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FX Renews The Americans For Final Two Seasons

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Love love love. Thank you FX for doing this and letting the show go on its own terms. I Was just hoping for a season 5 renewal with a final season tagline, so knowing we get 2 more is awesome.

I understand television is a business, but really wish networks would do stuff like this more often. At least a short final season. I feel bad for castle and Nashville fans who got screwed by ABC this year. I can understand shows in their first season, but if you have multiple years invested in a show, it really sucks to get an unintended ending.

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I wonder if they'll do a flashforward to the end of the Soviet Union in 1989-1991, or if this basically ends around Glasnost in 1985. If the show sticks to its general timeline, season 5 would be 1984, and season 6 would be 1985, which would bring them to Glasnost.

Edited by methodwriter85
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I'm so excited. I'm so excited! I'm so scared. 

I'm pleased that next season won't be the last. Given their attention to every tiny detail, I had no idea how they could wrap everything up in 13 episodes. If they are getting 23, I bet it's because that's how many they wanted, so I trust that it will be sufficient to tell the story they want to tell. 

I can't remember ever having such positive feelings about a TV network before, but thank you FX and John Landgraf!

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This is great news, although I already lament the ending of the series.  But going out on its own terms is terrific. 

The New York Times article on the renewal has a picture of a scene we have not yet seen!  I think it is not a spoiler to say that I bet the unknown woman is the 50ish librarian that Gabriel mentioned last week.  Great disguise for Philip:   http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/26/arts/television/the-americans-will-end-in-2018.html?hpw&rref=arts&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&module=well-region&region=bottom-well&WT.nav=bottom-well&_r=0

Edited by jjj
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I read in an interview somewhere this year that FX told the showrunners that they could keep it going as long as they liked, and at that point they weren't sure if that was going to mean one more season or two.  It sounds as though they split the difference.


I wonder if they'll do a flashforward to the end of the Soviet Union in 1989-1991, or if this basically ends around Glasnost in 1985. If the show sticks to its general timeline, season 5 would be 1984, and season 6 would be 1985, which would bring them to Glasnost.

My daydream is that they'll end in 1985, but that in 5 years they'll bring the show back and do a few seasons with a college-age Paige and Henry to get us to the fall of the Soviet Union. More improbable TV things are happening these days all the time!

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As I said in the Media thread before I realized this article was posted, I'm really excited two additional seasons! I glimpsed through various television critics' twitter feeds and many are responding very positively to this. I truly hope when the dust of the final season settles that this show situates itself in the pantheon of the greatest television dramas of this era.

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Great news, of course, but also interesting as I was thinking they were moving closer and closer to the endgame - so I was expecting the next season to be the last, simply because the story would demand it. But then again, there's a lot of stuff the showrunners seemingly want to tackle and the story didn't progress fast enough to allow them to do that (and they can't really move forward six or seven years in just one season), so two seasons makes sense. 

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I really thought this season was going to be 1984 and I remember being surprised that they kept it in 1983, but then again it makes sense because they had to deal with the fall-out of Paige telling the truth.

Here's how I'd want things to go...season 5 takes place in 1984-1985, and the final season covers 1986-1987, ending on the "Tear Down This Wall Speech" as Phillip is brutally murdered while Elizabeth has to watch. (Or Paige. I honestly think this show could and will go there.)

I looked up Keidrich Sellati and he doesn't have a bowl-cut now, so let's hope that they allow him to keep his neat haircut (which honestly could pass for preppy 1984) and not force him to stay with the bowl cut that is increasingly off the further they get into the 1980's.

So this penultimate season starts in early 1984, after Chernenko has just taken over (he was in charge from February 1984 to March 1985).

It seems unlikely they will get to perestroika and glasnost.  Gorbachev succeeds Chernenko in March 1985 but he really doesn't push for reforms, specifically perestroika and glasnost, until 1987-88.

Sure they can fast forward several years for the final season or maybe parts of this season and the next season.  However, Paige is a key character now.  If they fast forward 2-3 years, she'll be college age by then?  Either she will have become fully-trained agent by then or maybe failed to cut it.

I would have thought it might be easier for the Jennings to walk away after perestroika and glasnost or the fall of the USSR.  However, it turns out Russia, under the SVR, were sending illegals in the '90s and several of them were caught and deported, in a prisoner swap, in 2010:


So even if the show timeline reaches the end of the Soviet Union, the Jennings could be shown continuing on.

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