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Season 7 First Looks etc.

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19 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Rinna was all so smug to Eden! That is until Eden pointed out that Rinna asked for her support about Kim but then turned her back on Eden when she, Eden, needed someone to have her back. Then Rinna is all alert and back peddling because she is afraid that Eden will spill more that Rinna said to her.

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Rinna was all so smug to Eden! That is until Eden pointed out that Rinna asked for her support about Kim but then turned her back on Eden when she, Eden, needed someone to have her back. Then Rinna is all alert and back peddling because she is afraid that Eden will spill more that Rinna said to her.

I wonder how much Rinna lobbied not to have Eden at the Reunion.

  • Love 7
On March 27, 2017 at 10:50 PM, AndySmith said:

Not sure if there is a color scheme since there is a pic of Eileen floating around and you can see Ericka (or part of her) in a disco ball dress.

I hope there is no color scheme, it can make the reunion outfits a bit boring if they are all in the same or similar colors (hello, Atlanta).

I thought perhaps silver and black with the disco ball. 

But you're right: looks like Rinna has on a germanium red gown.

Kim has on a silver spangled fabric, too.

  • Love 1

Here is what Eileen is wearing, and I think she looks good (unfortunately, the positioning of the white statue behind her head makes it seem like she has whipped cream or something on her head), though maybe a pop of color somewhere would have been nice? And you can see what Ericka is wearing as well. I wonder if she is going commando again lol


From this video on Yotube, it does seem like LVP is also going black as well. And from what I can see, she is looking good too.

Edited by AndySmith
  • Love 4
13 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I found it stange that Eden gave Erika a ring.  She has barley been a presence on the show and shown no interest in Erika that was shown, anyway.  I think she picked up on Erika's displeasure at her Kim stuff and set out to gain her favor with a gift. *

Oh good god on the clothing for LVPs party next week.  Kyle looks fabulous in her jumpsuit and it ends there.  Erika dressed in a black horror amidst a sea of gaudy, overly done looks.  I adore LVP but hate her style. 

* this has probably been talked about ad nauseum in episode thread.  RL has prevented me from keeping current in this very active forum.

Edited by wings707
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, wings707 said:

I found it stange that Eden gave Erika a ring.  She has barley been a presence on the show and shown no interest in Erika that was shown, anyway.  I think she picked up on Erika's displeasure at her Kim stuff and set out to gain her favor with a gift. *

Oh good god on the clothing for LVPs party next week.  Kyle looks fabulous in her jumpsuit and it ends there.  Erika dressed in a black horror amidst a sea of gaudy, overly done looks.  I adore LVP but hate her style. 

* this has probably been talked about ad nauseum in episode thread.  RL has prevented me from keeping current in this very active forum.


I found Erika buying Eileen a designer bag when she barely knew her last year to be just as strange. At least the ring wasn't something super expensive like the bag must have been. But, I still think it is weird when someone who barely knows or is just getting to know you will buy you jewelry or designer bags. How about buy me lunch and I will do my own fashion shopping?

  • Love 8
On 3/26/2017 at 7:41 PM, chenoa333 said:

Thank you Almost 3000. I will go to the DWTS thread for further comments on that subject. 

So am I correct that this weeks RHOBH episode is the final before the reunion? I always look forward to this particular housewives reunion just to see what the women are wearing. And I'm already trying to prepare myself for the inevitable segment with Kim Richards. I will find something else to do while she is on...like paint my nails. I know it's going to be a lot of Andy and Kyle gushing over Kim becoming a grandmother. Like it's some feat nobody else has accomplished. And will Kim be wearing a neck scarf?

I read this as: "....like watch paint dry".  Then I read it again and realized I was projecting!

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, MatildaMoody said:

I found Erika buying Eileen a designer bag when she barely knew her last year to be just as strange. At least the ring wasn't something super expensive like the bag must have been. But, I still think it is weird when someone who barely knows or is just getting to know you will buy you jewelry or designer bags. How about buy me lunch and I will do my own fashion shopping?

I think that was a thank you for getting her a role on the soap.  Lunch is never good, different eating trips. 

They are all wealthy so a bag is not what it would be to us. I thought it was a nice gift.

Edited by wings707
  • Love 3
5 hours ago, MatildaMoody said:

I found Erika buying Eileen a designer bag when she barely knew her last year to be just as strange. At least the ring wasn't something super expensive like the bag must have been. But, I still think it is weird when someone who barely knows or is just getting to know you will buy you jewelry or designer bags. How about buy me lunch and I will do my own fashion shopping?



7 hours ago, wings707 said:

I found it stange that Eden gave Erika a ring.  She has barley been a presence on the show and shown no interest in Erika that was shown, anyway.  I think she picked up on Erika's displeasure at her Kim stuff and set out to gain her favor with a gift. *

Oh good god on the clothing for LVPs party next week.  Kyle looks fabulous in her jumpsuit and it ends there.  Erika dressed in a black horror amidst a sea of gaudy, overly done looks.  I adore LVP but hate her style. 

* this has probably been talked about ad nauseum in episode thread.  RL has prevented me from keeping current in this very active forum.

I think Eden is an odd duck but the ring gift didn't bother me. Eden, who seems to believe in that sort of thing, told Erika about the healing powers of rose quartz. It was more than a silly friendship gift because I think Eden actually thought Erika would find it helpful. It was sweet and Erika was a bitch about it.

  • Love 14
6 hours ago, wings707 said:

I think that was a thank you for getting her a role on the soap.  Lunch is never good, different eating trips. 

They are all wealthy so a bag is not what it would be to us. I thought it was a nice gift.

The ring would have been significantly cheaper than a bag. And the role itself was a birthday gift. Then there was that bathing suit coverup/cutout dress that Erika bought for Eileen last year whenever they had only been acquainted for a few weeks.

  • Love 4

Well crap.  If someone buys me a gift, I'm going to be pretty grateful unless there's some ulterior motive.  And I don't think that was the case with Eden.  Yeah, Eden is weird as heck and I don't care for her at all but I didn't see any 'game plan' with it.  Maybe Ericka would have been less reactive if it had a 'designer' attached to it.  Because she's all about the 'designer' name.

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, lunastartron said:

The ring would have been significantly cheaper than a bag. And the role itself was a birthday gift. Then there was that bathing suit coverup/cutout dress that Erika bought for Eileen last year whenever they had only been acquainted for a few weeks.

Rich people give expensive gifts because they can afford it.  It gives them pleasure.  

  • Love 3
On 3/30/2017 at 0:11 AM, breezy424 said:

Well crap.  If someone buys me a gift, I'm going to be pretty grateful unless there's some ulterior motive.  And I don't think that was the case with Eden.  Yeah, Eden is weird as heck and I don't care for her at all but I didn't see any 'game plan' with it.  Maybe Ericka would have been less reactive if it had a 'designer' attached to it.  Because she's all about the 'designer' name.

That's the thing though - I think Erika thought there was an ulterior motive - to buy a friendship. The season was coming to a close and Eden really didn't have any friends on the show. No one to advocate for her at all. Erika even said "you don't have to buy my friendship". 

I think it fits into the larger narrative of what the other gals think of Eden. That she tried to artificially get too close to some of them too quickly. Getting in the middle of the Kyle/Kim stuff with her "you will know me", then running to LVP with her gossip instead of going right to Kyle because she needed someone on her side and LVP is always up to hearing nasty shit about someone she doesn't like. This will usually earn LVP's loyalty and earn it fast. The ring felt like another attempt to get close to someone when it didn't come naturally but felt artificial. IMO. 

  • Love 4
On 3/29/2017 at 2:11 PM, wings707 said:

I think that was a thank you for getting her a role on the soap.  Lunch is never good, different eating trips. 

They are all wealthy so a bag is not what it would be to us. I thought it was a nice gift.


The bag came long before the soap. The soap spot was a birthday gift to Ericka. I agree it was a nice gift but since they barely knew each other, it is no different than Eden giving Ericka an inexpensive ring to cheer her up. 


That's the thing though - I think Erika thought there was an ulterior motive - to buy a friendship. The season was coming to a close and Eden really didn't have any friends on the show. No one to advocate for her at all. Erika even said "you don't have to buy my friendship". 


I agree that Ericka thought there was an ulterior motive. But, my belief is based on my opinion that Ericka usually has an ulterior motive for giving gifts. The woman pays a squad of sycophants to fawn over her and in her mind they are her friends. She buys Eileen a designer bag or coverup and it guarantees that Eileen will continue to be her biggest fan (second only to the aforementioned sycophants).

It doesn't surprise me that she automatically assumed Eden was trying to buy her friendship, because Ericka appears to use that same tactic herself. 

  • Love 10

Yeah I would hate having a friend or production or whoever fly me all the way to some place like Mykonos and put me up in a beautiful villa with beautiful views...what a bitch!

I imagine with 21 hours left in the day, there was other stuff she and Kyle did. Kyle did say she had fun on the trip, and it looked like she did as well.

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, AndySmith said:

Yeah I would hate having a friend or production or whoever fly me all the way to some place like Mykonos and put me up in a beautiful villa with beautiful views...what a bitch!

I imagine with 21 hours left in the day, there was other stuff she and Kyle did. Kyle did say she had fun on the trip, and it looked like she did as well.

You are right there was time to watch Erika practice and perform.  What do you suppose Kyle does during the three hour hair sessions? 

I noticed when it was time to go to Atlanta-there were no takers. 

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

My issue-I don't get why Erika is such a big deal.  She is always all about her.  Her idea of friendship is having someone fly half way across the worls while she spends three hours getting a ponytail done or complaining about her upbringing.  Why are these women so afraid of the Erikas?

As far as the "complaining about her upbringing" goes, Kyle also had a lot to say about her own mother in that conversation, and they bonded quite nicely and quite equally over that. So, I am not sure how that constitutes it being all about Erika? Also, didn't Erika travel for part of Yolanda's trip to get her implants removed? She certainly went to doctors' appointments with her. I don't see Erika as always being all about herself. I also don't think anyone is afraid of her - I think most of them genuinely like her.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

As far as the "complaining about her upbringing" goes, Kyle also had a lot to say about her own mother in that conversation, and they bonded quite nicely and quite equally over that. So, I am not sure how that constitutes it being all about Erika? Also, didn't Erika travel for part of Yolanda's trip to get her implants removed? She certainly went to doctors' appointments with her. I don't see Erika as always being all about herself. I also don't think anyone is afraid of her - I think most of them genuinely like her.

She picked Yolanda up in Ohio in her private plane.  I don't remember any doctor's appointments but mainly because I don't remember much of Yolanda's treatment.

I don't recall Kyle carping on her mother.  I recall her defending her upbringing and saying her mother worshipped her children.  Big departure from Erika's sad tale of woe.  What I saw was Erika opening up- I hate the word bonding.  And it was about her disliking her upbringing. 

I feel like they are afraid not to like her.  I don't think one of them gives a diddly fuck about her stupid Erika Jayne act.  If they do they are totally blind to talent.  Even with her butt buddy Eileen, "I was sorry to hear you lost your mom over the Reunion,"  pretty much indicated to me she had little or no contact with these women other than filming.  I think it is hard to get past Erika and her Glam Squad-I do believe that is who she choses to spend her time with and always will.  BTW after Erikas' meltdown I think maybe a couple of RH are taking a few steps back and letting Erika live her "How Many Fucks Do I Give" mantra.

  • Love 3

What do you suppose Kyle does during the three hour hair sessions?

If she isn't exploring the island, I'd guess she'd sit by the pool with a glass of wine in her hand and think "Damn, Mauricio needs to open an office here."

So basically the women are afraid of her, but not so afraid of her that they would invoke her wrath by not joining her on her trip to Atlanta? Granted, the possible explanation couldn't be that their schedules wouldn't allow it? From the list of woman she would have invited, anyway.


If they do they are totally blind to talent.

I get that you loathe the woman, but maybe some of the HWs, while not being die hard fans, could enjoy the occasional performance of hers.


BTW after Erikas' meltdown I think maybe a couple of RH are taking a few steps back and letting Erika live her "How Many Fucks Do I Give" mantra.

Well, LVP and Dorit probably, since you can't exactly say they were close to Ericka to begin with. But she seems to still be fine and good terms with Eileen, Rinna, and Kyle. And is even seen with them occasionally too.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, AndySmith said:

If she isn't exploring the island, I'd guess she'd sit by the pool with a glass of wine in her hand and think "Damn, Mauricio needs to open an office here."

So basically the women are afraid of her, but not so afraid of her that they would invoke her wrath by not joining her on her trip to Atlanta? Granted, the possible explanation couldn't be that their schedules wouldn't allow it? From the list of woman she would have invited, anyway.

I get that you loathe the woman, but maybe some of the HWs, while not being die hard fans, could enjoy the occasional performance of hers.

Well, LVP and Dorit probably, since you can't exactly say they were close to Ericka to begin with. But she seems to still be fine and good terms with Eileen, Rinna, and Kyle. And is even seen with them occasionally too.

FFS-she went to be with Erika and the only thing they did was go shopping and hang out at the villa.  It is the little things that are said-Kim mentioning Kyle missed her kids, lack of any real excitement and having to spend time with dreadful Mikey.   The other women probably saw how beat Kyle was and heard about the three hour ponytail sessions before begging off the Atlanta trip. 

Look I don't think the woman has any talent and in a city full of really good acts it would be a waste of time to attend anything Erika Jayne. let alone take time out to time to travel out of town to watch her.  I think she is sub par in the talent, friendship department, overly materialistic, enormous ego, not terribly bright and vindictive. As evidenced by her behavior last week a little mentally unbalanced.  I just haven't seen the same irrational behavior with this present cast with the exception of Rinna.  Eden's weird but she is really a full time cast member.  Oh but she is sexy and that seems to be all that counts for her fans.

Kyle pretty much saw Erika for what she worth last week with her vindictive, irrational behavior.  No need to rile the crazy.  If Rinna thought it would bring her more air time she will turn on Erika in a heartbeat.  Kyle knows how to file it away and move forward.

  • Love 6

FFS-she went to be with Erika and the only thing they did was go shopping and hang out at the villa.  It is the little things that are said-Kim mentioning Kyle missed her kids, lack of any real excitement and having to spend time with dreadful Mikey.   The other women probably saw how beat Kyle was and heard about the three hour ponytail sessions before begging off the Atlanta trip. 

It's Mykonos. We also saw them go out to dinner. Granted, the emphasis is what we saw, who knows what happened that we didn't see.

As far as what Kim said...Kyle said she had a good time, and since she was there, not Kim, I'll take Kyle's word for it. The fact that Kyle was still continuing to establish a relationship/friendship with Ericka, and still speaks well of Ericka, speaks volumes more than anything nutty Kim says.


Kyle pretty much saw Erika for what she worth last week with her vindictive, irrational behavior

I don't think we've seen any indication that their friendship has soured, or that Kyle has turned on her.

  • Love 7
6 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

It's Mykonos. We also saw them go out to dinner. Granted, the emphasis is what we saw, who knows what happened that we didn't see.

As far as what Kim said...Kyle said she had a good time, and since she was there, not Kim, I'll take Kyle's word for it. The fact that Kyle was still continuing to establish a relationship/friendship with Ericka, and still speaks well of Ericka, speaks volumes more than anything nutty Kim says.

I don't think we've seen any indication that their friendship has soured, or that Kyle has turned on her.

Well Kim said she had talked to Kyle and wasn't sure if she was coming to the party as she had just gotten home and said she missed her kids.  Why is there always this friendship building nonsense when it comes to Erika?  Oh Erika showed a vulnerable side.  Don't care.  Don't care if she let her guard down, don't care if it ever comes down.  Erika can dish out the criticism  but then folds up like a cheap suitcase whenever she is held accountable for her actions or cries.   

I don't think there was a great friendship to begin with.  Erika describes Kyle's attributes as being a "show girl", who the hell says that?   I think that is a s deep as it goes for Erika.  Kyle seems to have plenty of friends, Erika can jump on the bus.  I don't think there has to be some great declaration of disappointment.  Kyle expressed herself at lunch and Erika disagreed preferring to spike the ball in the end zone again.  Erika can't see that Kyle found Rinna despicable and likes Dorit. 

  • Love 5

Well Kim said she had talked to Kyle and wasn't sure if she was coming to the party as she had just gotten home and said she missed her kids

I'd imagine most people would miss their kids, regardless of the vacation they took, or who they took it with. Nor does missing one's kids indicate that they hated the trip they were on, nor does it mean they didn't care for the company that was with them on the vacation.


Why is there always this friendship building nonsense when it comes to Erika?  Oh Erika showed a vulnerable side.  Don't care.  Don't care if she let her guard down, don't care if it ever comes down

It might not matter to you, but it certainly matters to Kyle.


Erika can't see that Kyle found Rinna despicable and likes Dorit. 

Or maybe both women don't care who the other is friends with. Kind of like how we haven't seen LVP minding that Kyle and Ericka are developing a friendship. Or that neither LVP nor Eileen seem to mind that both are also friends with Kyle.

  • Love 6
33 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

I'd imagine most people would miss their kids, regardless of the vacation they took, or who they took it with. Nor does missing one's kids indicate that they hated the trip they were on, nor does it mean they didn't care for the company that was with them on the vacation.

It might not matter to you, but it certainly matters to Kyle.

Or maybe both women don't care who the other is friends with. Kind of like how we haven't seen LVP minding that Kyle and Ericka are developing a friendship. Or that neither LVP nor Eileen seem to mind that both are also friends with Kyle.

Erika and LVP friendship is the true and developing stage according to Erika.  Because it would be too difficult for stuck up Erika to just say-"we are friends."  It has been two years and LVP has been nothing but gracious to Erika even in the face of her arrogant ass husband insulting her. 

Why would LVP care if Kyle and Erika are friends?  I don't see any great off camera friendship between Eileen and Erika.  Seems more like a girl crush by Eileen,  Of course I never see Eileen do anything off season with any of her co-stars.  That might might be one in the win column for Eileen.

  • Love 5

It has been two years and LVP has been nothing but gracious to Erika even in the face of her arrogant ass husband insulting her. 

It was one incident, let us not blow it out of proportion and make it seem like Tom is meeting with LVP on a daily basis and insulting her. Plus I'd say Ericka has been just as gracious to LVP as LVP hs been to Ericka.


Why would LVP care if Kyle and Erika are friends? 

Because a good chunk of this show (and the franchise itself) seems to be built upon alliances and "You can't be friends with her, I don't like her" mentalities. So kudos to the women on this show this year for growing beyond that.

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I don't recall Kyle carping on her mother.  I recall her defending her upbringing and saying her mother worshipped her children.  Big departure from Erika's sad tale of woe.  What I saw was Erika opening up- I hate the word bonding.  And it was about her disliking her upbringing. 

Kyle specifically talked about her mother having made mistakes. It really stood out to me because we never heard her concede that maybe Kathy was anything other than a great mother before. I also don't see Erika carping on her mother - she was pretty sweet and gentle with her in Atlanta while also being honest about some of her unresolved feelings.

  • Love 9
On ‎3‎/‎31‎/‎2017 at 5:55 PM, zoeysmom said:

My issue-I don't get why Erika is such a big deal.  She is always all about her.  Her idea of friendship is having someone fly half way across the worls while she spends three hours getting a ponytail done or complaining about her upbringing.  Why are these women so afraid of the Erikas?


I just don't see this at all. She seems to be interested in other people, and certainly has been better than most at getting Kyle to open up.

  • Love 9
On ‎4‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 0:22 AM, zoeysmom said:

I don't recall Kyle carping on her mother.  I recall her defending her upbringing and saying her mother worshipped her children.  Big departure from Erika's sad tale of woe.  What I saw was Erika opening up- I hate the word bonding.  And it was about her disliking her upbringing. 


I don't think Kyle was carping on her mother, but then I don't think Erika was either. I think they are both just talking about their experiences and how they impacted them and made them the person they are now. An actual conversation on one of these shows - imagine that! No one gossiping about another, or plotting nasty revenge, or trying to get someone on their side against another. Just two gals reflecting on similarities.

Part of the exchange:

Erika - "I think my mom lived a life that was unrealized, you know, a lot of her dreams are unrealized, and she's taken that and placed it on me, and that's a heavy burden. I think that's a lot of times why she was so hard on me and I get it."

Kyle - "my mother too". Then Kyle went on to talk about that card reader or whoever the person was that told her that her mom was proud of her and that Kyle was a better mom than she was. Kyle said "hearing my mom actually acknowledging some of the mistakes that she had made really got to me". She went on to say that her mom loved her kids and that she worshipped them, but added "but still she made a lot of mistakes". She said "there was always so much pressure on us to be perfect, to get that job. She did and said some things that she probably regretted." She ended it by saying it was important to reflect because the things that happened to them (her and Erika) were part of made them who they are today.

It's interesting because when I was watching that scene, coming the week after Erika got slammed for hammering away at her mom, we hear Kyle speaking some truths about her own mom and I wondered if folks would have a hard time with her speaking ill of the dead.

  • Love 7
35 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I don't think Kyle was carping on her mother, but then I don't think Erika was either. I think they are both just talking about their experiences and how they impacted them and made them the person they are now. An actual conversation on one of these shows - imagine that! No one gossiping about another, or plotting nasty revenge, or trying to get someone on their side against another. Just two gals reflecting on similarities.

Part of the exchange:

Erika - "I think my mom lived a life that was unrealized, you know, a lot of her dreams are unrealized, and she's taken that and placed it on me, and that's a heavy burden. I think that's a lot of times why she was so hard on me and I get it."

Kyle - "my mother too". Then Kyle went on to talk about that card reader or whoever the person was that told her that her mom was proud of her and that Kyle was a better mom than she was. Kyle said "hearing my mom actually acknowledging some of the mistakes that she had made really got to me". She went on to say that her mom loved her kids and that she worshipped them, but added "but still she made a lot of mistakes". She said "there was always so much pressure on us to be perfect, to get that job. She did and said some things that she probably regretted." She ended it by saying it was important to reflect because the things that happened to them (her and Erika) were part of made them who they are today.

It's interesting because when I was watching that scene, coming the week after Erika got slammed for hammering away at her mom, we hear Kyle speaking some truths about her own mom and I wondered if folks would have a hard time with her speaking ill of the dead.


I think you are missing the parts where Erika talked about her mom being a single mom and not being there for her.  It is my interpretation from what I read was that Erika's comments were insensitive because  (a) she left her child to follow her dreams instead of sticking around and being there for him (b) she spoke of single parenthood, when she did not have custody of the child and she had remarried and remained married so she wasn't really all that single.

So I don't see how it applies to Kyle and the discussion about her mother.  I really discounted a lot of Kyle's dialogue because it was through a psychic. 

From recent comments from Erika, she may use terms like bonded, or gotten close to but it the same old Erika always putting the others down.  She could go off on Eileen but the others would have held it over her head.  It is comments such as those that make me think her a big phony.  I also feel as if  Erika used her mother as a storyline to show her humble beginnings.  I felt no mother/daughter love in Renee/Erika scenes.  It felt kind of unresolved and to me like Erika and her mom were  competing with Erika feeling felt short changed by her upbringing.  I didn't see any real correlation between Kyle's upbringing and Erika's.  If the correlation was Erika was encouraged to be a child performer it was an epic fail on both her and her mother's part.  Both women as performers  were auditioning and both said it is what they wanted to do had to expect criticism at every level along the way. 

  • Love 4

I think they are both just talking about their experiences and how they impacted them and made them the person they are now. An actual conversation on one of these shows - imagine that! No one gossiping about another, or plotting nasty revenge, or trying to get someone on their side against another. Just two gals reflecting on similarities.

I liked seeing Ericka and Kyle bond over their relationships with their mothers. Both seem to have issues of varying degrees with their moms, Ericka more so than Kyle, but Ericka and her mom do seem to genuinely love each other, even if they don't always see eye to eye. And if Kyle seems to find some common ground with Ericka on the subject of their moms, then more power to them.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I don't think Kyle was carping on her mother, but then I don't think Erika was either. I think they are both just talking about their experiences and how they impacted them and made them the person they are now. An actual conversation on one of these shows - imagine that! No one gossiping about another, or plotting nasty revenge, or trying to get someone on their side against another. Just two gals reflecting on similarities.

Part of the exchange:

Erika - "I think my mom lived a life that was unrealized, you know, a lot of her dreams are unrealized, and she's taken that and placed it on me, and that's a heavy burden. I think that's a lot of times why she was so hard on me and I get it."

Kyle - "my mother too". Then Kyle went on to talk about that card reader or whoever the person was that told her that her mom was proud of her and that Kyle was a better mom than she was. Kyle said "hearing my mom actually acknowledging some of the mistakes that she had made really got to me". She went on to say that her mom loved her kids and that she worshipped them, but added "but still she made a lot of mistakes". She said "there was always so much pressure on us to be perfect, to get that job. She did and said some things that she probably regretted." She ended it by saying it was important to reflect because the things that happened to them (her and Erika) were part of made them who they are today.

It's interesting because when I was watching that scene, coming the week after Erika got slammed for hammering away at her mom, we hear Kyle speaking some truths about her own mom and I wondered if folks would have a hard time with her speaking ill of the dead.

The difference in how Kyle and Erika see their mothers is startling IMO. I didn't hear Kyle placing any blame on her mother for how she, Kyle, turned out as an adult woman but Erika definitely does blame her mom.

  • Love 4
41 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:


I think you are missing the parts where Erika talked about her mom being a single mom and not being there for her.  It is my interpretation from what I read was that Erika's comments were insensitive because  (a) she left her child to follow her dreams instead of sticking around and being there for him (b) she spoke of single parenthood, when she did not have custody of the child and she had remarried and remained married so she wasn't really all that single.

So I don't see how it applies to Kyle and the discussion about her mother.  I really discounted a lot of Kyle's dialogue because it was through a psychic. 

From recent comments from Erika, she may use terms like bonded, or gotten close to but it the same old Erika always putting the others down.  She could go off on Eileen but the others would have held it over her head.  It is comments such as those that make me think her a big phony.  I also feel as if  Erika used her mother as a storyline to show her humble beginnings.  I felt no mother/daughter love in Renee/Erika scenes.  It felt kind of unresolved and to me like Erika and her mom were  competing with Erika feeling felt short changed by her upbringing.  I didn't see any real correlation between Kyle's upbringing and Erika's.  If the correlation was Erika was encouraged to be a child performer it was an epic fail on both her and her mother's part.  Both women as performers  were auditioning and both said it is what they wanted to do had to expect criticism at every level along the way. 

Kyle was commenting on how what the Psychic made her feel. That she was happy that through the Psychic her mom was admitting that she made some mistakes. So what she was saying was that her mom made mistakes. Big deal. She loved her mom. Erika loves her mom. It is nice that they both have similar feelings about some of the stuff they saw as kids. This isn't the first time Kyle has talked openly about her mom and let us in on the fact that it wasn't all a joyride. She did the same with Erika earlier in the season, and with Brandi spoke about how it was important to her mom to keep secrets (specifically about Kim) and that it was really hard for Kyle and put a lot of pressure on her. Everyone doesn't say things in the same way, or assign the same importance to everything, but I can see no way that anyone who has watched the show from the beginning doesn't see that Kyle has - very, very carefully - talked about what a struggle it sometimes was with her mom. About the responsibility, about the pressure. 

  • Love 7
11 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Kyle was commenting on how what the Psychic made her feel. That she was happy that through the Psychic her mom was admitting that she made some mistakes. So what she was saying was that her mom made mistakes. Big deal. She loved her mom. Erika loves her mom. It is nice that they both have similar feelings about some of the stuff they saw as kids. This isn't the first time Kyle has talked openly about her mom and let us in on the fact that it wasn't all a joyride. She did the same with Erika earlier in the season, and with Brandi spoke about how it was important to her mom to keep secrets (specifically about Kim) and that it was really hard for Kyle and put a lot of pressure on her. Everyone doesn't say things in the same way, or assign the same importance to everything, but I can see no way that anyone who has watched the show from the beginning doesn't see that Kyle has - very, very carefully - talked about what a struggle it sometimes was with her mom. About the responsibility, about the pressure. 

I am sorry much like the sixth sense stuff I don't buy into what a psychic conveys about how a dearly departed feels about me.  There has never been any doubt that Kyle loved her mom, I believe near the end of her life Big Kathy wanted to feel remembered and asked Kyle for some concessions.  (Don't sell the house for 10 years, take care of Kim).  I hate defending Kim, but quite frankly there is no proof publicizing a person's alcoholism is an effective form of treatment.  I do think Big Kathy was wise looking at the bigger picture (Kim's custody issues, Kim's maybe a comeback career) in not following Kyle's wishes.  Kyle said -if other people know maybe it will make her stop. It doesn't work that way and I think as a mother now she would fight for one of her children's privacy when dealing with adversity.  Sorry for the pressure you felt Kyle but it was really Kim's choice and your mom sided with her.  I don't hold it against Kyle for exploding on Kim in the limo-because that did directly involve Kyle.

Anyone who wants to hear more about Kyle's life with Big Kathy, I suggest listen to Heather McDonald's Podcast, Juicy Scoop.  I am just not feeling the same "pressure" comments from Kyle.  Part 2 airs Tuesday.  Not be a cynic but just as Erika seemed to me to want to humanize her with her Mama and I don't feel it. I do think Kyle is pushing the mom stuff because she did a 12 part dramedy influenced by her growing up.  Not to be confused with an accurate portrayal. 

I don't get talented kids, all kids are faced with pressure throughout their lives.  It is what makes them pass to get to the next grade level, or a spot on the swim team.  There is a great show on Bravo, "Imposters" and one of the leads makes a comment about 6'0' tall in 8th grade and being a great quarterback.  When he was still 6'0' tall as a high senior it was a sad reality. 

  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I am sorry much like the sixth sense stuff I don't buy into what a psychic conveys about how a dearly departed feels about me.  There has never been any doubt that Kyle loved her mom, I believe near the end of her life Big Kathy wanted to feel remembered and asked Kyle for some concessions.  (Don't sell the house for 10 years, take care of Kim).  I hate defending Kim, but quite frankly there is no proof publicizing a person's alcoholism is an effective form of treatment.  I do think Big Kathy was wise looking at the bigger picture (Kim's custody issues, Kim's maybe a comeback career) in not following Kyle's wishes.  Kyle said -if other people know maybe it will make her stop. It doesn't work that way and I think as a mother now she would fight for one of her children's privacy when dealing with adversity.  Sorry for the pressure you felt Kyle but it was really Kim's choice and your mom sided with her.  I don't hold it against Kyle for exploding on Kim in the limo-because that did directly involve Kyle.

Anyone who wants to hear more about Kyle's life with Big Kathy, I suggest listen to Heather McDonald's Podcast, Juicy Scoop.  I am just not feeling the same "pressure" comments from Kyle.  Part 2 airs Tuesday.  Not be a cynic but just as Erika seemed to me to want to humanize her with her Mama and I don't feel it. I do think Kyle is pushing the mom stuff because she did a 12 part dramedy influenced by her growing up.  Not to be confused with an accurate portrayal. 

I don't get talented kids, all kids are faced with pressure throughout their lives.  It is what makes them pass to get to the next grade level, or a spot on the swim team.  There is a great show on Bravo, "Imposters" and one of the leads makes a comment about 6'0' tall in 8th grade and being a great quarterback.  When he was still 6'0' tall as a high senior it was a sad reality. 

It's not about the Psychic. I agree with you and distrust them, and it's the one thing I dislike about Kyle. But it's not about that. It's about that Kyle felt like her mom had made mistakes that she had apparently never owned up to making during her life, and it made Kyle feel good to think that she recognized them. Doesn't mean that the Psychic knew anything at all, but the point is that Kyle seemed to gain comfort in the thought that her mom had finally acknowledged something that she hadn't done before. Of course Kyle loved her mom. That is incredibly clear. It's also clear that Erika loves her mom, despite the fact that she believes - like Kyle does about her own mom - that she made some mistakes. 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, AndySmith said:

I liked seeing Ericka and Kyle bond over their relationships with their mothers. Both seem to have issues of varying degrees with their moms, Ericka more so than Kyle, but Ericka and her mom do seem to genuinely love each other, even if they don't always see eye to eye. And if Kyle seems to find some common ground with Ericka on the subject of their moms, then more power to them.

I believe Erika and Kyle have had a couple of  conversations about moms.  Just as Dorit had a conversation about Xanax smoothies with Rinna and Eden. Not some bonding experience.  RInna setting up drama for later in the season.

The only ones claiming bonding were Eden and Rinna over their initial meeting and all their commonalities.  They both had fathers, their fathers died, they were daddy's girls, they had sisters who od'd. 

  • Love 1
On 3/31/2017 at 1:55 PM, zoeysmom said:

My issue-I don't get why Erika is such a big deal.  She is always all about her.  


All these women are all about themselves. Pinky Pump is all about drawing attention to herself with lame sex jokes and animal acquisition; Kyle is all about whatever handbag she recently picked shopping and her myriad anxieties; Kim is clearly all about Kim; Eileen is all about posing so that she is caught from her good side when she's on camera; Rinna's all about the DSM-V -- she just doesn't realize how the more extreme codes apply to her.

Erika is hardly unique in making it all about herself.

  • Love 5
16 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

It's not about the Psychic. I agree with you and distrust them, and it's the one thing I dislike about Kyle. But it's not about that. It's about that Kyle felt like her mom had made mistakes that she had apparently never owned up to making during her life, and it made Kyle feel good to think that she recognized them. Doesn't mean that the Psychic knew anything at all, but the point is that Kyle seemed to gain comfort in the thought that her mom had finally acknowledged something that she hadn't done before. Of course Kyle loved her mom. That is incredibly clear. It's also clear that Erika loves her mom, despite the fact that she believes - like Kyle does about her own mom - that she made some mistakes. 

To me mistakes doesn't mean lack of love.  Like I said Kyle talking about her mom on the Podcast and various comments throughout the show make me feel as if her growing up with Big Kathy was pretty typical in that her mom was always there.  I am thinking when Big Kathy died Kyle was the executor so there must have been some recognition.  I doubt Big Kathy ever questioned any of her daughters' motherhood capabilities. 

I have an entirely different vibe from Erika-she feels and has pretty much stated her mother let her down.  Maybe it has more to do with there not being a father in the picture.  Anyway the similarities end because Kyle had two older sisters and their lives weren't that comparable other than parents do criticize their children and children who want to be performers need to get use to it.

4 minutes ago, steelcitysister said:

All these women are all about themselves. Pinky Pump is all about drawing attention to herself with lame sex jokes and animal acquisition; Kyle is all about whatever handbag she recently picked shopping and her myriad anxieties; Kim is clearly all about Kim; Eileen is all about posing so that she is caught from her good side when she's on camera; Rinna's all about the DSM-V -- she just doesn't realize how the more extreme codes apply to her.

Erika is hardly unique in making it all about herself.

My impression is-the rest don't hire a frigging squad to exalt them into fabulousness. 

I want to like your comment about Rinna and the DSM-v about 10 times.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

Like I said Kyle talking about her mom on the Podcast and various comments throughout the show make me feel as if her growing up with Big Kathy was pretty typical in that her mom was always there.  I am thinking when Big Kathy died Kyle was the executor so there must have been some recognition. 


My impression is-the rest don't hire a frigging squad to exalt them into fabulousness. 

And I am thinking that Kyle is a performer (of sorts) and "performs" those Podcast slots. I am thinking the Kyle of early HW seasons is the real Kyle -- now, she's too aware of the camera, what she says and how she engages.



My impression is-the rest don't hire a frigging squad to exalt them into fabulousness. 

Well, it's her and TG's money so if she wants to spend it on a glam squad, hey, good for her. I wouldn't but it's not my bankroll.

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, steelcitysister said:

And I am thinking that Kyle is a performer (of sorts) and "performs" those Podcast slots. I am thinking the Kyle of early HW seasons is the real Kyle -- now, she's too aware of the camera, what she says and how she engages.


Well, it's her and TG's money so if she wants to spend it on a glam squad, hey, good for her. I wouldn't but it's not my bankroll.

I think Kyle is more about The Agency and her "scripted series this year.  Self control is a good thing.

It is about buying yes people.  She can spend her money any way she wants-but yes people seems disingenuous.  She should try developing real friendships and not put some arbitrary "in the making"  crap on them.  SOmetimes it is a good thing to have contemporaries as friends.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

I think Kyle is more about The Agency and her "scripted series this year.  Self control is a good thing.


IMO, Kyle is "scripted" in her RH performance and her self-control is dull. But she's never demonstrated that she's all that bright so maybe it's safest for her to be about parties and retail.



It is about buying yes people.  She can spend her money any way she wants-but yes people seems disingenuous.  She should try developing real friendships and not put some arbitrary "in the making"  crap on them.  SOmetimes it is a good thing to have contemporaries as friends.

We only know what we see on the show and what EG/J chooses to share in interviews -- kind of like how Kyle says "ABC" in interviews and podcasts but then there are things alluded to (here and elsewhere) that contradict her babble. EG/J may very well have a whole heapin' helpin' of true friends that stay faaaaaar away from the show. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, steelcitysister said:

IMO, Kyle is "scripted" in her RH performance and her self-control is dull. But she's never demonstrated that she's all that bright so maybe it's safest for her to be about parties and retail.


We only know what we see on the show and what EG/J chooses to share in interviews -- kind of like how Kyle says "ABC" in interviews and podcasts but then there are things alluded to (here and elsewhere) that contradict her babble. EG/J may very well have a whole heapin' helpin' of true friends that stay faaaaaar away from the show. 

I can only go by what she gives out in interviews and there doesn't seem to be a lot of female friends.  If she is a true person then she gives an idea of what she is made of. . . to me she has exceeded my level of TV vs real.  There is a huge difference between not talking about dead mom allegations.  Kyle has a more storied past with her relatives.  No one cares about Erika's relatives. 

I believe you have a point Kyle is dull, as in not gossip worthy and as far as this cast the only one with academic credentials is Dorit.  There is truly a lot of boring stand alone people on the show. 

1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

To me mistakes doesn't mean lack of love.  Like I said Kyle talking about her mom on the Podcast and various comments throughout the show make me feel as if her growing up with Big Kathy was pretty typical in that her mom was always there.  I am thinking when Big Kathy died Kyle was the executor so there must have been some recognition.  I doubt Big Kathy ever questioned any of her daughters' motherhood capabilities. 

I have an entirely different vibe from Erika-she feels and has pretty much stated her mother let her down.  Maybe it has more to do with there not being a father in the picture.  Anyway the similarities end because Kyle had two older sisters and their lives weren't that comparable other than parents do criticize their children and children who want to be performers need to get use to it.

My impression is-the rest don't hire a frigging squad to exalt them into fabulousness. 

I want to like your comment about Rinna and the DSM-v about 10 times.

Yea, like I said, it's not about the love. Of course Kyle loved her mom (as Erika does her mother). That doesn't mean she loved everything about what went on in her life, or that she doesn't wish her mom had done things differently. Kyle loves Kim as well, has called her an excellent mother and person with a huge heart, yet we all know that she doesn't like everything about Kim. It's not about love. Kyle herself is a very different mother than the one she had, which generally means that you don't want to repeat certain behaviors in your own family (or at least that is the way it has worked for me). I know that you said you weren't paying close attention to Kyle when she was talking about her mother, so you might have missed the part where she was sobbing at the news that her mom thought she was a good mother. She said that knowing that her mom thought that meant everything to her. So while Big Kathy might not have ever questioned Kyle's mothering abilities, it certainly doesn't sound like she championed them to Kyle. Otherwise, I don't think she would have said she was happy to know that this was in fact the case. My mother can be a piece of work, but one thing I know for sure, and wouldn't come as a surprise to me or make me emotional to learn, is that she believes me to be an excellent mother. She tells me that every time she sees me. This seemed to be news to Kyle. 

This is just an impression I get, but I think that Kyle's new show is going to shed some light on some of the family dynamics. Oh, I know it is going to be a comedy, but that doesn't mean there won't be some honesty there. I think Kyle is preparing for the fact that there will be honesty in some of the uglier dynamics of Big Kathy's personality. Maybe highlighting her selfishness or narcissism, but in a way that tries to be humorous.  Maybe her kids rolling their eyes a lot and saying "that bitch be crazy".  I think that is what part of Kyle opening up about her mom is about. She told Erika that doing the show had brought up a lot of memories, some of them pleasant and some of them not. 

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Yea, like I said, it's not about the love. Of course Kyle loved her mom (as Erika does her mother). That doesn't mean she loved everything about what went on in her life, or that she doesn't wish her mom had done things differently. Kyle loves Kim as well, has called her an excellent mother and person with a huge heart, yet we all know that she doesn't like everything about Kim. It's not about love. Kyle herself is a very different mother than the one she had, which generally means that you don't want to repeat certain behaviors in your own family (or at least that is the way it has worked for me). I know that you said you weren't paying close attention to Kyle when she was talking about her mother, so you might have missed the part where she was sobbing at the news that her mom thought she was a good mother. She said that knowing that her mom thought that meant everything to her. So while Big Kathy might not have ever questioned Kyle's mothering abilities, it certainly doesn't sound like she championed them to Kyle. Otherwise, I don't think she would have said she was happy to know that this was in fact the case. My mother can be a piece of work, but one thing I know for sure, and wouldn't come as a surprise to me or make me emotional to learn, is that she believes me to be an excellent mother. She tells me that every time she sees me. This seemed to be news to Kyle. 

This is just an impression I get, but I think that Kyle's new show is going to shed some light on some of the family dynamics. Oh, I know it is going to be a comedy, but that doesn't mean there won't be some honesty there. I think Kyle is preparing for the fact that there will be honesty in some of the uglier dynamics of Big Kathy's personality. Maybe highlighting her selfishness or narcissism, but in a way that tries to be humorous.  Maybe her kids rolling their eyes a lot and saying "that bitch be crazy".  I think that is what part of Kyle opening up about her mom is about. She told Erika that doing the show had brought up a lot of memories, some of them pleasant and some of them not. 

It wasn't that I wasn't paying attention it is the fact the words never came from earthly Kathy.  I don't believe Erika loves her mother, her son or even her husband.  I think Erika loved her grandparents.  To me, it seems the Richards are family loyal and just believe you take care of your own. 

Kyle's new show isn't a comedy.  She has said she has been told repeatedly to repeat, "inspired by".  It is more about a woman in the seventies divorcing and her friendships.  Kyle has no creative control over the show and in agreeing with you I think she will be paying the price when Kim and Kathy are at odds with the portrayal of their mother.

  • Love 3
15 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Yea, like I said, it's not about the love. Of course Kyle loved her mom (as Erika does her mother). That doesn't mean she loved everything about what went on in her life, or that she doesn't wish her mom had done things differently. Kyle loves Kim as well, has called her an excellent mother and person with a huge heart, yet we all know that she doesn't like everything about Kim. It's not about love. Kyle herself is a very different mother than the one she had, which generally means that you don't want to repeat certain behaviors in your own family (or at least that is the way it has worked for me). I know that you said you weren't paying close attention to Kyle when she was talking about her mother, so you might have missed the part where she was sobbing at the news that her mom thought she was a good mother. She said that knowing that her mom thought that meant everything to her. So while Big Kathy might not have ever questioned Kyle's mothering abilities, it certainly doesn't sound like she championed them to Kyle. Otherwise, I don't think she would have said she was happy to know that this was in fact the case. My mother can be a piece of work, but one thing I know for sure, and wouldn't come as a surprise to me or make me emotional to learn, is that she believes me to be an excellent mother. She tells me that every time she sees me. This seemed to be news to Kyle. 

This is just an impression I get, but I think that Kyle's new show is going to shed some light on some of the family dynamics. Oh, I know it is going to be a comedy, but that doesn't mean there won't be some honesty there. I think Kyle is preparing for the fact that there will be honesty in some of the uglier dynamics of Big Kathy's personality. Maybe highlighting her selfishness or narcissism, but in a way that tries to be humorous.  Maybe her kids rolling their eyes a lot and saying "that bitch be crazy".  I think that is what part of Kyle opening up about her mom is about. She told Erika that doing the show had brought up a lot of memories, some of them pleasant and some of them not. 

I think most of us are like Kyle. There are things our moms/parents did that we wish they would have done differently, we realize that they made mistakes but we don't blame them for those mistakes the rest of our lives. I think the difference is that most of us that have/raise our own children realize that parenting isn't cut and dry and that all parents make mistakes. Nothing is a better teacher than hands on experience.

  • Love 8

Kyle was commenting on how what the Psychic made her feel.

Who cares how the psychic made Kyle feel? Apparently, we know more about how Kyle feels, regardless of how Kyle tells us how she feels...I mean, who cares about the actual words coming out of Kyle's mouth ;)


I believe Erika and Kyle have had a couple of  conversations about moms.

You don't see that as bonding, more power to you. Apparently myself and others do, more power to us.


No one cares about Erika's relatives

And yet, here we are posting about her relationship with her mother...

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, AndySmith said:

Who cares how the psychic made Kyle feel? Apparently, we know more about how Kyle feels, regardless of how Kyle tells us how she feels...I mean, who cares about the actual words coming out of Kyle's mouth ;)

You don't see that as bonding, more power to you. Apparently myself and others do, more power to us.

And yet, here we are posting about her relationship with her mother...

I don't have a problem with how Kyle feels.  I have a problem with resolution of issues coming through a psychic.  I don't believe in them, don't care if others do, don't like them on reality shows to forward a storyline (Brooks and cancer come to mind), and a certainly can't take their conversations with the dearly departed seriously. 

My reason for saying it is just a conversation, is essentially the word "bonding" is overused on these shows.  Thanks for the power.  Every time someone has a conversation that isn't a direct promotion for their storyline doesn't make it a bonding moment for me. 

There is nothing remotely interesting about Erika's mom life as portrayed on the show.  Maybe had they included footage of her in the community play or scenes with Erika's Glam Squad treating her to a make over or whatever they were suppose to do it might have registered.  The two of them just had zero chemistry on screen to me.  Erika seemed testy with her mom and maybe a thank you for the sacrifices her mother made instead of the usual Erika wanting assurances she is wonderful would have changed my opinion. 

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