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Current DCCs: My Boots Do the Talking


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Holly is WAY over-dancing IMO. Whereas Danielle and Jessica had an effortless sexy when the did this, Holly just looks forced to me.

Yeah whether she's just in stadium mode in the gym or something that does seem way over done to me too.


Her body looks amazing though. Wow has she toned up!

Edited by SanLynn

This is my problem with Holly. I think she is amazing, but I feel she is too 'hard' for DCC dancing. She does overdance and her hair flicking is too over the top.


I'd like to see her go into the profession somewhere though. I think she would be amazing to watch but in a different context. DCC seems a bit tame for her style of dancing.


I wonder if she can sing or act?

Kat showing the quality of her dancing that probably got her in to DCC




She's incredibly fluid.. and those kicks!!

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Can you overdance for DCC? lol  I feel like POWER PROJECTION!!! are screamed so loud, she is just following orders. I'm sure it doesn't stand out like that on the field.  


To each their own - some will dislike her attitude when she dances, some like the facials and hair flips (I do lol).  And again - she is one of the nicest on social media.  Very gracious and sweet. 


And Kat does have some great technique! I think my gripe with her is just that she never looks...confident? Where Holly may seem TOO confident, Kat always looks like she is waiting for herself to mess up.  Which is a shame because I think she's great. 

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Imo, Holly outshines Madeline. Yes, Holly may have been over powering in one video, but the girl can dance and perform on the field and at appearances (where it counts the most.)


The same thing with Kat. She may look good in one video, but to me, she does not scream DCC. I think she was brought on to the team because of her kicks, her final solo routine, and the numerous cuts made last year. I guess we will see if she makes it back. I have the feeling she may be on the rookie cutting block.

Imo, Holly outshines Madeline. Yes, Holly may have been over powering in one video, but the girl can dance and perform on the field and at appearances (where it counts the most.)

You're right, in that this was just one video of Holly over exaggerating.

I don't know if Holly is a better dancer overall, as we really didn't get to see too much of Madeline. Kelli said Madeline was a very talented dancer.  But Holly did have more confidence, which worked in her favor. Madeline also had a distinctive style, which she'd have to work to change to a DCC style, plus her nerves got the better of her in 2015. I hope she can adapt her style and work past her nerves to succeed in 2016. :)

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I love Holly so I'm a bit biased but I really have only seen her be overtly sharp in this dance. The others she rocks but this one, she's putting a bit much into. Probably just for the video. She gets a lot of hate on here, I have to agree with the person who called her the new Cassie. Mostly because I loved Cassie back then, she was always my favorite.

Truthfully, I don't think Holly gets a lot of hate. Seems to me there's a fairly even split between those who love Holly and those who don't particularly care for her too much. Not like Cassie, where the board - it seemed to me - came down a bit more on the "don't like" side. :D

Edited by Kaedee
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Holly may come off slightly entitled, but she has mad skills. If the rumor about her sending a venting text to her mom is true, I kind of like her more for actually having a personality and not being so robotic.

Gotta take (good-natured) exception to the other girls of DCC being "robotic," cause I don't think that's remotely true.  These ladies have personality, are classy and well educated. There's nothing robotic about having good manners and being poised.


As for Holly - while there's nothing wrong with venting to a close friend or one's Mom, you'd better be DARN sure your text is going to the right person, especially when you're trashing your teammates. That's just not a good situation, especially for a newbie.

So they posted all the pics from swimsuit tryouts on the DCC: MTT FB page and there area ton of comments on them. Caila seems to be one of the most popular for sure lol  (no shock there)  I feel SO bad for Simone though - she had the least amount of comments on hers and none were too flattering. One guy said she looked out of shape! :-/ 

So they posted all the pics from swimsuit tryouts on the DCC: MTT FB page and there area ton of comments on them. Caila seems to be one of the most popular for sure lol  (no shock there)  I feel SO bad for Simone though - she had the least amount of comments on hers and none were too flattering. One guy said she looked out of shape! :-/ 


I couldn't find it at first. I went to the DCC MTT Facebook page and didn't see it  It's on the regular DCC Facebook page. The guy that criticized Simone got told off by another female poster and then he critiiczed her too. Another guy said she could use some implants and one said Jenna looked like a 13 yr old boy.  What jerks.

Edited by MrsEVH

So they posted all the pics from swimsuit tryouts on the DCC: MTT FB page and there area ton of comments on them. Caila seems to be one of the most popular for sure lol (no shock there) I feel SO bad for Simone though - she had the least amount of comments on hers and none were too flattering. One guy said she looked out of shape! :-/

I find that so strange because while Simone isn't one of my favorite dancers, to me she's one of the most beautiful on the squad. I guess I mainly look at faces though since I'm not into women, lol. Sure she doesn't have huge boobs but I don't think she looks out of shape or childish.

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Yeah, I don't get the criticism either. She really doesn't look out of shape to me - just not super toned like Holly or Stephanie. Whoop de doo.  And agree that she is one of the prettiest girls on the squad  - she reminds me so much of Jessica who I think is gorgeous.  Well, joke will be on them after the shoot because I've seen some of Simone's modeling shots and she is great. 

I criticized Holly (rookie) after seeing her in person for weight issues. Along with rookie Amy, these 2 stood out to me considerably for their size(and not in a good way). I was personally surprised that other were allowed to wear the DCC uniform given their clear weight increases and since keeping ones personal weight under control is a major part of the DCC contract.

I am thrilled to see how Holly has taken her one minus imo and made it a positive. She looks fantastic and I believe in giving credit where credit is due. I still believe that when Amy is photographed straight on, her hips look big, period. The diaper white shorts do not help her figure or many other womens either. They are simply unforgiving & I'd like to see them updated again.

Holly has wicked dance skills. Holly's figure is 100% improved. Can Holly take a beautiful let alone sexy photo? This is the big question for me given the fact her cameo was really, really bad. I believe this year's cameo shots were the worst ever. Still- Holly's neck is non-existent. Her head appears to sit on her shoulders. This is my one remaining gripe of Holly which can maybe be fixed via photoshop. Holly will always be a athletic yet healthy body and a strong performer. She serves as an attractive option vs the lithe glamazons of DCC past. I find her hard work inspiring. I will be pleasantly surprised if she manages to get a spot in the swimsuit calendar. Then she will have truly come full circle - imo.

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How dare he! Doesn't he know we're the only ones who can critique our precious DCC!!

I know it's wrong but I am laughing so hard at what the Simone criticizer guy said back to the Simone defender chick that told him off. He should join our board:

"Ok, I saw your pic and you're not fat. Just not pretty and you need to have change you smile or pose in the pic. If you notice in your pics your head and face are all in the same angle as if one face was photoshopped in all of hem. Just sayin"

I know it's wrong but I am laughing so hard at what the Simone criticizer guy said back to the Simone defender chick that told him off. He should join our board:

"Ok, I saw your pic and you're not fat. Just not pretty and you need to have change you smile or pose in the pic. If you notice in your pics your head and face are all in the same angle as if one face was photoshopped in all of hem. Just sayin"

It's more funny when you look at the pages of both parties. She was right in saying he could never get a DCC, and the chick he's criticizing isn't exactly ugly either.

That was Taylor Kelli called out. She was in training camp at the time so it makes sense they are keeping an eye on everyone...in every way!

No, the incident she's talking about was during Whitney's finals interview her rookie year. If memory serves she was wearing nothing but yellow caution tape wrapped around her and I think might have had a beer in hand. I'll never forget her talking head reaction to the picture. "Oh poop."

Edited by Oranaiche

I think Holly does look awesome in the video, her dancing skills are great, but if she dances anything like that on the field she will just look so odd next to the others.


I love watching the other clips of her too, she is super talented. I agree that her cameo shot is awful, it looks a bit like she is arching her back to stick her boobs out.. and after seeing her swimsuit shot she certainly doesn't need to. And her head is tilted all strangely. :( They made her look a lot less attractive than she is imo.

I'd be very interested to see how her bikini shots go, I feel she needs someone to give her good direction. I like the picture of her with Stephanie, she looks much softer in her expression and more approachable.

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Actually, I was just scrolling down Holly's Instagram to see what colour her natural hair colour was and saw she was on So You Think You Can Dance!




(Apologies if this has been mentioned before).


Is it bad to say I wish she could find something better than DCC? I've said before I think she'd great in a show or something, and it seems a pity that she is doing the same slightly tame DCC stuff. I hope she does it for a few years and then gets her big break..


Move over Melissa Rycroft, Dancing With the Stars would be amazing with Holly!!!

I am really crossing my fingers that Holly's swimsuit pics are awesome! She has obviously been practicing by doing all kinds of modeling these past few months.  That is another thing I like about her - she is talented but she puts in WORK. All kinds of dancing, modeling practice, fitness programs...no one can say "well, Holly, we need you to try harder if you want to stay on this squad." lol  


This is NOT to say the other girls don't put in work - they probably do and just don't show it on social media.  I'm of course only going off what I see online and so can at least appreciate Holly for it. 


I would have loved to have seen her on SYTYCD! I forget how far someone said she made it - Vegas? I'm sure she will go on and do other dance related things...maybe go on tour with artists (like Stephanie Heymann and Evan Anderson did) as back up dancing, who knows. She is so young, I don't blame her for having a blast with DCC for a while. 

whoa - definitely too much!  What is happening there Holly?  She's usually such a great dancer.  Is that Danielle and Jessica in the back?  Didn't think they looked good at all.  Girl on the left wasn't great... Jennifer K. is one of the few girls that literally looks like she's performing but in such an effortless fun and talented way.



Holly is WAY over-dancing IMO. Whereas Danielle and Jessica had an effortless sexy when the did this, Holly just looks forced to me.

She looks amazing!!  Remember when people were ripping on her for her stocky build and weight?  She looks very athletic and in shape.  Gives stocky girls like me hope … that is, if I can manage to put down the pizza and fries (dipped in ranch)!!

I wonder if they get personal training for free … I have no idea how these girls afford to look as amazing as they do.  That stuff costs $$$ or maybe it’s cheaper in Dallas?

She works with a trainer - she's posted a couple of videos of her workouts: 



I kinda liked that about her ... she was so not perfect and seemed very human with dumb mistakes made as a clueless youth.  Sometimes I look at some of the DCCs and they seems a bit plastic - so put together, beautiful, smiling, nice, talented, skinny, etc etc.


No, the incident she's talking about was during Whitney's finals interview her rookie year. If memory serves she was wearing nothing but yellow caution tape wrapped around her and I think might have had a beer in hand. I'll never forget her talking head reaction to the picture. "Oh poop."

I'm sad to see Kinzie leave the team.

Someone brought this up before, but the last few seasons we're kind of missing the Glam Girls.  Don't get me wrong - the DCCs are gorgeous. But Kinzie, Katy, Kelsi, Jordan C, Deryn, Amy Reese, Brittany Schram to name a few. They had a more glamorous, sultry look about them; to me, anyway. Erica gets that in her picture, so does Stephanie. But it the girls in the last couple years tend to look more sporty pretty than Glam. Of course, that's by my view and sultry is in the eye of the beholder....


Oh well. lol

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I agree that her cameo shot is awful

Yeah, I agree. I feel bad for her. I know when I'm all done up, I look in the mirror and think I look pretty good, then I'll see myself in a picture and think yuck, I HOPE this isn't what I actually look like, so I certainly can sympathize. I do think she looks better in that SYTYCD with darker hair, I really don't get Kelli's recent thing with red, red isn't the most flattering on everybody.

the girls in the last couple years tend to look more sporty pretty than Glam.

I agree, they seem to have more athletic builds as well.

whoa - definitely too much!  What is happening there Holly?  She's usually such a great dancer.  Is that Danielle and Jessica in the back?  Didn't think they looked good at all.  Girl on the left wasn't great... Jennifer K. is one of the few girls that literally looks like she's performing but in such an effortless fun and talented way.


She looks amazing!!  Remember when people were ripping on her for her stocky build and weight?  She looks very athletic and in shape.  Gives stocky girls like me hope … that is, if I can manage to put down the pizza and fries (dipped in ranch)!!

I wonder if they get personal training for free … I have no idea how these girls afford to look as amazing as they do.  That stuff costs $$$ or maybe it’s cheaper in Dallas?


Danielle and Jessica are in a different video from a previous night. I know that Simone is in Holly and Jennifer's group, as is Caila, but I don't think they are in the video clip posted here. 


I doubt they get training for FREE but I do wonder if they get a discount if they agree to advertise for them on IG.  Like, I could tell you who Holly's trainer is, Hunter's, etc. because they post about them and show clips of workouts. 


Ooo!! A lot of great ones!! Little Amy L is a lot more photogenic than I thought she'd be. And Stephanie really does look great in those pictures. It was so hard to pick! KaShara was my number one though...dang, she is gorgeous! 

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