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Big Brother: Over The Top, Week 5 (10/26/2016 - 11/01/2016)


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The good news (for Scott, and those of us who would rather he stay) is that Danielle has already articulated the "get rid of those who can get a CP" strategy and the LNJ agreed to it.  And the only way to guarantee that is to take Scott down.

But she's going to get a lot of pressure to save Whitney.  I hope Justin overplays it and gets himself backdoored, but I recognize it's a long shot.

Danielle promised both Alex and Scott safety (arousing some suspicion from Justin/Jason/Kryssie) because she wants to eliminate a possible BSer care package, which means Morgan or Whitney.  Originally, she was going to nom Morgan, but switched to Whitney (because Morgan made a pitch and Whit didn't, and because she's suspicious of Justin/Whitney) without telling the other LNJ members, pissing them off.

Last night, they essentially switched to Whitney and formed a new LNJ, knowing that Whitney can take Danielle out for them. They want Danielle to replace Whitney on the block with Morgan, and then they'll get rid of Morgan and have all the rest of the CPs to themselves.

Two problems:

1) Danielle would be breaking her word and damaging her game, and more importantly

2) If Danielle swaps Whitney for Morgan, Alex and America could still send Scott home, leaving two CPs for the Ballsmashers.  And Danielle is the LNJ member least likely to believe Whitney has flipped.  In part because J/J/K haven't told her about that, they're only offering up the possibility.

Still, this morning, Danielle claimed to be good with saving Whitney.  We'll see.

Actually, I wonder if her best play (aside from backdooring Justin and flipping to the other side, which I realize is still wish-fulfillment for me) wouldn't be to replace Shelby with Morgan. Make Alex and Shelby show their cards by choosing whom to evict.  Danielle might think she can use Alex choosing to evict Whitney instead of Scott as a way to split Alex/Morgan down the road.  Of course, she wouldn't know about the flaw in that plan…

Edited by DAngelus
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28 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

So who is the ultimate target? Is it Whitney but has no idea she is going? Is Alex a replacement nom? I missed all of the side conversations about this. I actually had to do work today. Can you believe that? LOL!!!

I'm confused too. It was Whitney and Morgan(2 people who did not get a CP yet)  but now it looks like Scott will go. I guess it is up to Dani. For days she said she would use the veto on Scott and vote out one of her noms (Whitney or Morgan), but last night there was talk of her switching to save Whitney making Scott leave. I guess we will see if Dani stays true to her word from which day?

I'm confused as well.  The LNJ (minus Danielle) were wanting Whitney to come off the block but then earlier today they talked about how much they want Scott to leave -- to give America want they want seeing how America nominated Scott.  The part I'm confused about is that if the LNJ now wants Scott out instead of a Morgan backdoor, then why is it so important to take Whitney off the block?  I'm not seeing the Whitney-importance to that plan.

9 minutes ago, J.D. said:

I'm confused as well.  The LNJ (minus Danielle) were wanting Whitney to come off the block but then earlier today they talked about how much they want Scott to leave -- to give America want they want seeing how America nominated Scott.  The part I'm confused about is that if the LNJ now wants Scott out instead of a Morgan backdoor, then why is it so important to take Whitney off the block?  I'm not seeing the Whitney-importance to that plan.

I guess they want to make The Plastics squirm a bit......maybe....I don't know. LOL!!!

13 minutes ago, J.D. said:

if the LNJ now wants Scott out instead of a Morgan backdoor, then why is it so important to take Whitney off the block?  I'm not seeing the Whitney-importance to that plan.

Well, they want to make sure Whitney is safe.  It's not as if they're going to get to vote. With it being Alex/Whitney voting, Whitney can vote out Scott and hope that "America" follows suit; if it's Alex/Morgan, they could (and would) ditch Whitney and keep Scott.

ETA:  Danielle is still being Danielle, talking endlessly about people who haven't signed releases.  So we get two cams of Scott alone in the hammock, and two cams on the empty pool.  And Dani gets a "stop that!" from Production.

Edited by DAngelus
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3 minutes ago, DAngelus said:

Well, they want to make sure Whitney is safe.  It's not as if they're going to get to vote. With it being Alex/Whitney voting, Whitney can vote out Scott and hope that "America" follows suit; if it's Alex/Morgan, they could (and would) ditch Whitney and keep Scott.

WHEW!  I think I got it now....but I won't know for sure until my head quits spinning.

In other news:  Danielle talks non-stop.  I would have drowned myself in the pool by now if I was forced into this outdoor lockdown.

3 minutes ago, J.D. said:

WHEW!  I think I got it now....but I won't know for sure until my head quits spinning.

In other news:  Danielle talks non-stop.  I would have drowned myself in the pool by now if I was forced into this outdoor lockdown.

But she is playing better now that she is free of Shane. Just our luck she'll.go.all.the.way. Ugh!!

2 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

But she is playing better now that she is free of Shane. Just our luck she'll.go.all.the.way. Ugh!!

I know.  I'm just salty because she won't quit spitting in that cup and it's annoying me.  

ETA:  LOL... she must have heard me.  She put it down.

Edited by J.D.
I have ultimate power over Danielle.
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19 minutes ago, silverspoons said:

Whitney is 100% with the LNJ now? So Dani is taking down Whitney and putting up Morgan and Making Alex (and America decide) .

Oh, Danielle.  You fucking moron.  If you'd stop talking for a nano-second, you might notice that Whitney wants you gone, and your "friends" want Whitney around to make sure you go.  

Poor Scott.  Screwed over by the victims of his "Public Enemy/Nemesis" campaigns winning HoH the past two weeks.  And by Danielle's inability to stay focused on what was a very sensible plan, originally.  Gah.

ETA:  That Dani thread agrees:


Dani is taking Whitney off the block.

She should just keep noms the same tbh

Bad move on her part...but it was expected. It will also bite J/J/K in the azz eventually.

She isn't even making a case for Whitney leaving....smh


What is a shame is that if Whitney had won that HOH, Dani probably would have been her target and I know for a fact that the Misfits would not have tried half this hard to save her. Whitney hardly spoke two words to Dani this week to try to save her own ass because she hates Dani that much, but the whole LNC is going to bat for Whitney. I am disgusted.

I know Dani feels like she has no other choice because she legit has no other options, but still it pisses me off on so many levels. I am frustrated as hell.

I guess they're more disappointed than I am…it's not as if I really expected Danielle to see sense, after all.

Still, it's another day until the ceremony…[/vain hopes]

Edited by DAngelus
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1 minute ago, DAngelus said:

First African-American (or rather, biracial) woman to win the HoH/PoV double (in the same week) ever…and she's sowing the seeds of her own destruction, instead.  That takes some of the shine off of the accomplishment, although it's still pretty cool.

I'm dying to know what Day thinks of all this.  She's being very tight-lipped about this betrayal.  She LOVES Jason and she LOVES Danielle and surely she sees where Jason's headed with all of this.  

5 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Why is the week 5 thread already locked? The weekly threads usually go Wednesday to Tuesday (all day Tuesday). Now there's no thread to comment in.

Yeah, it's been locked since very early Tuesday, perhaps even 12.00 AM EST.   Personally, I think Thursday to Wednesday would be better, as the eviction comes at 11 PM on Wednesday, but this is a complete snafu.  I only hadn't commented before because I didn't know which thread to use.

POV ceremony isn't until 1PM BBT.

ETA:  Ballsmashers/Scott anticipate Danielle not using POV.  They're probably mistaken.  They should be pitching a backdoor to Danielle as a way to keep the whole band together, but Danielle was so unwelcoming in the pre-nominations pitch sessions, plus she and Justin were drunkenly flirting all through the Halloween party, so the odds of her kneecapping one of the more popular players on "her side" are low, even though she sort of knows they're coming after her.  But division+delusion defers decision, or something like that.

Edited by DAngelus

Why is there no open thread.

Danielle used the veto on Whitney and put up Morgan. 

So there are 3 votes that wont be cancelled out most likely, Alex, Whitney and America.

I guess Whitney promised to vote whoever Danielle says. Morgan or Scott? Not sure who they agreed on.

This just put a huge target on Danielle and Whitney and makes Justin or Jason almost for sure that one of them will be in the F3. If J/J make it to the F3 one of them will win.

Sad to see Scott most likely go. He was entertainment and a good shield for Alex and Shelby. Can't stand that we get at least 2 more weeks of cry baby Kryssie.

Completely dickmatized.  "I have to do what is best for my game"?  Strange how you're doing what is worst for your game, then.

I hope she enjoys whatever "gift" JuSTDin gives her, down the road.  At least Whitney's only going to knife her in the back.

ETA: Obviously, after Scott gets evicted, the logical play for the Real Ballsmashers is to get rid of Justin; he's manipulating Ditzy Dani, and he's Whitney's protector and bridge to that side.  (And he's also useful for Kryssie's game, too.)  I just have zero clue how to do it.  Even without taking the co-HoH CP into the equation.  There will be four (or five) votes next week, and only Alex/Morgan/Shelby would kick Justin out, and one of them would have to win HoH to get him on the block to begin with.  And the co-HoH is very likely to put one of them up, unless it's Whitney, and she would only nom Jason (say) to keep her flip a secret, so it's almost impossible that even two of the BS get to vote.

In fact, are the girls doomed by definition?  Unless Morgan gets the co-HoH, I think they might be.  With the LNJ holding a 5-3 numerical edge and a 4-1 advantage for the CP (counting Whitney with the LNJ), it's hard to see any Ballsmasher on the block surviving the vote.

Best case:  Alex/Shelby win HoH, Morgan wins CP, only LNJ taste the block, and the inevitable Pagonging is delayed by a week.

2nd Best:  Ballsmasher wins HoH, LNJ wins CP, a 2nd Ballsmasher is nommed by the Co-HoH, the 3rd Ballsmasher wins Veto and pulls #2 down, and the co-HoH has to nom one of their own as a replacement.  This also keeps the DE Veto CP available for Morgan to win, but it's a heck of a needle to thread, since you not only need to win HoH (with 4-3 odds against), but Veto (5-1 odds against the specific unnominated BSer winning…and that's assuming she gets picked, which isn't great odds to begin with [3/8])  So, that's .429 (HoH) x .375 (unnommed BSer gets to play in Veto) x .167 (said BSer wins Veto)…roughly a 3% shot. Urgh.  Oh, and if the AN goes against the girls, the whole plan is flatout impossible.

Any other scenario, and we're down to just 2 BS after next week. Unless Whitney flips back, but given how thoroughly she's lied to the group this week and how devotedly Justin/Kryssie are worshipping at her altar (and knowing that she would have been voted out by BS if Dani hadn't used the Veto), I can't see how she'd do that.  

Edited by DAngelus

Omg, I can't believe she seriously vetoed Whitney. She was doing so well that I was actually starting to respect Danielle's game. I do have mad respect for Whitney. She is way more snaky and cutthroat than I gave her credit for, and Jason played Danielle like a fiddle. 

It seems inevitable that Scott will go. I don't see Alex or America saving him. Not sure what the hell Whitney is gonna vote?

Edited by Matteo

Have we figured out who Whitney is voting for? I thought she promised Dani to vote whatever they wanted? I thought Dani wanted Morgan out because she can get a CP.

Alex votes for Scott

Whitney? Morgan or Scott Depends if she votes for herself or Danielle?

America? Morgan or Scott (I would have thought Scott but there are already Morgan campaigns starting on twitter).

I think Morgan is likely going this week, she is already leading the polls at Jokers. Good on Whitney for doing what was best for her game.

ETA: Ok, well now it's neck and neck. Is it bad that I'm considering voting Morgan out? I dislike Scott but no one can deny he's playing the game. I just see Morgan doing whatever Alex tells her to. I also love a good blindside.

Edited by Marie80
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I am Team BS, but I do love that Whitney was not gonna go down without a fight, and I'm kind of amazed how she turned that shit around for herself. Definitely wasn't expecting such a gamer from her.

I am so enjoying this season!! I'm so interested in Whitney's live DR tonight...?

Edited by Matteo
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23 minutes ago, Marie80 said:

I think Morgan is likely going this week, she is already leading the polls at Jokers. Good on Whitney for doing what was best for her game.

ETA: Ok, well now it's neck and neck. Is it bad that I'm considering voting Morgan out? I dislike Scott but no one can deny he's playing the game. I just see Morgan doing whatever Alex tells her to. I also love a good blindside.

I was a BS and I am considering voting Morgan as well. I wish I knew Whitney's vote. I think Scott adds more to this season then Morgan. I guess I always root a bit for the nerds and superfans. Plus I have enjoyed his feeds. I would like to see Shelby or Alex win and I think Scott helps more than Morgan in the long run.

  • Love 1

I'm sad that BS is done. I was just so happy there was finally an all girls alliance with 4 women who are actually playing and are actually good players. I wish it could've lasted. But I don't blame Whitney. She was at the bottom of that alliance. Although she is now at the bottom of the new LNJ too so!

The only way for next week to not suck for me will be for a BS to win HOH, ACP, and veto. And honestly there's not much of a chance of that happening. Oh well, I still love this season. And I've been prepared for Jason or Justin to win since week 1 anyway.

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Monte should have freaking backdoored Jason in Week 1.  I know he's as dumb as anything, but somebody should have told him that the show was going to protect Jason at all costs, so the last thing he needed was a shot at Veto.

I'm hoping for a Scott eviction.   He may have "done more" than Morgan in the game, but if he goes, there's a good chance that "America" could nominate Danielle next week.  (If only for calling the country "A-mair-ica"…it's a short "E", you Ditz!)  Boot Morgan and Scott goes right back up next week, barring a HoH win.

Also, not that I'm holding out much hope, but a Scott eviction does at least allow for the possibility of the four girls getting back together again. I can't see why Whitney would do it, but maybe Kryssie farts in her face or something, I don't know.

Also, Scott has been wanting to work with Jason for a while now.  Whereas Morgan would rather work with Danielle.  As lesser evils go, she's not very lesser, but anything to increase Jason's chances of going home is fine by me.

51 minutes ago, DAngelus said:

Boot Morgan and Scott goes right back up next week, barring a HoH win.

I'm pretty sure we can't nom the same person two weeks in a row. Though if an LNC wins HoH, he might very well go back up.


3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'm sad that BS is done. I was just so happy there was finally an all girls alliance with 4 women who are actually playing and are actually good players. I wish it could've lasted. But I don't blame Whitney. She was at the bottom of that alliance. Although she is now at the bottom of the new LNJ too so!

These are my thoughts exactly. Although I am insanely curious for Whitney's live DR tonight. The times I've turned on the feeds today, she was talking with the girls and not her new alliance, so I'm curious where her head really is, in terms of moving forward and in who to evict.

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I am really starting to think Whitney is not as sweet as she is playing. I first saw it with the smoking and a few things she said on her birthday night. Then in the HN room she got into some of the sex talk and vile talk with the LNJ. She didn't just listen but participated. If she is really is a BS at heart she put on a good show. Forgetting about the numbers on each side, Whitney should seen the BS have better competitors. Kryssie and Justin aren't going to be winning unless it is a comp specifically geared towards them or a crapshoot.

  • Love 1
32 minutes ago, silverspoons said:

I Whitney should seen the BS have better competitors. Kryssie and Justin aren't going to be winning unless it is a comp specifically geared towards them or a crapshoot.

I don't think Whitney really had a choice as there was a good chance she was going home (or it was at least considered) and the only reason she was on the block in the first place was because of Alex and Scott. That's why I don't get why people (elsewhere) are blaming her for the Plastics' demise.

Boy this really is the week to be a Have Not! Chinese food yesterday and a pizza party today? Pizza also just happens to be Justin's favorite food.

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I feel better now that I know I wasn't completely off on my assessment of Whitney! Since she doesn't really have a reason to lie in her live DR. I felt like I was the only one who didn't think she had totally abandoned ship.

But basically, she is still with the Ballsmashers. Or wants to be, at least. She's just scared Alex is going to turn on her so she wants to make sure if that happens that she turns on Alex first. But the way she talked, she does consider the BS her core alliance and not the LNJ. And she wants to stay loyal to them and hopes they do all stay loyal to each other. And she wants to vote out Scott.

Honestly, I think the choices she made this week are going to be the ones that cause the other BS to turn on her, but I'm glad to know what she is really thinking.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, flipflopdiva said:

I'm pretty sure we can't nom the same person two weeks in a row.

Good point, my bad.

1 hour ago, flipflopdiva said:

The times I've turned on the feeds today, [Whitney] was talking with the girls and not her new alliance

Well, she knows she'll have time with the New Jamboree tonight in the H-N room; no need to rush.  And again, it's what she doesn't say.  She has dozens of things she could tell the BS without giving away her own game.  Imagine what use it would be for them to know that Justin was mocking Danielle for putting her head on his "nuts".  (Well, in his lap, but hey, no reason slut-shaming can't be creative, right?)  Nope, all the intel the BS has gotten from Whitney's week in the H-N Room is "just talkin'".

As one of them observed today, she's told some bad lies (about her and Danielle's conversation after the Veto;  I don't know what Whit said, but it wasn't accepted with equanimity).

1 hour ago, flipflopdiva said:

I am insanely curious for Whitney's live DR tonight

Just remember, there's no reason she can't lie there, too.  There are Care Packages to be angling for, and she knows that "America" likes the BS.

34 minutes ago, Marie80 said:

Boy this really is the week to be a Have Not! Chinese food yesterday and a pizza party today? Pizza also just happens to be Justin's favorite food.

Gee, it's almost as if Production has a favorite, huh?  Oh, never!

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Whitney has always been my least favorite BS member.  I don't blame her for doing whatever she can to save herself--in fact she'd be pretty silly not to--but I don't have to like it, lol.  She's hasn't really changed her strategy, no matter who the HOH was, she's always said in the DR that she was going to do whatever that person wanted, this has just been the first time that it's made a big difference in the game.  Switching sides and floating is a valid strategy, it's just not one that I enjoy watching.  All in all in doesn't matter, because I can't take Scott's personality any longer so I'm glad he's most likely going.  I know I've said it before, but I hate how he picks up a word or phrase and then repeats it incessantly.  I am ecstatic that I won't have to hear him say "obviously" or "100%" ever again!!!

I am also annoyed that the Have Nots have had not one, but two parties this week.  It's really not fair to the people who had to make it the whole week, but no one ever said that BB was fair.

If Kryssie, Danielle and Whitney (in any order) are the next three boots, I will be a happy camper.

ETA:  Kryssie's DRs make me nauseous.  Even when she's trying her best to be genuine and sweet she sounds condescending.  Barf. 

Edited by leocadia
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Kryssie thoroughly disgusts me.  I'm sick to death of her constant belching.  She doesn't even attempt to be discrete.  It's just gross.  Makes me wanna say, "Oh. My. Lanta!"

And what is up with that leather jacket she's always wearing?  Doesn't she realize there's a great big 'ole rip in the back of the right sleeve?  

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I'm taking a break from watching tonight after Kryssie and start watching again during the HoH comp.  She is obviously on BB for exposure for her band. Sure she would love 250k but she knows she is probably not going to win. She wants take the 2 most popular people to the end to ensure the most airtime. I'm sick of hearing about her album release. Kryssie comes out of this show a winner no matter what. How many people had heard of her band before this? I'm sure she will get some fans and certainly more people attending her concerts (even out of just curiousity or wanting to meet a BB personality).

When she was  yelling that Scott was just on BB for the stipend and TV time , I think she was really saying why she was there. Out of anyone in the house Scott was not on this show for a stipend. I'm sure he would have done the show for free or even paid for a tour of the house.

I hope if anyone has a jokers account, they will vote Scott up to a 5. He is so excited to check the ratings when he gets out. It would be nice if he is high on the list.

I thought it was interesting that Jason mentioned in his live DR that he knows he cannot beat Justin in the end and have to cut him before F3.  Maybe there will some fluidity between the sides over the next couple of weeks.

ETA - Oh boy, Danielle just rated her HOH as a "solid 9".

Edited by zenithwit
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1 hour ago, Marie80 said:

the only reason [Whitney] was on the block in the first place was because of Alex and Scott.

No, the reasons she was on the block were two-fold. First, she still could receive a Care Package, which made eliminating her a goal for the LNJ, and second, she wasn't willing to make anything resembling a concrete offer to Danielle, as opposed to Alex/Morgan/Shelby, who all put out feelers.  (Dani had already promised Scott safety.)

If she'd been like "I know you're worried I could get a Care Package, but if you keep me safe this week, I promise to use it to help your game, and you can have input.  Like if it's a Co-HoH, I'd probably nominate Jason, because he's coming after me.  And I don't think he's really on your side, either", Whitney could have built trust and kept herself off the block to begin with.  Remember, Danielle had originally planned to nominate Morgan.  Instead, she gave nothing but empty air and a smile.  Didn't work so well, it seems.

1 hour ago, Marie80 said:

I don't get why people (elsewhere) are blaming her for the Plastics' demise.

If she'd taken the intel she got on Sunday night to Danielle (either directly or via the Ballsmashers) and let her know that Justin/Jason/Kryssie are planning to take Danielle out and that they had proposed an anti-Danielle alliance to her, she stood a shot at getting Justin or Jason backdoored (especially if she mentioned the way Justin tried to paint Dani as a slut, which he was lying about, in fact) and the Ballsmashers/Scott could have stayed 5 strong, maybe even increased to 6 if Dani flipped.

If she'd at least kept her nominal allies in the loop instead of keeping every one of J/J/K's entreaties a secret and pledging her vote to Danielle and telling bad lies about how Danielle didn't tell her anything, she would have proven her value to the BS, probably staying even if she stayed on the block, and the girls could have moved forward as 4.

Instead, "baby girl Whitney" has signed on as the LNJ's new secret weapon (with Jason declaring that right in front of Ditzi Dani, who's too stupid to realize that weapon will be aimed at her, soon enough) and the upcoming Scott/Morgan eviction will knock the BS numbers down to 3.

And, with Whitney voting with her new allies and the coming CP, there's almost no way for the BS to make it out of next week without one of them going home.   That makes it 2.

So Whitney is basically responsible for her former alliance getting its numbers cut by potentially as much as 67%.  All so she can cuddle up to her Creole meatshield, call Danielle a slut, and tell JuSTDin to sleep with Dani in order to control her.  (No shock, the Big Sleazy from the Big Easy was flirting all over Danielle at the Halloween party the next night, although she was flirting right back, to be fair.)  And partner up with Jason even after hearing him go on one of his foul anti-Shelby diatribes.  That's why I'm not on the Sweet Baby Whitney train right now.

But hey, I've got the live DRs cued up on Flashback.  (And it's only 8.45, so no "new day reset" issues this time.)  Maybe she'll snake her way back into my heart.  But I doubt it.

Edited by DAngelus
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26 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

I thought it was interesting that Jason mentioned in his live DR that he knows he cannot beat Justin in the end and have to cut him before F3.  Maybe there will some fluidity between the sides over the next couple of weeks.

That's what I'm hoping for. I have to say I was surprised to hear Whitney say she was still full on with the BSers. Doesn't seem like they feel the same way though. Morgan, especially, is pissed. I thought it was pretty disingenuous for Alex to say that she didn't blame Whitney since "they" were likely to vote her out. Who is exactly is they? She couldn't be talking about the Misfits since she knows that Shelby is going to cancel their votes. Also had to LOL when Krissey said she thought she could beat both Jason and Justin in a F3.

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