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S12.E03: Taboo

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If Emily is filling in for Hotch, why is Rossi giving all the orders?

I still don't really like Alvez, but he's less annoying.

It took me exactly 33 minutes to realize Tara was missing - where did she go? Did they mention her at all and I just missed it?

Too much unsub, though much less than there has been recently.

Just seeing Emily on the screen makes me happy, but today she was pretty interchangeable. She also sounded like she had a bit of a cold. I hope when she actually becomes unit chief, she will be less interchangeable.

  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, secnarf said:

If Emily is filling in for Hotch, why is Rossi giving all the orders?

I still don't really like Alvez, but he's less annoying.

It took me exactly 33 minutes to realize Tara was missing - where did she go? Did they mention her at all and I just missed it?

Too much unsub, though much less than there has been recently.

Just seeing Emily on the screen makes me happy, but today she was pretty interchangeable. She also sounded like she had a bit of a cold. I hope when she actually becomes unit chief, she will be less interchangeable.

Hotch asked her to come and help out since he was on TDY and Lewis was involved in a research project.

  • Love 2

yeah, right when Prentiss came in "too bad you missed Lewis, she's doing her research" or something along those lines. I like Alvez' dog, and he mentioned someone named Jaymie coming to walk doggy later. I wonder if this is Roxy, he never mentioned doggy's name.

and, as usual, not enough Reid. But this was a waaaaay better episode than last week's.

  • Love 3

I guess it's taboo to write an episode that's entertaining. Or one were things actually happen.

This episode must have broken the record for amount of lines that were exposition...because I could be certain that the entire episode was just exposition. All we had was all this talking, all this posturing...and nothing actually happening.

Oh, but there's a TWIST! His mother is really his grandmother and his adopted sister was really his mother! Oh! Shocking!


I don't care.

All this stuff with concrete and lobotomies and using chlorine to fix the brain...it could have been interesting, if we were actually shown what the UnSub wanted to do instead of just having him argue with his mother and the BAU make extreme leaps of logic to explain what he was doing.

Otherwise, why show the UnSub early at all? To give the guest actor screen time?

I can't say it was all bad...Alvez still rocks, and I think he's got great timing with Prentiss. They need to be made permanent partners, because I could watch them snark all day with each other.

Besides that...hit the snooze button.

Episode Grade: D-.

  • Love 6

I liked it alright, though as Daniel mentioned, too much unsub posturing. Knowing the killer in the first 5 minutes isn't my favorite thing either, and I was wishing he was actually a red herring for the crazy daughter (as the real unsub). Either the actor was just baddy bad bad or something, but I just didn't buy his Oedipal sexual feelings for his mother would have turned him into a serial killer. He came off too well-adjusted and normal. The kill method was just weird, too. Contrived. Sherilynn Fenn was wasted. She's too good of an actor for that rote "mom becomes victim" role. Like Mare Winningham was, in the episode with the kid who stabbed her in the stomach. 

Alvez's head-bobbing when he's emphasizing something needs to stop. Hate the head-bob. I did like his chemistry with Emily too, but I hope they don't start overusing him. He ain't ALL that, and I needed more Reid. Much more Reid. 

In 'two weeks' the preview said? Did I hear that correctly? Are they taking a week off? 

I think Rossi was giving orders because the's the de facto babysitter when Hotch is away. Emily hasn't gotten the Unit Chief job just yet because supposedly Hotch is on Temporary Duty. Maybe we'll see her accept the position next episode.

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, ReidFan said:

I think I read somewhere (maybe it was a Harry or Paget tweet? I don't recall) that Prentiss takes over for Hotch officially in 'Elliott's Pond'.

I think so too.  Harry did say to someone that Paget will be leading the team, not the new guy.

I'm not a good reviewer.  I can't go indepth like a lot of you folks.  I'm either a like it or don't like it type of person...lol.  Don't ask me to review a book, you'll get the same response.  I enjoyed the episode.  It was good to see Prentiss back.  I liked Dave being in charged.  It makes sense for him to do that why Hotch was temporarily gone.  Prentiss was just coming back here and there to help when needed.  He probably doesn't want to do it permanently so they tap her because otherwise it wouldn't make sense for her to come back because it would be like a demotion for her.

I was able to follow the plot, but they did show the UnSub too early and we ended up learning things from him instead of the team.  I wish the writers would stop that.  I want to learn from the team.  

My thought on Luke's time in Iraq is that Roxy (do think he called the dog by name) was a military dog and her handler was a close friend of Luke's who died over there.  And in memory of him, he now takes care of the dog.  I'm probably totally wrong.

I thought it was a nice solid episode and am looking forward to the next one and the rest of the season.

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, CrimeFan12 said:


My thought on Luke's time in Iraq is that Roxy (do think he called the dog by name) was a military dog and her handler was a close friend of Luke's who died over there.  And in memory of him, he now takes care of the dog.  I'm probably totally wrong.

oh wow, now that's a great thought. Does anyone know anything about 'the 75th regiment'? 

From their fb page: 


  • Useful 1

Lol...so I got it wrong.  Won't be the first time.  Thanks for the fact checking.  She's (or he) is a good looking dog.

I forgot to mention that this time Garcia didn't magically come up with key clue to help the team out of thin air.  She had to work for it this time.  It is sad for to admit that I really didn't miss Hotch in the episode.  Maybe it is because I know and have accepted he's not coming back.  It is what it is.  I still have my fingers crossed they give him a send off deserving of the character even if we don't get to see it.

  • Love 2

and according to the CBS twitter, Roxy *is* the dog, so you were right CrimeFan. I guess when they wrote the script and shot the episode, they wanted to keep 'Roxy' mysterious due to the mention of her in the first episode. But whoever posts the CBS twitter has blabbed :)


LOL, Franky and I posted at the same time :)

Edited by ReidFan
  • Love 2

I thought the dog was adorable. I just noticed the floor in Alvez's apartment and thought laminate floors were not good in homes with pets. Speaking of pets, immediately after the episode ended I had a scare with one of mine-- thought he was going to die and spent the next hour and a half sitting with him until he recovered. The real life drama may have detracted from the fictional drama.

I agree with Franky that we had too much unsub too soon, not enough motivation, and Fenn was wasted. (I remember her from Twin Peaks).

Some of the line delivery was clunky.

Reid just mysteriously vanished in the middle for no apparent reason. They were all at the station (save Garcia who was communicating with them) and Reid was just not there.

I do like the dynamic with Prentiss and Alvez (although I hope they don't try to make it romantic). I cringed a little at Alvez not wanting her to say anything about what regiment he was in. That would be in his personnel file anyway. I want to see Prentiss and Reid interact more-- partially because Paget and Matthew are such good friends.

This episode just felt off to me. It wasn't the worst, but there wasn't anything great about it.

I just had brainfreeze so I can't remember what else I was going to say.

  • Love 5

Ooookay. Where to start? I'll start with the stuff I liked.

I liked the personal interactions among the team. I think Karen wrote some good, naturalistic team scenes. They didn't feel forced or cringy at all. Yeah, the Emily profiling Luke scene has been done before, and it was a bit obvious, but it wasn't that bad, probably because Luke had good humor about the whole thing. I really do like Luke so far. I think he fits in well with the rest of them, and he has an easy chemistry with everyone. He seems to be in awe and appreciative of Reid's knowledge, and he gave Emily as good as he got. Plus he has a freaking adorable dog who just begs to be snuggled. So far, I really like the addition of Luke and feels he fits in well with the team. 

I LOVED the purple shirt, tie, sweater combo on Reid. That is one of the most beautiful outfits I have seen him in. BJ really outdid herself with that choice, and I hope to see it again and again. :) 

Now the bad. And it is REALLY bad in my opinion. 

The case just made no FREAKING sense to me. I didn't see a real connection between the MO/signature and the unsub's supposed motive. I never saw any real reason why the team was so focused on the idea that the unsub was trying to alter the women's sexualities, because I didn't feel anything in the crime scenes made that appear in any way obvious. If an unsub was set off because he couldn't get sex, it would make more sense that he would rape his victims, because he wanted to take what he couldn't have. And what was really up with the concrete? It is probably just a forensic countermeasure, but it seemed extremely elaborate for body disposal. 

And oh my God was the dialogue between the unsub and his "mother" so so bad. Just like cringeworthy bad. I almost felt second hand embarrassment for Karen for writing this dreck. And this unsub is supposed to be killing all of these women because his sister/birth mother wouldn't have sex with him? WTF?!? And he blames his mother/grandmother for allowing him to want to screw his sister/mother? 

The unsub writing was bad and probably couldn't be saved with good acting, but the acting was also so bad. The unsub is one of the most poorly acted unsubs we have seen .

And Penelope still seems to act like a blushing teen, who wants to screw Luke but can't work up the guts to ask him for sex. That is just so pathetic (unless that is really where they are headed with these two, which I dearly hope is NOT the endgame here), and the writers really need to let that one go, because it doesn't do well for building up the idea of Penelope as a capable, professional woman. 

Edited by ForeverAlone
  • Love 7

OK then - lured in by Reidfan's screencaptures of a lusciously clad Reid I have just watched this episode. It says a lot for a show when the main points of interest are a lilac cardigan and a dog! I hated that we saw the unsub early on and it was so overwhelmingly obvious, even before his slightly later scene shoving an electric drill up the victim's nose! I hated that his motive was so spurious. I found Paget's acting to be very forced and stilted - that scene where she is talking about Alvez and he comes up behind her was so embarrassingly bad but I bet all the 13 year olds loved it. I thought AJ looks very gaunt in the face these days. I dislike that Alvez has so much focus but funnily enough he came over as most believable character in this one. I missed Hotch a lot - a real lot. Reid looked magnificent in the lilac and in the check shirt but I'm not sure that compensated for sitting through what was a pretty boring and predictable 43 minutes. Oh and I didn't notice Lewis was missing at all - they have too many people on the team and it will be worse with another one joining soon.
I will remember the lilac cardigan but not a lot else sadly.

Edited by Old Dog
  • Love 8
6 hours ago, Franky said:


Called it! I love the dog, so I forgive them for the clunky intro (It was much funnier on Brooklyn 99, where the colleagues can't figure out whether [generic female name] is the guy's wife or his dog, and they're too embarrassed to ask).


5 hours ago, ForeverAlone said:

[Snip of bad case is bad + overacting unsub]

And Penelope still seems to act like a blushing teen, because she wants to screw Luke but can't work up the guts to ask him for sex. That is just so pathetic (unless that is really where they are headed with these two), and the writers really need to let that one go, because it doesn't do well for building up the idea of Penelope as a capable, professional woman. 


Yeah, what the hell was that? I mean everytime she seems him she's stuttering and stammering, and acting like he's her high school principal rather than a colleague - who cares if she has 6 drinks or 16? She's an adult, ffs.

And of course, the last thing she said to JJ - 'Someone called Roxy . . . ' - LET THE HIJINKS AND HILARIOUS MISUNDERSTANDINGS BEGIN! Ugh.

  • Love 5

If I recall correctly, they showed the unsub with his captive and the the drill. THEN they showed Reid finding the burns inside the nose of the body. 

Being a new viewer of the whole series this stood out to me because they used to show A BAU member looking at the body, finding a detail overlooked or misunderstood by the ME and gaining a huge insight. We are then showed a menacing shot of said behavior from the unsub and we have context for that behavior. 

It works better the old way

  • Love 8

Only reason I watched this weeks episode was I was curious on the reason/excuse the writers would use for Hotch's absence.  Being tapped for another assignment is kinda boring but whatever.  They could have said abducted by aliens for all it matters.  

Its been fun everyone.   I'm pretty much out from here.  I might check in from time to time depending on the previews but besides JJ (and yes I know I know) I have no other reason to watch this train wreck of a show,. Although the episode itself was kinda fun.  (I like the weird ones but the reasons made no sense). Still.  I'm out.

Edited by Chaos Theory
  • Love 2

I just wanted to hear what they said about Hotch.  I've not seen the whole episode, but I didn't like what I saw.

Every "we're a happy family" scene is worse than the previous one. The long scene is horrible, being best friends in real life don't guarantee them a good chemistry. Usually, I comment on Garcia, Rossi and JJ, but I'm going to talk about Prentiss and Reid today. MGG is acting less and less as Reid. Most of the time Reid is a mix between Matthew and Reid's caricature. And Prentiss, well, Prentiss is long gone too. Her last appearance as a guest star was horrible and her first scene last night was unnatural and repetitive (Prentiss-Rossi, Garcia-Blake). These scenes are so awful they emphasize their faults. Nothing new, but inconsistencies are all around and the writing for the case is as bad as always.

It seems quality isn't going to improve, no matter what...

By the way, someone has said (I read it in another place) the fault for the holes in the story is due to rewriting the script because of TG's suspension. That only would be an excuse if this episode was an exception. Has anyone forgotten about "Outlaw" (and so many others)?

  • Love 1

I started quoting all the points I agreed with but ended up exceeding the limit, so just know that I agree with the majority of your posts so far! 

I'm a definite fan of Luke and his incredibly adorable dog. I agree with whoever wondered if they were trying to set the stage for an Emily/Luke romance or even just vaguely suggested romance down the road, and maybe they are, but then they had Emily and Rossi exchange awkward lines about how well "Mark" is treating Emily and how happy they are. Though maybe Mark will disappear now that Emily is going to be back in the US full time. Or maybe they're trying to hint at a possible Luke/Garcia thing instead. Personally, I'm hoping they don't go in either direction, but that's just me :) 

Even as a Prentiss fan, I have to reluctantly agree that a lot of her line readings while conversing with the other team members seemed really off to me---too loud, forced and awkward, though parts of Emily's personality are kind of supposed to be loud and awkward and tries-too-hard-ish, so maybe I can be charitable and pretend that's deliberate...?! I'm also not sure about Luke's "you like control" assessment of her character that we're supposed to think was so spot on---was that really a facet of Emily's character? Her character was often written kind of inconsistently, so who knows?!   

I like Tara well enough, but I barely noticed her absence. I continue to like JJ more this season. I share the fondness for Reid's cardigans   :) 

The case, as many of you have pointed out, was dreadful---all clunky exposition, lacking in interesting characterization, themes, insights or solid profiling. I'm optimistic that next week's will be an improvement. It can't be worse, right?! 

  • Love 5
33 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said:

Only reason I watched this weeks episode was I was curious on the reason/excuse the writers would use for Hotch's absence.  Being tapped for another assignment is kinda boring but whatever.  They could have said abducted by aliens for all it matters.  

It's too soon for that, TG was suspended in this episode, not fired.

  • Love 3

The Good, the Bad, and the So Ugly, I Want to Slap My Mother.

Okay, the good; and believe me there was very little good in this dreck of an episode.

Emily coming back. And she brought donuts! And Spencer and I share the same taste in donuts-chocolate frosted with sprinkles.

Spencer looking resplendent in that monochromatic shirt, tie and sweater combo. Lilac is definitely his color (well, Matthew’s color).

Luke is settling well with his colleagues, and has a natural chemistry with the cast. I did like the stake-out scene with Emily.

Also, Luke’s doggy, the possible Roxy, what a precious, pretty pooch she is!

The Bad?

After the initial welcoming back of Emily, not enough Spencer to keep my interest.

The “done-to-death” scene where Emily is talking about Luke, and wouldn’t you know it! He’s right behind her.

Penelope’s infantile behavior-the kitty ears, acting like a stupid tween around Luke who probably doesn’t give a rat’s ass about how much liquor she imbibes.

Hotch not being in the episode, and me not really caring. I guess I’m letting TG’s rotten behavior truly affect how I feel about Hotch.

The Ugly? Oy, where do I begin?

The episode was horribly written and badly acted, especially by the actor who played the unsub. And if he’s supposed to be twenty years old, then Matthew hasn’t been born yet. This actor had more lines on his face than I do.

A complete waste of Sherilyn Fenn’s talents as an actress.

And as mentioned, the case made no sense whatsoever; it was truly a convoluted mess and completely unbelievable. Unsub becomes completely unhinged because mommy/sister won’t have sex with him? Yuck, and take it to Jerry Springer!

And the unsub’s elaborate method of killing his victims, drilling, lobotomy, and burying them in cement was just ridiculous and gross. Why not just finish them off with a gun or knife?

  • Love 8
4 minutes ago, normasm said:

Agreed, Booky. I don't have the energy to comment beyond the fact that you said almost everything I feel about this episode. Good lord.

Well, great minds do think alike. 

And I can only imagine how the table read went while reading this shame of a script. There is not enough Neosporin in the world for Matthew to brush his chompers with the "morbid depression" of dialogue in Taboo.

However, this episode did inspire a new fragrance inspired by Reid's Cardigan using some of the scented oils I have at home.

Edited by Bookish Jen
  • Love 1

I always want to say something nice so:

1. Matthew looks absolutely effin' fantastic in the purple shirt/tie/sweater. I tweeted BJ Rogers to tell her I loved it/him.

2. The dog is gorgeous, well trained and probably my second favourite cast member after MGG. I thought she (he?) was a German Shepherd but no, she/he is a Belgian Malinois, which makes complete sense because those dogs are fantastic in law enforcement/military training. The PD my husband works for has 11 K9 units at the moment, and four of them are Belgians and they are The. Best. Dogs. Ever. training wise, intelligence wise. It sort of works into the idea CrimeFan had, that Roxy is a 'retired' military dog. I hope they go this route, I love it (I smell a fanfic! :) wow, a CM story from me that doesn't center around Reid. THAT will be a first) 

3. with everything else that's been said about this ep (most of which I heartily agree with) and how bad everyone thinks a lot of it was, it was still a better episode than last week's Sick Day.


(there will be a delay with screen captures. My download was late and it was after midnight before I finally got it, and I have other things I have to accomplish today first :(  )

  • Love 7
On 10/13/2016 at 11:02 AM, ReidFan said:

I always want to say something nice so:

1. Matthew looks absolutely effin' fantastic in the purple shirt/tie/sweater. I tweeted BJ Rogers to tell her I loved it/him.

2. The dog is gorgeous, well trained and probably my second favourite cast member after MGG. I thought she (he?) was a German Shepherd but no, she/he is a Belgian Malinois, which makes complete sense because those dogs are fantastic in law enforcement/military training. The PD my husband works for has 11 K9 units at the moment, and four of them are Belgians and they are The. Best. Dogs. Ever. training wise, intelligence wise. It sort of works into the idea CrimeFan had, that Roxy is a 'retired' military dog. I hope they go this route, I love it (I smell a fanfic! :) wow, a CM story from me that doesn't center around Reid. THAT will be a first) 

3. with everything else that's been said about this ep (most of which I heartily agree with) and how bad everyone thinks a lot of it was, it was still a better episode than last week's Sick Day.


(there will be a delay with screen captures. My download was late and it was after midnight before I finally got it, and I have other things I have to accomplish today first :(  )

So cool you tweeted to BJ Rogers, giving your thumbs up to that combo. I was trying to think of colors that wouldn't suit Spencer/Matthew. I don't think light shades of green through emerald would suit his coloring so much. But I do think he'd look fetching in a dark forest green.

Roxy is a beautiful dog and thanks for letting me know something about the breed. But you not writing a Reid fan fic? ::faints dead away::

Can't wait for your screen captures; they'll really make my day.

Edited by Bookish Jen
  • Love 1
3 hours ago, amensisterfriend said:

I started quoting all the points I agreed with but ended up exceeding the limit, so just know that I agree with the majority of your posts so far! 

I'm a definite fan of Luke and his incredibly adorable dog. I agree with whoever wondered if they were trying to set the stage for an Emily/Luke romance or even just vaguely suggested romance down the road, and maybe they are, but then they had Emily and Rossi exchange awkward lines about how well "Mark" is treating Emily and how happy they are. Though maybe Mark will disappear now that Emily is going to be back in the US full time. Or maybe they're trying to hint at a possible Luke/Garcia thing instead. Personally, I'm hoping they don't go in either direction, but that's just me :) 

Even as a Prentiss fan, I have to reluctantly agree that a lot of her line readings while conversing with the other team members seemed really off to me---too loud, forced and awkward, though parts of Emily's personality are kind of supposed to be loud and awkward and tries-too-hard-ish, so maybe I can be charitable and pretend that's deliberate...?! I'm also not sure about Luke's "you like control" assessment of her character that we're supposed to think was so spot on---was that really a facet of Emily's character? Her character was often written kind of inconsistently, so who knows?!   

I like Tara well enough, but I barely noticed her absence. I continue to like JJ more this season. I share the fondness for Reid's cardigans   :) 

The case, as many of you have pointed out, was dreadful---all clunky exposition, lacking in interesting characterization, themes, insights or solid profiling. I'm optimistic that next week's will be an improvement. It can't be worse, right?! 

This is probably the one thing in the world that I'm superstitious about. I *never* say it can't get any worse or anything along those lines because every single time I've known someone who said that, without fail, something worse happened. So, yeah, the episodes *can* get worse.

I wonder if Paget's line delivery issues were because of the dialog itself or the director or a combination of both.

I still think the unsub's motivations made zero sense whatsoever. Grandparents adopting their grandchildren is not so uncommon.

I didn't mind the bit where Emily was profiling Luke and he was right behind her, but it should have ended about right there. It wasn't necessary to have Prentiss babble on awkwardly. I suppose I found it slightly amusing because I once had an obnoxious classmate who was saying something about the principal (while his friends were desperately trying to get him to shut up) while the principal was directly behind him. He was saying "Mr. Doran can suck my--" he turned around and found himself face-to-face with Mr. Doran-- who just grinned very widely and said "I can do what now?"

Edited by zannej
  • Love 2
8 minutes ago, Old Dog said:

I just read today that Jack Nicholson found out that his sister was really his mother when he was 37 years old. It probably happens a lot more than you would think.

Yes, but at least he didn't kill any innocent single moms. Heck, one of them made him want to be a better man...

Oh, wait, that was a character he played. Carry on.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Bookish Jen said:

Well, great minds do think alike. 

And I can only imagine how the table read went while reading this shame of a script. There is not enough Neosporin in the world for Matthew to brush his chompers with the "morbid depression" of dialogue in Taboo.

However, this episode did inspire a new fragrance inspired by Reid's Cardigan using some of the scented oils I have at home.

Spencer's Cardigan, Booky's new fragrance. Maybe it can cure morbid depression caused by having to carry on in a TV show that just jumped the shark.

Edited by normasm
  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, normasm said:

Spencer's Cardigan, Booky's new fragrance. Maybe it can cure morbid depression caused by having to carry on in a TV show that just jumped the shark.

I heart you so much. I was playing around in my not-so-gorgeous-but-cleans-up-to-somewhat-cute gray matter, trying to think of what fragrant oils I would use. Naturally, lilac would be the strongest scent, but I would also add a hint of cocoa and vanilla, and a more spicy related scent, either musk or amber.

  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

okay, megaReid screencaps are done. I hafta admit, I find it a royal P in the A to downsize them to upload them here so instead of doing that this time (and using up so much bandwidth to do so) I have uploaded them to my  imgur account instead and this is the link:


I'm having a really rough day, so thanks for this.

  • Love 1
42 minutes ago, Bookish Jen said:

I heart you so much. I was playing around in my not-so-gorgeous-but-cleans-up-to-somewhat-cute gray matter, trying to think of what fragrant oils I would use. Naturally, lilac would be the strongest scent, but I would also add a hint of cocoa and vanilla, and a more spicy related scent, either musk or amber.

I dunno, I think to cure morbid depression, it has to smell heavily of pot roast. Ohhhhh. I'm so hungry. And depressed...

9 minutes ago, senin said:

Sorry to hear you're having a bad day. Would it help if I tell you that I loved the picture of the cake with...purple sprinkles!! 

Yes, it helps. Woke up late because I forgot to set my alarm and then had to deal with an obnoxious colleague who is a total sexist pig and treats the women at this company like absolute garbage. But I'm getting better. I'm going to take it easy tonight.

7 minutes ago, normasm said:

I dunno, I think to cure morbid depression, it has to smell heavily of pot roast. Ohhhhh. I'm so hungry. And depressed...

Ooh, going to make pot roast this week-end in the slow cooker, just have to pick up the meat.

But I'm still going to experiment with Reid/Spencer's Cardigan fragrance idea, perhaps in both a soap and an oil. But first I need to make a special oil for my friend's b-day.

Edited by Bookish Jen
  • Love 2
3 hours ago, arieswriting said:

I agree that Prentiss was way over-the-top in the opening scenes. It almost felt like "Be as big and noticeable as you can! Then no one will notice Hotch isn't here!" lol. 

Yes, and not just that - there was a weird echoey quality to her line delivery when she was giving her 'profile' (my eyes are rolling so much it's difficult to focus on the screen - we get it, you're a great profiler) of Luke - one minute it's an open plan office full of people and furniture, the next minute she's in an empty cathedral or something.

That was some terrible ADR or whatever they decided to do with those lines.

Also, re. the case - once again, the jumping to conclusions commences. Weren't they supposed to check on all the firms that worked on properties the women lived at? Oh, and how come no-one talked to the boy we saw in the intro to the unsub - surely, if he had been asked, he might have said, "Well, one of the last mornings I spent with my mom, we wanted to go to the pool but there were a lot of creepy guys telling us it wasn't ready while lying around, not working on it and staring at my mom."

Instead, we get the kid who we never saw, and so we couldn't judge whether he might have seen something.

Ugh. I'm starting to suspect that our team might not be the best investigators, you guys.

  • Love 6

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