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Season 18 Live Feed Discussion: Their Lives are Almost as Boring as Ours!

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

Are they keeping the ticket they pick on them? Paul didn't go take it to DR. If so, then it's really just luck and no rigging.

Yeah, I think they just keep it and open it in front of Julie. But then someone should just open all of the envelopes when the other HGs get them so they're all void.

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There has to be an expiration on the round trip back in...what if the person who has it is evicted in the final two or three? How could they go back, it wouldn't work at that point, right?

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I have a vision that when the door opens for Frank they will drop 10 cards or however many may be left with all round trips on them.  Sorry I cant help it my hat is on. 

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Just now, mooses said:

Yeah, I think they just keep it and open it in front of Julie. But then someone should just open all of the envelopes when the other HGs get them so they're all void.

LMAO. I feel like Production would stop them from doing that.

1 minute ago, poopchute said:

There has to be an expiration on the round trip back in...what if the person who has it is evicted in the final two or three? How could they go back, it wouldn't work at that point, right?

I'm assuming it's 4 weeks, like Julie said.

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Just now, poopchute said:

There has to be an expiration on the round trip back in...what if the person who has it is evicted in the final two or three? How could they go back, it wouldn't work at that point, right?

Julie had said something about the next four weeks - so I think it's just the next four evicted. Or five, if there's a Double.

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Just now, poopchute said:

There has to be an expiration on the round trip back in...what if the person who has it is evicted in the final two or three? How could they go back, it wouldn't work at that point, right?

I think once it's final 3, they become null and void.

Well...I'll admit, they got this secret twist going. We're all talking about it. Look how many pages of posts we've gone through in the last two hours! 

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If I were Paul, I would have lied to them and said that BB said if anyone in the house tampers with his ticket, it's an automatic eviction for that person.  LOL

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

I think once it's final 3, they become null and void.

Well...I'll admit, they got this secret twist going. We're all talking about it. Look how many pages of posts we've gone through in the last two hours! 

And they're not pages of us discussing whether Bridgette, Michelle or Z are meaner! Thanks, Big Brother! This is a gift to us as well!

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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

LMAO. I feel like Production would stop them from doing that.

I'm assuming it's 4 weeks, like Julie said.

Oh okay. I thought that meant the room was open for 4 weeks, not that the cards had to be used within 4 weeks.

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So, if it's the first four/five evictees, what happens if none of them got the round trip but someone else still in the house did? I wonder if they'd get a shot when they're evicted or if they truly just want the twist contained within four weeks to make it fair. 

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Paul is lying and says he wants to wait for Victor to come out and see if they had different codes.

My dream scenario is Paul lying and saying he had a different code...followed by Victor telling Natalie his code, her punching it in and then crawling through, all while Paul is exposed.

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This is like the Sibling Situation 2.0! Paul is Tiffany! 

ETA: In that he won't share but it's so obvious that he's going to get screwed over by Victor telling.

Edited by Lady Calypso
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4 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, if it's the first four/five evictees, what happens if none of them got the round trip but someone else still in the house did? I wonder if they'd get a shot when they're evicted or if they truly just want the twist contained within four weeks to make it fair. 

Yeah, I'm trying to figure that out. Big Brother and fair don't go together. Do they get to pick their envelope or is it given to them? 

I can't image they don't have it set up where they don't know what will happen.

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I like how they literally toss away the 'you have to be alone' aspect. Paul got in with people watching, and now everyone else is. They just want this twist to happen, and they know they want it now, especially with Frank/Bridgette. 

Just now, peachmangosteen said:

Is Corey in there with Victor? OMG his dream scenario!


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1 minute ago, mooses said:

Do they get to pick their envelope or is it given to them? 

The card said they got to pick it.

Man I am usually so on the 'IT'S RIGGED!' train, but I really don't think this one is. I don't see how they could do it. Unless they can somehow get a Production person in there as soon as Frank gets in and hand him an envelope lol.

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

I like how they literally toss away the 'you have to be alone' aspect. Paul got in with people watching, and now everyone else is. They just want this twist to happen, and they know they want it now, especially with Frank/Bridgette. 

It's too funny. They're all just gathered around the phone booth watching people go through. 

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

Ugh they better not be on fish forever now. I wanna see if Victor tells everyone/exposes Paul.

Well, they all know how to get into that room (I'm sure Corey's told Nicole, who's told everyone else), so Paul's been exposed. He's a goner in this game, I think. 

4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

The card said they got to pick it.

Man I am usually so on the 'IT'S RIGGED!' train, but I really don't think this one is. I don't see how they could do it. Unless they can somehow get a Production person in there as soon as Frank gets in and hand him an envelope lol.

LOL, I can picture them asking each houseguest to bring in their envelope. Cue Frank bringing in his...followed by "Oh, that one looks defective...here's a new one....DON'T TELL ANYONE SHHHH'. That's the only rigging I can see. 

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

Well, they all know how to get into that room (I'm sure Corey's told Nicole, who's told everyone else), so Paul's been exposed. He's a goner in this game, I think. 

They have bigger fish until Paul's name comes up but I bet he will go before Victor, now.  Or if Victor wins HOH, he would have a reason to put him up if he wanted him gone but was hesitant to do so.  

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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

LOL, I can picture them asking each houseguest to bring in their envelope. Cue Frank bringing in his...followed by "Oh, that one looks defective...here's a new one....DON'T TELL ANYONE SHHHH'. That's the only rigging I can see. 

Yea if they have to take their envelopes into the DR then they can definitely rig it. But if everyone keeps their envelope then there's no way they could do it.

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5 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

The card said they got to pick it.

Man I am usually so on the 'IT'S RIGGED!' train, but I really don't think this one is. I don't see how they could do it. Unless they can somehow get a Production person in there as soon as Frank gets in and hand him an envelope lol.

Yeah, it doesn't seem like it could be, right? The only weird thing is that the rest of the season's schedule depends on if there's a Round Trip or not - so what do they do if someone doesn't get it in the next four weeks? They have to have the season scheduled out, so they have to know if someone is getting back in or not. Unless we're wrong about it only being a thing for four weeks.

I'd say they could've switched the envelopes when certain HGs were getting closer, but since it's a group activity now, they won't have the chance.

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8 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I like how they literally toss away the 'you have to be alone' aspect. Paul got in with people watching, and now everyone else is. They just want this twist to happen, and they know they want it now, especially with Frank/Bridgette. 


"We got a show to put on Wednesday night, Damn it!  Let's poke 'em with a stick!  This bunch is too damn stupid to figure it out themselves."

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2 minutes ago, wings707 said:

I think they will collect the envelops, put their name on them and Julie will have it with her. 

That makes sense. We'll find out if they still have their envelopes later. You're probably right.

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