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Season 12 Spoilers, Speculation and Anticipation

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The scenes between Reid and his mother were nice, though we know this story is probably not going to end well. Reid is in completely over his head, and JJ is right to have a bad feeling with this, since it is only going to get worse. Both from the hints we have received from spoilers and interviews, plus the fact that Reid is probably doing some shady, illegal stuff to treat his mother.

As for the case, I rolled my eyes so many times during it. Why did they even bother with such a stupid, pointless case that really made no sense and apparently there was ZERO attempt by the local police to, you know, actually do their job, and investigate the case

They should have made the entire episode about Reid and his dilemma with Diana. My kids had some friends over and we all watched it together, and collectively groaned or tsked whenever they went back to the case. All anyone cared about was Reid's story, unanimously from 3 different viewer types; dedicated, casual, and never watched. 

God when she hit him and he looked so hurt, I was still pissed off at her when she came out, oblivious, after her nap. Then when she didn't remember him at the end and his voice was barely more than a whisper when he said his own name... that crushed me. Matthew did a helluva job, and yes he and Jane have fantastic chemistry together, still. I only wonder when my chest will stop aching for Spencer, that sweet, brilliant man. I hope JJ gets her little self over there soon. He needs her. 

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5 minutes ago, Mom x 3 said:

I hope they aren't setting up an affair between JJ and Spencer.  Not that I saw any of that, but it's just where my mind went.  

No, they aren't. Abso-fraggin'lutely not.  :) 

They're supposed to be besties, although she does an extraordinary amount of eye rolling and face pulling where he's concerned; dunno why he'd be best friends with someone who openly mocks him. And like another poster said, she comes across as mean and even belittling about him.

My own objection to relationships between law enforcement co workers is well documented O:-) but that aside, there has never been anything remotely like that between them. They went to a football game together in the first season, but nothing came of that. And there's Will. And two sons. And Spencer, even if he was interested in her, would never destroy someone else's marriage.

I get it, some people would like to see them together. Not me, and fortunately, the producers and writers seem to feel the same way.

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24 minutes ago, qwerty said:

Did anyone else interpret that as she used to unknowingly abuse him often?

My family and I has always assumed this about Reid's mother, given our own family's experience with the disease :(


Anyone else creeped out by the senses photo frame thing in Reid's bedroom? It just's a little...freaky? I can't explain it. Interesting decoration preferences he has. 

I also thought this was a little creepy!!! Sometimes CM set design is strange though. There was a weird picture in Emily's office some episodes ago.

9 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

No, they aren't. Abso-fraggin'lutely not.  :) 

They're supposed to be besties, although she does an extraordinary amount of eye rolling and face pulling where he's concerned; dunno why he'd be best friends with someone who openly mocks him. And like another poster said, she comes across as mean and even belittling about him.

My own objection to relationships between law enforcement co workers is well documented O:-) but that aside, there has never been anything remotely like that between them. They went to a football game together in the first season, but nothing came of that. And there's Will. And two sons. And Spencer, even if he was interested in her, would never destroy someone else's marriage.

I get it, some people would like to see them together. Not me, and fortunately, the producers and writers seem to feel the same way.

I could buy the friendship between Reid and JJ in the earlier seasons at least somewhat. But when they brought her back to the show as an entirely different JJ one that I grew to dislike immensely it became next to impossible see any sort of friendship between them. To be honest I don't really blame MGG or AJC for this. But rather the blatant stupidity of CBS thinking it was a brilliant idea to fire those  actresses in the first place.

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1 hour ago, qwerty said:

Personally I think that was the best episode in ages (I may be influenced by the THC in my system). I hope no one minds me posting this here since the other thread is still locked. 

I was really happy to see Reid finally meet the new guy, the new guy seems a little nerdy so I wonder if they will become friends. I think they accidentally wrote JJ so she came off as mean/underestimating Reid in this episode. I think what they're going for is JJ picking up on the fact that something is wrong (her bad feeling), but when she talks about her bad feeling she just sounds like she's being mean 'Is this a good idea, can Reid handle this.'

I was slightly confused at the end of the episode and wondered if Reid had just killed them both for a few moments, before remembering the prison pictures. I'm also confused, did he tie his mother to himself or the bed? There appears to be something around his wrist but the scene is a little too dark for me to be certain. Also...why? Is he doing it so if she tries to do something, he would feel it? Wouldn't it just be easier to tie her to the bed in this situation? (I just thought of the funniest thing, remember all that Reid and bondage stuff from the previous episodes? Wouldn't it be funny if Reids bed already had something to tie her onto in it? Would have been a very different tone)

I think this has to be my favourite episode in the last 7 seasons. Reid and his mom fighting on the bathroom floor. Diana hitting Reid. Reid tying himself to her and giving her illegal medicine (Anyone know what that was ?). 

What does everyone else think about Diana (Diane? Only just realised this far into my comment there's different spellings, sorry if I'm using the wrong one) saying "You know you always were so clumsy, smart as a whip but I used to call you crash, you were always bumping into things." Did anyone else interpret that as she used to unknowingly abuse him often? (This is what I think JJ's bad feeling is about (excluding all the other bad stuff)). I feel like they have a lot of experience fighting, I would pay money just to watch them fight, it's honestly so entertaining to me. 

I barely paid attention to the case. 

What was up with the sock medicine? He takes the bottles out of the sock, puts 2 in a drawer, and takes one out. Does this mean this is the first time he's giving it to his mother and does this mean he smuggled it in a sock? That's hilarious. 

I liked seeing Reid talk to the second caretaker, I really liked their conversation and the little laugh he did, super cute. 

Anyone else creeped out by the senses photo frame thing in Reid's bedroom? It just's a little...freaky? I can't explain it. Interesting decoration preferences he has. 

This episode was 10/10! Sorry if my comment is a little hard to understand. 

Edit: I think the tight rope thing was stupid

I'm still having the same health issues I was having the last time I watched an episode (I'm going to a specialist about it tomorrow morning-- earliest appointment I could get) so I'm still feeling bleh. It detracted from my enjoyment of this episode. Plus, after watching the new Legends of Tomorrow episode last night, this one was a real downer by comparison. That LoT episode was awesome.

I didn't think JJ came off as mean. I think her gut feeling was that something bad might happen. I don't think it had anything to do with a lack of confidence in Reid's ability-- it was just a sense of foreboding she was getting. I've had that before over things. Like I had a really bad feeling about a friend of mine getting his truck. I kept worrying about him-- it had nothing to do with any lack of confidence in his driving skills-- I just had this fear he was going to crash. It turned out to be a valid concern because there was something wrong with the truck that caused it to flip and it nearly killed him. He hasn't been the same since.

It's "Diana". Diane was the woman who killed Maeve.

The slap kind of reminded me of Star Trek when Spock's mother slapped him and ST:TNG when Dr. Crusher slapped Wesley. I did not get the impression that Diana had injured Spencer when he was a child. I think that, as irresponsible and cowardly as his father was, he would not have left Spencer alone with her if she was known to harm him (unless he didn't know about it). Some kids really are just clumsy when they are little-- and some continue to be clumsy their while lives. But, if Diana was abusive, it will probably come out in the next few episodes.

I don't buy for a second that Reid would have hired a caretaker who wasn't familiar with taking care of patients with Diana's condition-- so the woman screaming that he didn't tell her his mother was crazy just seemed wrong.

I believe the scarf on the wrist was so that if Diana moved it would wake Spencer up so he would know when she was awake.

I really don't know why he hid the medicine somewhere she would find it in a room she was sleeping in. He should have put it somewhere in a locked drawer.

I'm a bit apprehensive about this story line. I don't want them to kill Diana. I'm not worried about Reid leaving, but I'm worried about them doing irreparable damage to who he is and making him a character I don't recognize anymore (except for in face). I really hope they don't have him doing criminal stuff. He's too smart for that, but I don't think the writers are that smart.

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Press release for episode 14, "Collision Course" is published.


So it does look like Penelope will be in the field. And note the god awful crap on her head in a freaking professional work environment. *sighs*

And this "bad news" comes after whatever crap goes down in Mexico. Maybe it's he will have to serve jail time or something. Or it's something with his mother. Those are the only two real possibilities in my opinion. But with the guest stars from a courthouse, I bet it is the former.

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Re: 12/13....

in the preview, he says "I don't remember" (anything that happened, presumably that landed him in prison). and he has an eidetic memory. Triggered in me right away that someone has messed with his mind. Which smacks of Mr Scratch although Bodhi Elfman's name doesn't appear in the advance credits for next week's episode.

BUT, if he has done something to Reid psychologically, Spencer could be conditioned or just be having nightmares (to explain the forthcoming prison scenes for more than one episode) Did I make sense?

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40 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

Re: 12/13....

in the preview, he says "I don't remember" (anything that happened, presumably that landed him in prison). and he has an eidetic memory. Triggered in me right away that someone has messed with his mind. Which smacks of Mr Scratch although Bodhi Elfman's name doesn't appear in the advance credits for next week's episode.

BUT, if he has done something to Reid psychologically, Spencer could be conditioned or just be having nightmares (to explain the forthcoming prison scenes for more than one episode) Did I make sense?

I thought so too, RF!

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13 minutes ago, JMO said:

Somehow I think the emotional impact will be significantly dampened if we are to watch the total strangers of CMBB join in with the BAU newbies to rescue Reid.  This is a case for Emily, Rossi and JJ, with a Garcia tech backup.  Everybody else can go back to where they came from.

Yes. This. x10. I really *resent* the Beyond Boredom people being brought into this episode. At all. Our BAU has been in Mexico before (horrible episode that it was, but I digress). There is No. Need. for the BB crowd here. And not even Gary Sinise ferchrissakes.

I'd sooner his actual friend Morgan be brought back for this one before the BB crowd. Hoping their screen time is like, a cameo, minimal. *grumble*


Season12Ep13 screencap 4 copy.jpg

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I have to admit I'm more than a little curious as how this is going to play out... was Reid lying about going to Houston and is going to Mexico?  Does the doctor, or whoever he's going to see in Houston, tell him he has to cross the border to obtain stuff for his mom?  Is Scratch behind it, IE framing him (the "I can't/don't remember" bit from the promo)??

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2 minutes ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

I have to admit I'm more than a little curious as how this is going to play out... was Reid lying about going to Houston and is going to Mexico?  Does the doctor, or whoever he's going to see in Houston, tell him he has to cross the border to obtain stuff for his mom?  Is Scratch behind it, IE framing him (the "I can't/don't remember" bit from the promo)??

I'll accept any/all of those...... as long as when all is said and done, Spencer Reid is still a hero, still a BAU member in good standing.

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2 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

I'll accept any/all of those...... as long as when all is said and done, Spencer Reid is still a hero, still a BAU member in good standing.

I completely agree.  If this is their attempt to write Reid out of the show - or at least severely 'sideline' him - then this is my only reaction...


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and the photo shown is of that hospital bed set Karen Maser tweeted a while back. Doesn't look like it's Reid in the hospital, and reading the presser, it would seem that Rossi is interviewing a victim of their latest unsub.

Harold Perrineau is listed in the guest stars though, so I guess whatever it is that his storyline involves, likely with Reid, is included.

I hope that was vague enough so as to not be too much of a spoiler...

:::checks. Oh this is the spoiler/spec thread. *whew*:::

Edited by ReidFan
spelling correction of actor's name
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Dr. Reid begins to settle into his new surroundings...

Yes, he's definitely staying in jail.

I imagine he'll try to do with the prisoners what he did with his sports team at school, and that way against the odds, end up doing ok. It's all about having a strategy (weirdly enough my nerdy friends and I worked out the same thing in sports at our high school, so I can guarantee it's almost better than having a natural ability. Almost. You can win ridiculously easily if you think things through beforehand and the opposing team don't.) He's clever, so he can probably think up ways to get them what they want, and he knows everything about people, so he can work out which ones won't kill him and can be manipulated. 

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I'll tell you what's bullshit-- my local CBS broadcast. I have it almost on max volume and its barely audible. The sound is all distorted. Words and parts of sentences are not coming out-- so like they will say part of a sentence and some words or phrases in the sentences are just missing. And the image keeps going all pixellated or getting lines over it or just going yellow or black. Like, of all the nights for CBS to fuck up, it has to be on this episode.  WTF?

So, I'm trying to watch the episode but the bad broadcast is just ruining it for me. It's barely watchable. They are fucking up Morgan Freeman's voice on a commercial right now. UGH.

I'm tempted to go unsub on whoever is in charge of the broadcast.

Also, if I think I know what is going on: there is no way in hell that Reid would have given something to his mother without finding out what was in it first.

GAH. Why the hell didn't they just tell the Mexican police about Mr. Scratch and how he's gone after team members in the past.

Edited by zannej
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