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Season 18 Live Feed Discussion: Their Lives are Almost as Boring as Ours!

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I think Tiffany won. She's by herself in the Tokyo bedroom saying "Who do I put up?" very quietly to herself and the camera.

If this is the case....


I don't even care. Knowing that Day's not going up and there's a possibility of the Other Side having one of their own going home, I'm going to let myself be ecstatic until Veto. 

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Just now, J.D. said:

I hope she puts Nicole up if only because I can't stand her whining.

I think it'll be Corey, since Day is more on board with Corey going and they can get the numbers that way. Unless Corey wins veto, and then Tiffany would put up Nicole. It's smarter to put up Corey, even if I want Nicole to just shut up and she won't if Corey's on the block. 

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Just now, J.D. said:

I hope she puts Nicole up if only because I can't stand her whining.

I know - but she floated the idea to Da'Vonne yesterday, and Da'Vonne told her she won't vote Nicole out. Da'Vonne just wants Corey gone so she can reel Nicole back in.

If Tiffany does that, it will just be for the big F-You factor!

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These people are being so ridiculous! They are like - How dare Tiff or Frank team up together when the whole house wants them out! I can't stand Paulie, he's talking so much crap.

Paulie trying to say she's blowing up her allies, I can't with this guy. They've wanted her out for weeks! She is supposed to show loyalty to a group of people who have treated her like a pariah in their minds.

Edited by kellog010
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I cannot believe Frank and Tiffany are in an alliance. Did anyone think that it would happen 24 hours ago? Because I sure as hell didn't. 

If Day can get Michelle in on evicting Corey, if he's still on the block after the veto ceremony, then there's a high chance that Corey's going and I couldn't be happier. As long as he doesn't win the Battle Back, then I'll be thrilled.

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I would love it if she put up Day, but she won't.  I'm so over Day after the way she mercilessly laughed in Tiff's face during that 2 hour rant starting at 2:30 am early this morning.

Paulie's getting on my last nerve too, but she won't put him up and even if she did, they wouldn't evict him.  Day may not be so lucky if she was up.  

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5 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Frank is telling Bridgette he thinks they're just trying to turn him against the boys and the boys are really with him. Shocking!

Of course Frank doesn't think his bros are against him despite all evidence. Just like he thought Nicole/Corey wouldn't turn against him, so obviously Natalie's lying and voted her best friend out.

He thinks he's too good for his own good.

1 minute ago, Umbelina said:

Tiffany just outed to Frank that she has Day!

I hope Frank doesn't say anything.

If Da'Vonne gets wind of that (which I expect she will), Tiffany's cooked. Why is she so bad?

Edited by mooses
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Tiffany has nothing to lose. These fools already evicted her in their minds last night. She might as well go out in a blaze of glory. I hope she puts NiCorey on the block and in the long shot of one of them going home on Paulie's HOH all the better.

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Just now, Umbelina said:

Day told "them" Tiffany won RK.



Goddamnit, Day. You could have kept quiet. Nope, of course not. 

But it's not like they wouldn't be able to figure it out when Corey goes up who it could be. They'd assume either Tiffany or Frank regardless. But when they didn't know, at least they couldn't use the fact against her.

Now we get to listen to Paulie and Nicole whine about Tiffany. They both are the biggest whiners and I'm sick of them. Can they go in a special triple eviction on Thursday? 

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5 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

Day told "them" Tiffany won RK.


Da'Vonne has an interesting decision if this goes through. She's trying to play both sides, but I do think she wants Corey out. But in order to stay good with Nicole so Nicole will come to her, she needs to tell them everything so they don't suspect her. I was disappointed when she ratted out her Tiffany conversation, but she can't risk Tiffany having ammunition against her since they already don't trust her (Da'Vonne).

So, can she afford to keep the Showmances together for much longer, or does she have to risk making a move now? It's like Vanessa's situation with the Twins and Austin/Liz, but Da'Vonne doesn't have as much control over the separate pieces as Vanessa had.

Edited by mooses
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Day is seriously the worst ally ever. She never just sits on things to think about her next moves. Everyone talks about Tiff playing emotionally when most of these people do it worse.

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5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Can they go in a special triple eviction on Thursday? 

Sure. I have a shot gun and chairs, got a cooler?

Edited by wings707
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1 minute ago, mooses said:

So, can she afford to keep the Showmances together for much longer, or does she have to risk making a move now? 

You see, I realize that the dynamic is much different when in the house. It's hard to calculate the right move and when it's time to strike, especially if you're not guaranteed the numbers. But when you have a chance to take out a Showmance, especially when there's two, you have to give it a try. The problem is that Day only wants the boys out because she wants the girls to herself, and I think you need to be willing to take out any member.

So, in Day's case, the longer she keeps them in, the stronger they get. Much like Bridgette/Frank will need to be split up ASAP, but she can use them to her advantage. Paulie is also a powerful and dangerous player. If you can weaken him sooner rather than later, he doesn't float to the end, like Derrick did. 

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Everyone, prepare your ears for the epic Nicole whinefest that's going to be coming after the feeds come back.

"It's not faaaaaair!"

"We don't deserve thiiiiiiis! We saved herrrrrrrrrr! We're good teammaaaaaaates!"

Edited by mooses
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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Everyone, prepare your ears for the epic Nicole whinefest that's going to be coming after the feeds come back.

"It's not faaaaaair!"

Honestly. I want Nicole to go in a DE. I don't think I could listen to her whine for a week if she's on the block. I would Self- Evict and I'm not even in the house. HAHA. Honestly I think the 3 people with the most potential to leave during a DE is Paulie, Frank & Nicole if they are all still in the house when it happens. 

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

BTW right before feeds cut Paulie said he was going to confront Tiffany and Frank. Of course, being that he's a Calafiore, that's means absolutely nothing.

I hope so. That way Frank can see that Paulie is not on his side.

I don't like Frank, but I don't like Paulie either. Let them both go down in flames.

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

BTW right before feeds cut Paulie said he was going to confront Tiffany and Frank. Of course, being that he's a Calafiore, that's means absolutely nothing.

Yeah, I'm reading up that he plans to confront Tiffany before the veto and tell her that Frank's with them and she has nobody. Real classy, Paulie. Seriously, America loves you....a little bit less every time you open your big fat mouth. I know he won't say anything, but he's just such a mean spirited guy. 

And....somehow, I find Cody the better brother all of a sudden. Cody was a lot of things, and he said similar stuff as Paulie is, but he was genuinely kind toward most people. At least, I think so. I blocked out most of his moments with Christine. 

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3 minutes ago, kellog010 said:

I am praying that Tiff wins veto and pulls herself off the block.

Me too. Mostly just so Paulie has a meltdown, but also because without her on the block there's probably more of a chance of Corey (assuming she noms him) getting the boot.

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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

And....somehow, I find Cody the better brother all of a sudden. Cody was a lot of things, and he said similar stuff as Paulie is, but he was genuinely kind toward most people. At least, I think so. I blocked out most of his moments with Christine. 

I actually like Cody even though I wasn't rooting for him. He seemed like a pretty nice guy for the most part.

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5 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Right before feeds cut Paulie said he was going to confront Tiffany and Frank. Of course, being that he's a Calafiore, that's means absolutely nothing.

I think it means he's going to give her a dirty look.

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3 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

Honestly. I want Nicole to go in a DE. I don't think I could listen to her whine for a week if she's on the block. I would Self- Evict and I'm not even in the house. HAHA. Honestly I think the 3 people with the most potential to leave during a DE is Paulie, Frank & Nicole if they are all still in the house when it happens. 

You know, I want her to be the first houseguest to be evicted four times. I know that would mean she would win Battle Back, but it would just be really sweet. But then again, I don't want to give her any record in Big Brother history...well, any more than she already has. But I was just thinking about how sweet it would be to see Nicole being evicted.

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

You know, I want her to be the first houseguest to be evicted four times. I know that would mean she would win Battle Back, but it would just be really sweet. But then again, I don't want to give her any record in Big Brother history...well, any more than she already has. But I was just thinking about how sweet it would be to see Nicole being evicted.

There will probably be a jury returnee, too. So she could potentially be evicted five times in two seasons. 

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23 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Frank is telling Bridgette he thinks they're just trying to turn him against the boys and the boys are really with him. Shocking!

There's the dumbass Frank I know and loathe. He's so terrible.

I knew HOHitis would get Paulie hard and fast. He's this bad now, can you imagine what he's going to be like next week? Completely insufferable. 

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Feeds back. 

Paulie is kissing Frank's ass. He apologized to him. Sounds like he might have actually confronted Tiffany during the RK nom. 

ETA: Yea there was definitely a Tiffany/Paulie confrontation. Tiffany is talking to the cameras saying he's scared because he doesn't have control and to 'calm his nipples.' LMAO!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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2 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

I knew HOHitis would get Paulie hard and fast. He's this bad now, can you imagine what he's going to be like next week? Completely insufferable. 

Paulie was suffering from HoHitis the first week when he was on the block. I'm not sure it can get any worse at this point.

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1 minute ago, kellog010 said:

I love this new Tiffany. Talking in the HN to herself. Telling Paulie to Hashtag "Calm his nipples."

NoFucksTiff is the bet Tiff.

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2 minutes ago, kellog010 said:

I love this new Tiffany. Talking in the HN to herself. Telling Paulie to Hashtag "Calm his nipples."

Just now, J.D. said:

Paulie's in the kitchen with very uncalm nipples.

Great. Now I'm going to be thinking about Paulie's nipples all week. I'm gonna need more wine.

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Tiff tells Z it's none of the girls. It was strategic, so likely Corey. Saying she has the votes to get someone out but if she goes home at least she tried.

Edited by kellog010
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Yea Tiffany is killing it right now I'm lmao at her no fucks attitude.

Paulie is such a little shit but it's hilarious to watch him right now.

ETA: Tiffany and Zak talking right now. Zak is so stupid I'm sorry. 

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I'm so over Zak.  I wish the floor would open up and swallow her.  She's spewing another batch of lies to Tiff.

Edited by J.D.
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