CrazyInAlabama December 28, 2018 Share December 28, 2018 New-Older Woman Mauled by Boxers, and Daughter in Law saw this and went into shock-Woman and daughter in law (DIL) went to unlicensed tax preparer on 31 March, (hope IRS is watching this), and when they went to his house MIL was attacked by Boxers (dogs of course, the other way would have been much more interesting), and MIL was bitten on hand. Long time later MIL went realized she was bitten on breast by dog (not mentioned in medical record until 18 April). Medicare should have covered it, but MIL had bill sent to defendant. I suspect that MIL and DIL are soul mates, in the scammer sense. Defendant, shady tax preparer, knew the women were coming to his house, man and wife didn't answer the door, and taxes weren't ready. Plaintiffs get $1500. The MIL should have used Medicare, and sued him for the 20%. DIL should get a life. New-Grizzly Moving Accident -(Man loses part of finger helping boss move concrete grinder)-Defendant who owns small construction company wanted to ship a concrete grinder, and had employee help him prep it for shipping. Plaintiff works for defendant 3 to 5 days a week, and they claim it was at the boss's house, and no Worker's Comp claim was filed, because it was not at business. Not through homeowner's insurance either. Plaintiff's attorney couldn't find a business or other insurance record of defendant, and JJ sent it back to where they're from, because she found out that everything is in the wife's name. She advised the plaintiff to find another attorney, and get a lot more than she can award. I hope the authorities in New Jersey (I guess that's where they're from) watched this, and find out if the shipment happened from the man's house or not, and if Worker's Comp applies. Grandmother Raises Ungrateful Brat-Grandmother who supports herself with disability and social security ($800 a month plus food stamps) was hit up by granddaughter (grandma raised her until 14) for loans for Christmas, and bills. Granddaughter claims they were gifts, not loans. Granddaughter had full time job, two kids, and an unemployed husband. Firsts loan was for back rent, $450. Second loan $1,500 as co-signer at bank, for Christmas. Foolish grandmother borrowed from her credit card, and wrote a check to deadbeat, ungrateful brat she helped to raise. At the same time grandma gave $400 to deadbeat druggie nephew who lived with the granddaughter. Transfer fee for the loan was $45. Totals $1950 so far. I missed the end, and if JJ gave grandma $1950, she was more generous than I am, because she knew the granddaughter and nephew were both deadbeats. He Treated Me Like a Queen-Defendant loaned new girlfriend money for bartender school, and race fees (5k races). Supposedly after they broke up was when he loaned her the most money. Defendant says he was just jealous of her new relationship, and the loans were gifts. Defendant claims they were no loans, and plaintiff is lying. He has text messages that plaintiff responded to, but she claims she never saw the only one about repayment. Plaintiff might have been gullible, but defendant is a thief, and a loser. I think they were gifts until he knew she was never coming back. Zero to plaintiff. 5 Link to comment
arejay December 29, 2018 Share December 29, 2018 (edited) Sorry, Your Honor, but that lady absolutely went into that house unannounced....and unexpectedly. At my house, that incident would have ended much more tragically. Edited December 29, 2018 by arejay s & g 13 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama December 29, 2018 Share December 29, 2018 I want to know who leaves their front door wide open, and then is shocked when someone comes in the house? The tax prep man is lucky it was only the little old lady, and her loser daughter-in-law, and not the local stick up artists. She should have submitted it through Medicare, and then just charged him the 20% she probably would have had to pay. She was looking for a bonanza, and so was the daughter-in-law. 10 Link to comment
Byrd is the Word December 29, 2018 Share December 29, 2018 (edited) 15 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said: I want to know who leaves their front door wide open, and then is shocked when someone comes in the house? I will often leave the front door open and the storm storm closed to let in some extra sun. Never has anyone just walked in without ringing the bell first. And I don’t understand what’s so egregious about watching television in your home at 5PM on a Saturday, even if you’re expecting someone. Clearly these two oddball plaintiffs entered the house uninvited. Personally, I thought JJ shot the wrong party through the grease. Edited December 29, 2018 by Byrd is the Word 10 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama December 29, 2018 Share December 29, 2018 (edited) I think part of JJ's reasoning about her verdict was the plaintiff wanted the ER bill sent to the tax preparer, when she had Medicare, and didn't even submit it for payment. And the daughter-in-law wanting a bonus for seeing the attack, and her medical bills. I think the entire tax preparation, and the attack was bizarre. I wonder if that man is legally allowed to charge for preparing taxes? I find it ridiculous that the woman and the DIL waltzed into that man's house. My storm door has a very secure lock, and I wouldn't leave the main door open without locking the storm door. However, if I was going to a house where I was expected to visit, and the front door was wide open, I wouldn't enter until one of the residents came to the door. That woman's lucky that she only had a hand bite, and I'm not sure I believe the boob bite. The boxer nailed her hand, and then went closer? I don't think so. Edited December 29, 2018 by CrazyInAlabama 11 Link to comment
AngelaHunter December 29, 2018 Share December 29, 2018 21 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said: New-Older Woman Mauled by Boxers, and Daughter in Law saw this and went into shock Just saw this. Is there no level to which people will not stoop to scam some money? Seeing MIL get a nip on the hand caused daughter-in-law to go into such shock she had to be hospitalized? Probably wasn't even a bite, but a tooth snagged when the dogs were jumping around. She didn't want medicare to pay her bill, oh no. She and her DIL, at this shocking and horrific mauling, had the presence of mind to think they would prefer not to have the funds go directly to the hospital but to wait and sue def for the big bucks. Outrageous. Couldn't stand def. either. 21 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said: Granddaughter had full time job, two kids, and an unemployed husband. More scammers. She files her tax returns as a sainted single mother to get the max back because the kids all have her name, while hubby or boyfriend makes himself invisible and doesn't file at all, even though he did work 6 months and spent the other six sitting on his ass waiting to be recalled to wherever he worked. "It's just the way we do it," sly granddaughter says all innocently, as though JJ is an idiot or that makes it okay. 21 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said: He Treated Me Like a Queen Plaintiff is such a dull-eyed idiot and a sucker, showering gifts on some person he met online. He deserves whatever he got. Def. was not likable, particularly when she said he gave her stuff constantly so of course she just accepted it all. Who wouldn't? She also deserves the harassment from idiotic plaintiff. Daon and Daquan and chopped off fingertip: The only part that interested me was that Daquan appeared to wearing a suit he got from someone who is about 8" taller than he is. 10 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama December 29, 2018 Share December 29, 2018 Deadbeat granddaughter-I agree. I bet granddaughter was filing as head of household, claiming the kids, and ignoring boyfriend's income. You can actually get more money back than you earned for that category, in some cases. I think they just came on the show because they thought grandma could get a bunch of free money from Byrd. I can't believe that someone who makes less than $10k a year made loans to deadbeat relatives equaling almost 25% of her income, and already knows neither one will pay her back a penny. Online Romeo-What is the attraction? They meet online, she probably has any number of other fools that think she's wonderful, and are giving her money, and he thinks he's getting that money back? 7 Link to comment
Byrd is the Word December 29, 2018 Share December 29, 2018 (edited) 53 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said: Plaintiff is such a dull-eyed idiot and a sucker He gave me the willies. This creeper has a sinister side. She was lucky to get out with her skin still attached to her body. Edited December 29, 2018 by Byrd is the Word 7 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama December 30, 2018 Share December 30, 2018 (edited) I guess he's the male equivalent of the desperate women litigants who meet someone, and then throw money at them, and then when they break up it's a loan, not a gift. He should have cut his losses, and just blocked all communication with her, and considered the money gone. Now he's shown the entire country that he's desperate, needy, and a schmuck too. Edited December 30, 2018 by CrazyInAlabama 5 Link to comment
Byrd is the Word December 31, 2018 Share December 31, 2018 On 12/29/2018 at 7:08 PM, CrazyInAlabama said: Now he's shown the entire country that he's desperate, needy, and a schmuck too. He’s also been shown to overspend on unattractive, dim witted, bitchy women so his Facebook friend requests are probably plenty. 5 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama January 1, 2019 Share January 1, 2019 (edited) One of today's episode- (because of some football bowl I've never heard of, the next part plays at about 5 a.m. tomorrow. I so glad I have a DVR) Endangered Children or Jealous Ex?- Woman loaned money to ex, and he gave her laptop to his attorney, (to find shenanigans for evidence for custody maybe?) Plaintiff gets $2214, and her ex looks like a nut. She has bad taste in ex-husbands. Stormy Fence Fight-23 feet of common fence is taken down in a storm, and plaintiff wanted to replace the fence, and did. Defendant says plaintiff did rotten job on common fence. Defendant says no agreement for fence, said the plaintiff's bad effort to do fence is so bad, and he's not paying for it. The plaintiff only put in some new vertical boards, and some fence posts, but used almost all of the old, decrepit lumber. Unfortunately, there's a phone message where the defendant tells the plaintiff to fix the common fence, but use the least amount of money he can. My guess is the plaintiff has only been patching the fence when he has to, and is too cheap to pay for a decent fence replacement, by a real fence builder. Defendant claims he meant pay for materials only, not labor. Plaintiff gets $100. Edited January 1, 2019 by CrazyInAlabama 6 Link to comment
Brattinella January 1, 2019 Share January 1, 2019 1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said: Endangered Children or Jealous Ex?- Woman loaned money to ex, and he gave her laptop to his attorney, (to find shenanigans for evidence for custody maybe?) Plaintiff gets $2214, and her ex looks like a nut. She has bad taste in ex-husbands. THIS was a scarier-than-usual defendant. He never stopped frowning, and I do hope he never gets custody. 5 Link to comment
AngelaHunter January 1, 2019 Share January 1, 2019 1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said: Plaintiff gets $2214, and her ex looks like a nut. She has bad taste in ex-husbands. I guess Mrs. Wright is one of these women so desperate to be a "Mrs." she'll not only take the first nut that comes along, but decides it's a great idea to have three kids with her lawfully wedded weirdo. She wanted him, she got him. Good for you, ex-Mrs. Wright. Now deal with that pain in the ass, that craphead(tm Brattinella) you chose. I enjoyed JJ's torturing of the snow-flakish little twat, Giovanni Morales, who thinks he's very cute and whose Mommy thinks it's someone else's fault that her precious baby got alcohol poisoning. Mommy heard how her boy lied to her, how he drank even in high school and that he guzzled hard liquor (but, oh - he didn't know! He never had spirits before!) all by his little self (no one held him down and funneled the booze down his twerpy throat) but when JJ gives her nothing, Mommy is all like "Wait a minute! My pampered baby boy, my precious one, nearly died!" Yeah? So what? Live and learn, right? Although it's strange that def. has a bunch of silly teenagers as his buddies, Giovanni's misfortune wasn't his fault. 40 minutes ago, stewedsquash said: I got a Roku for Christmas and I am a James Spader freak Have you seen "Secretary"? If not, please do so immediately. 5 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama January 1, 2019 Share January 1, 2019 Yes, Mr. Underage Drunk Beer Pong was a special snowflake wasn't he? His mother is a fool, and I'm betting many of the parties he got drunk at were at mommy's house, and on her dime. I think it's too bad the local authorities don't bust more of the underage booze hounds, and their enabling parents. I wonder how many people have been injured or killed by snowflake and his buddies over the years? The other part of the episode is the loony 'author' of a detox cookbook, and she was suing the co-author who was supposed to pay her part of the profits, however there were no profits, so the woman gets nothing. However, she does get the chance to get publicity for her stupid book. 5 Link to comment
Byrd is the Word January 1, 2019 Share January 1, 2019 12 hours ago, Brattinella said: THIS was a scarier-than-usual defendant. He never stopped frowning, and I do hope he never gets custody. “I do odd jobs to make ends meet.” “I take care of my kids.” “I don’t pay child support because I have my kids half the time.” Father of the Year ladies and gentlemen. 7 Link to comment
zillabreeze January 1, 2019 Share January 1, 2019 (edited) 14 hours ago, stewedsquash said: Happy New Year! Getting it in now because I got a Roku for Christmas and I am a James Spader freak and have spent the weekend smooshed as much as possible on the couch watching Boston Legal. Ahhh, Alan Shore and Denny Crane. Then it is on to my beloved Burn Notice, with more yummy men, ha! I may or may not have a bag packed since the 1980 decade just in case James Spader darkens my doorstep and asks me to run away with him... My soulmate!!! James S could read the phone book and I'd be enthralled! If he shows up, please consider a sister wife arrangement. What is that little cute thing he does with his mouth in Boston Legal? I want to taste that. Roku came with my TV. You have inspired me to fish it out of the drawer and make it work. Edited January 1, 2019 by zillabreeze 5 Link to comment
Zahdii January 1, 2019 Share January 1, 2019 (edited) Roku is the best. Completely changed the way I watch TV. I didn't understand it at first but just clicking on different channels available on the Home screen was enough for me to figure out a lot of its abilities. Now if I want to watch You Tube, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, etc., I can sit in my comfy chair instead of sitting in front of the computer. I also like the music channels. There's even an America's Test Kitchen channel, although it only plays the episodes from the current season, so it's limited in entertainment value. You still need a paid account to view Netflix and the like, but it's still nice to have. Edited January 1, 2019 by Zahdii 4 Link to comment
Byrd is the Word January 1, 2019 Share January 1, 2019 (edited) Huh. James Spader is a sex symbol. Whoda thunk. Who says the internet is a time waster? Edited January 1, 2019 by Byrd is the Word 2 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama January 1, 2019 Share January 1, 2019 (edited) Today's reruns- Shocking Tree Trimming-Plaintiff and adult son are suing next door neighbor's brother for chopping down two mature, lovely cherry trees in the middle of her back yard. The defendant was hired to get rid of two small, dead trees and brush on the property line. After that the defendant chopped down the two cherry trees without permission. The mother paid the defendant $400 for the brush clearing. Defendant is a jerk, you can tell and he claims his brother got permission from the mother to cut the trees down, but after that the grown son told the man not to touch the trees until he contacted his mother. The defendant went back and chopped the two trees down. There's something wrong with the defendant, even his brother looks embarrassed. $5,000 for the plaintiffs. Ex-lover Slashing-Plaintiff woman suing ex-boyfriend for slashing her car tires, and vandalizing her truck. It was retaliation for her getting a new boyfriend, she says. Defendant looks like a psycho. Plaintiff took her boyfriend to work, and when she came home her tires were slashed, and there is a witness. The plot thickens, he was staying with her, left for the weekend, and was surprised to find another man there the next morning. Witness is a neighbor, and defendant's goose is cooked. Defendant actually looks ashamed. Plaintiff gets $1800 for the tires, and truck damage. Defendant claims current boyfriend went out and smashed the ex's car windows out with a bat, but plaintiff says it wasn't her idea. What a lively neighborhood they live in. Mystery of the Missing Altima-Plaintiff's 2010 Altima ($14000 paid for car-owes $13,000) towed to mechanic, and since it wasn't driveable, she cancelled the insurance. She paid the mechanic $900 for transmission repair. Then the car disappeared from the mechanic's shop. Plaintiff claims she's still paying the car note, $298 a month payments. Now plaintiff claims she's paying car note, but there's no way to see the payment. She's claiming that she made extra payments, and was only a little late on payments. The car came up missing from the mechanics lot after she was late on the payments, repo. is so possible. She claims the bank gave her an extension, on March's payment, but payment was due on 1 April according to the bank letter, not 1 May the way she claims. Miss Giles, the plaintiff keeps crying and whining, and I want to smack her a good one. I wonder if Byrd will do it for me with the Fly Swatter of Death if I ask him nicely? Plaintiff cancelled her insurance when the car went into the shop, and the car note is now due in full, since you have to keep insurance coverage on financed vehicles. Wells Fargo doesn't play, and I recognize the logo on the letter, so she's toast. Nothing for the plaintiff, Judge Judy dismissed with prejudice to go back to the local Small Claims case. Plaintiff claims the police report saying stolen proves nothing, and she's wrong. Plaintiff should be charged with making a false police report. Defendant mechanic says plaintiff picked up car and transmission weeks before she reported it stolen. Ex-lover Check Fraud Injustice-Plaintiff deposited several checks from defendant in her bank account, using her account information, and the checks were bad. Plaintiff also claims defendant stole her license plates. Checks 1900+, 1600+, from Western Beef Retailing. When plaintiff got copies of the checks her name for To, was on it, and police couldn't arrest him because they didn't see him touch the checks (total bull). Police report says unknown person. Defendant boyfriend is on probation for five years for driving with a suspended license (14 suspensions). If the checks were from the Western Beef in NYC, it's gone, and there are a lot of questions about the closure. There are a lot of texts about the checks, and she has them. Defendant said in texts he will fix the check deposits. Plaintiff is so stupid she tried to deposit a Nigerian scam check, and send the extra to them, and the bank stopped it. So plaintiff has bad taste in boyfriends, and is totally stupid too. Why should anyone believe that the defendant did the deposits, instead of plaintiff, since she's tried to put fake checks in her account before? Not me. $3954 for plaintiff, and I suspect she did it herself, or was in on it with the boyfriend. Edited January 2, 2019 by CrazyInAlabama 5 Link to comment
bad things are bad January 2, 2019 Share January 2, 2019 Nissans were not having a good week on JJ. A Versa the other day, and now an Altima--neither of them really old, and both requiring expensive repairs. It's possible that owners that didn't take good care of their cars were part of the problem, but modern cars really have to be abused to break down. Usually. 4 Link to comment
Byrd is the Word January 2, 2019 Share January 2, 2019 (edited) 33 minutes ago, bad things are bad said: Nissans were not having a good week on JJ. A Versa the other day, and now an Altima--neither of them really old, and both requiring expensive repairs. Funny, we have a late model Altima. It’s a great car but I’ve also heard bad stories about their CVT transmissions. So I’m semi anticipating a day when I have a similar problem. So maybe look for me on a future episode because I will also drop the insurance and deliver the car to some half wit, half qualified mechanic. I’ll be the one with the text message evidence on the phone I replaced the day before my appearance. 19 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said: Plaintiff is so stupid she tried to deposit a Nigerian scam check The way she explained that check to the judge was as if everyone receives checks like these on a regular basis and we’re all dumb enough to take them to the bank. No big deal. Edited January 2, 2019 by Byrd is the Word 5 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama January 2, 2019 Share January 2, 2019 I've read that the Nigerian scammers actually get fewer idiots to deposit their checks, but the few who do deposit them are taken for larger amounts, so the trend is more money taken. In the Altima case I found it interesting that the mechanic said the woman had her car towed to another shop, and took the rebuilt transmission with her, then reported it stolen later. So my guess is she took it somewhere else, and either resold it, or the repo company got it, it sold for nothing, and then she still owes the loan amount. Or my other guess is she sold it for scrap, resold the transmission, and then reported it stolen. I'm hoping the local court looks at registrations, and finds out where the car is now. I bet a VIN number search will be very informative, unless she sold the car and transmission to someone who ripped it apart for parts. 6 Link to comment
KittyMom4 January 2, 2019 Share January 2, 2019 On 12/29/2018 at 5:40 PM, CrazyInAlabama said: Online Romeo-What is the attraction? They meet online, she probably has any number of other fools that think she's wonderful, and are giving her money, and he thinks he's getting that money back? Both of them looked dopey and slovenly, I kept squinting at the TV to see if maybe one of them had 'nice eyes' or an 'inviting smile', nope. The plaintiff looked like he could start drooling at any minute and the defendant was a scheming heffalump with an ice cold heart. "Those were gifts! He's just jealous because I found another (probably) stupid idiot to shower me with money!" Ugh, and I thought the dating pool in my 50's was shallow and dirty, these two were young! On 12/29/2018 at 8:08 PM, CrazyInAlabama said: I guess he's the male equivalent of the desperate women litigants who meet someone, and then throw money at them, and then when they break up it's a loan, not a gift. He should have cut his losses, and just blocked all communication with her, and considered the money gone. Now he's shown the entire country that he's desperate, needy, and a schmuck too. I wanted to feel sorry for him, I really did, but when the defendant pointed out that he only started demanding the money after he found out she was boinking some other doofus, my sympathy disappeared. Dude, you got scammed, learn from it and move on, don't go on nat'l TV and tell everyone! On 12/31/2018 at 9:13 PM, AngelaHunter said: He never had spirits before!) all by his little self (no one held him down and funneled the booze down his twerpy throat) but when JJ gives her nothing, Mommy is all like "Wait a minute! My pampered baby boy, my precious one, nearly died!" Hahahaha, I remember this one from the first run, I had this same thought then "Darwinism will win this." 5 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama January 2, 2019 Share January 2, 2019 Reruns today- Marine Claims Ex Stole Gun and Trashed Truck- The announcer should stop calling the plaintiff a Soldier, he's a Marine. This is the one where the defendant, who looks like Hulk Hogan in a dress, claims the plaintiff should pay rent for storing his truck on her property, and claims he was living with her while he was in Alaska on training. Defendant claims she gave his sergeant the gun, but can't prove it. Plaintiff also claims she wrecked his jacked up muddin' truck (I hope I got that right), and though he has no proof, I think the ex trashed his truck and hurt the suspension/wheel. He found receipts in his truck for purchases she made while he was gone. She totally trashed his wheel, even though he can't prove it. It costs $4700 to fix the truck, Hulkette isn't getting the tow fees either. Defendant gets nothing, including 10 days rent and utilities. JJ really tried to help him, but not enough evidence. $1,517 to plaintiff. He Likes It Hot-exes sue over moving costs and dog-Plaintiff suing for moving expenses, stolen dog, and rent. Plaintiff's way too tight dress was in about 15 years ago, not now. Fought over heating, and cooling temps, she grabbed his phone (wonder what was on that). Plaintiff changed the settings on his phone to make it hers, which means she destroyed his phone. She also wants rent, and JJ said she stole his phone, changed the settings which is stealing. JJ wants to know where the dog is, and doesn't believe him when he says he saw the dog when he was moving the furniture out. Then plaintiff claims he came back later, stole the dog, and though she made a police report, they wouldn't print it until she gave defendant back his phone-not happening. I don't know how it came out, but I bet the dog got out, and she decided to claim the dog was stolen. I don't know how it ended, but I really hate the plaintiff, and hope she didn't get a thing. Motorcycle Racing Family Drama-Man fighting colon cancer says son stole motorcycle, and had him falsely arrested-Can't go to work, but can race motorcycles? Plaintiff claims he can't work, but races motorcycles. He was denied disability, then appealed with an attorney, and got 18 months back disability, and bought the motorcycle, but it was registered in the son's name. He lived with the son's family for six months, then they had a fight, and dad moved out taking the motorcycle. Son reported the motorcycle stolen. Plaintiff moved in with ex girlfriend, and left the motorcycle in sister's garage. Plaintiff was racing the motorcycle (healed from 10 broken ribs), and got arrested for the motorcycle theft, but he had outstanding warrants for something totally unrelated. Claims the son stole the motorcycle, Son says the motorcycle was in his name for helping out the dad. Dad has been booted by son, brother, and who knows how many others. The other son testifies for dad, and this one's on disability too, and Dad now lives with him. How nice Byrd supports the entire family. The defendant has three kids, the girlfriend has three kids, and two girls live there full time. Defendant son has bike, and all registration, bill of sale, and title is in his name. Nothing for the plaintiff. Single Old Lady Scam-old lady says unlicensed contractor scammed her-This is the infamous I bought him a tile cutter, and he did nothing much. The tile cutter was about $350. He was supposed to entirely tile her bathroom, insulate, wall board, etc. and barely did anything. Then he got sick, and he's never finished it. So he still has her $200 and the tile cutter. Personally, I wouldn't want him in my house, since he looks like his basement is full of bodies. I could have happily not heard about his blockage, and hernia. $532 for the plaintiff. 7 Link to comment
Byrd is the Word January 3, 2019 Share January 3, 2019 (edited) 32 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said: Marine Claims Ex Stole Gun and Trashed Truck The only thing of interest to me in this case is how the hell the two of them got so banged up. Both had splints on their wrists and Howdy Doody plaintiff could barely walk 32 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said: I could have happily not heard about his blockage, and hernia. Sounds like he had the Roto Rooter colonoscopy treatment for that blockage. TMI for sure. 32 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said: Personally, I wouldn't want him in my house, since he looks like his basement is full of bodies. 😂 Edited January 3, 2019 by Byrd is the Word 7 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama January 3, 2019 Share January 3, 2019 (edited) I was hoping the blockage was a kidney stone. A friend who popped out four big babies over the years, swears her kidney stone was worse than labor, and the pain was way above the pain scale of 1-10. If it was that, I'm betting he screamed like a banshee. Edited January 3, 2019 by CrazyInAlabama 6 Link to comment
AngelaHunter January 3, 2019 Share January 3, 2019 4 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said: The defendant has three kids, the girlfriend has three kids, and two girls live there full time. Defendant son has bike, and all registration, bill of sale, and title is in his name. Nothing for the plaintiff. I was wondering if anything came of Daddy's threat in the hall. I mean he's so very sick he can't work at any job of any kind, but can drive a truck all over the place and race motorcycles, so I wonder if with his dying strength he can wreak more havoc on his son's life. 4 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said: This is the infamous I bought him a tile cutter, and he did nothing much. I understand why he thought he could rip the plaintiff off. She's someone who hires a so-called contractor who agrees to finish her bathroom - a contractor who charges 650$ and doesn't have a tile cutter. I have to say you get what you pay for. But gee, he was generous with himself. 350$ gets you a pretty upscale tile cutter. Mine was 59$ and does the job just fine. 4 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama January 3, 2019 Share January 3, 2019 I loathed the father in motorcycle/false arrest case. He's the type of person who has been thrown out of every home he's been in, was arrested for an unrelated warrant and still blames the son, and obviously put the motorcycle in the son's name because the authorities would have found out about the other warrant if he tried to register it in his name. 6 Link to comment
KittyMom4 January 3, 2019 Share January 3, 2019 15 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said: I don't know how it came out, but I bet the dog got out, and she decided to claim the dog was stolen. She did say the dog was back, I too believe the dog got out and she wanted to be vindictive. 35 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said: I loathed the father in motorcycle/false arrest case. He's the type of person who has been thrown out of every home he's been in, was arrested for an unrelated warrant and still blames the son, and obviously put the motorcycle in the son's name because the authorities would have found out about the other warrant if he tried to register it in his name. I agree! The only reason you don't register a vehicle in your name is if you have legal troubles, back child support, outstanding warrants, or, if your my brother, 3 DUI's. I'm always amazed how stupid people are. Glad he didn't get anything. 5 Link to comment
AngelaHunter January 3, 2019 Share January 3, 2019 10 minutes ago, GoodieGirl said: The only reason you don't register a vehicle in your name is if you have legal troubles, back child support, outstanding warrants, or, if your my brother, 3 DUI's. Or maybe even so Byrd won't find out you're not as disabled as you let on, if you're racing motorcycles. To late, scumbag. Now everyone knows. A show I was watching the other night, the "Inspector General"(?) walks into a gym and up to a big, burly guy lifting some serious weights. "Are you Mr._____? I understand you're too disabled to work at any job?" "Oh, shit", guy says. "Am I going to jail?" If only that would happen to all the parasites we see on this show. Sorry to hear about your brother, GoodieGirl. Damn.:( 5 Link to comment
KittyMom4 January 3, 2019 Share January 3, 2019 (edited) @AngelaHunter, no apologies needed, he's a typical JJ litigant: his poor choices are everybody else's problem, not his fault. He's a selfish jerk who thinks the world should bow to him. I maintain a frosty relationship with him to keep my parents happy, once they are gone (not anytime soon I hope) I'm done. 9 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said: If only that would happen to all the parasites we see on this show If only life was fair! They should have a show similar to Cheaters, where people on disability/workers comp are caught in the act and confronted. The voiceover at the end can tell us how they paid restitution and/or did jail time! Edited January 3, 2019 by GoodieGirl misspelling 5 Link to comment
Zahdii January 3, 2019 Share January 3, 2019 1 hour ago, GoodieGirl said: If only life was fair! They should have a show similar to Cheaters, where people on disability/workers comp are caught in the act and confronted. The voiceover at the end can tell us how they paid restitution and/or did jail time! Well, Cheaters is fake, but I know what you mean. Years ago, there was a show (20/20, Primetime Live, etc?) that would occasionally follow disability scammers and prove to the world that they were lying about their health issues. I really liked it when they'd walk up to some guy just finishing a 10 mile hike and ask him where his crutches were. For some reason those people were never glad to see the camera crew. I met a woman a few times who married one of those cretins. She worked, he didn't. He was always being chased by the cops for various infractions and they didn't catch him very often because he could run like the wind, jump a fence like a deer, and zig zag through traffic like Frogger on crack. I asked one of his relatives one time where he worked, because I heard someone talk about his paycheck. I was told that he "worked for the state". Found out later that was code for getting disability benefits for a fake injury. Yeah, Mr. Parkour supposedly had a back injury so severe he could barely walk. 5 Link to comment
SRTouch January 3, 2019 Share January 3, 2019 (edited) 2 hours ago, GoodieGirl said: She did say the dog was back, I too believe the dog got out and she wanted to be vindictive. (didn't watch, so my comments are based on my sometimes faulty memory) I seem to remember she claimed the dog was stolen right up 'til D's witness stood. Witness didn't say a word, somehow P suddenly admitted the dog was back home. Quote I agree! The only reason you don't register a vehicle in your name is if you have legal troubles, back child support, outstanding warrants, or, if your my brother, 3 DUI's. I'm always amazed how stupid people are. Glad he didn't get anything. Or, if I'm remembering correctly, dad was trying to scam son's employer... didn't son work at the motorcycle shop, and bike was purchased with son's employee discount? Uh, which would mean apple didn't fall very far, as son was in on that purchase scam. 1 hour ago, AngelaHunter said: Or maybe even so Byrd won't find out you're not as disabled as you let on, if you're racing motorcycles. To late, scumbag. Now everyone knows. And dude even explains his various scams right here on national teevee, and acts like that's just the way things are done 27 minutes ago, Zahdii said: Well, Cheaters is fake, but I know what you mean. Years ago, there was a show (20/20, Primetime Live, etc?) that would occasionally follow disability scammers and prove to the world that they were lying about their health issues. I really liked it when they'd walk up to some guy just finishing a 10 mile hike and ask him where his crutches were. For some reason those people were never glad to see the camera crew. I met a woman a few times who married one of those cretins. She worked, he didn't. He was always being chased by the cops for various infractions and they didn't catch him very often because he could run like the wind, jump a fence like a deer, and zig zag through traffic like Frogger on crack. I asked one of his relatives one time where he worked, because I heard someone talk about his paycheck. I was told that he "worked for the state". Found out later that was code for getting disability benefits for a fake injury. Yeah, Mr. Parkour supposedly had a back injury so severe he could barely walk. Reminds me of the case (think it was on Hot Bench) where some woman moves into some Texan's home, gets him kicked out by reporting he has guns in the house, then he ends up having to go to court to get her out (months later). As I remember, she is on his surveillance cameras moving heavy planters around outside, carrying her belongings out to the car, and then when marshal/deputy shows up to escort her off property she needs a walker.... Edited January 3, 2019 by SRTouch 8 Link to comment
AngelaHunter January 3, 2019 Share January 3, 2019 46 minutes ago, SRTouch said: And dude even explains his various scams right here on national teevee, and acts like that's just the way things are done But I love when the scams backfire. "It's my motorcyle! I paid for it!" JJ: "Sorry. It's in his name. It's his bike." Oh, the righteous outrage. Or when people cheat on their taxes by selling a car for e.g. 5,000$ but saying it was 1K for tax purposes and get back only that amount. Sometimes there is justice. 7 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama January 3, 2019 Share January 3, 2019 (edited) Today's reruns- Teenager's New Home Burns Down-18 and 20 year old girls buy trailer, pay in full for 4k, woman who owns it won't get out because her next one in another state isn't ready yet. Then when woman has everything she owns moved out (appliances and furniture), it mysteriously burns down before the new owners can move in. Defendant paid $2800 for the next trailer, and used the other $1,200 for living expenses, and moving. Defendant was running an errand, and came back to the trailer burned to the ground. You know that old bag burned the place down, and her appliances and furniture were all out of the trailer (bet they were in Conway, Arkansas where she lives now). That woman absolutely torched that trailer, and stole that money from those girls. The plaintiffs get $4k back. Marijuana Laced Brownies-Woman claims ex boyfriend fed pot brownies to her dog, and kept her belongings when they broke up. Plaintiff wants 'her' dog back, from defendant. The dog has been with defendant, and new girlfriend for five months, so she's not getting visitation with the dog, or the dog back. Plaintiff wants dog back, to live with two cats it's never met? Not happening. She wants her fishing pole, and dining table back. Plaintiff gets $25 back for table, and returned fishing pole. Plaintiff's witness claims defendant fed pot brownies to dog, no proof, and witness claims he was living with her at her house after he was already with the new girlfriend, and living at his parents. If it's true, it's not living with, it's called side piece, and I don't believe it. Counterclaim for promise ring, it was a gift, so he gets nothing. $25 for plaintiff, and fishing pole back. I'm Glad I Had My Mom Arrested-Defendant mother sold car to daughter for $4k, but it was worth much less, and wanted F-150 she had sold to daughter previously for daughter's half brother, plaintiff's son had no license, and looks like a total idiot. Plaintiff did not sign title over, but told daughter to sign title for her, car registered, and insured. On a shallow note, plaintiff needs a decent bra, and a major root touch up, her hair looks like I did it, and I have no hair talent. Plaintiff wanted truck in her name, because idiot son didn't have a valid license. Then plaintiff repo'd the car back, also known as stealing the car. Plaintiff got arrested for car theft, and says "who has their mother arrested?" The answer is someone who has their car stolen by their mother. Mother wouldn't take payments after she repo'd the car, and sold it in October. Idiot son has Florida license, but didn't bother getting a California license (I bet there is a reason the village idiot son didn't get that license, I wonder if the license is valid in Florida). Plaintiff got mad when daughter took truck back, and wouldn't accept payments, and repo'd and resold the car in October. That girl should wave bye-bye to mother and half brother (using only one finger on each hand), and never look back. Daughter got car back, and will do payments for car, and if she's not current Marshall's will pick up car. Nothing for anyone. Gift Giving 101-Suing defendant for loan for her to move. Defendant is Sainted Single Mother of Two (SSMOT), needed a thousand to move to new place, she texted plaintiff begging for funds, and stopped repaying $100 a month. She totally played the plaintiff, and probably thought he would forget the loan, because he didn't want to be shown to be a fool on TV. She started to pay him back, and then she stopped, and still owes $800. She worked there, but she claims she was giving him discounts, and if that's the case, I bet she no longer works there, because using your employee discount for customers is a big no-no. My guess another woman who preyed on customers that are sweet on them, for loans they never intend to repay. $800 to plaintiff. The second episode tomorrow is a family beat down, Edited January 4, 2019 by CrazyInAlabama 5 Link to comment
AngelaHunter January 4, 2019 Share January 4, 2019 15 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said: Defendant is Sainted Single Mother of Two (SSMOT), I bet she's a SSMOT because whatever loser guy(s), no matter how marginal they may be who got drunk or high enough to want to jump her bones woke up the next day and said 'Oh, HELL no! I'm outta here." Another scammer too dumb to keep her lies straight. 15 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said: (I bet there is a reason the village idiot son didn't get that license, Omg, I was trying to think of how to describe him, and you nailed it. He does look like a village idiot from some medieval movie. I don't even want to know what was going on inside his mouth. Holy moly. Mom is a virulent hag who looked like someone clocked her right in the face with a frying pan, who rips off her own daughter (who had the most savagely microbladed brows ever) by charging her way more than the car's book value. Daughter bought it anyway, because she said, 'It's easier to buy from my mom." Who thinks it's easier to overpay? Translation: "My credit is in the toilet so I either have to pay 75% interest or take whatever I can get. 8 Link to comment
Byrd is the Word January 4, 2019 Share January 4, 2019 (edited) 1 hour ago, AngelaHunter said: Omg, I was trying to think of how to describe him, and you nailed it. He does look like a village idiot from some medieval movie. That guy is so severely messed up I was almost afraid to comment. Even JJ gave him a pass for having his arms folded across his chest. The mother looked 2/3 normal but there is definitely a lot of pee in that gene pool. I hate these car titling/registration cases. Following them is like a shell game, which I guess is the point of it in the first place. In the end it's just another operator trying to job the system. 'Nuff said. 17 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said: The dog has been with defendant, and new girlfriend for five months, Two former girlfriends team up to litigate against this little weasel. If the blond in the short shorts had the sense God gave a cricket she would have taken that as her signal to run like hell but instead she shows up, dog in tow, to support him. She'll likely squeeze out a couple of his kids and then show up on a future episode looking for money owed or the value of the broken screen iPhone he "destroyed". The bottomless pool of litigants. 17 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said: Defendant paid $2800 for the next trailer, Proof positive that you make mostly bad decisions is residing in a $2,800 trailer in Conway, AR that you bought by screwing a couple of teenagers that clean up other people's messes for a living. Bitch. Edited January 4, 2019 by Byrd is the Word 5 Link to comment
bad things are bad January 4, 2019 Share January 4, 2019 1 hour ago, Byrd is the Word said: If the blond in the short shorts had the sense God gave a cricket she would have taken that as her signal to run like hell but instead she shows up, dog in tow, to support him. She'll likely squeeze out a couple of his kids and then show up on a future episode looking for money owed or the value of the broken screen iPhone he "destroyed". The bottomless pool of litigants. I'd make book on this happening. She should have run like the wind, but I'm sure she's congratulating herself that she's different, and hotter, and he'll change for her. 6 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama January 4, 2019 Share January 4, 2019 (edited) Today's reruns- Pool Feud- A woman in Ponca City, OK sold a house as is, that turned out to have a defective above ground pool lining. It sold during the winter, and when the new owners uncovered the pool it turned out the liner had a big tear, and needed to be replaced. However, the woman had called a pool company in 2015 about a new liner, but did not replace it, lied on the disclosure form, and her husband actually got an estimate on a new liner. The new owners win the pool liner money, but since the show pays for it, the idiot defendant just gets embarrassed on TV a little, which was fine with Buffie Diebler, who is a total jerk. The idiot defendant is such a liar. The defendant's husband got a written estimate after they listed the house, and before they lied on the disclosure, and the husband signed that the pool was in fine working condition. Plaintiff gets $2500 for the pool liner. Raise Your Hand If You Were Drinking-A stupid car wreck that the one driver swears happened in a way that would require stunt drivers from a movie. Everyone involved in the accident, except one plaintiff had been drinking. However, the defendant wife says the plaintiff woman was drinking a lot. Plaintiff pulled into her driveway, and claims defendant pulled next to her truck and hit it. The defendant drive has such a stupid explanation for the accident that no one would ever believe it. Defendant also lied about how the accident happened to insurance company, so claim was disallowed. Plaintiff didn't put through her insurance because of her $1,000 deductible, and she receives $1,000 to pay that. Depression Drinking and Deceased Baby-Family fight, and it sounds like a good one. Plaintiff woman is suing her sister for a lot of garbage. Plaintiff moved into niece's house (plaintiff and defendant were adopted sisters), plaintiff came home after four days, and there was a fight. 4 April plaintiff was talking to dog in cage, they were all drunk, in kitchen and plaintiff brought up topic of her niece's deceased baby, and claims the niece kept the CARCASS (exactly what she said) around for days. Defendant claims she doesn't drink, and mother (defendant's witness) doesn't either, so violent drunk was plaintiff. Next morning (4 April) plaintiff filed for restraining order against sister/niece, and wanted her removed from the mother's house, fortunately judge disallowed temporary restraining order. Mother didn't want plaintiff there either. Plaintiff returns to house, with police to notify defendant of the trial date. Mother and sister have changed locks, after plaintiff lived there for four days only. They never gave the plaintiff a key. Poor old mom testifies that after two days, she told plaintiff to get her butt out of the house. By 3 April the fight happens late at night. Plaintiff also had violent fight with defendant's minor son. Plaintiff didn't want to move, because residence at the home is a bail condition. Plaintiff claims false arrest. No medical records for plaintiff. Plaintiff was trespassed from house on 3 April by police, detained her, tried to involuntarily admit her to psych ward, released from hospital (doctor said she wasn't nuts enough to keep), and got her stuff from house with escort. Plaintiff wants money for hotel, etc. and JJ told her to stuff it. Plaintiff thinks JJ talking about her background is funny. JJ also asks the plaintiff if she wants to talk on national TV to 10 million of us about her criminal history, mental health hospitalizations, and other juicy tidbits, plaintiff says that's fine with her. I was hoping for a two part recitation of her criminal history, but no luck with that. Nobody gets anything. They should never let that heifer back into the house, or they may not live long enough to regret it. Real Estate Nightmare-Plaintiffs bought house from defendant, and gave her a 10 day lease back after closing. Defendant claims moving company did damage on move out, including siding damage, foundation damage, damage by Pods. Defendant settled with movers for $1,000 for damage to house she no longer owned, and kept the check. Plus, the defendant's son hit the side of the house too. They get $1,000 from defendant from moving company, and $1,500 from escrow. Edited January 5, 2019 by CrazyInAlabama 2 Link to comment
Byrd is the Word January 5, 2019 Share January 5, 2019 (edited) 2 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said: The new owners win the pool liner money, but since the show pays for it, the idiot defendant just gets embarrassed on TV a little, which was fine with Buffie Diebler, who is a total jerk. Evasive Buffie (not) the vampire slayer's comments in the hall made it clear that she was entitled to her entire line of bullshit because the plaintiffs failed in their due diligence and should have discovered the problem on their own. Buyer beware is clearly her mantra. Loser. Edited January 5, 2019 by Byrd is the Word 3 Link to comment
AngelaHunter January 5, 2019 Share January 5, 2019 22 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said: Defendant claims moving company did damage on move out, including siding damage, foundation damage, damage by Pods. I really wanted to see these Incredible Hulk movers, who managed to damage the foundation of a house. JJ was right - they're all scammers, but def was disgusting in her utter shamelessness. I do believe she thought she was cute, judging by her silly grin. 22 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said: Buffie Diebler, who is a total jerk. A hideous total jerk. Whatever she had done to her face has not yielded the results she was hoping for. Another one who is totally shameless, even when made to look ridiculous. Yes, I always call service companies to ask for an itemized list of repairs, but no - I have no intention of getting anything done. It's just a hobby of mine. Plaintiffs were pretty dumb, especially hubby, who couldn't seem to grasp the concept that when you're winning you keep your pie hole shut and put your hand down! 22 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said: Depression Drinking and Deceased Baby Skipped. I was afraid it was a repeat of the "Caucass" which I also skipped the first time. 22 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said: Raise Your Hand If You Were Drinking Bunch of damned idiots. I should have skipped that as well. 3 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama January 6, 2019 Share January 6, 2019 (edited) Did they have a picture of the last case house? My guess is it's a mobile home, and it was siding and skirting that were damaged, and my guess is they had a POD (is that company all caps? I'm not yelling, just trying to do the company name) delivered and picked up, and I bet defendant wanted it as close as possible, and they clipped the house. If it is a mobile, they could have hit the house hard enough to hurt the underpinings that support it, or knocked the house sideways. I think the plaintiffs said something about the defendant's son hitting the house with a truck, so I bet he did a lot of damage too. I'm guessing that the woman didn't want to pay for extra days for the Pod, so she had anyone who could lift a box filling the pod, and maybe a moving truck, and they didn't worry about damage, since closing had happened already. Edited January 6, 2019 by CrazyInAlabama 4 Link to comment
TheLastKidPicked January 7, 2019 Share January 7, 2019 On 12/25/2018 at 10:10 AM, AngelaHunter said: Omfg YESSSS. They need to move this show to HBO. This is a brilliant idea. You can guess how much drama they have to cut out to make it view able on a regular tv network. Imagine how much they could leave in if it were on HBO instead! 6 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama January 7, 2019 Share January 7, 2019 (edited) Today's new episode (all week my cable guide says the first episode each day is new); Bad Teen Driver Crashes Into School-Son drives big SUV to school (formerly worth $7500), and Haley Burlison borrows his truck, and hits the school overhang/porch pillar, and does $10k of damage. Her parents have been making payments but it's $17,500 total. Plaintiff mother of 8 thinks her kid isn't too much of a liar, but she had told him no one else can drive the truck after son let Haley drive it once before. I guess defendant Mom didn't see the video of the high speed crash before. I'm just glad that no one was standing by the overhang when Crash Burlison hit the overhang pillar, or this would case would have been in a real court with criminal charges, and wrongful death suits to follow. So plaintiff son is a fool, his mother is an idiot, Haley is a terrible driver, and her parents are fools. The defendant's mom somehow thinks this isn't her fault, and her daughter has no license, no insurance, and the parents didn't want her to have a license, which tells me a lot about Haley. What the hell kind of haircut is the defendant's witness wearing? It seems to have wings. Which goes with the bird brain he seems to have to think JJ won't think he's lying. I think he's lying, and I haven't even heard his 'testimony'. Plaintiff gets no money for her truck, and deserves nothing. I guess plaintiff Mom didn't have full coverage, but only liability on her snowflake's truck? In my world that idiot would have been back to riding the bus, but I'm betting he has another big SUV or pick up truck by now. Defendants are paying $10k for the school. Pre-Valentines Day Surprise Break Up!-Plaintiff got dumped by defendant right before Valentine's Day. Ouch! Plaintiff and defendant had a lease, leaving a whole lot of lease left. Defendant moved out for a week, and plaintiff stayed, but can't afford to stay. Suing for lease breaking fee, which each will owe. $1800+ total. Plaintiff isn't getting back pay either, for back rent. Defendant lost job, and didn't pay, and after she got a job she didn't pay either, then dumped him. Splitting up property is the usual garbage. Defendant claims she lent plaintiff $1k, but skipped on the rent for many months. Plaintiff gets his half of the lease breaking fee, $925, and defendant gets a table or something back. . Quickest Way to End a Friendship-Defendant rented room from plaintiffs. She's accused of trashing the room, and not paying rent for 3 months because unemployment, but went back to paying. Defendant owes $1200 for back rent. I hate the defendant, she's entitled, and thinks she owes no one for anything. Defendant also moved out and left plaintiff's on the hook for two additional months. Of course, the defendant has the 'shocked, who me?' look at the plaintiff saying there were damages. Defendant thinks she's on Jerry Springer instead of Judge Judy, and I hope she chimes in again and gets thrown out. Plaintiffs get $900 for unpaid rent. plus 206 more for damages, and utilities. Edited January 8, 2019 by CrazyInAlabama 7 Link to comment
AngelaHunter January 8, 2019 Share January 8, 2019 1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said: Pre-Valentines Day Surprise Break Up!-Plaintiff got dumped by defendant right before Valentine's Day. Ouch! I think you mean "Valentimes" Day? Are the producers trolling JJ and by extension us? Do we need to hear about stupid babies ("It was mines")Trevin vs. his dopey g/f, Ms. Tran - again from MN(!) - and their stupid playing house and wanting all kinds of stupid shit, like furniture that seems to have come from the dump, now? And call me picky, but that lip/tongue thing Trevin did after every sentence he spoke? I hate that. Litigants, I beg of you: Keep your damned tongues in your mouths. Ick. Just got this new 50" TeeVee (thanks, Byrd) and it's so HD I can hardly stand it since everything is way too clear now. I was thinking I can't take any more, but then I read this: 1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said: What the hell kind of haircut is the defendant's witness wearing? It seems to have wings. So I guess I'll have to hang in there, if only to see that. 5 hours ago, TheLastKidPicked said: Imagine how much they could leave in if it were on HBO instead! JJ could all all the swearing out loud that she does only in her head now. 6 Link to comment
Byrd is the Word January 8, 2019 Share January 8, 2019 2 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said: So plaintiff son is a fool, his mother is an idiot, Haley is a terrible driver, and her parents are fools. The defendant's mom somehow thinks this isn't her fault, and her daughter has no license, no insurance, and didn't want her to have a license, which tells me a lot about Haley. I enjoyed this case. It’s refreshing to see mostly normal people litigate something that truly matters and not a $25 fishing pole. That said, I had a largely different take on this. I don’t think we ever got the whole truth from either side, but I’m not as convinced as JJ that the defendant actually had permission. And even with permission, and in spite of the fact that the plaintiff does bear some responsibility for the crash I’d he did in fact allow her to drive, I don’t see how Haley completely escapes the responsibility for the destroyed truck. I don’t think there was a discussion about insurance on the truck and whether or not there was a claim filed. Haley’s remarks in halterview referenced “harassment” on social media and bullying on the part of the plaintiff. I have a feeling I’d call that stuff something beside bullying and harassment given those circumstances. Legal liability aside, Haley did nearly $20,000 in damages to the property of others and could have easily killed or maimed someone. You should expect some serious blowback snowflake. 9 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama January 8, 2019 Share January 8, 2019 (edited) My guess snowflake Haley's idea of harassment is very different from what we think of as harassment. I wondered about insurance too, and wonder if the unlicensed, uninsured driver voided any insurance claim? Haley was allowed to drive the truck in the church parking lot, and I'm betting that it wasn't the only time either. I have the feeling that there were a bunch of times Haley went joy riding, and I bet the truck kid's buddies had fun in that truck too. My personal guess is that the son's punishment was getting a new vehicle, and Haley's was nothing also. I bet Haley has driven a lot, but hopefully anyone who saw that video won't let her drive again. I'm wondering why Haley's parents don't let her drive? My guess is that she's been driving for a lot of years (farm kids do where my relatives live), and I bet this wasn't her first accident, just her most widely televised. Edited January 8, 2019 by CrazyInAlabama 7 Link to comment
Byrd is the Word January 8, 2019 Share January 8, 2019 4 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said: I'm wondering why Haley's parents don't let her drive? Everything anyone needs to know about why Haley isn’t a licensed driver is in that 3 second video. There are lots of good drivers with shitty judgement. There are lots of shitty drivers with good judgement. Then there’s Haley. Bad driver. Bad judgement. 10 Link to comment
CrazyInAlabama January 8, 2019 Share January 8, 2019 (edited) And Haley also has an extreme case of lead foot. How fast was she going when she nailed that post? I'm betting that Haley has a long history of vehicle accidents, and that's the only one on video. Edited January 8, 2019 by CrazyInAlabama 9 Link to comment
Byrd is the Word January 8, 2019 Share January 8, 2019 (edited) 3 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said: Plaintiff and defendant had a lease, leaving a whole lot of lease left. Defendant moved out for a week, and plaintiff stayed, but can't afford to stay. Suing for lease breaking fee, which each will owe. $1800+ total. Plaintiff isn't getting back pay either, for back rent. Defendant lost job, and didn't pay, and after she got a job she didn't pay either, then dumped him. Splitting up property is the usual garbage. Defendant claims she lent plaintiff $1k, but skipped on the rent for many months. Plaintiff gets his half of the lease breaking fee, $925, and defendant gets a table or something back. I hate these domestic partner “divorce” cases almost as much as JJ. They. Are. All. The. Same. It’s all about the snuggle when it starts and all about the crappy furniture and cheap TV’s when it ends. I’ll tell the group the same thing I told my children, “Cohabitate and commingle your money at your own peril. There is no remedy when it fails”. Edited January 8, 2019 by Byrd is the Word 3 Link to comment
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