears.

  • Love 1

Our long national nightmare.  Aka "Kryssie".

[Edit: in case you're wondering, I did that joke before viewing the DR.  She certainly lives down to my expectations, though.]

She immediately complains about being a Have-Not, starving and talks about how much she's planning to eat when it ends at midnight.

About Scott's eviction:


KRYSSIE (laughs, smirks, slaps her knee):  Bye, Scott.  Best of luck to you, buddy.  For some reason or another, Scott never liked me.  [Ed:  Oh, I can't IMAGINE why not!!]  I'm glad to see him go.  I'm really bummed when people make personal decisions in the game of Big Brother, and the fact that he was dumb enough to evict Shane instead of Danielle and that Danielle's HoH ended up being the one he left on?  Poetic justice. I'm glad you got to live your dream and you got to be here, but you weren't here to play the game, you were here to play it week-to-week, and you were here long enough and it's time to play Big Brother.  

Excuse me.  I believe I'm having a stroke now.  Let me wait until the RAGE passes.  Cleansing breath.

• Listen, you fat ugly sack of tatts and farts, the reason Scott "didn't like you", aside from everything else, is that he screwed his whole alliance over Week 1 to save YOUR gross and grossly undeserving ass, and you and your buddies repaid him by trying to immediately get him backdoored, and ostracizing him completely.  So, yeah, "personal".

• Scott's been watching the show since Season 4, when he was 10 years old, and came through the application process.   You're a recruited famewhore who's only here to get publicity for your [I just generally assume] shitty band with the [I know this much at least] stupid name and the whole idea probably came from your boyfriend, who is [I've heard] even worse than you are, somehow.  You've seen one fucking season of the show, and that's S11 where Production literally shoved the Coopdy-Taw into Bigot Jeff's hands and he still couldn't get past F5.  So for you to get on your high horse about the "correct" way to "play Big Brother" would be hilarious if it wasn't repulsive.  Shut the fuck up. Please. Preferably until your eviction.

• The HoH immediately after Scott was "dumb" enough to evict Shane was a physical-skill HoH, that Shane might very well have won.  So that's one week, right there.  The HoH that Danielle won was a questions comp, where Dani got an answer wrong, and was only saved from elimination because three other people (ironically, your three current best buddies) all messed up, too.  So let's not go overboard with the insults.

• The fact that you're being way more obnoxious and gloating than the woman who actually took charge of Scott's eviction shows who's being "personal" and who isn't.  Of course, you managed to get your BFF in the house evicted on your week, so maybe you shouldn't be criticizing other people's HoH decisions?  Just a thought, you dumb ugly filthy coarse ignorant crybaby talentless jackass.

Oh, did I get "personal"?  Gee, so sorry.

Her favorite facemorph was the Monte/Alex stoner one.  (Dani didn't answer this.  Did she just miss it?)

She has no answer for the "game moves" question.  Good thing she's so strategic, rather than playing "personal", huh?

She's sticking with Jason.  She whines about the BS, and claims that they're making the kitchen dirty.  Oh, fuck off.

She's glad Jason got the CP and somehow thinks it's "America" trying rebalance things because they thought Shelby winning was a bad thing. Yeah, not so much.

She feels okay about the dual-HoH because of Jason.  And she just found out that the BS think she's a weak, terrible player and easy to beat at the end. (She says this sarcastically, as if none of it were true. Oh, you delusional loon.)  She only just now learned she's a goat?  Dumbass.

She doesn't know how noms will go, but thinks it should be Dani/Whitney which will allow a backdoor, and they can get rid of a BS on Wednesday and another one in the DE.  She whines about "those girls" and gives us this gem:


KRYSSIE:  It's time.  It's just time.  No more goofing around, no more playing games.  Let's get rid of those people who don't know what they're doing here, and leave the ones who deserve it.

You self-righteous, sanctimonious, HypoKrydiot!  I hope that when you get off slop, you're so eager to devour the fridge (not the food in the fridge, I mean you try to eat the refrigerator itself) that you choke on something nearly as disgusting as you are and have to be med-evaced out of the game.  And out of the county and the state, so that the stink dissipates asap.  (Sorry, wherever Kryssie lives.  She's your problem, not mine!)

Her "strategy" to stay off the block is for Jason to cover herself.  She's hoping not to be the AN.  "Just keep being nice and keep being me."

Ooh, good!  She served me up the perfect Buffy quote to use in response on a platter!


KRYSSIE: Just keep being nice and keep being me.

ME:  Those two concepts are antithetical.  

(Original quote: Xander to Faith, The Zeppo)

And she's done!  And not a moment too soon!  In fact, technically, the entire length of this DR too late, but them's the shits, I mean breaks.

She.HAS.To.Go.  Now.  Her allies are fucking rays of sunshine compared to this turdbag.  Just my "personal" opinion.

Edited by DAngelus
  • Love 4

Alex. My (other) Girl.

She's sad about Scott's eviction, but hopes it might lesson the target on her back.  She thinks people thought it was her and Scott, but it's more her/Scott/Shelby, so hopefully the perception is improved.  But she trusted him and knew he had her back, so it's still bad he left.

She's bummed that she bombed out in the HoH.  (She's not being all "wow, the pictures were so weird!" as the producers intend, she's more assessing performance.)  She bows down to Shelby for being awesome.

For game moves, she's just trying to make it through the DE and is really worried about the AN.  She plans to flip to the other side after the DE. (Holy shit! Also, poor Shelby.)

She trusts Morgan and also Shelby, but she worries that Jason might poison Shelby against her.  Yet she still says she wants to work with Shelby, despite her plan to somehow work with the other side.  Okay, I'm confused now.

She says she knew the CP would be co-HoH and she figured it would be Jason or Justin.  She's not happy because she knows Jason tries to poison people against her.

She's somewhat worried about the dual HoH because she thinks it might increase the chance of her getting the AN.  She's afraid she's going to have to win Veto.

She's also afraid that Shelby might nom her to "get back in with Whitney".  [Ed: Whitney's gone! Deal with it! Jeez!] Her worst-case scenario is that she's a nom and then Morgan is the AN and then one of them is definitely going home.  (Not actually true: if Morgan wins Veto, or if Shelby does and pulls Morgan, America might put the AV on Dani, as they've done before.  And if Shelby won Veto, she obviously beat Jason and would hold the tiebreaker.  Morgan+America+Shelby=bye, Dani!  But difficult, to be true.  Just not actually hopeless.)  She thinks Jason will nom Dani to protect her from America.  She's looking at the Have-Nots to help predict the AN.

She wants Whitney on the block, so she's going to try and stay close to Shelby.  She doesn't want to overdo it, though.

She says she's the only BS who doesn't want Justin gone, because she thinks she has a good relationship with him, but he wants Morgan gone, which makes things dicey.  Aww.

Continuing, because I'm running out of time before the day resets and I lose the paused DRs.  Maybe I should just skip to Whitney?  Yeah, let's do that.  I skip shirtless Justin (makes sense) and I even skip Whitney's answer to the Scott question (apparently she still blames him and Alex for her being nommed, which is stupid), and let's get to this week.

She thinks her and Shelby's morph was the cutest.   Which it was. :)

She thinks her "game move" would be backstabbing Alex, of course.  She tries to play it all innocent, but come on now.

"I'm loyal to the Ballsmashers as long as they are loyal to me and do not give me a reason to think otherwise."  Wow, so impressive. Wait, there's more.  "I am with the Ballsmashers but I'm not afraid to turn on them."  How…unequivocal.  And then of course she says she's loyal to Justin and wants to go to the end with him.  Oy.

She's not entirely thrilled about the CP, because it increases the chance she could go up, but that means she's glad she built relationships to the LNJ.

There's more, but I timed out.  I'll try to do better on Tuesday.  If Kryssie doesn't make me projectile vomit so hard I land in the hospital. But that's small odds, don't worry.

Edited by DAngelus

WHAT JUST HAPPENED!?!?!   I logged on and Shelby's crying her eyes out in HOH and Jason is hugging and consoling her.  Alex and Morgan are in London seemingly regretting whatever conversation I just missed.  I'm not awake enough to flashback.  This is awkward.  JASON is SHELBY's comfort?????  I'm so confused.

It appears that Shelby just had a stress-cry, and was triggered again when Jason noticed she seemed down and asked what was wrong.

The underlying issue appears to be that Shelby's HoH room was only about her ex-roommate Monica and that Monica's letter was very goofy.  Apparently Shelby was wanting to hear from "someone" else and is worried that the fact she only got a Monica room means that "something has happened".  Which is interesting because Shelby has claimed not to have a boyfriend…

Oh, okay, let me return to the Secret Lesbian Conspiracy corner of my insanity again.  (I blame Taylor Swift for this.  Yes, seriously, Taylor Swift.)  Is it possible that the "somebody" Shelby wanted to hear from was a girlfriend?  I know she's talked a lot about guys, telling some truly hilarious "bad date" stories, but maybe that's only part of her social life?  Is her use of the gender-neutral pronoun "someone" above an attempt to conceal her sexuality?  Is this why she wants to connect to out-and-proud Jason more than he seems to reciprocate?  And is her wearing nail polish on her ring finger that's a different color from the rest of her fingers (with the short nails) a textbook case of "femme-flagging"…or just Shelby being random?

A conversation from when the HGs were waiting to talk to Julie (not yesterday, last Thursday).  Alex is being an expert on various types of protein, giving Morgan a chance to act like she doesn't know Alex too well (more cover for the sister secret, see?)…


MORGAN:  That's right, your boyfriend does weightlifting, doesn't he?

SHELBY (in her standard, mock-berating loud tone):  Tegan!  Her boyfriend is named "Tegan"!  Her boyfriend is Tegan, your boyfriend is Connor, her [Whitney's] boyfriend is Winston! My boyfriend is (beat)…nobody.

Now at the time, I thought that Shelby was just mocking herself for being single, but if she's this upset that "someone" didn't sign the release, I'm starting to wonder about gender issues, again.

Or maybe it's just a boyfriend that Shelby wasn't sure how committed they were, so she chose to act as if she were single.  But now that he didn't send a letter, didn't apparently sign any releases, she's worried he's moved on.  (OTOH, would she really spend over a month lying about not even having a wisp of a relationship?  And that still doesn't explain the nail polish. Unless that's just a coincidence.)

By the way, it's not as if Shelby would have known who signed releases and who didn't.  You have to keep the fact that you're going on the show a secret, even in the first round where you go to "prison" (the pre-sequester hotel) as they're making their final casting decisions.  I think I mentioned in a previous thread that I had seen Shelby telling the story of how bad she felt lying to Monica about her allegedly moving back to Arizona, as Monica had moved back into her parents' house in San Diego (because her and Shelby's LA apartment situation had apparently collapsed) and was begging (Shelby's words) Shelby to come live with her in San Diego rather than "go back to Arizona" and Shelby felt so awful having to lie.

Now what I didn't mention when I first reported on that conversation was that it made me wonder if Shelby and Monica were dating…but apparently they're not.  So maybe I'm completely wrong here, and Shelby's worried about her parents or a strangely shy guy.  (Maybe she was dating one of her law school profs?  Maybe he's married?  Maybe he's married and a law professor and he's running for Congress and he's in the Witness Protection Program?   Obviously, we'll probably never know.)

I haven't checked the whole Alex/Morgan convo in London, but they don't seem to be regretting any sort of Ballsmasher infighting or anything like that.  I think Shelby had her first cry around them (they reference her despair) but it's not based on anything the sisters were responsible for.  And thus they've moved on to discussing whether they're more irritated by Danielle's endless stories (Alex) or by how Justin disregards all the rules and thinks he's so funny, when he's really not (Morgan).  That's what I've been able to find out, so far.

Thanks for the heads-up, though

ETA:  The Alex/Morgan convo is actually pretty interesting. Maybe I'll do some transcribing later today.  One thing of note is that apparently part of what triggered Shelby's initial downer was that Alex didn't spend the whole night sleeping with her upstairs Thursday night, after all.  (Alex left and came back down at about 5 AM…I thought I saw a second body in Morgan's bed in London when I mentioned everyone sleeping in at 7.45, but then I went back to midnight and it was only Morgan/Jason/Danielle in London…Alex came down during the night.)  How this fits into anything else, I won't speculate…I've done enough of that, I'm sure.

ETAA:  Jason is talking a brick-ton of game at Shelby, but so far all they've agreed on is that they need to eliminate a "big threat", from whichever side of the house.  Jason starts talking up Danielle's skill, but then he switches to Alex.  He says he wants to keep Kryssie safe because she's loyal (and not much of a threat), so then Shelby says "she's kind of like your Morgan, then", and they agree they won't go after Kryssie or Morgan.  Which may bode well for the Ballsmashers, if Alex wins veto and somehow it's Jason's decision on the renom.  I guess there could be like a 5% chance he goes after Danielle instead of Morgan.

Justin comes in, and they discuss the sleeping arrangements.  Justin actually forgets Danielle's name and refers to her as "that other girl".  This leads into a discussion of how boring Danielle's stories are, but then Justin turns it into a prolonged discussion of his bowel problems on account of the slop and I'm out of here.  So gross!  At least Shelby's laughing, though.  I'm glad she's happy now.

Edited by DAngelus

You know, if I didn't know that Jason was bullshitting Shelby and has hated her from the very beginning for some inexplicable reason, I'd be rooting for these two to actually join together. As it is, I don't trust Jason, and because of Shelby thinking that they have any sort of friendly relationship, he's misting her hard. 

I get why Shelby wants to nom Alex upfront and in a way it makes sense. It gives Alex a chance to play in veto and not get backdoored like she would, she's a tough competitor, and there's a chance of her winning and keeping herself and Morgan safe while Justin goes up and potentially gets evicted. However, it is too risky, especially if her or Shelby don't win. 

I do think hearing all three names for Have Nots will change Shelby's mind a bit. I don't want to risk Alex not winning veto and being stuck there. Unfortunately, there's a chance of Whitney throwing it on Shelby's side just to get out Alex. Danielle will fight to win it herself, obviously. I don't know where Jason's head is at completely, but there is a chance of him not using it on Danielle, but he probably would to get out Alex. Kryssie doesn't have much of a chance of winning it so there's no worry there (but if she did, I think she'd use it on herself). 

Ideally, this is how I want the week to go: Whitney/Danielle are nominated. Kryssie is AN. Alex is picked for veto. Shelby does better than Jason and Alex wins veto. She takes down Whitney and Shelby puts up Justin. Morgan/Alex vote for Justin, Whitney/America vote for Danielle. Shelby breaks the tie and sends Justin out. Then, DE happens. Alex wins DE HOH. She puts up Jason/Kryssie. Morgan gets Veto ACP. She decides not to use it. Jason is evicted. That would be my perfect week. We know Kryssie has a 0% of winning and even making it to the finals guarantees her third place, which I guess gets her nothing besides the stipend from getting so far. Danielle may be annoying, but I can't even deny that she's a gamer. All the other girls have played a good game, even Whitney, so I'm happy with any of the other girls winning.

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DAngelus, loved your Khrysee recap !!  I hope she is America's nom and voted out. When she goes on about who is here to play and how to play and blah blah blah. I t is beyond me why she thinks she knows this better than  anyone else. I can't stand to hear she thinks America is behind her. Time for her to go go go.

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, DAngelus said:

Are we only getting two H-Ns, then?  Because only Dani, Alex and Morgan are eligible.  (Justin/Whit/Kryssie just did it, Shelby and Jason are HoH.)

There's no voting. Danielle, Alex, and Morgan will be HNs because they're the only ones eligible. And this is the last week for HNs. This is all from the voting page on the CBS site.

21 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Ideally, this is how I want the week to go: Whitney/Danielle are nominated. Kryssie is AN. Alex is picked for veto. Shelby does better than Jason and Alex wins veto. She takes down Whitney and Shelby puts up Justin. Morgan/Alex vote for Justin, Whitney/America vote for Danielle. Shelby breaks the tie and sends Justin out. Then, DE happens. Alex wins DE HOH. She puts up Jason/Kryssie. Morgan gets Veto ACP. She decides not to use it. Jason is evicted. That would be my perfect week. We know Kryssie has a 0% of winning and even making it to the finals guarantees her third place, which I guess gets her nothing besides the stipend from getting so far. Danielle may be annoying, but I can't even deny that she's a gamer. All the other girls have played a good game, even Whitney, so I'm happy with any of the other girls winning.

This. But I have resigned myself to Jason or Justin winning.

Kryssie needs to go. I just want to see her cry when she's her picture for AN. That said, I don't hate her as much as I did before. Now, she is just so pathetic that I laugh. She always has an excuse how she could have won. When she started crying watching the HOH comp in the bedroom cracked me up. Shelby was beyond crazy good in that comp. 

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I don't understand the push to evict Kryssie.  She's a lump.  She hasn't done anything this entire season except lay around and complain.  To me, she'd be the one to take to the end because she'd be easy to win against.  

I don't understand people wanting Shelby out.  WE see that she's smart, but I'm not sure if the HG's are able to see it.  She did well in the Halloween comp, but that's all that I can think of at the moment.

I don't understand people wanting Morgan out.  She's pretty, but  that's about it.  She  did well  on the comp that left Kryssie's hands a bloody mess  :P, but still....she'd be another one I'd want to take to the end.

I can understand people wanting Justin out.  He's well liked by others (although he's just meh to me) but being 'liked' gets America's vote.

I can understand people wanting Danielle out.  She's actually not bad at comps and she does understand the game.

I can understand people wanting Jason out.  He has a built-in fan base and he mentally knows the game even though physically.... not so much.  

I can understand people wanting Alex out.  She played really well in the beginning weeks and that tends to stick with people.

I can understand people wanting Whitney out.  She's smart and plays both sides very well.  She's loyal to no one but herself.  As she should be.

Edited by J.D.
5 hours ago, J.D. said:

I wish Shelby and Jason would team up for real.  They're both so damn good at this game and in the end it would be a bloodbath to the finish.

Jason's not that great, but he's great at making people think he's great.  He was all about how Scott was mistaken to get rid of Shane because he claimed Shane "had the worst poker face I've ever seen".  Which might be true, but…

• the example that Jason gave was a situation where Danielle had to clue him into Shane's suspsicions

• Danielle isn't exactly opaque, either; it's not as if she "tricked" Scott into thinking he was safe last week, or anything.  She simply wobbled all week, changing her target from Alex (the "mastermind"!) to Morgan (let's eliminate someone who can get a CP!) to Whitney (actually, the same as Morgan, and she's just trying to string me along where Morgan's willing to deal) to Scott (it's a sign from America!).  I suppose Scott might have known he was the target by Danielle's interactions with him, but it was only a day she kept that secret from him, they didn't interact, and it's not as though it affected his performance in the Veto, anyway.

• Shane had flipped on his original alliance (which included Scott) and had no interest in protecting them down the line.  (See his rebuffing Monte's "save the bromance" entreaties in week 2.)  Scott might well have thought that targeting him was a condition of Shane's deal with the LNJ.

• Scott had refused to vote out Kryssie in Week 1, to keep a channel open to the LNJ…and they repaid him by targeting him in Week 2.  He was out of options over there, so he needed to find a way to bring people to his side.  Shane wasn't coming back, especially if Scott had evicted Danielle (Shane was clearly more into her than she was into Shane), but there is at least the opportunity for Dani to join up with the BS; if she wasn't such a Ditz that she's "staying loyal" to people who want her out, it would have already happened.

So Jason's logic is flawed, even if he spins it well.  And while he put a lot of effort into the "let's target Danielle…actually, maybe Alex is better, they're both the same, right?  Danielle and Alex, but Alex first" slant last night, it doesn't seem to have paid off.

I did like his subtly implying that cutting Alex would reduce the target on Shelby, rather than get rid of her most obvious meat-shield and open her up to a steamroll. (Well, I wouldn't have liked it if she bought it, but she didn't, I don't think.)  This is only a paraphrase, but here's how the pitch went, roughly: "You've got to be strategic.  Like, if it was down to just you and Morgan on your side, it would make no sense for me to get rid of one of you, because the next person would start flipping on me."  Yes, but if Alex goes now, "strategic" Jason wouldn't be in power during the DE, and that's a time when people just go for obvious plays, because there's no time to consult.  It would be "Shelby and Morgan, kick out whichever doesn't get Veto" should Alex get evicted and anyone but Morgan win HoH, no doubt.  Alex buys Shelby time, and Jason knows this.

Fortunately, Shelby knows it, too.

1 hour ago, ByaNose said:

Kryssie is just so pathetic that I laugh. She always has an excuse how she could have won.

She's not playing with a full deck.  She has almost no deck.   She has a 3.

(Buffy to Giles, Faith, Hope, and Trick.  [That one's for you, leocadia!])

Edited by DAngelus
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