peachmangosteen October 9, 2016 Share October 9, 2016 6 hours ago, Callaphera said: Although different, there are a lot of similarities between calling people "hookers and sluts" and Corey last season with his years old "fag and gay" tweets (and let's be honest, there's one of those every season with questionable tweets). This reminded me that Danielle said that she deleted some problematic tweets before coming on BB. She's smart lol. I want to like Danielle. She's really smart and she's playing the game hard. But I'm really starting to see what the Plastics see in her, very self-absorbed and cocky. She can be really insufferable. I've become deeply annoyed with America having so much power because it is going to make for a very predictable game. Unless the Plastics can keep winning HOH and veto they're surely just going to be picked off one by one because America will keep nomming them and Jason's group now has the majority so they will just keep booting them. Boring. Not to mention the fact that Alex, Morgan, and Shelby are really the only people I'm remotely interested in. Why do I keep coming back to this show?! 3 Link to comment
Lady Calypso October 9, 2016 Share October 9, 2016 So, apparently Reddit's majority vote is for Kryssie as the 3rd nom. I'm not gonna lie; I'd laugh if that ended up happening and Midnight Jamboree lost a member after trying to get the Feedsters to put up Scott. I truly think Kryssie being up would ensure Shane or Danielle's eviction. 1 Link to comment
peachmangosteen October 9, 2016 Share October 9, 2016 (edited) LMAO I think I would kinda love it if Kryssie was America's nom. I'd love to see how she would fit that into her, "America believes in me and obviously thinks I'm awesome!" narrative. And how it would effect Danielle's increasing cockiness over her belief that America just loves her group. I think I'm gonna vote for Kryssie to help make this happen! Also, this has me hoping 'America' will make more strategic and fun decisions with this rather than just keep hating the Plastics and ensuring they go home one by one. Edited October 9, 2016 by peachmangosteen 3 Link to comment
J.D. October 9, 2016 Share October 9, 2016 (edited) Monte was cracking me up in the backyard. He just called himself "almost gay" because he admitted that after sleeping with Shane the first night and Cornbread the second night, he likes sleeping with Shane better. He said that Shane is better looking and then he caught himself in a "What am I saying?" kind of way. Now, he's talking to himself about talking to himself. He said he's getting a little concerned about that. Too funny. Oh Monte, I want to hate you because it seems like everyone does, but you truly tickle me sometimes. Edited October 9, 2016 by J.D. 1 Link to comment
leocadia October 9, 2016 Share October 9, 2016 Most of them are sitting around in the backyard and Justin found a dead praying mantis. Jason told them that it's illegal to kill them. Monte said he didn't know that and that he's killed a lot of them and then added that he goes out of his way to hit squirrels that try to cross the road. What a champ. 2 Link to comment
zibnchy October 10, 2016 Share October 10, 2016 It is not illegal to kill praying mantisses. Link to comment
leocadia October 10, 2016 Share October 10, 2016 Just reporting the conversation. ;) I make no claims on the veracity of the topics discussed. I don't think it's illegal to purposely run over squirrels either, but its not very nice. 3 Link to comment
Lady Calypso October 10, 2016 Share October 10, 2016 So, to nobody's surprise, Alex put up Shane/Danielle. Both are not happy. Danielle's bitching about how she's coming after Alex and that she's an idiot for putting them up. I guess under pressure, Danielle does not do well. I'm fine with neither of them being happy because who would be when they're targets? But man, Danielle knows that her side is going to make it through this week if Morgan stays on the block. It's just so predictable unless Morgan, Alex, or Monte (if he plays) wins veto. I'm assuming Morgan will be put up, of course. I like Danielle, but I'm not so sure I'm liking her when she's high on power. Just like Monte, Danielle knows that she's probably safe and she can at least pull out the votes to stay. Either way, I'm so sad that Alex might be out next week if her side doesn't pull through and win HOH. I'm going to have hope because this is Big Brother and things can change minute to minute. I am hoping that America is taking note of Midnight Jamboree getting extremely comfortable and cocky, and that'll change things up this week or next. 2 Link to comment
LordBowen October 10, 2016 Share October 10, 2016 (edited) Always crack up when I see Monte with his Davy Crockett hat. My brother had one just like it and wore it all the time. When he was six. Edited October 10, 2016 by LordBowen 1 2 Link to comment
Lady Calypso October 10, 2016 Share October 10, 2016 So, there is definitely going to be a lot of trash talking and vileness this season, I'm afraid to say. Not one person will be innocent of it and with America involved, it's going to go to people's heads, so I'm preparing myself for that. Last night, Jason/Kryssie/Danielle/Justin/Neeley went HARD at trashing Shelby last night. It was to the point where I felt so bad for her because she has no idea and I felt so uncomfortable just reading the updates. Especially when Shelby loves Jason and he absolutely hates her and trashes her the most. He called her literal trash. Shelby also has comfort food in some crackle chocolates and Jason is going to take it away from her. He also called her the "c-word", called her a slut again (and no, not in his catchphrase type of way; I've seen so many people trying to defend him on Twitter for this), and the others definitely were laughing and participating. Kryssie was making fun of Shelby's voice and laugh, Justin was complaining that he had to be fake nice to her, and even Neeley got a comment in on Shelby and the rest of the other girls (she called them crusty, dusty, and musty). Jason also wants people to throw drinks on Shelby. Jason also compared the other side to Trump. He called Shelby Satan's Daughter, he wants to make Shelby homeless, and he also got some pounding in on Scott and Monte. I legit don't know what Shelby did to Jason that makes him hate her that much. I know she can be annoying at times, but she adores Jason so much. Jason needs to go. He's despicable and so is everyone connected to him. I get why people might like him, but I don't get how people could defend him when he says this kind of stuff. Monte needs to go as well, I think. He was trying to defend himself and play himself as the victim. Unfortunately, Morgan/Shelby were defending his actions. Alex was a little as well, although I know she doesn't like him anyway. I guess this is the time where I start to hate everybody. Damn; I thought this season would be different and I would be indifferent to the houseguests. 1 Link to comment
MrHufflepuff October 10, 2016 Share October 10, 2016 2 Link to comment
me5671 October 10, 2016 Share October 10, 2016 Ugh, Jason is so disgusting and vile. There is no need for the kind of nastiness he spews. None of it is gameplay, too... it's 100% personal and uncalled for. He must be a truly miserable person to be around in real life. In hindsight, I wish we had voted Jozea into the house instead. He was delusional and stupid, but entertaining. To me, Jason isn't fun to watch at all. He's nasty and mean. 3 Link to comment
gunderda October 10, 2016 Share October 10, 2016 On 10/7/2016 at 8:22 PM, LordBowen said: Jason claims not to know who won BB 18, but he does. Kryssie sure is popular right now. <eye roll> Did he say he did or are you just assuming because he was at the finale? They easily could have locked him away after that little promo they did with him and Jozea. The pre-jury members had no idea what went on during the entire finale up until the moment they went on stage - they weren't allowed to watch. Is it a little weird that Jason was maybe kept for learning the winner? sure but I'm not sure what the point of lying about it is if he does know. On 10/8/2016 at 9:36 PM, LordBowen said: Kryssie is someone I want to like, but her constant self-aggrandizing is very off putting. This morning in the wee hours she was expounding yet again on her awesomeness, BB cut the camera to the chalk board with the BB 18 HG advice and centered on 1. Drop your ego! It was pretty funny. Scott being nominated would be fine with me, but it may be better to get Monte out this week. If only to avoid a possible escalation of the Justin/Monte situation. Every time I turn on the feeds I have to hear Kryssie essentially bragging out something she does in her daily life. Usually sexual in nature that I don't want to hear about. One night it was about weird fetishes and how no one should be judged on what sexual acts they like to do (even pooping on someone) and I think she was very proud that she gave her boyfriend BJ's with her feet? She did something with her feet.... And the next night it was how her and her boyfriend had a ton of sex before she drove to the airport. She's the type to like to say outrageous stuff to get attention but act like it's no big deal and every day life. 1 Link to comment
MrHufflepuff October 10, 2016 Share October 10, 2016 (edited) Monte is America's nominee. ETA: Scott and Shelby chosen to play in Veto competition. Justin chosen to host. Shelby was Alex's HG choice. Edited October 10, 2016 by MrHufflepuff Link to comment
gunderda October 10, 2016 Share October 10, 2016 Jason freaked out on Shelby about something. Link to comment
Lady Calypso October 10, 2016 Share October 10, 2016 Wow, I'm a tiny bit surprised that Monte is actually the nominee and not Morgan. It's basically going to be 4v2 because they're probably going to use the veto on Monte. I know Alex needs the numbers, so she'd use it on Monte because of that. Scott will to keep his alliance, and so would Shelby. Monte's still pushing for Justin as a replacement nom. Let it go. Alex just told Morgan that Monte's not liked by America, so she probably isn't either, and that Monte's comments are coming to bite him in the ass. Neeley still likes Monte because "none of his comments have been said in front of her". Goddamnit, Neeley. But she might not vote Monte out if he stays on the block, so there's that. I'm going to predict a Shane or Danielle win, just because it's the two outcomes I don't really want. I kind of want to see one of Shane/Danielle going. Shane preferably because as much as Danielle's been getting on my nerves and how much power she has in the house, I'm afraid of Shane going back to Monte and then the both of them somehow dominating and getting to the end together with Jason and Justin. I can't help it; years of watching the Alpha Males get farther than they should have has made me a little afraid. 1 Link to comment
Lady Calypso October 10, 2016 Share October 10, 2016 Update on Jason re: Shelby I'm gonna just throw this out here: I might actually miss last season. I know a lot of people enjoy drama and the house being divided, and I do too, but this BBOTT is just vile all around. Last season, we had house flips and we had pretty decent people, Paulie aside. Now, I hate everyone. Jason is stooping to new lows in blaming Shelby's mother for Shelby apparently being the devil. Fuck off, Jason. He definitely needs to go next now. So you know what? Go Monte! Go Alex and Shelby and Scott! I hope you win that veto, take Monte down, and then get out Danielle! That's one less ally for Jason! Also, be warned. Jeff is showing up for the veto comp....also, Jordan posted something that I didn't watch, but I think she's in labour so Jeff is really pulling double duty today. 1 Link to comment
gunderda October 10, 2016 Share October 10, 2016 I doubt jeff would be there is Jordan was in labor. At least I hope he's not that stupid lol 1 Link to comment
me5671 October 10, 2016 Share October 10, 2016 (edited) LOL... Jeff did show! If Jordan is really in labor, then he's a clown. Edited October 10, 2016 by me5671 Link to comment
Lady Calypso October 10, 2016 Share October 10, 2016 Ok, I guess Jordan isn't in labour, although her last Twitter post makes it seem like she is. Maybe if she didn't emphasize the VERY on seeing her "little man VERY soon".... I watched a second of Jeff in the house and he was using the HOH phone to call down to Danielle. Yep, I had to turn him off because I forgot for a second how much I don't really like him! Also, veto's going on. Shane/Alex tied, Danielle in 2nd place, everyone else sucks. They have to score to get tickets. The first to 60 tickets I believe wins veto. Link to comment
Marie80 October 10, 2016 Share October 10, 2016 (edited) Now I see why they don't live feed the veto comps on regular seasons. It's boring and takes forever. Shane, Danielle and Alex all tied at 30 tickets. I thought Shelby was either terrible or possibly throwing it but she finally got 10 points. Monte with a big fat ZERO. In other news, Shelby's outfit is really cute. ETA: Shane wins Veto. Shelby buys the Caddy costume. Edited October 10, 2016 by Marie80 Link to comment
Lady Calypso October 10, 2016 Share October 10, 2016 So, Shane won veto, you guys. I guess that means either Kryssie, Scott, or Justin will be going up in his place. They still have to play for the other rewards/punishments, though. Link to comment
Lady Calypso October 10, 2016 Share October 10, 2016 So, the other punishments are: Scott has to live in sand for 24 hours, Alex has a disadvantage on the next HOH comp that she can play in, Monte can't play in the next veto competition, Danielle has to fish golf clubs out of the pool for a week, and Shelby has to wear a caddy costume for a week. Link to comment
peachmangosteen October 10, 2016 Share October 10, 2016 (edited) 6 hours ago, me5671 said: In hindsight, I wish we had voted Jozea into the house instead. I tried! I wouldn't have cared but I did not want to have to watch Jason again and I knew he would ruin this season. 1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said: I guess that means either Kryssie, Scott, or Justin will be going up in his place. It's gonna be Kryssie, Justin, or Neely. Alex wants to try to get Justin to vote to evict Danielle. She thinks he is their best bet. I think she's probably wrong. Honestly their best bet is definitely Neely. Neely, for some inexplicable reason, really loves Monte. Justin and Kryssie both hate him and are not going to vote to keep him ever. I hate Monte immensely and he's a shitty person, but I really wish there was a way for Danielle to get evicted. I can't take the Shane/Danielle romance anymore, Danielle is getting increasingly entitled/arrogant/insufferable, and I really want Midnight Jamboree to get knocked down a peg. ETA: Danielle went off on Monte at 2:23 pm bbt if anyone wants to flashback. It's kind of hilarious. Monte is such an idiot. ETAA: As of right now Alex's going to put up Kryssie and keep it a secret from Midnight Jamboree until the veto ceremony. Edited October 10, 2016 by peachmangosteen 1 Link to comment
Lady Calypso October 10, 2016 Share October 10, 2016 All Alex needs is Neeley's vote, but I doubt she's going to get it. She needs all of her numbers off the block in order to pull off their eviction. But Alex putting anyone up on the other side will mean that Monte goes. It's not a worst case scenario, but then Danielle and Shane stick around, it's a second week where HOH doesn't get any of their targets out that they put up, and she's got a huge target on her back and she'll most likely be on the block should her alliance not pull through. Alex's best chance is to put up Kryssie. If she can talk to Neeley and ask to vote out Danielle if Kryssie goes on the block, there may be a chance. But Alex's plan of threatening to put so-and-so up if she doesn't vote her way won't work because Neeley can lie and then it'll be too late. I really hope Alex thinks her idea through and doesn't do it. She just needs to realize that she's a target no matter what. Putting up Kryssie is something that she might need to do. Kryssie'll be mad, but there's a chance if they talk beforehand about how Danielle's the target and that nobody will be voting her out, then maybe things'll work out. I'm very sad because Alex could be a great any other season that isn't this one. And now she's screwed because of America loving Jason and Danielle. I really don't like vets, but right now, I feel like Alex deserves a chance at actually playing the game in a season where America isn't the deciding factor in anything. And where she might have better allies. If Monte goes, then fine, I didn't like him in the first place. But I can't have the Misfits continue to get a big head about themselves and I want something to not go their way. I know one of them will probably win HOH on Wednesday and I'm not sure what America will do then. Shelby/Scott would go up for sure on the Plastics side, with the possibility of Alex, and I'm afraid that if Alex is up on the block initially, America will nominate Morgan "because it's funny". Link to comment
LordBowen October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 8 hours ago, gunderda said: Did he say he did or are you just assuming because he was at the finale? The night I posted that he knew, Jason and some others in the backyard were talking game. Jason started to say, "But then Nicole w...could have won, or Paul or James." Something to that effect. It seemed fairly obvious at the time he was going to say Nicole won. But caught himself in time. No way does he want the other HGs to know a vet won BB 18. BUT...I could have misread the situation. We'll find out at some point. LOL. Link to comment
alihart41 October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 2 hours ago, LordBowen said: The night I posted that he knew, Jason and some others in the backyard were talking game. Jason started to say, "But then Nicole w...could have won, or Paul or James." Something to that effect. It seemed fairly obvious at the time he was going to say Nicole won. But caught himself in time. No way does he want the other HGs to know a vet won BB 18. BUT...I could have misread the situation. We'll find out at some point. LOL. I swear the first night in the house, he and a couple other HGs were complaining about how they don't know who won BB18 and Jason said that he tried to get it out of the interviewers (press who talked to all of them before the cast reveal). I guess if you really wanna know, you can tweet at those journalists or something and ask. I personally don't think he knows. If TPTB don't want the newbies to know, I can totally see them locking Jason away after the commercial bumper with Jozea. But Jozea obviously knows since he was onstage with the whole cast after Nicole won, so I wonder if TPTB would've prohibited him from telling everyone the winner if he had been voted in. Link to comment
Katesus7 October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 Monte pressuring Alex to put up Scott. Which, he should, that's his best way to stay in the house. Well, poor Shelby being nominated would be the best case, but he's not trying that. Plastics forever! I don't understand Alex thinking they can get Justin's vote in ANY situation. Did I miss something? He loathes Monte. I think he'd vote Monte out over Shelby at this point. A bit bored that a tie vote won't be a tie vote, because "America", so Monte leaving is a done deal. I can't stand Monte, will be happy to see the last of him, but am already tired of this whole HOH meaning nothing bullshit. But I'm beating a dead horse at this point, so I'll just take a step back and hope for another plastics HOH. 2 Link to comment
Lady Calypso October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 14 minutes ago, Katesus7 said: Monte pressuring Alex to put up Scott. Which, he should, that's his best way to stay in the house. Well, poor Shelby being nominated would be the best case, but he's not trying that. Plastics forever! Luckily Monte just talked himself out of it, saying that putting up Scott was a cowardly move to get him to stay and that it would be a number lost on their side. Looks like Monte has some smarts in him, after all! I think Alex might put up Kryssie and hope for the best. But it'll be funny because Danielle/Kryssie will now have been up on the block two times in a row and neither of those times will they have left. Link to comment
Lady Calypso October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 (edited) Poor Scott. His sand punishment started a while ago and apparently, nobody has really been keeping him company nor are they talking to him, so Morgan's going to go down to him. It's really sad since the Midnight Jamboree crew are all outside (most likely; I haven't turned the feeds on) smoking and talking. Whitney was down there earlier and noticed nobody talking to Scott. I don't like Scott at all, but can any of these heartless houseguests muster up the decency to go sit by Scott to talk to him for a few minutes? Is he really that beneath the Queens and Kings of that damn group? Monte's pissed because Shane spilled the "secret" about Kryssie going up as a nom to Kryssie after Monte told Shane about it. LOL. The Plastics are trying to figure out how to get the numbers for their side. Their plan right now is for Monte to talk to Neeley and ask for a pity vote; he's going to lie and say that only Morgan is giving him her vote and everyone else is going "with the house". know what? It COULD actually work if The Plastics distance themselves from Monte now until Wednesday. If they don't, then someone will inform Neeley that it's a big fat lie and she won't throw the vote to Kryssie. I....I kind of want it to happen now, just to see the look on Danielle's face when she's evicted. Alex just tried to ask for Justin to help vote out Danielle and he refused. Shane, Kryssie, Jason, Shane, and Neeley are up in HOH, convincing Alex to put up Scott instead. They claim they'll only go after Monte and not her. You see, I find it really pathetic that the group went up together to coerce Alex into putting up Scott. I mean, it's either Scott or Monte. I'd rather it was Monte. But I just don't believe the Misfits. I'm just waiting for them to turn around and trash Alex outside again. After they all left, Alex began talking to herself/us. She's pretty strong and smart, knowing that she doesn't trust them and knows there's a chance their promises are BS, but she doesn't know what to do since her HOH is probably useless anyways. She knows if they do follow through, then it's a good move for her safety and possibly Morgan's. I feel so bad for Alex. She's screwed either way. They're not even being truthful (except for maybe the safety part?) so it really sucks for her when she finds out that she's been played...IF she goes through with it. Apparently, it was also all Danielle's plan. I'm impressed and I'm happy that there are smart females, but I wish Danielle wasn't so cocky and self absorbed. If she was more humble, I could like her a lot more. Edited October 11, 2016 by Lady Calypso 1 Link to comment
J.D. October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 I don't know what to think right now. It's no secret I like Jason. He and Day made a good duo on their first season. They worked well together and yes, there was some snarkiness said about the twins and Austin, but nothing too over the top or undeserved, IMO. I still don't dislike Jason but I'm really disappointed by the way he treated Shelby. I don't where that came from. I don't know what she allegedly did that made him go off on her like that. And considering that she actually likes Jason, that just makes the whole thing worse. If Production really does manipulate the DR sessions like some believe, I hope they clue him in on Shelby's opinion of Jason....that is, if it's even salvageable at this point. Moving on to Danielle.... again, what was THAT all about? Why did she flip out on Monte? Admittedly, I don't watch the live feeds as much as the rest of you, but didn't Danielle spread a rumor that later caught up with her and now she's yelling at Monte because something SHE instigated didn't work to her advantage? At least that's the way I understand it. And if that's true, then I have to side with Monte. This sucks. :( Link to comment
MrHufflepuff October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 19 hours ago, gunderda said: Jason freaked out on Shelby about something. From what I can gather... Before the America nom's ceremony, everyone was taking their seats. Jason and crew were sitting on the orange couch, and Shelby picked the gray couch to sit on. She called the gray couch the "normal" one. Apparently, she was talking about the actual couches (although who knows), but Jason thought she was talking about him and his crew. So, he went off on her. I didn't see it, so not I'm not sure who to hate on. I'll just take the safe route and hate both of them. 1 Link to comment
peachmangosteen October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 9 hours ago, Katesus7 said: I don't understand Alex thinking they can get Justin's vote in ANY situation. Did I miss something? He loathes Monte. I think he'd vote Monte out over Shelby at this point. Yea, I really didn't get that either. Does anyone have any idea why Alex thought Justin was their best bet to swing to vote to keep Monte? It's just so bizarre and Alex seems pretty smart, so I just don't get it. Honestly I really don't even understand why Alex won HOH. I mean I guess she just wanted the safety, but she is the one who most understands that her side is fucked because of how much power America has so she must have known her HOH would likely end up being worthless. Link to comment
LuvizBlind October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 Best I can tell is it is because during a conversation that Alex and Justin had prior to noms, when she was feeling everyone out. Justin said that he didn't fully trust Danielle/Shane. I know that Alex really came to play, but she does need to realize that before nom's you aren't necessarily going to get everyone's truths; you may just get what they think you wanna hear, or a flat out lie. 1 Link to comment
peachmangosteen October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 (edited) I can actually believe that Justin doesn't fully trust Shane/Danielle, especially as a unit. But going from that to "Hey, maybe Justin will vote to keep the guy who said racist things about him!" is a bit of a stretch. But Alex is definitely reaching because she sees she's screwed. ETA: I turned on the feeds just to see Scott's punishment and oh man the poor guy looks like a literal homeless person. I feel kinda bad for him lol. Edited October 11, 2016 by peachmangosteen Link to comment
LuvizBlind October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 Yeah, for sure she is. There have been convos between members of the LNC about 'Shanielle' being a duo and a two vote block, something to be leery of/watch out for. So yes, in that sense, Justin was being honest that he didn't fully trust them (as a duo) but at the time his interest was more about trying to make sure he wasn't nommed as opposed to hinting that he might vote one of them out which is where Alex went with it, which surprised me. 1 Link to comment
gunderda October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 7 hours ago, J.D. said: I don't know what to think right now. It's no secret I like Jason. He and Day made a good duo on their first season. They worked well together and yes, there was some snarkiness said about the twins and Austin, but nothing too over the top or undeserved, IMO. I still don't dislike Jason but I'm really disappointed by the way he treated Shelby. I don't where that came from. I don't know what she allegedly did that made him go off on her like that. And considering that she actually likes Jason, that just makes the whole thing worse. If Production really does manipulate the DR sessions like some believe, I hope they clue him in on Shelby's opinion of Jason....that is, if it's even salvageable at this point. Moving on to Danielle.... again, what was THAT all about? Why did she flip out on Monte? Admittedly, I don't watch the live feeds as much as the rest of you, but didn't Danielle spread a rumor that later caught up with her and now she's yelling at Monte because something SHE instigated didn't work to her advantage? At least that's the way I understand it. And if that's true, then I have to side with Monte. This sucks. :( From what I can tell she's been making off handed comments to Justin (and others) and it starts to eat at them all bit by bit. So I think that and she just made a comment at the really wrong time with him in earshot. He seriously looked like he woke up on the wrong side of the bed. So I can't blame him for finally biting back. I caught the tail end of the daily recap last night and his DR said that she has been pushing his buttons for days no. She'll be nice, then push a button and run away, come back and repeat and in that moment he just got really tired of it. I'm more sad that they can't have a true friendship because I like them together but everyone seems to have an issue with her so I can't blame him for not liking her. Link to comment
Lady Calypso October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 7 hours ago, J.D. said: I don't know what to think right now. It's no secret I like Jason. He and Day made a good duo on their first season. They worked well together and yes, there was some snarkiness said about the twins and Austin, but nothing too over the top or undeserved, IMO. I still don't dislike Jason but I'm really disappointed by the way he treated Shelby. I don't where that came from. I don't know what she allegedly did that made him go off on her like that. And considering that she actually likes Jason, that just makes the whole thing worse. If Production really does manipulate the DR sessions like some believe, I hope they clue him in on Shelby's opinion of Jason....that is, if it's even salvageable at this point. Moving on to Danielle.... again, what was THAT all about? Why did she flip out on Monte? Admittedly, I don't watch the live feeds as much as the rest of you, but didn't Danielle spread a rumor that later caught up with her and now she's yelling at Monte because something SHE instigated didn't work to her advantage? At least that's the way I understand it. And if that's true, then I have to side with Monte. This sucks. :( I get it; everyone has their favourites, just like everyone has their least favourites. It's hard to not like who you like. But I think Jason's hypocritical behaviour is what turns me off. When he goes off on rants and says (IMO) incredibly sexist comments and goes way too personal into disliking/hating someone, it makes me feel incredibly uncomfortable. Calling Shelby all these names, stealing food that she enjoys because she enjoys it, and wanting other people to essentially bully her (throwing drinks at her) is just plain wrong. Unfortunately, people who follow him on Twitter and enjoyed him on BB17 will probably continue to support him and deflect ("oh, but Shelby is just as bad! It's justified!" I have heard people say). Shelby's annoying and I'm not fond of her personality, let me be frank. But when someone is getting trash talked to the point where it takes it past gameplay and it makes me uncomfortable, I'll have empathy for the said victim. Just like if Monte started outwardly spewing homophobic slurs at Jason, I would feel empathy for him. I honestly haven't watched much of the live feeds, so I get almost all of my updates from Twitter. I've tried to listen to the feeds but there's always someone who annoys me in either group and they're always on the feeds. Whether it's Monte, Morgan/Shelby around Monte, Danielle/Kryssie/Jason in their duo or whoever, I just find myself separating myself slowly from this season until things get less predictable and boring. Oh look, Monte's going this week. Cool. And next week it'll be Shelby or Scott, unless America actually puts up and evicts someone like Kryssie (who is the first target on the chopping block, it seems). But it wouldn't matter anyway because the Misfits have the numbers next week if Monte goes (which is a 90% chance). Let's say Jason wins and he puts up Scott/Shelby. Even if America puts up Kryssie and noms stay the same, Shelby's probably getting evicted because Justin, Danielle, Shane, and Neeley will vote for Shelby's eviction and only Alex, Morgan, and Whitney will vote to evict Kryssie. Even if America jumps in to evict Kryssie, there's a tie and Jason would evict Shelby. Sure, there's a chance of Misfits imploding in the next week or so, but I'm not quite sure anymore. Once The Plastics are gone, then what? We get to see that side target each other, I guess, but it just makes for a boring season. It's just no fun watching one side getting picked off one by one. I never liked that happening. It's what made the beginning of last season so fun. Things were unpredictable for a while. I just don't see enough cracks in the Misfits yet to see them falling apart by this time next week. It's possible, but I'm not sure. Danielle/Jason are still pretty close, as are Jason/Kryssie. Kryssie has Neeley still, especially when Monte leaves, and Justin's the guy who's there to be entertainment. He may not trust Danielle/Shane but he doesn't like the other side enough to flip. So, congrats Feedsters. You get your favourites to the end. But it just sucks for the rest of us who don't have them as favourites, as well as the people who don't want a boring, predictable season like it's becoming. It's why I'm confident in my thought that Monte will be leaving tomorrow night. Not that I like him at all, but I even have had to put my personal feelings aside to realize that he's kind of needed to keep the season interesting and drama-filled. Because once he goes, will Feedsters really turn on Danielle/Jason/Kryssie and their cocky behaviour and vile trash-talking? Monte's the common enemy; once he goes, who's the next target? Will it still be The Plastics? Who knows, but I'm afraid to find out. 2 Link to comment
Lady Calypso October 11, 2016 Share October 11, 2016 So, Kryssie is up on the block now. Her and Alex talked and I think the conversation went well? I won't know until Kryssie talks to Neeley/Jason/Danielle. She seemed to understand and Alex seemed genuinely apologetic about it. It wasn't something she wanted to do but both know it's a game move, not a personal one. I really do like Alex; she handled it the way I would have handled it. I feel like Alex is me, which is probably why I'm drawn to her. Meanwhile, Neeley's pissed. I guess she plays emotionally too. She feels blindsided....even though Alex would have been blindsided by Monte's eviction instead of Scott's. Neeley's complaining about how it's not smart because their side of the house has all of these people....yeah, people that are NOT on Alex's side. What was she supposed to do? Danielle's already making an Alex backdoor plan. She knows Alex is smart and she needs to get her out for her game. 2 Link to comment
Vicky October 12, 2016 Share October 12, 2016 I put 20 votes to evict Danielle...I'm sick and tired of 'showmance' couples. Also, from what I can tell (not watching feeds too much), she's devious in a negative way - not in a fun way. 1 Link to comment
zenithwit October 12, 2016 Share October 12, 2016 Looks like Danielle and Shane have already gotten hot and heavy (if you are curious: flashback to 4:28am on Oct. 11th, Cam 3) Link to comment
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