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Season 18 Live Feed Discussion: Their Lives are Almost as Boring as Ours!

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

Same here! But I do relate to Nicole on that level. I hate conflict, confrontation, and anything in between. I can't blame her for freaking out, either! Paul's going to be pissed that he's getting boned. But he's going to pretend that he #nevercared while he's yelling angrily at Nicole and Corey. Then he's going to create a plan to psych out Nicole, Corey, and James during the veto, all while blaming Natalie for some reason. 

Too Funny :)

Just now, sunsheyen said:

They pull them from the online episodes which are accessible as soon as they air.

I was looking for ones that don't air. I guess I will never get to see hers. She talked to James about if you saw my DRs he would know the truth kind of thing and that's why I would like to see them.

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2 hours ago, burgerbitz said:

Now I remember that Dan's exile was self-imposed. 

Wasn't it a punishment from losing the veto comp? There's been a couple instances of solitary confinement being a punishment in a veto comp. I think Judd maybe got it in BB15. And did Danielle get it in All Stars?

Edited by peachmangosteen
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3 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

Heath hinted that this year's would be EPIC, but BB apparently chose to change it to a stupid costume at the last minute. 

Production sucks! Fuck you, Production!

What time have they been doing noms lately? I might try to catch the aftermath of these noms. I wanna see Paul get boned!

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8 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Production sucks! Fuck you, Production!

What time have they been doing noms lately? I might try to catch the aftermath of these noms. I wanna see Paul get boned!

I feel like they've been doing it around 5pm PST lately. I'm hoping P/V realize they boned themselves by getting rid of Nat and moan about it all week. Adios, Final Four. Your alliance name was shit.

Edited by Marie80
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1 minute ago, Marie80 said:

I feel like they've been doing it around 5pm PST lately. I'm hoping P/V realize they boned themselves by getting rid of Nat and moan about it all week. Adios, Final Four. Your alliance name was shit.

That will make 2 final 4s that are shit if you think about it.

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2 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

Paul and Victor are planning out how they are going to win the game together.

This is going to be glorious!

Didn't Victor promise everyone that he was going to be livid, LIVID if he went home the next week because they kept James instead of Nat? I do believe that the answer is yes. Yes he did.

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32 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I really would love to see a true blindside. That said, Nicole is probably going to be hiding under the table before, during & after the nominations. Girlfriend doesn't like conflict. LOL!!!

But if she hides under the table, how will be able to see her self-satisfied smirk?

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Victor just said, to Paul,  if we survive this week we will win.  This cannot happen!  Both are going on the block and one of them will go.  There is no "we." They are doing the same damn thing James and Michele did!  They are not going to HOH to fight for their F4 deal.  It is making me nuts.  Victor said that Nicory should come to them.  What?!  

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4 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

Corey's practicing his nomination speech.

Nicole doesn't want him to say "James has had my back this whole game" because it's "too long." "they will freak out and be nasty and shout at me"

I think this is what she meant to say.

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15 minutes ago, AbsoluteShower said:

Didn't Victor promise everyone that he was going to be livid, LIVID if he went home the next week because they kept James instead of Nat? I do believe that the answer is yes. Yes he did.

Oooo, is it too much hope for Victor to be so pissed that he turns on his own bro, who convinced him that keeping James was good for their game? 

Is it possible to have one final twist with Victor turning on Paul? CAN I DREAM? 

I know the answer to that is it probably will only be a dream.

Edited by Lady Calypso
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5 minutes ago, bbaddict said:

I told you so?

She told them not to trust Nicorey, that she was sorry she ever had.


Paul FINALLY figured out that if Corey puts them both up, it's the only way to ensure Nicole doesn't go on the block.

Too little, too late asshole.  You should have though of game rather than your desire to vent irrational anger at Natalie last week.

recap from IRHNI on Sucks:

Victor: "I feel like our alliance with them is more than just an alliance in the game. It's an honest friendship."

Paul points out that Nicole put Donny on the block, and they were really close. Victor says that Donny gave her a reason - she felt he had leaked information. "But we have literally given them no reason. We've done nothing. They were good to us, we were good to them. But I could always be wrong. Our downfall in this game is trusting people. It has been this whole time. If it happens again, then shame on us. But I know we'll be fucking stirring the pot this week if it does happen. Never gave a fuuuuck. And I don't want it to get to that. I really don't."

Edited by Umbelina
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Just now, Umbelina said:

She told them not to trust Nicorey.


Paul FINALLY figured out that if Corey puts them both up, it's the only way to ensure Nicole doesn't go on the block.

Too little, too late asshole.  You should have though of game rather than your desire to vent irrational anger at Natalie last week.

Neither Paul nor Victor have the slightest clue about jury management at this stage of the game. 

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3 hours ago, bbaddict said:

That was Bridgett's best friend and the people in the house took care of it for her when she was evicted. Natalie is bringing it back to her in jury house.

a.k.a. Mr. Jenkins.


2 hours ago, mooses said:

I don't think he's a hidden genius - everyone's just surprised he's not dumb as a rock. 

My favorite sentence of the day.


1 hour ago, Marie80 said:

I switched on the feeds for a sec and Nic is marveling over Corey's "geographic tongue"

I swear to GAWD I do not EVEN want to know the context of that statement. 

In fact, I'm going to go snort some Drano and hope it scrubs that sentence out of my memory forever. 

Right the fuck now. 

Excuse me, please....

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4 minutes ago, AbsoluteShower said:

Neither Paul nor Victor have the slightest clue about jury management at this stage of the game. 

Speaking of jury, does anybody know if jury members are allowed to talk game in the house before they have the round table and get sequestered, or is that considered "talking about production". I assume they are chaperoned to a degree while in jury.

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Oh boy, Vic/Paul talking about how bitter they'd be if both are put up on the block, and how they'd never do that to them and how they'd be bitter after the show too.

In that same conversation, they also want both of themselves off the block so Nicole can feel the pressure. Well, I agree. Nicole needs to go up on the damn block at some point. 

They definitely feel entitled, though.

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6 minutes ago, AbsoluteShower said:

Speaking of jury, does anybody know if jury members are allowed to talk game in the house before they have the round table and get sequestered, or is that considered "talking about production". I assume they are chaperoned to a degree while in jury.

James said they do talk about the game but production people are there to monitor.

2 minutes ago, mooses said:

Screen Shot 2016-09-09 at 4.38.54 PM.png

At least the guy is self-aware!

People think he sucks bit 7th last season and at least 4th this season must mean he is doing something right.

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1 hour ago, Marie80 said:

I switched on the feeds for a sec and Nic is marveling over Corey's "geographic tongue"

11 minutes ago, Nashville said:

I swear to GAWD I do not EVEN want to know the context of that statement. 

In fact, I'm going to go snort some Drano and hope it scrubs that sentence out of my memory forever. 

Right the fuck now. 

Excuse me, please....

Hahahaha! You left out the "just like her dad" part so be sure to scrub twice!

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8 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Oh boy, Vic/Paul talking about how bitter they'd be if both are put up on the block, and how they'd never do that to them and how they'd be bitter after the show too.

In that same conversation, they also want both of themselves off the block so Nicole can feel the pressure. Well, I agree. Nicole needs to go up on the damn block at some point. 

They definitely feel entitled, though.


2 minutes ago, AbsoluteShower said:

I anticipate a certain degree of saltiness between the HGs in the next few days. I may (may) have to rethink my stance on not watching any post-Jatalie BBADs...

At this point in the game, Victor seems to have so thoroughly convinced himself there's some kind of manifest destiny BS going on about his presence in the House that he'd consider any additional eviction attempts to be an offense against God.  I disagree.  :>


1 minute ago, Marie80 said:

Hahahaha! You left out the "just like her dad" part so be sure to scrub twice!

Oh, THANK you so very fucking much.  :P

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1 hour ago, Umbelina said:

yeah, it's a comp punishment.

Heath hinted that this year's would be EPIC, but BB apparently chose to change it to a stupid costume at the last minute. 

I was wondering what happened to that punishment! I was looking forward to the 24 hours of exile and I was really hoping that it would be Paul because wouldn't it be nice to go that long without him yelling "OOOHHHH!"?

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Geographic tongues are pretty neat looking. It's not a sex thing LOL!

Victor and Paul were just arguing about artists and the VMAs and pay or something. Paul is insufferable. He loves hearing himself talk, he argues for no reason, and he has to be right. I don't know how these people stand him.

ETA: Noms. I can't wait for this aftermath!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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4 minutes ago, Nashville said:

At this point in the game, Victor seems to have so thoroughly convinced himself there's some kind of manifest destiny BS going on about his presence in the House that he'd consider any additional eviction attempts to be an offense against God.  I disagree.  :>

Imagine his surprise during his third (THIRD!!!!) Chenterview when she DOESN'T say "Victor, you're going to get another chance to re-enter the Big Brother house!" He would probably faint dead away right there on stage.

Holy fucking shitballs! I mean......Holy fucking SHITBALLS!

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1 minute ago, AbsoluteShower said:

Imagine his surprise during his third (THIRD!!!!) Chenterview when she DOESN'T say "Victor, you're going to get another chance to re-enter the Big Brother house!" He would probably faint dead away right there on stage.

You crack me up.

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Well, Jeffish are apparently on now, which means time to turn on my feeds and await the explosion.

But I know I'm going to be sorely disappointed if/when the feeds come back and Nicole/Corey are not being yelled at by Paul/Victor.

It'll probably be civil for a bit until later tonight. 

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1 minute ago, AbsoluteShower said:

I didn't even get to the part where the paramedics are carting him away and all he can say is "unevictable....unevictable..."

Laughing hysterically.

I needed that. I am still sad about Natalie so laughing always helps.

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6 minutes ago, AbsoluteShower said:

Imagine his surprise during his third (THIRD!!!!) Chenterview when she DOESN'T say "Victor, you're going to get another chance to re-enter the Big Brother house!" He would probably faint dead away right there on stage.

Can we start a fund to bribe Chenbot to say "Victor, you're going to get another.... nah, you're actually evictable this time!" I'd love a fake out to really shove it in his face that he's stuck in the jury house.

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Can we start a fund to bribe Chenbot to say "Victor, you're going to get another.... nah, you're actually evictable this time!" I'd love a fake out to really shove it in his face that he's stuck in the jury house.

I truly believe that by the time he got to jury Victor would be so delusional that he would think he was back in the BB house. Going out in the back yard by himself, playing imaginary HOH/veto comps, hosting nomination/eviction ceremonies...

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2 minutes ago, AbsoluteShower said:

I truly believe that by the time he got to jury Victor would be so delusional that he would think he was back in the BB house. Going out in the back yard by himself, playing imaginary HOH/veto comps, hosting nomination/eviction ceremonies...

Anyone remember back during the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics, when the male figure skater Evgeni Plushenko did an interview or press conference or something like that and said that it didn't matter if he won the gold medal because he is Plushenko and he gives himself gold medal? Yeah, Victor's gonna be like that. Only Paulie will compete against him. 


ETA: I was wrong. Plushenko gave himself a Platinum medal which is clearly superior to gold. Darn my rusty memory.

Edited by Callaphera
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6 minutes ago, AbsoluteShower said:

Paul screaming and yelling in somebody else's face = being a "gamer"

Paul screaming and yelling in her face = "verbally abusive"

Like I've said, Nicole's always playing the victim, always. I mean, a lot of these houseguests do, but it's something about Nicole that makes it seem like she does it more often than others. 

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The fight that Paul had with Victor today about 4:49 showed what a total ass Paul is.  Jesus. 

And so is Nicole.  She didn't want to put both boys up because they scare her.  

Fuck you Paul and fuck you Nicole!  

Victor for veto.  

Edited by wings707
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44 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Well, Jeffish are apparently on now, which means time to turn on my feeds and await the explosion.

But I know I'm going to be sorely disappointed if/when the feeds come back and Nicole/Corey are not being yelled at by Paul/Victor.

It'll probably be civil for a bit until later tonight. 

Now is the time to break out the alcohol!

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