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Season 7: Speculation and Spoilers Discussion

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47 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

It does seem strange to have the characters closest to Sansa--Jon, Brienne, LF, etc.--filming a scene when Sansa's actress is nowhere to be found. (I have no doubt that the paparazzo who posted the other pics from the set would have snapped Sophie if she'd been anywhere near this scene.) It also seems strange to cast another character played by an actress not too far off Sansa's age from the looks of it with Sansa's colouring to share scenes with characters in Sansa's storyline. Maybe Sansa dies fairly early on in the season.

Sansa dies early because she's not in this scene. . . but Littlefinger is present, so he outlives Sansa? That would confirm that she's been a complete waste of time if she just served as a disposable puppet who never accomplished a single useful thing in her life and could be scrapped once she'd been the means of getting Littlefinger to Jon. An early death would make Sansa worse than Quentyn: he was one and done, but if she dies without even managing to take Littlefinger down with her, she'll have gotten five books of POV chapters for nothing.

Glover is a hateful pro-Ramsay snake, but McInnerny is great. Maybe he can die fighting the White Walkers? I expect that some named characters will have to get killed by the Walkers in season 7 to show that they're the big threat now, I'll just have to keep on hoping that Davos/Tormund/Brienne survive. But if Podeswa is doing the first two episodes as speculated, and these set photos show the Northern girl and boy from the casting call, is it too early for their plot to be about White Walker-related trouble?

"The conflict there will involve Tyrion and one of his siblings": maybe he'll run into soldiers led by Jaime and they'll have a suitably nasty final meeting.

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Wasn't there a casting call for a girl and a boy that everyone assumed were from the North? The red head and the boy seem to fit the bill. Maybe the girl is a Manderly, but that character has been reforged into Lyanna Mormont, so that can't be it. Maybe she's Lord Glover's daughter, and he's looking to marry her off to Jon? Marriage for Jon will probably be brought up at some point if only to plant the idea that it's something that needs to happen.

A redhead that might be able to wield a sword, might be kind of badass if so? Kind of like Ygritte?

WOTW poster Gravemaster has identified the supposed body double as Megan Parkinson, an actress, so she can be presumed to be an actual character -- probably, as we've already been guessing, the 16-year-old from the casting announcement, given the presence of a boy fitting the description of the 10-year-old in the same group of photos.

The 16-year-old female character was supposed to be played by an actress with a Northern accent, and the Megan actress' Twitter describes herself as a "Yorkshire lass." It seems like this is that character, and that the young boy in Northern clothing snapped by the paparazzo is the actor playing the 10-year-old male character who's supposed to appear in the same "high stakes scene with leading cast members."

So that begs the question: if Jon, Davos, Littlefinger, Brienne, and Pod--Team Sansa, insofar as she has a team--are all in this "high-stakes" scene, why isn't Sansa? If this scene is so "high-stakes" and takes place with political heavyweights like Jon and Littlefinger, then why isn't Sansa involved? It seems bizarre that Brienne be at Jon's side and not Sansa's...unless, of course, Sansa is already dead by the time this scene takes place. That might explain why they felt comfortable casting a redhead that could be mistaken for Sophie (and apparently was) if the two characters will never interact.

I was also wondering about the circumstances of the paparazzo's photos. The paparazzo snapped several shots of cast members leaving the trailer, pics of the Riverrun castle facade at Corbet, as well as pics of the young boy in a Northern costume, and pics of the Megan actress speaking with Kit Harington. Brienne, Davos, and Pod's actors were all wearing cooling vests, suggesting that they'd be wearing armour for these scenes (so these were likely exterior and not interior shots). Now, the Corbet set features the Riverrun exteriors and courtyard. The Winterfell exteriors are located at Moneyglass. So if this was in relation to an exterior shot, which seems likely given that the characters were armoured up, doesn't that point to the "high stakes scene" occurring at Riverrun and not Winterfell? If the scene does take place at Riverrun, maybe Team Jon heads south while Sansa remains at Winterfell to hold down the fort...although I doubt LF and Brienne would be parted from her so easily, and that Sansa would feel comfortable letting her only allies out of her sight.

Edited by Eyes High
16 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

So that begs the question: if Jon, Davos, Littlefinger, Brienne, and Pod--Team Sansa, insofar as she has a team--are all in this "high-stakes" scene, why isn't Sansa? If this scene is so "high-stakes" and takes place with political heavyweights like Jon and Littlefinger, then why isn't Sansa involved? It seems bizarre that Brienne be at Jon's side and not Sansa's...unless, of course, Sansa is already dead by the time this scene takes place. 

Seeing as this appears to be in episode 1 or 2 and Littlefinger is still around, there is no way that Sansa is dead that quickly and with Littlefinger still hanging about.  And Brienne being present without Sansa isn't unusual; sworn swords don't just follow the boss around, if there's something going down that requires people to be armoured they can venture out to see what's up.

As to the circumstances, though, it's certainly interesting.  Tormund is also, as far as we know, not present, the only other Northern regular where that's not the case.

EDIT - given the apparent timing, maybe Sansa and Tormund go to get Bran?  I was initially uncertain why she'd choose to go on a mission like that, but thinking on it, one of her surviving brothers popping up would be a big deal and I guess with the Boltons defeated it wouldn't be dangerous.

Edited by SeanC
28 minutes ago, SeanC said:

Seeing as this appears to be in episode 1 or 2 and Littlefinger is still around, there is no way that Sansa is dead that quickly and with Littlefinger still hanging about.  And Brienne being present without Sansa isn't unusual; sworn swords don't just follow the boss around, if there's something going down that requires people to be armoured they can venture out to see what's up.

As to the circumstances, though, it's certainly interesting.  Tormund is also, as far as we know, not present, the only other Northern regular where that's not the case.

I'm beginning to think the speculation about the 16-year-old Northern girl/10-year-old Northern boy "high stakes scene" being a scene where the daughter and son of Lord Karstark and Lord Umber (respectively, probably, given that TV Karstark had reddish hair and Megan Parkinson does as well) are being ordered to swear allegiance to Jon was correct after all.

Tormund's absence from such a scene is inconspicuous; he's the de facto leader of the wildlings, and kneeler-to-kneeler bullshit not directly affecting the wildlings, such as Northern kids coming before Jon, would not concern him. Sansa's absence, on the other hand, is very conspicuous, especially since she and Jon have been acting as a team (a dysfunctional team, but a team nonetheless). Brienne, Pod, and LF, whose first concern is Sansa, present with Jon and his most trusted advisor in a "high-stakes scene" without Sansa? A "high-stakes scene" taking place with LF and Jon present while Sansa is nowhere in sight? That is extremely fishy.

I could see Sansa being killed off as early as Episode 1 or 2. A lot of deaths have occurred early on to kick off new storylines (Joffrey dying in 4x02, Bolton massacre in Season 6, etc.), and all indications are that there will be a lot of forward motion in Season 7. Sophie Turner said in the aftermath of the BOTB airing that she loved it, because it would have been a shame if Sansa died without accomplishing anything significant (or words to that effect). RIP Sansa, probably.

Edited by Eyes High
11 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

Tormund's absence from such a scene is inconspicuous; he's the de facto leader of the wildlings, and kneeler-to-kneeler bullshit not directly affecting the wildlings, such as Northern kids coming before Jon, would not concern him. Sansa's absence, on the other hand, is very conspicuous, especially since she and Jon have been acting as a team (a dysfunctional team, but a team nonetheless). Brienne, Pod, and LF, whose first concern is Sansa, present with Jon and his most trusted advisor in a "high-stakes scene" without Sansa? A "high-stakes scene" taking place with LF and Jon present while Sansa is nowhere in sight? That is extremely fishy.

I could see Sansa being killed off as early as Episode 1 or 2. A lot of deaths have occurred early on to kick off new storylines (Joffrey dying in 4x02, Bolton massacre in Season 6, etc.), and all indications are that there will be a lot of forward motion in Season 7. Sophie Turner said in the aftermath of the BOTB airing that she loved it, because it would have been a shame if Sansa died without accomplishing anything significant (or words to that effect). RIP Sansa, probably.

You've talked a ton about how you think Sansa will join Littlefinger and die as a result -- which is a fair enough theory, even if I don't agree with it myself.  But now you're talking about Sansa dying basically immediately into the new season, but Littlefinger's still around, so how did she die, exactly?  It's not plausible or dramatically likely to kill off such a major character in what, under these parameters, must be an extremely uneventful way.

Tormund's the leader of the Wildlings.  He's been at all other council gatherings, so you would expect him to be at any new ones, all things being equal.

  • Love 2
27 minutes ago, SeanC said:

You've talked a ton about how you think Sansa will join Littlefinger and die as a result -- which is a fair enough theory, even if I don't agree with it myself.  But now you're talking about Sansa dying basically immediately into the new season, but Littlefinger's still around, so how did she die, exactly?  It's not plausible or dramatically likely to kill off such a major character in what, under these parameters, must be an extremely uneventful way.

Everything seems to be pointing towards Sansa + LF vs. Jon, thus my previous prediction. However, it's dangerous to turn a blind eye to the spoilery implications of new information because it conflicts with where everything seems to be going. The tone of Sansa's last scene in Season 4, where she triumphantly descends the staircase in a black gown while LF gazes in admiration at her confidence and masterful self-possession, was an extremely poor predictor of what wound up happening to her in Season 5. That's why when spoiler reports emerged in 2014 and early 2015 pointing to Sansa going to Winterfell and marrying Ramsay, certain fans vigorously and vehemently denied the implications as long as they could, citing as they did the tone of Sansa's last scene in Season 4.  I wasn't one of the fans ranting and raving about how D&D would never swap in Sansa for Jeyne Poole, because I paid close attention to that information. Similarly, therefore, if I learn that there's a big scene--a "high-stakes scene," even--being filmed with the most important characters in Sansa's storyline with Sansa nowhere in the vicinity, I'm going to pay attention and I'm going to suggest that everyone else do the same, lest they be embarrassed when eventually proven wrong the way certain fans were in 2015 (as amusing and as satisfying as it was when they wound up with egg on their faces).

If and when Sansa does die, I wouldn't be surprised if Jon inherits her crew, just as he seems to have inherited Stannis' and Mance's.

Edited by Eyes High

I think some people here were going on and on about Sansa dying early last year too because she was gone from filming for a couple of weeks.  

I don't even think Sansa is gonna die this season.  But Sansa is one of the most popular characters like Cersei...it's going to take more than one episode to lead to her demise. 

  • Love 1
54 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

Everything seems to be pointing towards Sansa + LF vs. Jon, thus my previous prediction. However, it's dangerous to turn a blind eye to the spoilery implications of new information because it conflicts with where everything seems to be going.

This is not merely a question of last season's setup, it's elementary storytelling.  Sansa is one of the most important characters in the whole show.  You're positing that she dies by the second episode of the season, and dies without it basically affecting anything, since Littlefinger is still around.  I'm quite comfortable ruling that out.

Look dudes, I enjoy being right about as much as anyone else in the world--except maybe on politics and public policies where I'd admittedly rather be wrong-but this is not that level of seriousness.  All y'all can take it for granted that for me, it's just guessing and trying to pass this long ass year by without having to do anything so drastic as going out and getting a real life.  If I were really serious to me, I wouldn't be stroking my ego about it; I'd be putting money on it.

So here goes.  Eyes High, if Sansa is dead by the end of s07e03, your first drink that night is on me, homie. 

Til then, we guess and GRRM laughs ...

ETA:  I chose e03 because with a 7 episode season that's the definite end of the beginning, and the phrase "early on" seemed kind of vague.  I'm amenable to reworking the wording if anyone disagrees with that reasoning though.

Edited by TxanGoddess
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2 hours ago, Minneapple said:

There are crazy rumors flying around about Rhaegar Targaryen having been cast. Some random actor or musician posted on their Instagram that they'd been cast for Game of Thrones, and he's blond and has that Targaryen look. So of course that makes me hope for Lyanna and Lyanna/Rhaegar flashbacks pleeeeeeease.

That guy was just joking.  It's not impossible that we'll see Rhaegar, though -- particularly since the writers seem to struggle to come up with things for Bran to do other than deliver exposition (well, honestly, he doesn't even deliver the exposition, he stands around and watches it; I often feel bad for Isaac, who seems like a talented actor, but this role offers so little occasion to show his skill).

9 hours ago, ElizaD said:

Sansa dies early because she's not in this scene. . . but Littlefinger is present, so he outlives Sansa? That would confirm that she's been a complete waste of time if she just served as a disposable puppet who never accomplished a single useful thing in her life and could be scrapped once she'd been the means of getting Littlefinger to Jon. An early death would make Sansa worse than Quentyn: he was one and done, but if she dies without even managing to take Littlefinger down with her, she'll have gotten five books of POV chapters for nothing.

There is every chance that LF outlives Sansa in the books. Who says that Sansa has to 'accomplish' something in the books before she has killed off? She has accomplished something in the literary sense by giving us a viewpoint into LF. Catelyn has the same amount of POV chapters (25) that Sansa currently has when she and Robb were killed off. Was that a waste of time?

It could be that the show actually made up this Ramsey plot for Sansa so that she would actually get to do something before she was killed off. In fact there was the one interview where Sophie mentions being nervous about being killed off before she played the game and so it was nice that she got the play the game in season 6. That the past five seasons were leading up to her taking down Ramsey.

Now we may debate about whether she actually did anything noteworthy in season 6, other than write a letter to LF, but the show has presented it as Sansa being clever and playing the game and being responsible for taking down Ramsey Bolton. They took Stannis and Jon's plots and gave it to Sansa so that she could get to do something. Why would they make up a new story for her if she was accomplishing great things in the Vale, plotting against LF? Maybe the show writers are being nicer to Sansa Stark than GRRM is going to be. 

That being said, I don't think Sansa is getting killed off early in season 6.  Sophie Turner has been filming a lot and has said that she will be filming till January (Emilia Clarke has said that she will be filming till February). If Sansa does die this season, it will be towards the very end. Either LF will outlive her and take her down or she will die taking him down with her. I expect it to happen in the penultimate episode or in the finale, not before then.

I am expecting next season to be Dany's best ever. Emilia may end up doing the most filming for next season.

I've been wrong about many things, but the Sansa=Jeyne swap was not one of them.

Sue of WOTW already debunked that theory by checking with her inside sources. It was a joke on the part of the musician; he posted an old picture from a photoshoot he did a while back where he was holding a bow, thus the Game of Thrones reference. It's too bad, because the musician in question is very easy on the eyes. There may very well be Rhaegar flashbacks, but the musician (Devin Oliver) has nothing to do with the show.


It could be that the show actually made up this Ramsey plot for Sansa so that she would actually get to do something before she was killed off.

Yup. I'm guessing they wanted to give her one big win before her exit, thus the rape + revenge storyline for Seasons 5 and 6. D&D said that they'd been planning the Sansa rape storyline since Season 2. They may have learned fairly early on that Sansa was doomed.

2 hours ago, Eyes High said:

Yup. I'm guessing they wanted to give her one big win before her exit, thus the rape + revenge storyline for Seasons 5 and 6. 

That's flat-out silly.  I don't know what GRRM has planned for Sansa, but GRRM did not give her the fifth-most chapters of any POV character just to have her die insignificantly.

  • Love 4
12 hours ago, SeanC said:

That guy was just joking.  It's not impossible that we'll see Rhaegar, though -- particularly since the writers seem to struggle to come up with things for Bran to do other than deliver exposition (well, honestly, he doesn't even deliver the exposition, he stands around and watches it; I often feel bad for Isaac, who seems like a talented actor, but this role offers so little occasion to show his skill).

Oh. Damn. Crush my flashback dreams, why don't you.

Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised if Sansa dies this season, but in episode 2 or 3? No way. They'd save that death for a season finale. 

1 hour ago, SeanC said:

That's flat-out silly.  I don't know what GRRM has planned for Sansa, but GRRM did not give her the fifth-most chapters of any POV character just to have her die insignificantly.

GRRM isn't nearly as enamoured of Sansa as her fans. Arya, he loves, but Sansa, Arya's established polar opposite, not so much, except insofar as he loves all his characters. He loves Sansan, because it presses all his Beauty and the Beast trope buttons, but Sansa? Eh. The best he can say about her is that she became "more sympathetic" after AGOT, which is damning with faint praise, given how appalling Sansa was in AGOT. He has consistently refused to exonerate her for playing a role in Ned's downfall and has on more than one occasion heavily hinted that the loss of Lady represented the loss of her "Starkness." Pretty much all that we know about Outline Sansa as a character is that she was insufficiently loyal to the Starks, she betrayed her family, and that she came to regret it. I wouldn't make any assumptions about her importance based on her number of POV chapters if I were you. That way lies "D&D would never swap Sansa in for a minor character like Jeyne because she's too important!"-type reasoning. She wasn't, and they did.

Sansa is not one and has never been of the "main five." She is also the only POV Stark whose specific AFFC/ADWD arc (in the Vale, in Sansa's case) was completely eliminated by the show. Even Bran, who missed a whole season, got some version of his training arc with Bloodraven. This is not a coincidence, I expect. 

As for your argument that Sansa won't "die insignificantly," Catelyn and Ned didn't die insignificantly, but they still died. In terms of early deaths, Joffrey died very early on in Season 4, but it was far from an insignificant death. You seem to be arguing that Sansa can't die or at least die soon in the show because she's too important. That argument might work for Dany or Jon, but not Sansa. GRRM might have kept her alive for longer than Cat and Ned, but it might not be for the reason that you think.

Edited by Eyes High
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Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised if Sansa dies this season, but in episode 2 or 3? No way. They'd save that death for a season finale. 

Pretty much this.  I wouldn't be surprised if Sansa bows out before the end but I don't think it will be early in this season.   And I don't think LF will be hanging or palling around with Jon and friends if Sansa weren't in the mix in some capacity.  I keep going back to last year and how EVERYONE was yodeling abuot how Sansa was going to die because extras had reported she was at the Battle of the Bastards and her being in such a combative environment was proof that the curtain had come down blah blah blah blah.  Bias/hopeful speculation are very easy to spot so it really doesn't even get me curious anymore.  

IF Jon the White Knight, I mean Wolf, heads to the Riverlands I do hope Sansa goes with him, only because, I want to see her interact with Tyrion, Theon and preferably Lady Olenna.   Those are the reunions I'm interested in seeing, in terms of her character.  I wouldn't care if she never saw Bran or Arya again.   I also hope we get one more LF scene with BOTH Olenna and Varys.   I wouldn't be shocked if Sansa and LF were taken off the board this season but I wouldn't be shocked if they made it to Season 8 either.

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1 hour ago, Eyes High said:

GRRM isn't nearly as enamoured of Sansa as her fans. Arya, he loves, but Sansa, Arya's established polar opposite, not so much, except insofar as he loves all his characters. He loves Sansan, because it presses all his Beauty and the Beast trope buttons, but Sansa?

"GRRM doesn't love Sansa, he just loves SanSan, a romantic pairing that obviously cannot exist without Sansa" is kind of an odd argument for him not caring much about her, but anyway, Sansa doesn't need to be part of the original five main characters to be important.  Jaime isn't one of the original five main characters, and I'm pretty sure he's not going to slip on a banana peel and fall off a battlement in episode 701.


That way lies "D&D would never swap Sansa in for a minor character like Jeyne because she's too important!"-type reasoning. She wasn't, and they did.

They reworked the entire Northern plot in an attempt to give Sansa more to do while merging several stories and still keeping core plot points (like her being sort of in Littlefinger's control) in tact, no matter how illogical they were as a result of the changes.  I don't see an argument against her being an important character there.  Sansa's skill-set, unlike Bran and Arya's, could be transposed to other stories and still notionally accomplish the same sorts of things (the actual execution of this didn't really work, but that's another matter).


As for your argument that Sansa won't "die insignificantly," Catelyn and Ned didn't die insignificantly, but they still died.

That just reinforces my point.


In terms of early deaths, Joffrey died very early on in Season 4, but it was far from an insignificant death. 

Joffrey was a minor character with no arc of his own, and even in that instance, his death radically reshaped the whole plot.  Whereas you're arguing that because Sansa's not at a gathering of the regulars that seems to be centered on these two kids showing up, a gathering that includes Littlefinger, she must be dead.  In which case, her death would not seem to have affected much of anything?  Who killed her?  Baelish?  Jon?  Why, in either case, would such a story allow for the two of them to still be hanging around each other?  It doesn't work at all.

Edited by SeanC
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4 hours ago, Wouter said:

I wouldn't be surprised if Sansa made it to the very end.

Nah. ASOIAF Sansa shit on Arya, Tyrion, and Jon, three of the "big five" and three of GRRM's obvious faves. No way he's letting that slide. Just ask Catelyn. The GRRM remembers.


They reworked the entire Northern plot in an attempt to give Sansa more to do

Well, we know that's what they claimed at the time. D&D said after Season 5 aired that the rape storyline change was to give Sophie a meaty storyline and keep her off the bench. In retrospect, of course, it's obvious that they were setting up a Stark vs. Bolton storyline in Season 6 with Sansa and Jon taking what I assume will be ASOIAF Stannis' place in the fight against the Boltons. However, it could also be that they wanted to give "player" Sansa the chance to shine--having eliminated the Vale storyline that would have accomplished the same thing--before offing her. Now she has that big accomplishment under her belt: saving the Stark forces from what would have otherwise been a catastrophic defeat and reclaiming Winterfell. Now she's fair game.


Whereas you're arguing that because Sansa's not at a gathering of the regulars that seems to be centered on these two kids showing up, a gathering that includes Littlefinger, she must be dead.

If it doesn't strike you as strange that a significant scene is taking place with every one of the most important players in Sansa's storyline with no sign of Sansa--particularly since last season Jon was glued to Sansa's hip, and LF's last scene without Sansa occurred in the Vale--I don't know what to tell you.


Sansa doesn't need to be part of the original five main characters to be important.  Jaime isn't one of the original five main characters, and I'm pretty sure he's not going to slip on a banana peel and fall off a battlement in episode 701.

Death by banana peel isn't exactly how Joffrey went out.

ETA: The paparazzo has released some more set snaps: they include Aiden Gillen in costume, Kristofer Hivju (sporting a cooling vest), Liam Cunningham, and the guy who plays Maester Wolkan in costume. (That would be the maester who was intimidated into silence by Ramsay in Season 6.) I'm not sure whether these shots were all from the same session as the previous batch or whether they were taken on different filming days.

I'm surprised the paparazzo's Twitter hasn't been shut down yet. Seems like a Frikidoctor-type situation waiting to happen.

Irish Thrones also reports that filming activity continues at the Wall/Castle Black set at Magheramorne.

L7R reports that there's some more news about the Zumaia and Saltiponce shoots:

Zumaia: GOT will be filming on Itzurun Beach. They are hiring people to row large paddle boats called drifters. The intention seems to be to film at sea.

Saltiponce: GOT will be filming at the ancient Roman ruins of Italica. L7R reports that GOT will not be shooting a battle there. Italica is speculated to be the site of the Dragonpit, which Dany is apparently going to visit in Season 7.

Edited by Eyes High
4 hours ago, Eyes High said:

If it doesn't strike you as strange that a significant scene is taking place with every one of the most important players in Sansa's storyline with no sign of Sansa--particularly since last season Jon was glued to Sansa's hip, and LF's last scene without Sansa occurred in the Vale--I don't know what to tell you.

I find it interesting to speculate about, but "obviously Sansa dies immediately into the new season without affecting anything!" is quite a conclusion to jump to.

But speaking of which, the new batch of photos potentially clarify things a bit.  In the initial round, everybody but Aidan Gillen was in some stage of costume.  I figured at the time that this just meant Gillen might have completed his bit or gotten undressed quicker, but the latest round show Gillen and Richard Rycroft (Wolkan) in costume and Cunningham (and a previously unseen Hivju) out of costume.  So maybe they aren't all in the same scene, and they're filming a scene between Littlefinger and Wolkan around the same time?  That fits better, in some ways, since Harington, Christie and Portman's cooling vests (which Hivju also seems to be wearing?), suggesting their characters were wearing armour, gave some suggestion of a martial scene that Littlefinger's presence seemed at odds with.

Or maybe these are from different days and there's no significance.  Who knows?

Edited by SeanC
2 hours ago, SeanC said:

But speaking of which, the new batch of photos potentially clarify things a bit.  In the initial round, everybody but Aidan Gillen was in some stage of costume.  I figured at the time that this just meant Gillen might have completed his bit or gotten undressed quicker, but the latest round show Gillen and Richard Rycroft (Wolkan) in costume and Cunningham (and a previously unseen Hivju) out of costume.  So maybe they aren't all in the same scene, and they're filming a scene between Littlefinger and Wolkan around the same time?  That fits better, in some ways, since Harington, Christie and Portman's cooling vests (which Hivju also seems to be wearing?), suggesting their characters were wearing armour, gave some suggestion of a martial scene that Littlefinger's presence seemed at odds with.

Or maybe these are from different days and there's no significance.  Who knows?

I'm not sure whether they're all from the same day and the photographer is gradually doling out from the same bunch of photos. The first set was posted on September 28th, I think. If so, it is possible that the photographer took pictures of Sophie as well and has yet to release them, which would put an end to all this speculation about Sansa's mysterious absence from these scenes. Sophie could have been present in Corbet on the 28th during these scenes; she wasn't spotted in London until the 30th. I personally think that it's unlikely that the photographer snapped Sophie and did not release it with the initial group of photos, given that the photographer led with the "big guns" like Kit Harington and Gwendoline Christie in the initial batch, but it could still be the case.

If the recent photos and the initial photos are from different days, I have to admire the cojones of the photographer for sneaking back onto set to take more after the first batch of photos were printed by the Daily Mail, although I suppose it's possible that the photographer used an incredibly high-powered camera and was nowhere near the set physically when the photos were taken.

WOTW has some more filming information:

1. Pink GOT sign spotted in Banbridge today (Linen Mill Studios).

2. Signs of preparation for filming near Ballycastle. Shore scenes, maybe?

3. GOT will not be filming at the Real Alcazar in Seville.

4. Roman ruins Italica action scene will be a "conflict" but not a full battle. It's suspected to double for the Dragonpit.

5. L7R is passing along a rumour that HBO is revisiting the idea of shooting at the San Isidoro Del Campo monastery, a location previously discarded because it looked too modern.

Edited by Eyes High
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Emilia Clarke is filming outdoors in Northern Ireland, according to her Instagram. Irish Thrones reports that "Daenerys and her dragons have officially landed in Westeros this week," tagged #IrishNorthCoast. There seems to be activity in the Fair Head/Ballycastle area, according to various sources.

Irish Thrones also reports that filming has continued on the outdoor sets at Linen Mill Studios in Corbet.

Iain Glen was spotted in Belfast again. 

L7R reports that the prep for the Zumaia filming will take three weeks.

Saw something on Instagram claiming that Sophie Turner will be filming in Iceland in January and that's why she hasn't dyed her hair yet...? Sophie Turner has said that she'll be filming until January, though. An Icelandic news site reported a few months back that HBO was planning on filming GOT scenes there in January.

Edited by Eyes High


YessS! The true Queen in the North! Hopefully heading North to take care of the miscreants plotting against Jon :)

More seriously, it's great to finally have some set pics of Maisie. Her plot is what remains a total mystery to me. What she is wearing looks like what the Stark men and the Lyannas have worn so maybe it's Northern garb. Which could imply that she is making her way North or is in the North already in the first couple of episodes. With only 13 episodes left, it is important they get Arya North ASAP.

At the same time, why did they keep Cersei on Arya's list if they are going nowhere with that? Maybe she is about to head south, meets Mel, hears about WF and makes the decision to abandon her list and move North.

There are also pictures of Isaac and Maisie in the make up trailer. Not sure if they are filming together, but I am pretty sure that Bran meets up with Jon/Sansa within the first two episodes.

Edited by anamika
  • Love 2

It's possible that directors other than Podeswa were present and they were working on multiple episodes (WOTW seems like think that Isaac was leaving while Maisie was getting ready), but yeah, it's certainly a possibility now.

If it's the case, I'm really confused about how this works with Arya's timeline.  With indicators Gendry is coming back, for instance, how does that happen if Arya's not in the Riverlands or wherever?  Unless Arya is logging an insane amount of mileage in the first episode, it seems like a hard fit, and I'm not sure how else he'd be relevant.  Nobody in the southern plotline knows or cares about him.

  • Love 1
11 minutes ago, SeanC said:

It's possible that directors other than Podeswa were present and they were working on multiple episodes (WOTW seems like think that Isaac was leaving while Maisie was getting ready), but yeah, it's certainly a possibility now.

If it's the case, I'm really confused about how this works with Arya's timeline.  With indicators Gendry is coming back, for instance, how does that happen if Arya's not in the Riverlands or wherever?  Unless Arya is logging an insane amount of mileage in the first episode, it seems like a hard fit, and I'm not sure how else he'd be relevant.  Nobody in the southern plotline knows or cares about him.

Agree. If I am not wrong, Girona, last year, had more than one director working there at the same time. We do not even know if it is the same scene. In my opinion, Petyr and the Maester are not part of the high-stakes scene.

Another possibility is it is part of a Bran vision.

Other possibility:  maybe those are not northern clothes, if we look at Tyrion clothes in season 1( someone posted a photo of Tyrion in the Vale dungeons in other forum), they  look similar to Arya costume now. In fact, the belt zone is almost the same, there is not belt, and even Lyanna costume included one. They can add the belt later, of course, but i do not think we can be certain than Arya outfit is Northern look.

Finally, I also agree with your question about the timing.....what about Sandor, the BwB and Mel? Gendry? And once again, to have everyone already in the Winterfell so early will nulify the whole Jon-Sansa-Littlefinger plot.

2 hours ago, anamika said:

YessS! The true Queen in the North! Hopefully heading North to take care of the miscreants plotting against Jon :)

"Shit gets real," indeed.


I'm not entirely convinced that's Stark armor, not yet. Ayra's leather skirt pattern is more or less, a circle within a square. Stark battle armor skirts hold to a rectangular pattern.




  • Love 2
58 minutes ago, FemmyV said:

"Shit gets real," indeed.


I'm not entirely convinced that's Stark armor, not yet. Ayra's leather skirt pattern is more or less, a circle within a square. Stark battle armor skirts hold to a rectangular pattern.




It looks like what the Stark brothers were wearing for a while...


2 hours ago, OhOkayWhat said:

 And once again, to have everyone already in the Winterfell so early will nulify the whole Jon-Sansa-Littlefinger plot.

I don't think the whole Sansa/LF Vs Jon plot is going to take long. Maybe that will be Sansa's story, but Jon would need to do other things - namely start following his book plot which I am sure has nothing to do with LF.  Jon in the books has more of a connection/relationship with Arya and Bran and he would need to start interacting with these characters soon. Assuming the 6 episodes next season are about dealing with the WW and resolving the endgame, this season should move really fast to set that up.

If we don't see Essos anymore (Please God, let this be so) then the story is divided into South and North. I think the show will quickly get the Riverlands characters where they need to be - either south with Cersei or North at WF. From these filming spoilers, it seems more likely that they head North.

I think we will see 60% time spend on the South and 40% in the North. We should get Cersei/Euron against Dany and Co., big battles, dragons possibly dying, Tyrion playing games etc and by episode 6, Dany should be focused North, setting up for a Jon/Dany meeting in the season finale. In those 6 episodes we should get some Sansa/LF plotting, Jon doing some ruling to get the North ready for the WW, Bran getting there and maybe spilling the beans on R+L= J, Arya meeting up with her siblings and helping Jon. There's so much to show and so little time that I think we are going to see things move at break neck pace.

The only reason for Bran to not go to WF is for him to realize that his mark may bring down the wall and stay on the other side of it. In which case Jon may go visit him. But it would be really shitty if he was stuck at the Wall for the entire season till the WW attack.

Edited by anamika
  • Love 1

Arya's costume is virtually identical to Lyanna Mormont's new getup in cut and style, although Lyanna's is grey and Arya's is brown. I don't know whether it's "Stark"--it certainly looks a lot like the clothes that Ned, Jon, Robb and Bran have worn at various points (young Rodrik Cassel in Bran's 6x02 flashback is also wearing similar clothes, at least with the leather-jerkin-over-long-sleeves-plus-skirt-over-pants look)--but it seems that it's intended to be Northern.

It's possible that Sophie was in this scene or in other scenes involving the actors previously snapped at the makeup trailer on September 23rd. These pictures were all taken on September 23rd according to WOTW's sources, and Sophie was in Belfast at that time. Sophie told her superfan that she starts filming today (October 12th), which would exclude Sansa from the scene(s) being filmed on the 23rd, but she could have meant that she resumes filming today. I had thought that the pap wouldn't sit on photos of Sophie Turner if the pap had them, but given that the pap was sitting on Maisie and Isaac photos, it is possible that the pap also snapped Sophie at the same time and has yet to release those photographs.

I find it hard to believe that Bran could make it to Winterfell even by 7x02, particularly if the whole Bran-accidentally-dissolving-the-wards-protecting-the-Wall thing is going to be a big deal. With that said, I welcome the kind of plot acceleration that would have the Starks reunited by 7x01 or 7x02.

Edited by Eyes High
1 hour ago, Eyes High said:

It's possible that Sophie was in this scene or in other scenes involving the actors previously snapped at the makeup trailer on September 23rd. These pictures were all taken on September 23rd according to WOTW's sources, and Sophie was in Belfast at that time. Sophie told her superfan that she starts filming today (October 12th), which would exclude Sansa from the scene(s) being filmed on the 23rd, but she could have meant that she resumes filming today. 

I could swear that in one of the Emmy interview videos Sophie talked about going back to work on Wednesday, and talked like she was already filming.

Of course, unless Sophie suddenly has her hair dyed red after today (or more pap photos turn up), this is likely an unresolvable question.


I find it hard to believe that Bran could make it to Winterfell even by 7x02, particularly if the whole Bran-accidentally-dissolving-the-wards-protecting-the-Wall thing is going to be a big deal. With that said, I welcome the kind of plot acceleration that would have the Starks reunited by 7x01 or 7x02.

The biggest argument in favour of Bran's dissolving the wards was when we thought it possible the Wall might fall in 610, and at that point there was nothing else set up that might cause that.  If, as seems likely to be the case, the Wall will not fall until 707 (or 706), that's less of an issue, as there's plenty of time to establish some other cause.

I don't know that the pic of Maise proves she's going north. Its a pretty common style throughout the show.

Here's Robert and Renly Baratheon wearing basically the same style...


And here's Tyrion also in the same style as well...


Indeed, there's nothing particularly "northern" to the style in Game of Thrones. If anything it's just a style reasonably popular among the nobility.

This isn't to say that Arya is NOT going North. It just means her wardrobe is not evidence of her going any place in particular.


While I've only really been able to find images of her with the plate armor over it, by far the closest match to Arya's outfit in texture seems to be both of Brienne's suits of armor, particularly when the torso armor is removed.


And here's one of Tyrion's outfits from a later season in the same cut but more elaborate.


Both suits of armor and Tyrion's outfit here were of southern manufacture so I think we rule out "Arya's outfit = definitely heading North" unless we get later images that include additional winter garments (we've even seen images of the Unsullied wearing quilted jackets under their armor so I expect to see heavier clothing appearing further and further south as the series goes on).

I'd say if there's ANY indication of where Arya is going at all, it would be that Gendry is returning to the story when he was last seen being told to head back to King's Landing/Fleabottom by Davos and there's no reason to believe he didn't do just that. Since the only main characters he's been involved with previously are Stannis (dead), Melisandre (headed south, expected to meet up with Arya at some point) and Arya and he would have no reason at all to become involved with Cersei or Jaime, I would suggest that there is at least circumstantial evidence that Arya will be headed to King's Landing at some point (either before or after going to Winterfell).

My personal hunch would be "before" as it fits with where we left Arya in the finale of crossing off the last few people on her list rather than going straight home (Winterfell had already been retaken when she killed Walder Frey, so she clearly thought that crossing him off her list first was more important than going to see her sister and half-brother).

Edited by Chris24601
  • Love 3

You never know who else might be at the site, photographed or not, but I'd say the photos are at least suggestive of a Northern scene since there are no other castmembers from outside the North present (as WOTW noted, Isaac seemed to be leaving while Maisie was still in costume, so multiple scenes may have been on the go).

Unrelatedly, WOTW reports that there's going to be a lot of filming in the Dragonpit, and one of those scenes will involve Brienne and Davos meeting with Dany and some of her crew (Missandei is the only one mentioned by name).  Brienne and Davos weren't exactly fast friends when they first met, so the ambassadorial trip south should be fun for them.

This potentially also clears the way for Brienne to get involved in Jaime's story again (ever since they had her actually find Sansa, they keep having to find excuses to send her away back to her "real" plot).

Edited by SeanC
  • Love 1

So Jon possibly sends Davos to meet up with Dany real soon! Good choice of ambassador. And I am guessing disgruntled Sansa sends along Brienne to keep an eye on him. I think I predicted this way back on here.

So Jon hears news about the dragon queen and dragons early on in the season! I am hoping they don't brush aside the North's reactions to dragons like they did Sansa's reaction to WW and resurrection.

Edited by anamika
5 hours ago, SeanC said:

You never know who else might be at the site, photographed or not, but I'd say the photos are at least suggestive of a Northern scene since there are no other castmembers from outside the North present (as WOTW noted, Isaac seemed to be leaving while Maisie was still in costume, so multiple scenes may have been on the go).

Unrelatedly, WOTW reports that there's going to be a lot of filming in the Dragonpit, and one of those scenes will involve Brienne and Davos meeting with Dany and some of her crew (Missandei is the only one mentioned by name).  Brienne and Davos weren't exactly fast friends when they first met, so the ambassadorial trip south should be fun for them.

This potentially also clears the way for Brienne to get involved in Jaime's story again (ever since they had her actually find Sansa, they keep having to find excuses to send her away back to her "real" plot).

Stannis' most ardent supporter and Stannis' killer trapped on a road trip together. Sounds about right.

WOTW usually sits on the big spoilers to preserve their access, so I'm wondering what exactly goes on in the dragonpit scene, and which characters "from other storylines" are present that we're getting tossed the Dany/Brienne/Davos scene bone. I'm hoping the locals pay very close attention to the actors who show up in Santiponce for the dragonpit scenes.

From WOTW comments


L7R is saying that there are at least five top-level actors to participate in the filming in Italica.

Dany, Tyrion, Davos, Brienne and ? Is Nathalie Emmanuel (Missandei) considered a top level actor on the show?

By the way, what is going to be the point of Missandei now that everyone is going to be speaking in English? If she is going to be just standing around with Dany and have the occasional romance with Grey Worm that would be a waste of both the character and precious screentime better spend on more important characters.

Edited by anamika
13 hours ago, Chris24601 said:

Both suits of armor and Tyrion's outfit here were of southern manufacture so I think we rule out "Arya's outfit = definitely heading North" unless we get later images that include additional winter garments

If anything, Tyrion's skirt in that first pic (Vale) is an exact match in materials and pattern. Hmmmmmmm

45 minutes ago, anamika said:

From WOTW comments

Dany, Tyrion, Davos, Brienne and ? Is Nathalie Emmanuel (Missandei) considered a top level actor on the show?

By the way, what is going to be the point of Missandei now that everyone is going to be speaking in English? If she is going to be just standing around with Dany and have the occasional romance with Grey Worm that would be a waste of both the character and precious screentime better spend on more important characters.

First off, L7R says that there are at least five. There could very well be more.

Secondly, the L7R quote translates roughly as follows: "...we can reveal that at least five actors playing protagonists [characters?] of the highest level are participating in the Italica filming." The highest level. I don't know about you, but I consider the highest level in the show to be Cersei, Dany, Tyrion, and the Starks (maybe Jaime, too, I guess). I don't consider Brienne, Davos and Missandei to be on the highest level. With that said, L7R went on to state that WOTW had confirmed various characters who would participate in the dragonpit scene (Dany, Missandei, Brienne and Davos), so maybe they did mean Missandei, Brienne and Davos.

I am curious about the other characters present. WOTW went and told us about Davos and Brienne, but WOTW tends to sit on the big spoilers to preserve their access. I might be reaching here, but if WOTW are telling us about Davos and Brienne, I'm guessing that there are other characters in the mix whose presence could be too spoilery to reveal. Jon? Cersei? Hopefully that part of Spain has a lot of GOT fans in the mix to spy for the fandom.

Edited by Eyes High
45 minutes ago, anamika said:

By the way, what is going to be the point of Missandei now that everyone is going to be speaking in English? If she is going to be just standing around with Dany and have the occasional romance with Grey Worm that would be a waste of both the character and precious screentime better spend on more important characters.

Missandei's role as translator has hardly ever been used.  She's more of a generic person for others to bounce dialogue of off, for the most part (as well as the only woman in Dany's crew, until Yara showed up).

Just now, Eyes High said:

First off, L7R says that there are at least five. There could very well be more.

Secondly, the L7R quote translates roughly as follows: "...we can reveal that at least five actors playing protagonists [characters?] of the highest level are participating in the Italica filming." The highest level. I don't know about you, but I consider the highest level in the show to be Cersei, Dany, Tyrion, and the Starks (maybe Jaime, too, I guess). I don't consider Brienne, Davos and Missandei to be on the highest level. With that said, L7R went on to state that WOTW had confirmed various characters who would participate in the dragonpit scene (Dany, Missandei, Brienne and Davos), so maybe they did mean Missandei, Brienne and Davos.

I am curious about the other characters present. WOTW went and told us about Davos and Brienne, but WOTW tends to sit on the big spoilers to preserve their access. I might be reaching here, but if WOTW are telling us about Davos and Brienne, I'm guessing that there are other characters in the mix whose presence could be too spoilery to reveal. Jon? Cersei? Hopefully that part of Spain has a lot of GOT fans in the mix to spy for the fandom.

If the show is hoping to hide that Kit Harington or whoever is filming in Spain in what is apparently a venue located in an open area...good luck.

As far as who rates as an important castmember, that's so subjective that it's hard to assess.  Jaime, as you mention, is a possibility.  Depending on one's definition, maybe Theon and/or Varys would count?  They're also in Dany's posse.

28 minutes ago, SeanC said:

Missandei's role as translator has hardly ever been used.  She's more of a generic person for others to bounce dialogue of off, for the most part (as well as the only woman in Dany's crew, until Yara showed up).

If the show is hoping to hide that Kit Harington or whoever is filming in Spain in what is apparently a venue located in an open area...good luck.

As far as who rates as an important castmember, that's so subjective that it's hard to assess.  Jaime, as you mention, is a possibility.  Depending on one's definition, maybe Theon and/or Varys would count?  They're also in Dany's posse.

They're shutting down the area for filming. Given their track record with concealing , though...as you say, good luck. As far as leaks from sparsely populated areas in Spain, last year, we knew about Bran and the 3ER at the TOJ, and we knew about Varys and Olenna in Dorne, solely from locals leaking. We also knew about the Dothraki temple being burned down.

As for importance, there are about 20-30 characters who are in the main cast at any given time, but that's a far cry from the highest level. Of course, what matters isn't what I consider the top-level characters, it's what L7R considers top-level characters, and for all I know they include characters I consider second-tier like Missandei, Davos and Brienne.

Strictly spitballing, though, it seems like something pretty big goes down at the dragonpit, and negotiations between Jon/Sansa's ambassadors and Dany could easily take place indoors if that's all that was involved. (D&D also like to write in such a way that the super-spoilery stuff doesn't take place in the open except where absolutely necessary.) I could have sworn I read the dragonpit sequence described by L7R or another source in the know as an "action scene." I don't doubt that there's a scene between Dany, Davos and Brienne, but I think there's something very big that happens that makes a Dany/Davos/Brienne meeting look trivial in comparison.

I'm kind of wondering how Brienne gets dragged into this ambassador mission. Does Sansa send her along to ensure that Davos doesn't throw Sansa's interests under the bus in negotiating with Dany on Jon's behalf?

ETA: L7R stated in the comments to their most recent post that they're not spoiling which Greyjoy sees Jon in Season 7. Hmm.

Edited by Eyes High

Also, the comments say that a Greyjoy will be going north, but they won't say which Greyjoy.

It could be Euron, doing villainous things, but it seems like he'd be more likely to stay and cause trouble in the south.  Unless those book theories that he ends up getting the Horn of Joramun and uses it to bring down the Wall are true, I guess.  The safest bet would be Theon, perhaps to entreat Jon to send people to meet with Dany.  Granted, Theon is a terrible, terrible choice for an envoy, but I'm sure the writers would go for that just because it would be dramatic.

Just now, SeanC said:

Also, the comments say that a Greyjoy will be going north, but they won't say which Greyjoy.

Is the Ironborn Priest a Greyjoy? if that is the case, then maybe he is the one who sees Jon.

And now I am looking to Brienne armor skirt (the blue one) and it looks very similar to Arya new leather skirt. Maybe the showrunners want to establish a female "Westerosi warrior" look for Arya. In any case, I still doubt Arya arrives North so early.

Edited by OhOkayWhat
Just now, SeanC said:

It's confirmed that the priest was Aeron, but I doubt that he's getting any sort of solo focus.  And frankly, I doubt Aeron going north would be considered worth being mum about.

Maybe he decided he had enough of Euron, and he is running away....it is an interesting plot if he goes North to warn Jon about some hypothetical Euron secret plans. But I am just guessing here.

Edited by OhOkayWhat
7 hours ago, OhOkayWhat said:

And now I am looking to Brienne armor skirt (the blue one) and it looks very similar to Arya new leather skirt. Maybe the showrunners want to establish a female "Westerosi warrior" look for Arya. In any case, I still doubt Arya arrives North so early.

I tend to agree. If anything, I'd associate the particular style more with King's Landing than anything as Robert, Renly and Tyrion all lived there (Tyrion having at least three different variations on the design that I've found so far), Brienne's first armor came from the Stormlands, her second was a gift from Jaime that he had made for her in King's Landing.

You can also see the same sort of design in Gregor and Oberyn's armor (particularly his) during their duel to the death.


The warmer tones to Arya's outfit also suggest somewhere more southern to me (the North's leatherwork has been portrayed as consistently darker and cooler in tone (see Lyanna's outfit in the same lighting).

Going along with that, Winterfell was already under Jon/Sansa's control with enough time for the Lords from across the entire North (who did not participate in the battle) to gather. So if Arya wanted to go home and reunite with her sister and half-brother/cousin she could have done so in the final episode, but she chose vengeance on the Freys (who weren't going anywhere) instead.

If her expression and the discordant tones playing under her last scene were any indication, I'd think it likely that Arya next goes to King's Landing to trying and cross her last two names off. There she'd run into Gendry (last seen being told to row back to Fleabottom) who could work on getting her to give up her vengeance. Only once Arya's got the vengeance out of her system (one way or the other) do I think she'll be able to go back to her family.

Dealing with her need for vengeance is likely going to be Arya's story arc for most of the next season.

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