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Big Brother: Over The Top, Week 1 (09/28/2016 - 10/04/2016)


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So Monte's justification to Danielle for putting her on the block is that she is a strong player with a good chance of winning veto to keep Jason on the block.  They haven't seen how anyone performs in any of these competitions yet.  How do they know who is going to be strong lol?  I hope Danielle doesn't buy it.

I think Cornbread/Monte/Shane are going to be blindsided by America's nominee tomorrow.

In other news, it sucks that we can't nominate the same person two weeks in a row.  Guess BB actually likes Monte and want to give him a break (blah).

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I don't have live feeds.  I'm trying to decide who to vote for so I'm going to ask a question I've asked before.  

I'm trying to decide whether to vote for Monte or Cornbread.  Cornbread rubs me the wrong way but people seem to hate Monte more and I don't know why. The closest I come to an answer is an angry black woman comment he made about Neely.  Did Neely do something to spark that reaction?  If Neely has been confrontational, then I could excuse Montes comment because it would have been brought about by Neelys actions.  If Neely didn't do anything and Monte mentioned the angry black woman comment unprovoked, then that's racism and Monte gets my vote as third nominee.

Help me decide because silence speaks volumes.  

6 hours ago, Umbelina said:

Fine with me, I'll alternate Cornbread and Monte votes every week, AND put their asses as Have Nots.

This is what I'm going to do too.   Alternating my votes between these two assholes as they are just the worst.  

Got my 20 votes in for Cornbread and have my fingers crossed that he is indeed America's nominee.    

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1 hour ago, LordBowen said:

Monte can't be the third nominee as he is HOH.  Also, pretty sure you have to have the live feeds in order to vote.

You're right.  I was thinking this was like last season.  When the shows on TV everyone can vote.  Since its only online, you gotta have live feeds to vote.  Looks like I'm signing up for live feeds.  

I thought last night's feeds were pretty good. One thing I like about this group better than last season's is I don't sense anyone playing for the camera full time like Paul. Scott is some (makeup, pearls and flower) but it's not Paul's full throttle assault. Also having only one veteran opposed to 4 vets and two siblings of vets makes a difference. People aren't so self-conscious of the cameras. Also the feeds last season got so boring because sometimes all you saw were people lying in bed. People are sitting around the kitchen, outside, in the storage room and there's larger group conversations. Only one showmance so far - Shane and Danielle - not really any striking bromance. Monte and Shane is the closest. The sisters' interaction is fun to watch. Whitney has a thick Kentucky accent but she knows this show, while Justin was asking people HOH and nominations and what all that stuff meant? (I like Justin & his soft New Orleans accent.)

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from Jokers -

 - Justin asks Kryssie to pop a pimple on his chest. He calls it a "sweat bump." Kryssie says it is not ready to be popped.

 - Jason says he is no longer Jason, he is now the JayRoy and is a weird terrible m'fer.

New drinking game.  Every time something calls back to BB18, bottoms up!

Popping pimples?  Really?  On TV?  And Jason? Shades of Big Meech!

ETA: "angry black woman"  Danielle - OTT and Davonne - BB18  It's a racial stereotype, incredibly stupid and, of course,  a BB staple. 

The truly nasty misogyny is off to a good (?) start.........


Jason about Shelby : "She bleached that bed with her dirty pussy"

LOL - it doesn't even make sense!

Edited by Skycatcher
  • Love 1
3 hours ago, La Traviata said:

The closest I come to an answer is an angry black woman comment he made about Neely.  Did Neely do something to spark that reaction?  If Neely has been confrontational, then I could excuse Montes comment because it would have been brought about by Neelys actions.  If Neely didn't do anything and Monte mentioned the angry black woman comment unprovoked, then that's racism and Monte gets my vote as third nominee.

It doesn't matter whether Neeley did anything to provoke a reaction, Monte's comment is racist regardless since he brought in the racial component.  "Angry black woman" is a negative stereotype that often impacts the perception of black women both inside and outside the BB house.  If Monte was talking about someone like Shelby, he probably would just say "I don't want her angry at me".  (Note: I'm not a black woman, so if someone is, feel free to jump in here.)

But for the record, Neeley has not been confrontational.  The comment was unprovoked.

Edited by zenithwit
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Skycatcher said:

The truly nasty misogyny is off to a good (?) start.........


Jason about Shelby : "She bleached that bed with her dirty pussy"

LOL - it doesn't even make sense!

Jason is so odious. I really hope he does in fact get evicted this week. Him getting evicted first in this low rent version of BB would be so fitting for him.

I'm not able to vote for a nominee. There's no where for me to click on anyone to vote. Is anyone else having problems?

8 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:


I'm not able to vote for a nominee. There's no where for me to click on anyone to vote. Is anyone else having problems?

Yes it's all over twitter that people can't vote.  Though some have been able to do it through their browser on their phone.

Glad I voted last night, but I think it's a website thing.  It still says vote now in one section but then nothing when you get to the voting page.

43 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:


I'm not able to vote for a nominee. There's no where for me to click on anyone to vote. Is anyone else having problems?

Yes it's all over twitter that people can't vote.  Though some have been able to do it through their browser on their phone.

Glad I voted last night, but I think it's a website thing.  It still says vote now in one section but then nothing when you get to the voting page.



ETA voting is back open, I voted again for Cornbread.  He was so high and mighty how people will see everyone's dirt, even after he made racist comment.

Yeah, everywhere I've looked, people are voting for Cornbread with either Shane/Whitney in the second place spot. So it'll definitely be Cornbread who's nominated.

I have noticed that these particular houseguests are at least thinking about themselves being nominated, so it won't be a total blindside. Cornbread may have been half joking when talking about America nominating him, but there is some self awareness this season, and that is definitely due to America being the jury. 

Actually, despite Cornbread/Monte's racism and misogyny shining through, they're still not as bad as houseguests that we've seen. 

Oh hey, Jason from BB17 is back:

Welcome back, Jason. I was wondering where you were hiding! But he did get to sleep in an actual bed tonight. Scott let him sleep in his bed. Good guy Scott, and good guy Justin are the only ones I've read that have offered. And they all were in bed before 4am their time, so that's pretty impressive. 

Danielle's already getting super attached to Shane. I kind of want her to go, just to avoid that happening further. I am so afraid she'll be another Zakiyah, or worse. I want her to be a good player, not someone that throws her game away for a boy. But the signs are already showing. 

At least, with no jury they will find out if they have been played or not right away. LOL!! I probably won't see the 3rd HG voted on the block. When does that happen? I split my votes for CB and Shane (who I actually like) for the 3rd spot. Just so Monte knows that the people on the outside want to break up his alliances/buddies.

So, everyone was locked down in the HOH room (they just put in the nomination couch) and Alex/Morgan are already fighting. Ah, sisters. I'd be driven crazy by my own sister too if I was in that house, so that's why I would never ever do that. It would jeopardize the relationship I already have with her. Alex is telling Morgan that she needs to stop dressing like her and start dressing "like Shelby". Alex's paranoia is kicked up ten notches. 

I think the America's Nominee will be revealed within the next hour or so. 

1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

I rewound to watch the nomination, and everyone seemed a little surprised.

I meant outside of the house. Probably 90% of the people I saw on various sites said they voted for Cornbread. He's trying to rationalize it, and Monte said it's probably America doing "reverse psychology". LOL. If it were me I would probably cry. That's gotta hurt.

2 minutes ago, Marie80 said:

I meant outside of the house. Probably 90% of the people I saw on various sites said they voted for Cornbread. He's trying to rationalize it, and Monte said it's probably America doing "reverse psychology". LOL. If it were me I would probably cry. That's gotta hurt.

Cornbread kind of looked like he wanted to cry while sitting in the kitchen. I'm going to feel bad for anyone who gets nominated this way unless they really are absolutely insufferable (think Paulie). 

ETA: These HGs should want Jason gone. It could be dangerous if you're not aligned with him and America is nominating players.

Edited by mooses
3 minutes ago, mooses said:

Cornbread kind of looked like he wanted to cry while sitting in the kitchen. I'm going to feel bad for anyone who gets nominated this way unless they really are absolutely insufferable (think Paulie).

I felt bad for him too. It's the worst to be the very first nominee because then you know America likes you the least of everyone who was picked for the show.

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I was happy to have Jason back, but he continues to act like a know-it-all viewer-anointed-king. He's telling Morgan he would have "put money on" Cornbread being nominated and they're trying to give him someone easy to beat. He knows Big Brother Feedsters that would be voting this season and they like bitter HGs like him, not HGs like Cornbread. 

He's just giving them reasons to want him gone ASAP. Tell everyone more how much viewers love you and want to help you out, Jason. Although it could end up with HGs not wanting to cross him so America loves them too.

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2 minutes ago, Marie80 said:

I felt bad for him too. It's the worst to be the very first nominee because then you know America likes you the least of everyone who was picked for the show.

I wouldn't say Cornbread is the least liked; his buddy Monte wins that award but since he couldn't be voted for, Cornbread got all of Monte's votes too.

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Can't wait to vote for Monte too.    I have a feeling he'll be an easy America nomination next time and it will be really fun to see how he tries to spin it like he is right now, trying to spin his buddy, Cornbread's.

And bring on the have not voting as I got a couple of people that need a dose of slop and uncomfortable sleeping. 

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Ah, Jason is very salty right now. With Cornbread being nominated, he is going hard at bitching about him. 

I'd be totally fine with Jason going this week, really. Unlike most people on Twitter, I don't really care for his bitchy remarks. I don't find them funny or great. And with Jason gone, it gives everyone else a better chance at winning. People will still bitch about Jason being evicted the first week, but this is a game, so what do people expect? To keep the popular guy that won America's Vote? Plus, it all falls on Monte so just vote Jason out this week and then deal with the others next week. As much as I don't want Monte to get what he wants, I want America to shut up more. 

Danielle is thankful that America didn't nominate Shane. Yeah, girl, it would suck if your cuddle buddy was put up by America. 

I'm really hoping that Monte or Cornbread don't win veto, because I want Cornbread to stay on the block. Unfortunately, since this is Big Brother, Monte's probably going to win and take him down. 

  • Love 3

I love the comps so far. The are low rent, but I'm really glad they're not the same ol' same ol' physicaly comps we've been getting lately on regular BB.

I have a feeling this is gonna take awhile. They're all already confused and can't find any clues.

ETA: Ugh why is Alex sharing clues with Cornbread? Idiot.

Edited by peachmangosteen

Alex, Whitney, and Cornbread are just trying every combo of the numbers they believe it is right now.

And now Monte is doing the same thing. They think it's some combo of 1439.

ETA: So far I've seen the cam zoom in on the plates on the table, the flowers, and the veto magnets on the fridge. Has anyone noticed any other things being zoomed in on? Oh and maybe the fish on the chess table.

Edited by peachmangosteen

There are plates askew on the table (2 of them). I think they're really missing things.

On another note, I feel bad for announcer guy, who probably has to keep saying "YOU MAY MAKE AN ATTEMPT" and "PLEASE CLEAR YOUR ANSWER" (for Monte and Cornbread) every thirty seconds.

Whitney needs to stop her 1349 combination. 

Just now, LordBowen said:

As a night owl viewer of the feeds, I'm actually happy Jason won. He's the catalyst for all the crazy backyard talk sessions in the wee hours.

I actually liked him his first season and thought he was funny, but he's way too much this season. It might just be his ego of thinking (knowing?) America loves him in combination with his usually bitter humor.

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