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Current DCCs: My Boots Do the Talking


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YAY!!!! I KNEW it would be KaShara for ROTY...she was clearly adored by both rookies and vets and just has the best personality.  SO happy it was her! I hope this encourages her to stick around for many years.  And not surprised about Holly either - what a great fifth year for her :)  I wouldn't have been surprised if Jacie had gotten it though either. 


And YES, the red hair color looks terrible in photos. Maybe it looks ok live but on camera...so brassy and fake.  Poor Claire - she is so pretty but that color is BAD. 

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Yep Loren is already going back to blonde lol

She probably kept the brown and red hair when she was a DCC. Now she has no reason so she wants to be blonde again.

Brandi Kilby went back to curly hair after she was done with the DCC. She too probably put up with the straight hair  to please Kelli. 

I don't get why Kelli let some DCCs/TCCs keep their curly hair (Sasha, Nicole, Courtney C, Kyndall) and made Brandi straighten hers. Didn't Paige go from straight to (natural)  curly during her rookie makeover? It seemed like she wore it straight most of the time.


RE: Dallas blonde. I remember Kelli saying Courtney Johnson was a East Texas blonde at the makeovers.

That's gotta hurt or maybe she doesn't care since she's bagged a good catch (looks money and love!).  I wonder if she was even invited!


Yes - Lauren definitely blonder!

No Paige - guess that tells us something.

I still can't remember much about KaShara ... I'm so tempted to buy the seasons so I can rewatch.

Really bummed about Jacie - next year would have so been "her" year. 


YAY!!!! I KNEW it would be KaShara for ROTY...she was clearly adored by both rookies and vets and just has the best personality.  SO happy it was her! I hope this encourages her to stick around for many years.  And not surprised about Holly either - what a great fifth year for her :)  I wouldn't have been surprised if Jacie had gotten it though either. 


And YES, the red hair color looks terrible in photos. Maybe it looks ok live but on camera...so brassy and fake.  Poor Claire - she is so pretty but that color is BAD. 

That's gotta hurt or maybe she doesn't care since she's bagged a good catch (looks money and love!).  I wonder if she was even invited!


I still can't remember much about KaShara ... I'm so tempted to buy the seasons so I can rewatch.

Really bummed about Jacie - next year would have so been "her" year. 


Agree on Jacie - if she'd stayed just ONE more year I bet she'd have been the point and PB cheerleader.  Oh well! It sounds like she has some big things coming up from the comments the other girls have made so that is exciting for her. 


KaShara is so great - I love following her IG.  She seems really cool and funny and man, she is a great dancer.  


You can watch seasons 8, 9 and 10 on youtube (at least last I looked).  They are not great quality (usually sped up or down to avoid copyright) but it's still better than buying it! 

Do you all know who has won Rookie of the Year in past years?

It would be great if we had a "season breakdown" or stats thread that goes through each of the past 10 seasons and lists things like:


* Number selected to training camp (how many vets, how many rookie candidates)

* Dance background on the rookie candidates (ie: other teams they've been on, teams they went to after being cut, etc.)

* Number selected to the team (how many vets, how many rookies)

* Tenure of the vets selected (how many 2nd, 3rd, 4th year vets, etc.)

* List the vets who retired and those who were cut

* Group leaders and seconds

* Show Group members

* Who got which award/honor (point girl, Pro Bowl, Rookie and Veteran of the year)


It would be great to have as a reference, but a LOT of work though!

Edited by sleepyjean

Some thoughts:

Yay for KaShara being Rookie of the year!  So excellent!

For Vet of the year, I'm rather "mehhhh." It's nice that Holly got it, but I would have been really happy if the honor had gone to Angela.


There has been debate on whether Paige retired from DCC or was released. That she wasn't at the banquet is confirmation her departure from DCC wasn't under favorable circumstances - i.e. She was released.

Paige got a birthday tweet from Sam Finglass saying how much she loved her. K&j's hammer must have not come down that hard.

I don't think Kelli was overjoyed or happy about releasing Paige from the squad. In fact, I think she'd have been very unhappy and really disappointed. From what we've seen in past years, Paige was well liked by the DCC Organization and probably would have come back for a 4th year if she hadn't broken the rules.


Loren has been slowly lightening her hair since the moment it was darkened. If you look back at this past year especially, her hair was a lot lighter than during her Rookie season. I think she'll be back blond by the time school starts next year!


Re: Red - I'm not sure why Kelli et al are rather obsessed with red hair the last couple years. It may be because this studio they've gone with now isn't as good as the last one, so the brunettes aren't coming out like they're supposed to.  The studio certainly can't do a terrific red.

Edited by Kaedee

I'm glad KaShara got ROTY. Two things I remember about her from last year. 

* When she and Raylee wore the wrong practice outifts to TC. When Kelli asked her she said "I guess I should have bright all my costumes with me". Never hear anyone call the uniform a costume.

* During the uniform fitting, she said "these shorts are shorter than my attention span.".


PIcture of the rookies with their rings



Edited by MrsEVH
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KaShara got Rookie of the Year and Holly of the year.





**How do you link a picture so it shows???!!

I'm hoping this works.  Click the square icon next to the quote icon in the editor and insert the URL for the photo.  I'll attempt it below with the above link


ETA- won't let me link to an insta pic but the above explanation is how to do for pics.

Edited by DCCFanInKy

Wow Mary is the only one who only did 2 years. Bummer ...


Is Vet of Year only won by departing / retiring vets?  It would have been awesome / funny if the team chose Paige as Vet of Year lol


Judy posted a pic on Twitter of the past Rookies of the Year -- they are:


2016: Kashara

2015: Mary

2014: Jennifer K.

2013: Jacie

2012: Holly



Aikes I forgot about Angela ... I feel badly for her.  She stayed an extra year for Show Group, didn't make that.  K&J weren't exactly painting a flattering picture of her during MTT.  It just sucks cause it does seem like she was hoping this would be her best year ever.  I don't know much or remember much about Holly ...


Some thoughts:

Yay for KaShara being Rookie of the year!  So excellent!

For Vet of the year, I'm rather "mehhhh." It's nice that Holly got it, but I would have been really happy if the honor had gone to Angela.


There has been debate on whether Paige retired from DCC or was released. That she wasn't at the banquet is confirmation her departure from DCC wasn't under favorable circumstances - i.e. She was released.

I don't think Kelli was overjoyed or happy about releasing Paige from the squad. In fact, I think she'd have been very unhappy and really disappointed. From what we've seen in past years, Paige was well liked by the DCC Organization and probably would have come back for a 4th year if she hadn't broken the rules.


Loren has been slowly lightening her hair since the moment it was darkened. If you look back at this past year especially, her hair was a lot lighter than during her Rookie season. I think she'll be back blond by the time school starts next year!


Re: Red - I'm not sure why Kelli et al are rather obsessed with red hair the last couple years. It may be because this studio they've gone with now isn't as good as the last one, so the brunettes aren't coming out like they're supposed to.  The studio certainly can't do a terrific red.

Wow Mary is the only one who only did 2 years. Bummer ...


Aikes I forgot about Angela ... I feel badly for her.  She stayed an extra year for Show Group, didn't make that.  K&J weren't exactly painting a flattering picture of her during MTT.  It just sucks cause it does seem like she was hoping this would be her best year ever.  I don't know much or remember much about Holly ...

Sorry, tbya - I don't understand your "Mary" comment; "Wow, Mary is the only one who only did two years..."  Cause Victoria and Loren also only did 2 years.....  Please explain! lol 


I know many don't think this is likely, but I do think Kelli gave Angela the impression that she had a great chance of being in SC if she stayed another year.  Angela had already announced her retirement ... then suddenly she's coming back for a 5th year, stating she really wanted to be in SG.  During auditions Kelli makes some prim statement about how longevity on the squad doesn't mean automatic SG. Then the camera is conspicuously on Angela's face when SG is announced and she didn't make it.

Personally, I think she handled herself with tremendous grace and poise during 2015 TC and this past year.

I do not think Kelli gave Angela the impression if she was to try out again she would have made Show Group. Angela must have changed her mind before or after the swimsuit fittings about trying out again, and she was not allowed to go to Mexico for the calendar shoot. If Kelli and Judy did not care for her, she would not have been made a squad leader. Angela did say she did try out three years for Show Group, and the one staff member did say Angela did turn down appearances before. Angela said she wanted to make Show Group in order to be able to make overseas appearances and spend time with the other girls. She may have pissed off Judy and Kelli saying that because it may have given them the impression she did not want to make local appearances, but more fun appearances to other countries instead. I also think there was a lot more to why Angela did not make Show Group for three years, and the fact she changed her mind twice about quitting for two years. Imo, trying out to make certain DCC activities or to make Show Group or be voted Pro Bowl Girl is not the best reason to come back. Either you come back and know certain things will be expected of you and not the chance to pick and choose what you want all the time. I am not saying she was not a good dancer or good representative for the organization, but thinking Kelli and Judy may pick you for Show Group if you come back for another year without Kelli and Judy saying this will be the deal is not a good idea.

I meant that she's the only Rookie of Year to do only 2 years.


Poor Angela - she was certainly so disappointed and must have been embarrassed during those episodes where she was highlighted.  No one wants to look bad.  :(


Happy Friday!


Sorry, tbya - I don't understand your "Mary" comment; "Wow, Mary is the only one who only did two years..."  Cause Victoria and Loren also only did 2 years.....  Please explain! lol 


I know many don't think this is likely, but I do think Kelli gave Angela the impression that she had a great chance of being in SC if she stayed another year.  Angela had already announced her retirement ... then suddenly she's coming back for a 5th year, stating she really wanted to be in SG.  During auditions Kelli makes some prim statement about how longevity on the squad doesn't mean automatic SG. Then the camera is conspicuously on Angela's face when SG is announced and she didn't make it.

Personally, I think she handled herself with tremendous grace and poise during 2015 TC and this past year.

I do not think Kelli gave Angela the impression if she was to try out again she would have made Show Group.

Which was why I said, "I know many don't think this is likely...." :) 

IMO, unless someone is really flighty (and Angela has never struck me as a flighty person), there has to be some reason why they would say they were going to retire, then turn around and not ... twice! I can understand once, then rethinking your decision. Twice, to me, is suspicious. 

I meant that she's the only Rookie of Year to do only 2 years.

OH!  lol  Thanks for the clarification. I was totally scratching my head. :)

Who is the middle blonde girl in between Jenna and Angela (in first picture)?  While I dislike her dress (looks like a shower curtain or my towel after I shower), I applaud how she can make even that look beautiful! 


Am I the only one who is annoyed how they always do the bend at the knees, stick out behind, chest up and leaning in pose when taking pictures?

Jenna posted a bunch of super sweet pics from the banquet: 




LOVE her dress! wow!! 

Kenzie is the blonde between Jenna and Angela.


I do not think Kelli and Judy go to certain veterans who say they are not trying out again and beg them to try out for another year. They probably miss them, but the team would have survive without Angela. Season 6 had seventeen rookies, and season 7 had nineteen rookies, and the team went on even with replacing three, four, or five year vets.

Who is the middle blonde girl in between Jenna and Angela (in first picture)? While I dislike her dress (looks like a shower curtain or my towel after I shower), I applaud how she can make even that look beautiful!

Am I the only one who is annoyed how they always do the bend at the knees, stick out behind, chest up and leaning in pose when taking pictures?

Kinzie is between Jenna and Angela. She would literally look good in a shower curtain IMO.

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She's beautiful!  Ugh - yes I'm jealous lol


Kinzie is between Jenna and Angela. She would literally look good in a shower curtain IMO.

Melissa seems so tight on time - not sure how she manages everything.  Danielle is gorgeous and seems fun and K obviously loves her but something about her doesn't strike me as quality leadership material.  They don't feature her much - is she a good dancer?


I see Jennifer, Danielle, Jessica, and Jenna as group leaders with Jinelle, Lacey, Melissa and Erica as assistant group leaders.

Danielle is gorgeous and seems fun and K obviously loves her but something about her doesn't strike me as quality leadership material.  They don't feature her much - is she a good dancer?

Danielle has never auditioned seriously for SG, I don't think. I think she's always needed to work.  I don't know that's she's one of the strongest dancers, but she isn't the bottom of the pile either.


I do believe there are years when Kelly would ask a Vet to consider staying one more season.  In any kind of group, the performance is stronger when there's a good portion of seasoned/experienced people in play. Having really new personnel is difficult, especially when you're considering how many public speaking appearances the DCCs make. It's much more stressful on management when everyone is new. From a managers POV, I would be very surprised if Kelli has never from time to time attempted to dissuade a good Vet from retiring and to stay one more year. 

To be honest about, I think one retired DCC Kelli would have wanted to try out again for the team would have been Emma since she took the place for girls who were injured during the season. Kelli also has All-Star girls who could have replace the current DCCs on appearances. She is losing some great DCCs this year, but the team will survive and come out strong.

In the cases where one (or more!) vets are asked to stay, I wonder if Kelly would waive the audition requirements.  I could see that happening if more vets retire and leave the squad "bottom-heavy" in terms of girls with experience on the squad (ie. a predominance of rookie and 1-year vets with maybe a VERY few 2-year vets), but I doubt Kelly would want to give up her position as "the only DCC who was asked to stay on the squad without auditioning".  I remember either hearing or seeing that somewhere (the old site maybe?) where it was mentioned that Kelly didn't have to audition her last year on the squad for some reason (maybe all of the more seasoned vets leaving).

I doubt Kelli and Judy will ask a vet to stay on, but they ask them to be an All-Star girl. Yes, they have had some strong performers and popular DCCs quit, but they are not in a desperate state of going to a retired vet and asking them to stay on because they down to more one year vet or on coming rookies than vets with two or more years re-auditioning again. They have been rebuilding their team since Season Five. Some lemons in the squads since 2011, but otherwise the team have survived. 

Danielle strikes me as being adored by all and has such a fun, sweet personality. Being liked translates to being listened to and respected, so I think Danielle probably makes a great second leader and would make a great first leader as well. While she isn't the strongest dancer on the team, I think she's perfectly capable of rallying a group and teaching the choreography proficiently.

I was just looking through the twitter feed for DC Star Magazine and found that they'd posted a cheerleader of the week all last season. Has anyone else seen these and wondered why some of these photos are better than the ones on the DCC page on the Cowboys website?


Case in point:


This is so much better than Holly's cameo. She's still doing the neck thing, but not as much.


Sadly, the one cheerleader who didn't get featured on twitter was Victoria. She of the least flattering DCC cameo photo of all time.

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