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Big Brother: Over The Top, Week 1 (09/28/2016 - 10/04/2016)


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Kryssie's here! Shelby looks like "ewww"! Kryssie sure brings a different dynamic. Everyone was playing nice and polite, and here's Kryssie all sarcastic. Scott sees himself as the host since he was the first one here. Shelby reminds me so much of Kaitlynn Bristowe. Ding dong! Oh, it's Miss Kentucky - Whitney. The boys are abandoning the girl-fest. Too many high voices for them. Let's bond around the kitchen table. There's flowers but no food.

Whitney is interesting to listen to. Because she's been given a "onesie" as she calls it but sounds more like nude shapewear from BB so she didn't come in looking "see through" in her entrance romper. She saw Neeley's nametag in a room she was in and was called Shelby in an interview. She's got all the good behind the scenes gossip.

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Kryssie: "want to see the urination station?" Ha! Ding dong - New Orleans guy! Justin. I like him. He's so smiley. But he's wearing my 90-year old uncle's hat. What did Justin eat? He was spitting out the food into a paper towel!  Scott is hung up on the number of beds. "There's only seven beds and there's already more of us than that." Well, the HOH will open up plus the Have Not room, so there will be a few more beds available. Well, I need to load the dishwasher.

1 minute ago, Lamb18 said:

Scott is hung up on the number of beds. "There's only seven beds and there's already more of us than that." Well, the HOH will open up plus the Have Not room, so there will be a few more beds available. Well, I need to load the dishwasher.

Why is he so surprised that they'll most likely have to share beds? Is he playing with the houseguests here? He's a superfan! 

7 minutes ago, LordBowen said:

I'm getting a control freak vibe from Monte. Hope I'm wrong.

No wonder I was getting a Caleb vibe off of Monte lol.


2 minutes ago, zibnchy said:

Scott is so awkward. Sitting there with that fixed smile on his face. And when he was introducing himself really nobody paid him much mind.

I suspect Scott is better in one-on-one situations.  He needs to take a page out of Steve's playbook and attach himself to a power player.

Edited by zenithwit

So far, it looks like Alex and Steve Scott are the quieter of the houseguests. 

Jason's voice is so loud; I totally forgot how he has to be the center of almost every conversation. 

Can we have these houseguests split off already? I want to see alliances being formed! 

I'm predicting Kryssie/Neeley as the first duo that joins together. They seem to have drifted to each other already. 

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