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Current DCCs: My Boots Do the Talking


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I don't think a cut vet has ever made it back. Anyone know of any who have?

One of the few vets who left and came back - any we can carry this over to the former DCC if needed, was Whitney Ott from the original 2 hr special. Official word was she left to address an eating disorder, but there were allegedly some very brow-raising reasons suggested in the old TWOP board. Kitty's faves get special treatment sometimes.

To keep on topic, Kashara - love her - I think they underestimated her - thought she was their very own Kelli Pickler out of a KY holler, who would be entertaining, but maybe not DCC, and she's blown them out of the water. She's a natural leader, very witty, but approachable, and has toned up and erased any weight concerns. I hope she stays a while, and I wouldn't be surprised of she's rookie of the year.

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I don't think a cut vet has ever made it back. Anyone know of any who have?

One of the few vets who left and came back - any we can carry this over to the former DCC if needed, was Whitney Ott from the original 2 hr special. Official word was she left to address an eating disorder, but there were allegedly some very brow-raising reasons suggested in the old TWOP board. Kitty's faves get special treatment sometimes.


I thought Whitney Ott left because she was pregnant and then came back when her daughter was like 2 or 3 years old?

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If this is Kat in the green or blue green top in the video, she needs to up her game because she looks to be off count a little and sluggish compared to the other vets in the video.     https://www.instagram.com/p/BAyixPkkLfs/?taken-by=jessicamarie127


I noticed that too...I don't know if she's sluggish so much as she is...lost?  The other girls all seem so confident.  Even if they aren't right with Michelle they can ad lib and work it to make it look like they totally know what they are doing.  Kat is just not as good at that yet.  Will be so interesting to see how she does at tryouts this year...I know she is a fan favorite and they all really like her but she honestly looked out of place there.  I like her a lot though so I hope she makes it again! 


I was impressed how great Jessica looked in that dance.  She doesn't always stand out in a big way to me but she was a lot of fun to watch...so was Jacie. 

If this is Kat in the green or blue green top in the video, she needs to up her game because she looks to be off count a little and sluggish compared to the other vets in the video.     https://www.instagram.com/p/BAyixPkkLfs/?taken-by=jessicamarie127

I really like Kat so I hope this was an off moment.. what I really wanted to say was, isn't it a pity there is no choreography like this in the actual DCC dances?

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I really like Kat so I hope this was an off moment.. what I really wanted to say was, isn't it a pity there is no choreography like this in the actual DCC dances?

FOR REAL!! Could they not bring Michelle in to do some new fresh choreography for them!? She was a DCC, is a Kitty favorite and KILLER at choreography.  She could make it more "DCC style" than this but still have it be something fun and new. Ugh. I'd watch this a thousand times before Thunderstruck lol

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FOR REAL!! Could they not bring Michelle in to do some new fresh choreography for them!? She was a DCC, is a Kitty favorite and KILLER at choreography.  She could make it more "DCC style" than this but still have it be something fun and new. Ugh. I'd watch this a thousand times before Thunderstruck lol


Seriously! Michelle is amazing. I went to a dance workshop in Dallas back in August and she (and Kim who is also awesome) were there, too. Michelle was unreal, way better than the rest of us. Even the instructor (Jasmine Meakin) was like "damn." She'd be a huge asset to the DCC.

Who were the other girls in the video - I recognized Jessica and Jenn K., but were any of the others DCC? The blonde girl in the very middle was really good.

In front was Jessica, Michelle (former dcc) and Jenn K

In back was Alex (former dcc), Jacie, Kat and Caila

So that's why the blonde in the middle looked good it was Michelle.

Kat is just so tiny. She could learn from Jenna - she has to make her moves twice as big and twice as precise or she looks like little kid trying to keep up. I like Kat, so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and wonder if she just hadn't learned the routine yet.

I like Caila a lot, but it seems like she lives at Kitty Carter's,so if she has more time there, she's going to have the routine down more than someone who also works elsewhere. Kat is good and I think earned her spot, but she's an odd ball. She's clearly invested in being a DCC, and I think she'll be back for another year. She may be a two-year gorl, but that's still impressive.


Jessica looks amazing there. She honestly did not wow me at all with some of the performances posted here. She looked slightly off and not like she was going full out, but she is amazing in that video. Jenn K is killing it, too. 

I think they do look lie there's a little bit of new choreography on the sideline routines. Most of the Fireball routine looked new, and there was another one that also looked new. They're never going to change Thunderstruck. I think they used to alternative pre-show routines more, then had a few years where they did nothing but Thunderstruck, because they were choosing girls for the TV Show that just weren't that great. Now, even though they've had super strong teams for a few years, Thunderstruck has become tradition, and you know how they are about tradition. 

I think they do look lie there's a little bit of new choreography on the sideline routines. Most of the Fireball routine looked new, and there was another one that also looked new. They're never going to change Thunderstruck. I think they used to alternative pre-show routines more, then had a few years where they did nothing but Thunderstruck, because they were choosing girls for the TV Show that just weren't that great. Now, even though they've had super strong teams for a few years, Thunderstruck has become tradition, and you know how they are about tradition. 

Seriously! Michelle is amazing. I went to a dance workshop in Dallas back in August and she (and Kim who is also awesome) were there, too. Michelle was unreal, way better than the rest of us. Even the instructor (Jasmine Meakin) was like "damn." She'd be a huge asset to the DCC.


OMG! I saw those videos when Michelle posted them on her IG and FB!! She really did absolutely kill that choreography...I had to force myself to watch anyone else.  Just so funny since she never stood out to me at all on DCC...except the special clip on the swimsuit shoot where she was like "I like to do push ups before I get my picture taken, make my muscles pop! haha!" and I thought that was cute.


And yeah, Jen K was awesome in the clip too...but seriously, I've never been unimpressed with her dancing.  I think part of it is she has such great facial expressions. She just always looks like it's so natural and easy.

Erica Perry did not make the final squad in 2005 so yes, she was cut.

I am not really sure what happened with Whitney Ott the first time she was on the squad.  I read many stories.  She was shown coming back in 2005 and she made the team and stayed for at least two years.  She is, my opinion, one of the best dancers they've ever had on the squad.  Same with Whitney Islieb.  I seem to like Whitneys.  

I have to say that Michelle Keys was not a stand out from what was shown on the MTT show.  But man, is she not just a powerhouse of a dancer?  I would love to see her do something nationally.  Why she is not brought into training camp for critiquing is crazy to me. Forget Melissa Rycroft, who is pregnant with her third child so maybe she is sitting this one out (fingers crossed), bring in Michelle to help the TCC!

Edited by caligirl50

What I think is sad is that we never really see the veterans dancing.  I would love to see the veterans doing a routine without all the edits/cameras, etc.  Danielle is an amazing dancer.  But we never to get to see her dance on the show (I love Danielle).

I watch the show to see dancing to great music.  Unfortunately, that is something that is rarely shown.  :0[

Edited by caligirl50
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My biggest and loudest critique of the show is that we NEVER see a dance from beginning to end, and what we do see is chopped up so badly you can't tell what they're doing. These girls are the best of the best - you can see it when pro bowl clips are posted here, and they're compared with other pro team reps.


Seriously, why can't we just see a routine - even a two minute sideline routine if not a full blown pre-game show or half time show - without five camera cuts per second. Those cuts aren't exciting or entertaining. They just look like they're hiding something. If they're afraid of cheer spies stealing routines, then get over it. It's pretty obvious what's originally DCC, and other teams really don't execute things the same way. 

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I don't think a cut vet has ever made it back. Anyone know of any who have?

Yes, there was a DCC who was on the team for 1 or 2 years then left. She later re-auditioned and made it back and was on the squad for something like 5 years. I was trying to find her but can't. Since the former site was shut down and the current DCC site is crap, it's more difficult to find information on former DCCs.


I think more cut Vets would re-auditioned if the show wasn't televised.  It's difficult to get cut on national TV in the first place. But even if the Vet works really hard and comes back, it would be humiliating to not make the team again, especially when Kelli et al let on girls who are less proven.


Anyway, back to current DCCs - anyone want to guess on who will be a Rookie one-hit-wonder this year?  I'm thinking maybe Kat...  She just looks less sharp than the other dancers.


Also, anyone think Danielle will audition for her 5th year alongside Jessica and Jenna?

Edited by Kaedee

re. One Hit Wonder Rookies.. I wonder if there will be some surprises.


I'd like Kat to come back. She doesn't look as strong in the HipHop classes but I just feel she has a good attitude and is a good ambassador.


Maybe Amy T to go and Simone, perhaps someone like Stephanie - or else she will get a make over so she doesn't look so much like Loren. I hope Robin stays, she looks so cute and fun.


Wouldn't it be a massive upset if someone like Holly didn't re-audition!  I feel she is a bit wasted on DCC. She has more to give perhaps going into Theatre or something.

Having watched the Christmas and Breast Caner Awareness routines, I actually think it is less about how great a dancer you are and more about the personality you bring to the performance. The dancing isn't very challenging.  *hint* if you're reading this board DCC representative.. more diverse dances please!!!


Michelle Keys has more recent videos of dancing DCC (Jenny K, Jessica, Caila, Kat, Jacie). Interesting seeing another group do the same dance that rookie Holly rocked (or maybe did over the top a bit much) last week. Kat looks stiff and lost as ever. If it's possible, I think she's worse than Breelan and Ashley Pro ever were. I think she will be really lucky if she makes it back a second year - accolades of being a rhythmic gymnast and all she's older and hasn't showed much improvement all season.

Kaedee was that vet cut or left on her own?

I'm not totally sure, but I think she left on her own. Then she came back, auditioned as a Vet and made it back on the squad for 4 or 5 years. It was in the 1990's I think.

But it was definitely pre-series.

I know Carrie Stillwell Griffith left of her own volition, then when she re-auditioned they didn't want her. And I thought she looked good!

Anyway, if I can find the girl I'll post in the Former DCCs section. :)


As far as Holly being too good for DCC, I don't think that. If she is, then Megan and Melissa would be as well. I think Melissa is on par with her or better. IMO, anyway.

I sort of get the impression that Holly is very ambitious and maybe could use her experience as a stepping stone. I'm not a huge fan of hers, I think in photographs she comes across awkward and twists her body into strange positions.

I guess I can imagine her doing something dance related in the future. In which case DCC is a bit tame.


Agreed that Melissa is fantastic dancer. I wish they'd show more of her in training camp. They always rave about her routine but only show a couple of seconds of it. I saw some of her routine on instagram and she's great to watch.


Oh dear, not much Kat love! I'll stick with her lol!


Megan I love too. She has a great charisma that comes across. Her dancing never looks forced. I could imagine her being with DCC for years. She just looked instantly at home.

I kind of wonder how long Holly P will stay.  No secret that I love her lol and I don't necessarily think she's the BEST there (agree that Melissa is also amazing, as is Megan, Erica, etc.) but she seems very dedicated to mastering a bunch of different styles and taking advantage of performance opportunities.  I could see her staying for a couple of years but maybe moving on to something else by the time she's 20/21.  She is SO young still.


I really hope Kat makes it back because I agree she has a wonderful personality and seems to try very hard, but it will be interesting to see.  She really stuck out in that video as lost and stiff but maybe she was having an off night? I do think she is more fun to watch still than Ashley P or Breelan.  They always looked like they were just kind of half-assing it.  I appreciate the girls who really give it their all even just for a small class like that.

Megan I love too. She has a great charisma that comes across. Her dancing never looks forced. I could imagine her being with DCC for years. She just looked instantly at home.

I thought so too! It looked like DCC was a comfortable pair of denims for her - she fit right in. I agree: I think she'll be around for awhile.


Regarding Melissa - I also wish DCC:MTT would show more than mainly the TCC that are in trouble. We only got snippets of her during her pre-Rookie TC. 

I think DCC:MTT would have a lot more life/longevity if it focused on ALL the TCCs wanting back on the team. People tune in and want to see the Vets they love, the Vets they watched in TC. Plus we'd like to see ALL the Rookies candidates; those who are good and the marginal TCCs. And now that the Vets are eligible for being cut just like the rookie candidates, they're trying to "make the team" as well.

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The best season they've had was the one where they followed the girls after making the team - showed Jackie Bob and Colin at work, choreographing the BCA show, etc.

Maybe shift the show into season 11 as Made the Team and focus on some vets. We could do auditions in 3 episodes and then show them actually learning, performing, etc.

Btw I agree that Megan T is one of the best and I wish they'd show her more.

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