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Current DCCs: My Boots Do the Talking

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It would be so crazy if they cut Caila...I haven't compared the IG counts of everyone on the team (and let's be honest, that's not the BEST way to test popularity) BUT last I checked Caila had like 20k followers?! That's pretty amazing for coming out of relative obscurity the past couple of years. And she gets tons of comments on like every picture of how beautiful she is and their favorite, etc.  I am trying to imagine the backlash if she gets cut for weight LOL  Not that it'd bring the team down or anything haha but it would certainly be interesting to see the fallout....

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4 hours ago, heatherrrrz said:

I didn't know that the non-returning vets got to participate in Draft day. Interesting. 

Yeah, I thought that once the banquet was done the retiring vets were done with all appearances.

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3 hours ago, ByTor said:

Yeah, I thought that once the banquet was done the retiring vets were done with all appearances.

No. They're done when they have to turn in their uniforms. They don't turn them in at the banquet.

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Caila is gorgeous, but she does look thick in that video (even though her dancing is great). Now, I don't think there's anything wrong with being a little thick and most men (that I know at least) prefer it, but based on the DCC standards of Kelli, Judy, and Charlotte, if they want a reason to cut her, they have it. 

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2 hours ago, Luvdallas said:

I'm sorry but calia looks very thick and extra thick next to her teammates.    I just can't believe they would keep her looking like that.   

Yeah but given how many strong dancers and vets are retiring, I'd be surprise if they didn't try their hardest to keep her.  Either overlooking the weight gain or warning her and giving her that prepared food service.  How tall is Calia?  Why does she seem like a giant next to other girls?

She is an awesome dancer and beautiful

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13 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said:

I'm just not seeing Caila looking super thick. She is like 6 ft tall so bigger overall than a lot of girls, and hose loud leggings make anyone look bigger, but Caila doesn't look out of place to me.

Caila is 5'9

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Not sure if this should go here or on the social media thread but.. Caila just put this old video up and it is interesting to see the different styles they dance and just how good they are.

Edited by BritFan
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17 hours ago, BritFan said:

Not sure if this should go here or on the social media thread but.. Caila just put this old video up and it is interesting to see the different styles they dance and just how good they are.

Who's the girl in black leggings and purple/black tank?  She is a beat behind and doesn't fully extend.  Please don't say that's Melissa!

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13 minutes ago, tobeyoungagain said:

Who's the girl in black leggings and purple/black tank?  She is a beat behind and doesn't fully extend.  Please don't say that's Melissa!

The one in that outfit behind Jennifer is Amy L (with her hair down), the other with that outfit is Amy T.

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4 minutes ago, LaurenBrook said:

The one in that outfit behind Jennifer is Amy L (with her hair down), the other with that outfit is Amy T.

Even w/ all of us noticing how much thicker Caila looks, from that video you can see that Amy T. looks just as thick as Caila from the waist down (if not thicker), only Caila is 5'9" and Amy T. is much shorter.   They probably can't really say anything to girls for being thick as long as they are toned w/ Amy T. on the squad.

Caila really is a good dancer.  If she doesn't get cut for weight, I think she should be in Show Group.  She looks great doing that combo.

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3 minutes ago, MyFavShows said:

Even w/ all of us noticing how much thicker Caila looks, from that video you can see that Amy T. looks just as thick as Caila from the waist down (if not thicker), only Caila is 5'9" and Amy T. is much shorter.   They probably can't really say anything to girls for being thick as long as they are toned w/ Amy T. on the squad.

Caila really is a good dancer.  If she doesn't get cut for weight, I think she should be in Show Group.  She looks great doing that combo.

Did she try out for show group?  She really is a strong dancer - I'm surprised they didn't showcase her more

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They spent so much time talking about how weak of a performer Caila was the first year that I don't even remember thinking she was a good dancer lol But even looking back years in her IG she really has always been pretty good and she works so hard...respect that for sure. 

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17 minutes ago, LaurenBrook said:

They spent so much time talking about how weak of a performer Caila was the first year that I don't even remember thinking she was a good dancer lol But even looking back years in her IG she really has always been pretty good and she works so hard...respect that for sure. 

seriously??  they considered her weak?  hmmmmm - she can't have been that weak if she looks like that now.  she seems really good!  what was weak about her?  oh K+J, sometimes I wonder about you guys

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Yeah, Caila was constantly being called out for her dancing...she had the intervention with Melissa where they brought in her parents to encourage her (LOL) and she was the one they were threatening to not let perform at first game. 

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I don't know either - she seems like a well trained studio dancer who is beautiful to watch.   Maybe she was weak at picking up the "DCC style"? - as that power pom/cheer style isn't usually taught in many dance studios.  If so, I'm glad they kept her and gave her a little longer to get the style - she deserved the chance cause she's clearly a good dancer.

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Kashara just posted an insta vid from class. I love her expressions, I totally see why she won ROTY.

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I remember Caila's problem in TC being confidence. She was called out for dancing, yeah, but the feeling I got was she wasn't dancing full out because she was nervous and didn't have her confidence up. She has definitely found her confidence now.

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1 hour ago, heatherrrrz said:

Kashara just posted an insta vid from class. I love her expressions, I totally see why she won ROTY.

Same!! I love Jenna but I enjoyed watching KaShara more in that clip, TBH.  Her facial expressions are so cute without being over the top.  

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1 hour ago, RazzleberryPie said:

Wasn't Caila a Jr DCC and kitty student for years? My gut says they created an 'encouragement' story line for her, but there was never any true issue.

Yeah I do remember her saying that, and there were photos of her at Cowboys games when younger.  What exactly is a "Jr DCC"?  Is that just a term for someone who does their camp and actually comes to perform at the preseason game?

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1 hour ago, RazzleberryPie said:

Wasn't Caila a Jr DCC and kitty student for years? My gut says they created an 'encouragement' story line for her, but there was never any true issue.

I'm inclined to agree with RazzelberryPie here... I mean, bringing in her parents? That sounds way too super cheesy and drama ... definitely storyline and maybe for them to say "wow look, we retrained this girl and she's now ah-mazing!"

1 hour ago, heatherrrrz said:

Kashara just posted an insta vid from class. I love her expressions, I totally see why she won ROTY.

woooo - link link link

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The bring in the parents scene with Breelan and Caila was painful to watch. I would have been embarrassed to be a part of it. I am glad they did not have Melissa as a mentor in Season Eight. I could imagine the scenes with her and Morgan. UGH!!!

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I hope Kashara stays a while! I can see her being at least an assistant GL and show group.  She is too cute. 

14 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

The bring in the parents scene with Breelan and Caila was painful to watch. I would have been embarrassed to be a part of it. I am glad they did not have Melissa as a mentor in Season Eight. I could imagine the scenes with her and Morgan. UGH!!!

HAHAHA omg! i can't even imagine...they could have bonded over both being mommies lol 

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15 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

The bring in the parents scene with Breelan and Caila was painful to watch. I would have been embarrassed to be a part of it. I am glad they did not have Melissa as a mentor in Season Eight. I could imagine the scenes with her and Morgan. UGH!!!

Ugh!  Morgan!!!  I still can't understand why they kept her, other than "story line".  I hate it when they re-run her season.  Other  people deserved to stay over her and Kaitlyn LaRae.

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Sorry! Couldn't link, social media is blocked on my work computer lol. I don't know why, I wasn't fond of Kashara last year but she grew on me.

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My initial reaction with kashara was that she was trying to be a Kellie Pickler fake yokel in the big city, but nope - Kashara is KY Country, but she isn't putting on an act, she can back it up with her dancing, and she is very smart and personable.

melissa Rycroft is anothe one who came off as goofy fake her rookie season, and honestly didn't change much. I was absolutely wrong about Kashara. I totally get why kitty was annoyed with Melissa and wanted her to stop being so goofy. 

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Love Kashara and Jenna. I prefer both of them in that combo over Caila actually. In terms of her first year, I think Caila just had some trouble picking up the DCC style. I don't remember her being called into the office (though I may be remembering wrong), so while she had some issues, she never seemed to be at risk in the same way that Breelan, Vivian, Ashley, etc were.

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LOVE Kashara!  She's just adorable.  

Someone mentioned it in another thread, but it seems more relevant here. So curious about Jacie.  I mean, the girl was heir apparent for the DCC Queen.  All she had to do this year was show up...

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9 hours ago, ThreaLevelMidnight said:

Everything about Holly P annoys me.

I want to like her, with her incredible skill level, but...I just can't. She appears to always want to be the center of attention, and her dancing is too dramatic. She should take cues from Jessica, Kashara, and Jennifer on how to dance cute and sexy but not over the top.

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I THINK Erica's IG is private so I won't post link to it on her IG, but she attended a Michelle Keys class last night (taught by Grace Sells) and holy crap, she is hands down my favorite DCC and in my opinion the best dancer/performer.  I usually love Jenna and Jessica and even Caila but I could not stop watching Erica.  She is incredible.  Glad to see she is not injured!! 

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I'm obsessed with her top, if I had her abs I'd wear that all the time. I thought the dance was a little slow at first and then when she popped I was like ohhh girl get it.

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Erica OWN this number.  Wow, she looks HOT. Pretty incredible how she stood out while the rest (Jessica, Caila, Jenn) FADED as if the never existed. 

IMO, Erica deserves to be point this season. She is IT..the total, complete DCC package.

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35 minutes ago, Twinkle said:

Erica OWN this number.  Wow, she looks HOT. Pretty incredible how she stood out while the rest (Jessica, Caila, Jenn) FADED as if the never existed. 

IMO, Erica deserves to be point this season. She is IT..the total, complete DCC package.

Agreed. She's fantastic. I like her infinitely better than Jenn K.

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I'm so torn because I DO like Jennifer and think she is a wonderful DCC and really worked hard the last few years. 

That said, I LOVEEEE Erica.  She would be an amazing point - I do think she's tall enough watching her dance with other girls. I'm not sure why I thought she was so short lol  Wasn't Crystal Trevino point her third year? 

ETA: I kind of wonder if Erica's performance to this song is fueled by a breakup with her bf. I have NO proof this happened except she used to post a ton of pics of them together and it's been radio silence for ages, as well as comments from her teammates that kind of make me wonder.  

Edited by LaurenBrook
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Jenn was at the power class? I didn't even see her. I love Jenn and her personality embodies the DCC so I'm thinking that is one of the reasons she'll probably get point but that said, she does have a distinct look about her that sometimes isn't attractive.

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We all were sure Emma and Lauren Williams would be point, too, but neither were. I wouldn't be mad at Erica at point, but still hope it's Jenn K. They do seem to love girls they can keep there for more than a year, so Erica would be a good long term choice. 

Btw I don't think Crystal was short. She looks about average height to me. She really was good dancer who just made it look so fun. 

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that's true - Emma especially.  Which is also part of why I can almost understand if Jennifer somehow didn't. They LOVED Emma and she was right near the front when Mia was point...Holly wasn't even in the front three and then the next year she got point and Emma stayed where she was.  So this will be interesting to see! I do kind of think it should be Jennifer though. 

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This makes me love Erica even more!!!!! Though I have always loved her!!! She's so beautiful and sexy!   And of course demands ur attention!!!!!!    Please be point.   

I have never been a fan of Jennifer's.    She's is not attractive at all.   At all.   She should no way be point.   In the video Calia looked slow and clunky. 

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3 hours ago, LaurenBrook said:

that's true - Emma especially.  Which is also part of why I can almost understand if Jennifer somehow didn't. They LOVED Emma and she was right near the front when Mia was point...Holly wasn't even in the front three and then the next year she got point and Emma stayed where she was.  So this will be interesting to see! I do kind of think it should be Jennifer though. 

I thought Holly and Emma were on either side of Mia the year she was point?

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