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Small Talk: 1, 2, 3 Non-Cheerleader Conversation

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24 minutes ago, JC123 said:

So I'm gonna weigh in here.

I'd consider myself intelligent (I'm 22 and about to finish my masters and start studying for a PhD) but I find that people that describe themselves as "intellectual" are almost ALWAYS pompous, snooty, stuck up and frankly not great people to hang about with. Id rather take a toothless hillbilly that can't read, and cares enough about my well being to NOT call me unintellectual, over the arrogant snob that's gonna pretend to be my friend and then knock me down like that. 

wow super impressive and congratulations!  what are you studying?  and do you watch French films - otherwise you're not an intellect.  :)  Just kidding.  That's amazing though - kudos to your academic achievements at such a young age!

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I keep getting these calls from account executives for the new york mets, like season ticket people and I don't have season tickets so I don't know why they keep calling me. Leave a more detailed message pleaseee

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6 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

There are two types of people that are too repulsive and stupid for me to deal with:

1) People who say "I seen". Like, "I seen yer dog chained outside yer trailer"

People who say "I seen" and "mines" (e.g. "Mines looks like that") drive me batty. Also I have a coworker who says "alls you have to do," all the time, and while I know it's more of a dialectal thing versus just plain bad grammar, I HAAAATE IT.


Edited by Oranaiche
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2 minutes ago, Oranaiche said:

People who say "I seen" and "mines" (e.g. "Mines looks like that") drive me batty. Also I have a coworker who says "alls you have to do," all the time, and while I know it's more of a dialectal thing versus just plain bad grammar, I HAAAATE IT.


My mom's friend who is also our neighbor adds an S onto everything. It's not walmart, it's "walmarts" or "kmarts" 

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2 hours ago, tobeyoungagain said:

wow super impressive and congratulations!  what are you studying?  and do you watch French films - otherwise you're not an intellect.  :)  Just kidding.  That's amazing though - kudos to your academic achievements at such a young age!

Thank you! Hahaha Ratatouille is about as French as the films I watch get ?My masters is in international business and finance, my PhD (if I can stay sane lol) will be straight finance :) 

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6 minutes ago, Silverleaf said:

Oooo the one that really annoys me is I could care less instead of I couldn't care less. 

I hate that, too. There are so many things but I tend to keep them to myself in order to avoid being the insufferable grammar girl. I suffer in silence. ?

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59 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

There are two types of people that are too repulsive and stupid for me to deal with:

1) People who say "I seen". Like, "I seen yer dog chained outside yer trailer"


2) People who don't care for animals/children in their charge "It's ten below. Got ol tigger strapped out by the trailer. Thass what fur's fer. Lil Brittney's out derr somewhere prolly gettin bottle caps an penny whistles. heh heh. Oh, hey Martha, djya hear we got another registered sex offender move into the compound? I seen we did".

These things, to me, first, show a lack of basic conversational skills. That shit's important. The second shows a lack of a basic human awareness and compassion for living things in their care. I cannot relate on any level to people who are not interested in intelligence and caring for the world's innocents.

But I mean, just being stupid, so what. God I'm a freaking nitwit. I can't remember what someone said ten minutes ago. And I'M THE ONLY ONE who talked ten minutes ago. TO MYSELF. I'm dumb as a stump sometimes! If someone called me dumb, what the hell do I care?! Maybe I am. Maybe I am dumb. But I have qualities that are irreplaceable and worth their weight in gold. Like, I can eat three Arbys giant roast beef sadwiches after drinking an $8 magnum of chardonnay. And THAT, my friends, is character.

You are not stupid, a nitwit, dumb as a stump or even dumb.  You surprise me time after time with you witticisms and insight.  Love ya, honey.

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5 hours ago, tobeyoungagain said:

ah got it.  this person was judging me because I don't talk politics with her nor do I talk about or want to see her type of movies (French movies or broadway shows etc.).  I personally don't think that is any sign of "intellect" or me lacking culture.  I didn't grow up with that so it's not what I want to do in my free time.  I have however read the classics in original Latin (back in high school but still).  I don't talk politics because it just leads to fight (plus I find she has nothing intellectual to say lol). 

I dunno ... I just found it really insulting for her to say I'm unintelligent and I'm curious as to how that's even defined.

I love foreign films and art/artists but am not political and my book collection is made up of trashy novels.  I am no intellectual, trust me.  Anyone who talks to you like that is not your friend.  She’s a douche.  xo

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We are all friends here, so I propose we get to know each other a little better. Please post a Something you don't know about me fact.  

I will start with a not-so-humble brag about my children because - in all honestly - I am a tiger mom.  Sad but true.

I am a mom of four.  My oldest is a student at Harvard, and my second child recently earned a perfect score (no missed or omitted questions) on the PSAT, meaning they will be a National Merit scholar their senior year of high school. 

Yet I like to watch DCC:MTT, and post on these boards.  I am certainly not an intellectual, though I would like to have been one.  Perhaps that is why I am so gosh darn proud of my honor roll kids.  Goes to show that in some cases the apples do fall very far from the tree.  

Edited by California Girl
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My something you don't know about me fact-- 

I work for an Elks Lodge (we have a large banquet faculty and I am the event planner for them), my husband is a police officer and we are expecting a baby boy in May! In case all of that has been said before-- Taco Bell is my greatest weakness. ?

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As bad as " I seen" to me, is, " have you ate yet ?" Gahhhhh! Or don't for doesn't, and mixing up their and there and they're.  Bad grammar just drives me crazy and makes me a Meanie- Pants.   ( thanks ByTor!)

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1.  I no longer have a car since I live in downtown Chicago, but when I did my exploits included driving off with the gas pump still attached to my car, and managing to back into a house (just took off some siding).  However, I was also relatively handy (fortunate, given that my cars invariably had more character than function), and I have repaired a broken fan belt with a pair of pantyhose, and also got my hood to lay flat again (after an unfortunate run-in with a herd of deer) by jumping on it.

2.  I got my handle as the result of a night out with my little sister - we had just picked up my car (I had given it a new paint job) and it was absolutely pouring buckets out, so I was driving very carefully.  We decided to head over to the grocery store parking lot and wait out the rain, when out of the grey downpour a shopping cart came flying by at high speed.  I jerked my wheel around and missed it, but then another came, and another, and another.  It was like being in a live-action video game where the goal was to preserve the shitty red spray-paint job I was so proud of.  We finally found a safe place to park between two other vehicles, and it was still coming down buckets but we couldn't stop giggling about our narrow escape and decided to make a run for it inside.  We were soaked to the skin the minute we got out of the car, and saw an enormous puddle at the same time and decided to go for it.  We spent the rest of the storm jumping in puddles and laughing like the maniacs we are.

3.  During a visit to Oklahoma one year I decided that what my grandmother really needed to liven up sales at her clothing store was breakdancers.  My younger sister and I obliged.  Nothing sells gold lame jumpsuits like a 5 year-old and a 3 year-old attempting to do cartwheel-headstand-split-kicks.

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I love your stories @raindancer, you and your sister sound like a lot of fun!

@dalgal214, at least you were the "fat" cheerleader.  I auditioned for my high school's pom squad three years running on the late 80s, and never made it.  

Now I get told that I am a good dancer, and asked whether I studied ballet - in dance classes.  I think that explains my fascination with the show - I love to dance and it is my unaccomplished dream.  

Well, there's still time to live vicariously through my daughter, when she makes her high school cheerleading/pom squad one day!

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31 minutes ago, heatherrrrz said:

Fun fact about me: I don't know if I want to have kids

There is nothing wrong with that @heatherrrrz.  Not everyone wants to live in a big city, to own a house, or work in an office, or to get married either.  That is what makes people so interesting and unpredictable, we all want different things in our lives.  

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Just now, California Girl said:

There is nothing wrong with that @heatherrrrz.  Not everyone wants to live in a big city, to own a house, or work in an office, or to get married either.  That is what makes people so interesting and unpredictable, we all want different things in our lives.  

I'm not sure I want to be pregnant, I may want to adopt one day. This could always change since I still have 4 years and almost 2 months until I'm 30 lol

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Just now, LaurenBrook said:

haha i don't either and i'm 31-1/2 and been married over two years.  

I'm pathetically single so I don't have to worry about a husband's views yet lol

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14 minutes ago, heatherrrrz said:

I'm pathetically single so I don't have to worry about a husband's views yet lol

haha i just meant that people expect me to be at least planning for kids at this point! my husband is great - he does not pressure me one way or another.  

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Just now, LaurenBrook said:

haha i just meant that people expect me to be at least planning for kids at this point! my husband is great - he does not pressure me one way or another.  

My mom had me at 36 so I know I have some time, I just don't want to be really old and have a kid lol

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1 hour ago, LaurenBrook said:

haha i don't either and i'm 31-1/2 and been married over two years.  

I'm 40 and I've been married for 12 years and I'm still firmly in the no kids camp and have been basically my entire life. My husband has been hinting about it, so we'll see what happens with that.

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I knew you guys were my people. This just proves it. I'm thirty, married ten years, and we are not having children. We have a nephew on my side and two on his, and we're drowning in cats. That's all I need. Well, that and the odd bottle of Sauvignon Blanc.

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WHYyyyy whyy whyyyyyyyyy do men fight with women on the topic of birth control. They're so uninformed that it makes me laugh. "Taking away birth control would not increase the rate of abortion" oh yeah it wouldn't? hmmm tell that to the stats that say abortion rates decreased with the ACA making birth control free.

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1 hour ago, Oranaiche said:

I knew you guys were my people. This just proves it. I'm thirty, married ten years, and we are not having children. We have a nephew on my side and two on his, and we're drowning in cats. That's all I need. Well, that and the odd bottle of Sauvignon Blanc.

Yessss cat life forever!! I convinced my husband to get two last year and even he likes them now lol We also have a lot of nieces and nephews and thus far that has been good enough for me.  I love sleeping through the night.  And doing what i want when i want to LOL 

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5 hours ago, heatherrrrz said:

I'm not sure I want to be pregnant, I may want to adopt one day. This could always change since I still have 4 years and almost 2 months until I'm 30 lol

My sister-in-law (the former beauty-pageant queen turned elementary school principal in small-town Colorado, adopted a son from Korea four years ago.  Her husband is an only child, and he only wanted one child.  They love him so much, and he is so lucky to have them for parents.

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Just now, California Girl said:

My sister-in-law (the former beauty-pageant queen turned elementary school principal in small-town Colorado, adopted a son from Korea four years ago.  Her husband is an only child, and he only wanted one child.  They love him so much, and he is so lucky to have them for parents.

I wish it wasn't so expensive to adopt, I'd adopt in a heartbeat if I had a husband since obviously most agencies want you to be married.

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17 minutes ago, heatherrrrz said:

@LaurenBrook have you ever thought of doing a Disney race?

What is a Disney race?  I am still waiting for Kelli and Judy to offer that fantasy training camp for ladies who are too old, overweight, can't do a jumpsplit, or are just plain uncoordinated to have actually auditioned for the DCC.  Sign me up for that!

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19 minutes ago, heatherrrrz said:

@LaurenBrook have you ever thought of doing a Disney race?

You mean like a half marathon or 5k? I've thought about it but it'd would be $$ for me since I don't live near either Disney park :(  I'm also quite competitive when I race so I doubt I'd stop much to get pics with characters which I think is part of the fun of those lol 

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5 hours ago, heatherrrrz said:

My mom had me at 36 so I know I have some time, I just don't want to be really old and have a kid lol

My grandmother did not expect to have children, and then she had my aunt at 39 and my dad at 41, back in the time when people couldn't get help with fertility treatments.

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Just now, California Girl said:

What is a Disney race?  I am still waiting for Kelli and Judy to offer that fantasy training camp for ladies who are too old, overweight, can't do a jumpsplit, or are just plain uncoordinated to have actually auditioned for the DCC.  Sign me up for that!

Walt Disney World and Disneyland have their own races called RunDisney races, they do 3 or 4 big race weekends a year. Usually have a 5k, 10k, half marathon and a marathon. They're themed to Disney too so they have the Princess Half Marathon weekend, Wine and Dine Half Marathon, Star Wars races and all that good stuff. I signed up to do a 5k this year and then never ended up going because my friend backed out and tickets were sold out. 

1 minute ago, LaurenBrook said:

You mean like a half marathon or 5k? I've thought about it but it'd would be $$ for me since I don't live near either Disney park :(  I'm also quite competitive when I race so I doubt I'd stop much to get pics with characters which I think is part of the fun of those lol 

Yeah! A lot of people don't stop for the characters cause they have pictures with them in the parks and stuff. I think you would be fine running it without stopping lol, the medals are the best part.

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5 minutes ago, heatherrrrz said:

Walt Disney World and Disneyland have their own races called RunDisney races, they do 3 or 4 big race weekends a year. Usually have a 5k, 10k, half marathon and a marathon. They're themed to Disney too so they have the Princess Half Marathon weekend, Wine and Dine Half Marathon, Star Wars races and all that good stuff. I signed up to do a 5k this year and then never ended up going because my friend backed out and tickets were sold out. 

Yeah! A lot of people don't stop for the characters cause they have pictures with them in the parks and stuff. I think you would be fine running it without stopping lol, the medals are the best part.

I certainly think it would be cool to do someday!! my friend and i actually went to Disney together a few years ago lol and it was that week they had one of the races! we were so annoyed we didn't plan ahead to do it! 

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2 minutes ago, LaurenBrook said:

I certainly think it would be cool to do someday!! my friend and i actually went to Disney together a few years ago lol and it was that week they had one of the races! we were so annoyed we didn't plan ahead to do it! 

It's my dream to run one of those someday but I'm not sure which one, probably start with 5k at least.

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Just now, QuiteContraryMoni said:

You Disney freak. You ARE THE Disney race. "Hi I'm Heatherrrz, and I'm a Disney-American."

HAHAA literally. It's true, the people at my work know me as "The girl who loves Disney" since I did a project on it for them lol too bad they went last year and didn't invite me along 

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15 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

I am from Montana, so I went with the name. I was not an enrolled member of the tribe until February 2015.

Interesting....I had no idea you'd have to enroll to be a member of a tribe.  How do you go about doing that?  Is it difficult to become a member?

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9 minutes ago, ByTor said:

Interesting....I had no idea you'd have to enroll to be a member of a tribe.  How do you go about doing that?  Is it difficult to become a member?

I had to fill out some paperwork and pay a $5.00 fee. I did need to know some family history going back to at least my great-great-great grandparents on my dad's side of the family. It also help I had some family members already enrolled in the tribe (my dad, uncles, and a few cousins.) I sent in my application and fee in August 2012, but the tribe had a backlog of applications, and a tribal committee and tribal leaders had to okay my application before accepting me as a member. I also believe I had to be a certain percentage of Native American aka 5/32 Chippewa Cree before being considered as a member.

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7 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

I had to fill out some paperwork and pay a $5.00 fee. I did need to know some family history going back to at least my great-great-great grandparents on my dad's side of the family. It also help I had some family members already enrolled in the tribe (my dad, uncles, and a few cousins.) I sent in my application and fee in August 2012, but the tribe had a backlog of applications, and a tribal committee and tribal leaders had to okay my application before accepting me as a member. I also believe I had to be a certain percentage of Native American aka 5/32 Chippewa Cree before being considered as a member.

Ugh, I would be screwed!!!

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2 hours ago, LaurenBrook said:

Yessss cat life forever!! I convinced my husband to get two last year and even he likes them now lol We also have a lot of nieces and nephews and thus far that has been good enough for me.  I love sleeping through the night.  And doing what i want when i want to LOL 

Isn't it great getting to be the fun aunt and then going home to your quiet, child free house? I love it.

Two cats is nothing. We have five. ? But two of them are mostly outside (his) and mine are indoor only.

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On ‎1‎/‎23‎/‎2017 at 4:43 PM, JC123 said:

Thank you! Hahaha Ratatouille is about as French as the films I watch get ?My masters is in international business and finance, my PhD (if I can stay sane lol) will be straight finance :) 

That's amazingly impressive!  And I love that you are a DCC fan too.  What do you want to do with the MA and PhD? 

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My random fact / confession ... I imagined a totally different life than the one I'm living.  I'm super grateful for what I have but I thought I would be married, living in a white fenced house with a great guy and 2.5 kids and 2 dogs by now.  I literally have none of that right now.  I also did not think I would have to be the main household earner.  Maybe that's why I'm so into DCC - they seem to live the "alternative life" that I had envisioned when I was younger

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Years ago my niece had some school project about her ancestry so she asked my father and he gave her some family history.  However, a few months later when she asked him about one of the relatives he mentioned, he was like "Who?" and had to confess he didn't know much and made it all up!

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