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Season 12 Spoilers, Speculation and Anticipation

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To be honest #6 is the only one that has me excited. I'm really happy that they don't appear to be sweeping Diana's early onset dementia under the rug. I do like that they are indicting that it will present some challenges for Reid. As I have said before I don't mind when Reid has to face adversity as long as he overcomes it. Having said that I too would love for him to find a nice girl and experience some well deserve happiness.

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7 minutes ago, MMC said:

To be honest #6 is the only one that has me excited. I'm really happy that they don't appear to be sweeping Diana's early onset dementia under the rug. I do like that they are indicting that it will present some challenges for Reid. As I have said before I don't mind when Reid has to face adversity as long as he overcomes it. Having said that I too would love for him to find a nice girl and experience some well deserve happiness.

Sadly Erica MESSER will never do this even though fans of the show, and especially Spencer fans, have been dying for him to have true happiness and love in his life since we began watching CM. If anyone deserves happiness and to be loved, it is Dr. Spencer Reid.

Damn, some of the most despicable unsubs featured on this show get a half-way decent boning every now and then.

Booky stomps off in a corner and pouts.

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Good luck with Reid's arc guys. I hope Jane Lynch and fans got something decent. 

About Reid's love life. And I am saying this because I genuinely like the character. You know writers are focusing in Rossi's relationship, right? Do you really want them to focus that "talent" in Reid?

The one pro of having your favourite character butchered away is that there is a limit to the amount of shit I'm going to witness.

Edited by smoker
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4 minutes ago, smoker said:

Good luck with Reid's arc guys. I hope Jane Lynch and fans got something decent. 

About Reid's love life. And I am saying this because I genuinely like the character. You know writers are focusing in Rossi's relationship, right? Do you really want them to focus that "talent" in Reid?

The one pro of having your favourite character butchered away is that there is a limit to the amount of shit I'm going to witness.

And you can read really good fan fiction to get your "Spencer finally gets laid" fix...just sayin'......

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3 minutes ago, Bookish Jen said:

And you can read really good fan fiction to get your "Spencer finally gets laid" fix...just sayin'......


You're right Booky!

I wish there were more fanfics about Hotch. Maybe I should say more of my taste (HochxOC) hehe

Edited by smoker
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3 hours ago, Bookish Jen said:

You could write it yourself. Or just fantasize about Hotch......

I'm the worst writer ever, I can't write anything longer than a plot... I guess there is only one option left xD

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As I mentioned before I do have a fan fiction idea featuring Spencer (No! Really, Booky?) and certain lady. I haven't written it partly due to time constraints and partly because I am too afraid of writing it considering I haven't written any fiction in over 10 years. But I do have one scene fully-written in my gallant, gray matters. Needless to say, it is a sex scene.

All my fellow PTV-CM Uniteers, "That is because you are a strumpet, Booky."

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4 hours ago, ForeverAlone said:

Some of this stuff we already knew, and some of this expanded upon what we already knew about this season.


Who cares about Adam the whateter and Aisha stealing screentime more than about Reid's centric arc? Gush! Irritaing! Why are they so keen on ignoring Reid when all they have now is just Reid!

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Has it actually been confirmed that Prentiss is the new Unit Chief? The article seems to indicate it's not a done deal.

I'm also predicting that Episode 13 is when Hotch dies. What else could have a huge impact?

(OK, maybe Diana bites the dust...this isn't looking very good...)

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6 minutes ago, Danielg342 said:

I'm also predicting that Episode 13 is when Hotch dies. What else could have a huge impact?

(OK, maybe Diana bites the dust...this isn't looking very good...)

except that Erica said it's a *fun* Reid story. Don't think Hotch or Diana dying would be fun. I'm hoping maybe he has had a gf for ages and it comes to light in 13.

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14 minutes ago, Danielg342 said:

The article didn't say Episode 13 was going to be a fun one, though. Messer and Vangsness just said it could be a "big one".

sorry, yeah, she did. In a  TV Guide article I read earlier this week Danielg342. She specifically said *fun*.

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2 hours ago, Danielg342 said:

Has it actually been confirmed that Prentiss is the new Unit Chief? The article seems to indicate it's not a done deal.

I'm also predicting that Episode 13 is when Hotch dies. What else could have a huge impact?

(OK, maybe Diana bites the dust...this isn't looking very good...)

I actually don't have a problem with them making Prentiss the unit chief. If TG had been okay with making a change in his role I would be completely behind that move of bringing Prentiss in to assume leadership of the BAU. 

I hope to high heaven that they don't kill off Hotch OR Diana. I feel sorry for the cast and the writers (except Virgil) for the predicament they're in, but I don't think they needed to go to this extreme to discipline Thomas for his actions and or comments. Much as I love Prentiss, bringing her in does not take away the sting of losing Hotch. Bringing her back when they got rid of Seaver? Well, that was a celebration. This time it definitely feels like someone died. 

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19 minutes ago, Danielg342 said:

If that's the article about Jane Lynch, it says Lynch will appear in two episodes starting in Episode 11. The other episodes were not specified.

it says 'it's a fun Reid story'. 


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36 minutes ago, secnarf said:

Actually, it says she's back for episodes 11-12 in a "fun Reid story", and then she's gone in episode 13, which is a "big" episode.

I hope they have enough sense not to kill her off.

You and me both.

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11 hours ago, ReidFan said:

except that Erica said it's a *fun* Reid story. Don't think Hotch or Diana dying would be fun. I'm hoping maybe he has had a gf for ages and it comes to light in 13.

Yes, we've been dying for Reid to have a lady love for ages, but I don't want her to all of a sudden pop up and she and Spencer have been a true blue item for ages. I want to see them meet, immediately connect even if it means in a friendly matter for a while until it blooms into a wonderful romance and relationship. I want to see this amorous arc. We've seen these arcs with Garcia and Kevin and Morgan and Savannah. Why not Spencer?

Personally, I think it would be great if Loker came back and she was Spencer's girlfriend for a while.  Maybe things didn't work out after that initial coffee date, maybe they just got to busy with their jobs and kept things in the friend zone, but there was a slow burn and now they are a true blue item.

Of course, I also wish to look like Heidi Klum, and that ain't going to happen either. 

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8 hours ago, Danielg342 said:

You and me both.

And me three. Spencer has had enough drama and grief in his life, especially when it comes to his mother. I'd love a really cool episode where Diana helps the BAU with a case. I'd love some fun elements between Diana and Spencer like reminiscing their trip to Paris. They could be looking over photos (taken old-school, not with a smart phone) or trying to recreate some of the delicious dishes they had in France and it being a total disaster, and both Diana and Spencer are laughing themselves silly. Both Jane Lynch and Matthew have good comic skills. Let them show these skills. 

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I'm going to miss Hotch, but I am curious as to how things will work out with Emily as the unit chief. There is some potential for a bit of conflict in that the rest of the team are used to seeing her as their equal and a friend, so I wonder if there will be any trouble from any of them at times remembering that she's the boss. Or if she will feel awkward if she has to put her foot down and pull rank. And I'd like to see her overseeing more than just the team members-- like, maybe she can comment about PR mess with some of the other people who work in the office-- but she can't discuss names. Or maybe we can see her having to read the riot act to a lower tier person in her matter-of-fact way.

They can also have her struggle with wondering if she's doing well enough because Hotch's shoes won't be easy to fill. But I think the team will rally to support her.

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1 hour ago, zannej said:

I'm going to miss Hotch, but I am curious as to how things will work out with Emily as the unit chief. There is some potential for a bit of conflict in that the rest of the team are used to seeing her as their equal and a friend, so I wonder if there will be any trouble from any of them at times remembering that she's the boss. Or if she will feel awkward if she has to put her foot down and pull rank. And I'd like to see her overseeing more than just the team members-- like, maybe she can comment about PR mess with some of the other people who work in the office-- but she can't discuss names. Or maybe we can see her having to read the riot act to a lower tier person in her matter-of-fact way.

They can also have her struggle with wondering if she's doing well enough because Hotch's shoes won't be easy to fill. But I think the team will rally to support her.

I'd like to see a bit of conflict as Emily settles into her new role, not where there is anarchy or people undermine her. For the most part, Emily is fully qualified for this role. She can bring in the gravitas while still being the affable Emily she usually is. It's just her former peers are now her subordinates and it's going to take some time for everyone to acclimate to Emily's new role, not to mention Alvez as a new member. 

No matter what I am looking to see how this all plays out.

And, yes, Hotch's shoes won't be easy to fill.

Edited by Bookish Jen
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I almost kind of wish Morgan was still around so that we could see him try to take advantage of Hotch's dismissal. He was the only one who had a document dislike for Hotch and I'm sure he'd like to take advantage of not having "the drill sergeant" around (even if Hotch in the later years really wasn't as strict as the show tried to paint him as).

Perhaps Rossi could fill this role, or even Alvez...you know, I hate to say it, but Alvez could be the one to get Hotch fired. Newbies are less likely to take crap from a superior, so Alvez's complaint could get Hotch axed. I'm not sure I'd like it since it would likely mean Alvez's standing amongst the fans is tarnished for good, but it's a scenario I would believe,

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Well, I wonder why they need a guy with an expertise in spies? What's going on? I mean, especially since Emily was a spy? At least it sounds vaguely interesting?

This is about to be a huge cast, but I'd guess someone else is also on their way out this year and they're trying to replace him or her early so they don't have to mess around with the cast at all next season. If there is a next season. 

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16 minutes ago, rainsmom said:

Jesus. How many regulars does this series need?

Definitely not as many as they have.  It has begun to look like a slow turnover of the entire cast.  

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1 hour ago, rainsmom said:

Jesus. How many regulars does this series need?

Agree. This is a very sad subject for me, but I think Prentiss (full time) was enough under this circumstances. As a chief, as member of the team and as a spy (come on!! seriously?!? Messer has some kind of spy fetishism).

And here there is another thought, I think this guy should have been the new regular after Morgan. He looks much more interesting than AR and is different than Morgan too. 

Edited by smoker
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1 hour ago, rainsmom said:

Jesus. How many regulars does this series need?

That's what I was just thinking

Hotch => Prentiss
Morgan => Alvez
Prentiss => Lewis
Plus Garcia back at base.  That's our six, so why another one?

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I thought Prentiss was enough to fill Hotch's shoes. Perhaps this is an indicator Rossi is going too?

*shrugs* I believe I've seen Damon Gupton before and I think he'll be just fine...but eight cast members is too much. At least he isn't arriving until Episode 8.

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27 minutes ago, rainsmom said:

Maybe Gupton => Strauss

We've already had that, as Mateo Cruz (Esai Morales) replaced Strauss in S9. Perhaps something happened to Cruz and now Gupton's character is replacing him, which might not necessarily be a bad thing. I could see a situation where the Section Chief decides to pick the cases the BAU goes on (as the Chief should, being the BAU's boss and all), and that essentially becomes Gupton's role (along with being the media liaison)- leaving Garcia to do what she should be doing and that's hacking into computers.

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7 hours ago, Lebanna said:

 This is about to be a huge cast, but I'd guess someone else is also on their way out this year and they're trying to replace him 

I agree. I wish it is MGG who leaves the next. I like Reid, but at this point, I care more about MGG's future career. He deserves better.

And I don't think Gupton's character will replace Cruz, since judging from TV line's article he is supposed to fill directly in the void of TG.

Edited by MaliceMisel
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Too many people there!! 

But... being really selfish, I don't want MGG to leave... missing Hotch (awfully), and  Morgan (he was not my favourite, but I enjoyed his dynamics with other team members ) is more than enough for me. 

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I think you all are missing the fact that this is a new regular, not recurring, character. Strauss and Cruz weren't regulars. This is ridiculous and awful, and i hope Matthew bales by the 13th episode.

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2 minutes ago, normasm said:

I think you all are missing the fact that this is a new regular, not recurring, character. Strauss and Cruz weren't regulars. This is ridiculous and awful, and i hope Matthew bales by the 13th episode.

good point, they weren't recurring characters. 

sorry normasm, you mean you wish MGG packed his things a left the show for good, right? it's a grammatical question, I never read "bale" in this context

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Yes, smoker, I actually meant bail, as in skip on off the premises. I've had only one cup of coffee this morning, so I'm still foggy.... and PO'd

Edited by normasm
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32 minutes ago, normasm said:

Yes, smoker, I actually meant bail, as in skip on off the premises. I've had only one cup of coffee this morning, so I'm still foggy.... and PO'd

thanks! and I totally can relate, some mornings are specially hard and foggy xD

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