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Feed The Beast - General Discussion

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15 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

I'm just not buying that he's this fantastic chef. 

His trash can tort is fabulous.  Also, does this mean Dion is both a savory and sweet chef?  Most savory chefs do not do desserts, but I guess Dion can do anything.

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I guess I'm the only person on the planet enjoying this show.   One of the episodes didn't record and I went to The A.V. Club for a recap--but they'd pulled the plug on the recaps and the comments and the whole shebang, just to put everyone out of their misery. 


Terrible waste to throw the dessert away.  I would have snatched that thing and sprinted out the door--if nothing else, treat the people in your subway car or the bums under the overpass.  Junkies on cop shows always like a sweetie.  Don't waste food!


TJ:  use your words now.


Maybe Tommy and Rie were on a break.

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12 minutes ago, candall said:

Terrible waste to throw the dessert away.  I would have snatched that thing and sprinted out the door--if nothing else, treat the people in your subway car or the bums under the overpass.  Junkies on cop shows always like a sweetie.  Don't waste food!

That's true about the food.  I couldn't believe they didn't think of just wrapping it up and giving it away.  What a waste, indeed.

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13 hours ago, candall said:

I guess I'm the only person on the planet enjoying this show.   One of the episodes didn't record and I went to The A.V. Club for a recap--but they'd pulled the plug on the recaps and the comments and the whole shebang, just to put everyone out of their misery. 


Terrible waste to throw the dessert away.  I would have snatched that thing and sprinted out the door--if nothing else, treat the people in your subway car or the bums under the overpass.  Junkies on cop shows always like a sweetie.  Don't waste food!


TJ:  use your words now.


Maybe Tommy and Rie were on a break.

Make that a 2 person planet, candall

Brilliant shout out to Friends, by the way!  :-)

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53 minutes ago, candall said:

We'd probably do fine sharing a planet, WQ.  Planet Herb Doggie.  You'd have hto catch me up on Preacher.

No doubt, candall, what with our many similar tastes in TV fare!  But it would have to be Planet herb Critter (equal opportunity animal lover here).  As far as explaining Preacher - don't count on me; I often wonder what in the holy fuck I am watching.  Maybe my TV watching mama raccoon has a clue!!!  :-)

I was thinking all those leftovers would be hoovered up overnite in my back yard by the raccoons, possums, skunks or semi-feral cats. Or maybe even the birds.  'Cause that's my thang.  ;-)

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17 hours ago, Ohwell said:

Tommy's really gonna lose his shit when he finds out Dion has nailed Pilar too.

Tommy lost his shit when he drowned his sorrows in a bottle rather than tending to his traumatized kid.  Wonder if he was always such a sorry sad-sack ... and what Rie ever saw in him, nevermind silly Pilar.

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Yeah, I agree, Tommy just doesn't seem like much fun.  Even as scummy as Dion is, I can see why Rie might have fallen for him because at least he can make you laugh.  

Tommy is such a downer and I think that even affects his son.  I mean, why not take TJ to Disneyland or someplace where the kid can have some fun and, you know, just be a kid?  Instead the poor kid is stuck in the Bronx with a sad-sack dad, a racist granddad, and a druggie "uncle."  No wonder he won't talk.  What's there to say?

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4 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

Yeah, I agree, Tommy just doesn't seem like much fun.  Even as scummy as Dion is, I can see why Rie might have fallen for him because at least he can make you laugh.  

Tommy is such a downer and I think that even affects his son.  I mean, why not take TJ to Disneyland or someplace where the kid can have some fun and, you know, just be a kid?  Instead the poor kid is stuck in the Bronx with a sad-sack dad, a racist granddad, and a druggie "uncle."  No wonder he won't talk.  What's there to say?

It's sad when even the racist granddad and druggie uncle seem to be doing better for the kid than his own sad-sack dad.

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OK, I'll get the ball rolling on this pile. Pilar is a real piece of work. Bad enough she already shagged Dion (Are we keeping tentative paternity odds here? I'm up to 3 at this point.), now it turns out she wasn't even grieving for anyone when she joined the support group, she was just trolling for a boyfriend/husband. Real smart, look for a new guy among the acutely grieving! Then stalk your prey. And wonder why he isn't into you. Stupider than I thought and even more unethical, to boot. I thought she exhibited too few grief patterns in group, but everyone grieves differently, and her (non-existent) husband may have been abusive or controlling. She should have stuck with the Tooth Fairy! Although it sounds like he is in love with Dion, too. (Ugh, WTF?)

I was glad Tommy punched Dion's lights out and I don't like violence. Dude totally deserved it. I don't love this show (toooo stooopid), but I kinda what to see where the writers go with it in the remaining two episodes. Next week looks promising,


with Tommy doing a DNA test on TJ ('bout time) and TJ taking Chekov's Gun to school. Now, who didn't see that coming?

but I'm not taking any bets on that! We'll be back next week, shaking our heads in disbelief.

Edited by Ms Lark
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Maybe they should change the name to "Everybody Loves Dion"

Now we find out that the mobster is also in love with Dion.  I will agree that it is a good explanation for why Dion is not dead, after all his screw ups.

Of course the lawyer sees a dirty looking bloody Dion at her door and thinks "sexy times"

Are we also going to find out that Rie was also in love with Dion and he stopped it because it would hurt Tommy?  I would not be surprised at this point.

I think we will find out that the kid is Tommy's, at least I hope...worse thing would be to find out that the father is neither Tommy or Dion.

I am sick of horrible things happening to this poor kid.  Heck, even the kids in "The Wire" had some happy moments.

Edited by qtpye
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5 hours ago, qtpye said:

Maybe they should change the name to "Everybody Loves Dion"

No kidding.  Unfortunately, Dion's charms are lost on me - I just don't get it.  He's hyper and he's careless sloppy with other people's money, time, feelings, property, hell - even marriages.  

I had high hopes for this show but I never found anyone to root for besides TJ and he seems rather doomed.   I'll finish the season but I'm out.  

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Is Dion unaware that his attorney/part time lover is the daughter of Detective Asshat?  The dialogue implied as much, but that really seems farfetched.

When Tommy and TJ were driving by the Rie memorial, I would have thought that Tommy would have at least looked over at it out of force of habit.  And TJ doesn't even give an alarm when he sees the bully torching off the photos.  Huh?

Way to sink your restaurant right off the bat, Tommy.  Because the whole world is about you, right? And it wouldn't kill you to shave and look professional, either.

What kind of mobster readily opens his door at night when someone knocks, especially after the gangfight last week?

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5 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

Is Dion unaware that his attorney/part time lover is the daughter of Detective Asshat?  The dialogue implied as much, but that really seems farfetched.

Yes, and of course the detective has no idea the father of his grandchild is Dion.   But he did put a surveillance security system in at her apartment so I'm guessing he will find out as soon as he reviews the tape.    Dion is at the center of all the stories and now the Brutal Tooth Fairy mobster is in love with him?   Alrighty then. 

Wow about Pilar - I didn't see that coming but looking back it makes sense - she seemed pretty detached from her grief in the therapy scenes all along. 

Lots of ambitious storylines. 

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What kind of mobster readily opens his door at night when someone knocks, especially after the gangfight last week?

One that is blinded by love.  Seriously, I thought his eyes were going to turn into little hearts when he saw who was at the door.

Edited by qtpye
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So, Pilar really was keeping a big secret after-all!  She never actually had a husband, but was just using grief council to pick up guys, and she happened to fall for Tommy.  Yeah, that's skeevy, but that at least explains why she automatically came off kind of shady from the start, even though I still think Lorenza Izzo is too over-the-top in the role.  I think a stronger actress might have at least given her dimensions, but Pilar still comes off obnoxious.

No surprise; Tommy pretends like he is going to power through finding out about Dion/Rie, only to just fall apart and look like a fool in front of dinner service.  I get hating Dion and feeling betrayed by Rie, but maybe have it out before or after your big dinner service, buddy?  He's just so hapless and weak.  And doesn't see how bad things are going for TJ.  It really is sad that Dion and Aidan have been paying more attention to TJ then Tommy has. Even if it ends up involving things like taking him to a drug deal or showing him out to shoot a gun.

Woichik is in love with Dion?  I guess I can see it.  Have a feeling this will be bad for either Pilar or Marisa.

Speaking of Marisa, I'm guessing the Detective will end up seeing Dion enter into her apartment on one of those cameras, and all that is going to come out into the forefront.

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Ok, I'm kind of going to defend scummy Dion and his relationship with Rie because it looked to me that in their scene together, after that first kiss, he pulled back and was waiting (hoping?) for her to pull back, too.  Instead, she went for him.  I do believe that if she had said "no" he would have left her alone.  I think she was tired of Tommy, she mentioned his drinking, and was looking to have an affair.  

So in the end, maybe this is good for Tommy to find out she wasn't this perfect wife, because before he found out about the affair, I thought he was treating her like a saint, standing before her grave--and no one's a saint.  

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53 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

Ok, I'm kind of going to defend scummy Dion and his relationship with Rie because it looked to me that in their scene together, after that first kiss, he pulled back and was waiting (hoping?) for her to pull back, too.  Instead, she went for him.  I do believe that if she had said "no" he would have left her alone.  I think she was tired of Tommy, she mentioned his drinking, and was looking to have an affair.  

So in the end, maybe this is good for Tommy to find out she wasn't this perfect wife, because before he found out about the affair, I thought he was treating her like a saint, standing before her grave--and no one's a saint.  

Good point @Ohwell.  I wish I could see the attraction to Dion all the other characters (including Rie) see but I just don't. 

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I also forgot to say that I believed Dion when he said it was just that one time.  Now, if it turns out that he was banging her on the regular, then I'll have to "undefend" him.

I don't see the attraction to him either.  I just concluded that he smelled like bacon grease or something.

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On ‎7‎/‎20‎/‎2016 at 6:23 PM, Dowel Jones said:

  And TJ doesn't even give an alarm when he sees the bully torching off the photos.  Huh?

Way to sink your restaurant right off the bat, Tommy.  Because the whole world is about you, right? And it wouldn't kill you to shave and look professional, either.

What kind of mobster readily opens his door at night when someone knocks, especially after the gangfight last week?

Oh, this show gives me such good snark laugh. 

Tommy continues to talk to his dead wife via that headstone as though he can pull the wool over her ghostly eyes with lies and misdirection. 

TJ lack of words apparently makes him incapable of expressing himself in any way.  Hey honey, when you see someone blowtorching Mommy's photo, maybe tug on Daddy's sleeve--can you do that? 

The Tooth Fairy did not take it well when someone saw through his down-low.  I like the reveal that Dion is the psycho's crush object, though--that's different.

Pilar . . .who cares?  She's only there to bug me with the pronunciation of her name.


Two things I did NOT enjoy:

I'm way past my expiration date for drunk behavior  And apparently "stupid with grief" on top of "stupid drunk" doesn't increase my tolerance.  These industry professionals should know the raised eyebrows and diplomatic inquiries are worthless--pour Slobberin' Tommy into the walk-in and lock the door until service is over.

ALL RIGHT already with the Chekov's gun.  This is the third week of building up the "tension" on that score.  With two more episodes, I wouldn't put it past them to reserve TJ finally taking aim for the season cliffhanger.


One more thing:  Usually it's a woman who shows up at a man's door, seeking refuge, and the man immediately gets the bright idea that a good lay will make everything better.  Interesting to see those roles reversed.  Just as obvious and self-serving when it's a woman who's thirsty, but again, different!

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15 hours ago, Ohwell said:

Ok, I'm kind of going to defend scummy Dion and his relationship with Rie because it looked to me that in their scene together, after that first kiss, he pulled back and was waiting (hoping?) for her to pull back, too.  Instead, she went for him.  I do believe that if she had said "no" he would have left her alone.  I think she was tired of Tommy, she mentioned his drinking, and was looking to have an affair.  

I have a question about that scene.  Was that what really happened or is that how Tommy pictured what happened in his head?  Right after that scene we get a close up of Tommy's face looking mortified.  I can see him imagining scenarios, particularly how Rie probably enjoyed the sex with Dion more, since he is supposedly the greatest lover in the world.


15 hours ago, Ohwell said:

So in the end, maybe this is good for Tommy to find out she wasn't this perfect wife, because before he found out about the affair, I thought he was treating her like a saint, standing before her grave--and no one's a saint.  

I actually heard that this is not uncommon among widowers.  They idealize their loved one to such a degree that it is impossible for any one else to live up to the standard.  However it is not unusual for relatively young widowers, like Tommy, to marry fairly quickly after the death of their wife.

Maybe Pilar also heard this silly statistic and that is why she went to the grief group trolling for guys...heck, she pretty much said as much.

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Fully expected TJ to shoot that kid (and he sort of deserves it), I was not expecting him to set that other kid up though. Good for you TJ. However, I expect that this situation will come back at some point in the future. Now if only Tommy would actually try to talk to TJ and find out what this other kid has been doing to him. 

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TJ setting the bully up with the gun was pure gold.  However, I could tell from the school counselor's face that she wasn't buying it.  I hate her.  However, I hate Tommy even more for being such a rotten father.  For all of Dion's faults, he is actually the better father--biological or not.

I knew the detective wasn't going to make it after he made up with his daughter.  Unfortunately, I didn't care.  I don't care about lawyer daughter either.

The show is getting better and I hope it's renewed for next season.

ETA:  Also, so Dion and Pilar agreed to just a one-time humping?  It's weird that there's been no follow up on their "relationship."

Edited by Ohwell
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The show is definitely getting darker.  Woichuck is not just the well dressed foodie mobster; he's evil.  Shame on you, though, detective, for even consenting to get in the van.  In a box of bad choices, that was the worst one.  Turn around and start running back down the street, yelling.  The worst that could happen is no worse than what did.  Woichuck is going to have the entire PD on his case now.

I don't think Tommy's reluctance to do a DNA test is helpful to either him or TJ.  He will still spend the rest of his life wondering if he is the father, and it will burn a hole in his soul.  I think it would be better to know, and seek out some counseling on how to deal with it.  And wailing to the grief group about how he was betrayed and lied to is probably not the place.  TJ doesn't need to know right away; as he matures, the truth could be released in such a way as to be as gentle as possible.  Hell, maybe he already knows, and is thinking "I'm not ever talking to this putz again."

4 hours ago, Ohwell said:

 However, I could tell from the school counselor's face that she wasn't buying it.

I wonder if they will do a fingerprint check on the weapon.  Is TJ smart enough to cover his tracks?

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4 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

I wonder if they will do a fingerprint check on the weapon.  Is TJ smart enough to cover his tracks?

Somehow, I have a feeling that he is smart enough.  He strikes me as being a very intelligent, thoughtful kid.

I suppose I should feel bad that the little bully got sent to juvie, but I don't.  I would like to think that if he's kept there for the minimum time (whatever that is) he will have learned his lesson not to be a bully.  However, I suspect that whenever he gets out, he will be looking for TJ.  Hopefully, the bully gets transferred to another school.

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I forgot to mention the look of utter desperation, fear, and concern on Dion's face when he and Tommy were in the car going to the school.  At that moment. I felt more sympathy for him than I did for Tommy.  I never thought I'd say this but I'm beginning to warm up to Dion just a little, because I believe he truly loves TJ.

I still wouldn't eat his cooking though.

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I think that Tommy is becoming a very unsympathetic character. It sort of flips the script that the screw up, cheater, Dion might actually be more genuine.  Even though Tommy's father is a bastard, he might actually have a legitimate reason for why he feels the way he does about Tommy. They have not shown us yet and they haven't made any mention of his mom at all. I wonder what the story is there. Tommy has serious mental health issues. He is an alcoholic (and Dion and Rie in the flashback mention his drinking, so it has been a problem in the past before her death), I would also say that he is clinically depressed, maybe anxiety disorder as well, along with other maladaptive coping issues. Could be that he has been this way for a long time and it facilitated his drinking. Or his drinking facilitated the depression, or he used to drink and then Rie died and he became depressed on top of it. The two issues could have occurred due to separate events, but they certainly do not help each other. The biggest issue Tommy has (that I see) is that he NEVER wants to find out the truth or confront an issue. I know his kid isn't talking and TJ is obviously suffering, but why isn't Tommy asking him WHY he felt that he needed to bring a gun and WHAT this bully has been doing? He might understand it better if he knew that the bully set the mom's picture on fire, etc... Can't TJ write or type into a computer to explain? I mean come on. This is the key here and the bullying is likely not helping TJ recover at all. The bully's acts of aggression by this kid would probably get him suspended for a long time or moved to a different school and that might help TJ. As a parent, I would get to the bottom of it no matter how much it hurts. Tommy is either unable or unwilling to do so to protect his own fragile psyche. He would have to own up that he is unable to help his son and is completely disconnected from him.  The school needs to know what this bully is doing. Tommy is making TJ a representation of his pain of Rie's death. The child care team at his school would insist that he be seeing a child clinical psychologist or psychiatrist. Most school districts have a clinical psychologist on staff for the district. He would be seeing that person. It pains me the suffering this poor kid is going through. I think that the grandfather could connect with him, if he had more time with him. 

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2 hours ago, riverheightsnancy said:

It pains me the suffering this poor kid is going through. I think that the grandfather could connect with him, if he had more time with him. 

I think the grandfather could connect with TJ, too.  However, I hope grandpa has learned his lesson and will not let TJ handle guns anymore.  Just keep up with the boxing lessons.  I'm also interested in grandpa's assistant whose name I can't remember, and maybe she can also help with TJ.

I think Tommy is so obsessed with the Rie/Dion hookup that he just cannot think straight, and that means not paying attention to his son.  Because for the life of me, I can't understand why he hasn't taken TJ to a therapist.  School social worker or counselor or whatever the hell she is, is no help.  Tommy is also a drag on the restaurant with that mopey face of his (although David Schwimmer has a droopy face anyway), and you can tell that the employees aren't comfortable around him.  

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34 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

I think Tommy is so obsessed with the Rie/Dion hookup that he just cannot think straight, and that means not paying attention to his son.  Because for the life of me, I can't understand why he hasn't taken TJ to a therapist.  School social worker or counselor or whatever the hell she is, is no help.  Tommy is also a drag on the restaurant with that mopey face of his (although David Schwimmer has a droopy face anyway), and you can tell that the employees aren't comfortable around him.  

Tommy has been just aimlessly sleepwalking through life ever since Rie died.  I would not be surprised if they do not have any health insurance, though that might change since the restaurant is running.  Tommy is a rather passive guy and her probably needs a more assertive personality (like Rie or Dion) to guide him through.  Otherwise, he just wallows in his own self pity.

I remember Dion (of all people) was shocked at the way Tommy and TJ were living when he came out of prison

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38 minutes ago, qtpye said:

Tommy has been just aimlessly sleepwalking through life ever since Rie died.  I would not be surprised if they do not have any health insurance, though that might change since the restaurant is running.  Tommy is a rather passive guy and her probably needs a more assertive personality (like Rie or Dion) to guide him through.  Otherwise, he just wallows in his own self pity.

I remember Dion (of all people) was shocked at the way Tommy and TJ were living when he came out of prison

You are correct. He is totally sleepwalking through life. The thing is, the flashbacks will provide more insight as to whether this is the way he has always been. He is definitely a Debbie Downer. 

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3 hours ago, Ohwell said:

 I'm also interested in grandpa's assistant

She's been a puzzle to me also.  Although she expresses herself well with just her face, does she have a speaking role? Or is she written as mute?  Something just seems off.

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I think Tommy is still deeply grieving his wife, both he and TJ need help. I don't agree that Dion and Tommy's dad are better parents. Tommy's dad is a thug and it was clear from the last episode that he used to beat Tommy. And showing a young boy how to use a gun is not good parenting. Dion is what my mom used to call a "good time Charlie". Good time Charlies are charming and funny and if they are in the right mood, they would do anything for you. However, you can never count on them because they will disappoint you, disappear and not be there when you need them. 

I dont understand the mute assistant to Mr. Moran either. Not only does she not speak, she wears the same jumpsuit all the time. Considering TJ is also currently mute, I don't get having two mute characters.

I like aspects of the show but there are too many story lines all competing. There is Tommy and his role as a dad, his new relationship with Pilar and opening Thirio. There is Dion and the money he owes, the drugs he is involved with and his relationship with Tommy, TJ, the lawyer lady and Patrick Vocheck. There is Patrick and his father and the dealings with the cop and his daughter. There is Mr. Moran and his health problems. There is Pilar and her sister and her secrets. Too many things in one show. 

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I get that Tommy is still grieving his wife but he needs to somehow get a grip on himself and realize that his son needs him.  I'm not saying that Dion is the most responsible person--he took TJ to a drug bust--but I still believe that, with all his faults, instinctively "gets" TJ and what he needs right now, which is some kind of hope and positivity in his life.  And yes, some fun!  Instead, all TJ gets is hangdog, mopey, self-pitying dad.

I was also thinking about the bully kid and wondering why he hates TJ so much.  At first, I thought maybe it was because TJ is bi-racial and the bully thinking TJ had certain advantages over him because of that.  However, it seems that the kid is not your "average" bully because he seems to be focused on destroying any memories of TJ's mother by defacing her pictures, etc.  The bully's father mentioned that the mother was a druggie, so I'm wondering if he and TJ really are suffering from the same thing:  missing their mothers.  It's just that they work their sadness out in different ways:  TJ being mute and him being a bully.  Also, even the fathers might be in similar circumstances, where Tommy is grieving over a dead wife, and the bully's father is grieving over the druggie mother, and they both are ignoring their sons' needs.  

Edited by Ohwell
left some words out
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I also find it interesting that the Bully is actually smaller then TJ.  It shows that being a bully is not dependent upon size.  The kid really wanted to destroy TJ and TJ realized that it was never going to stop.  Also, he did not feel like his dad could protect him or that he had to take matter into his own hands.

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While all three of TJ's, um "father figures" are clearly flawed or fucked-up, I think the biggest difference right now is that Dion and Aidan simply at least seem to acknowledge that TJ is troubled and or trying to help them, even though they are going at it the worst way possible.  Especially Aidan. But in a lot of ways, that's still better then Tommy just flat-out ignoring TJ and treating him so distant.  Yeah, I get that Tommy probably really is mourning and has his own issues, but he clearly has been dropping the ball with his son even before Dion came back into their lives, and now it is only getting worse.  So, while I don't think Dion and Aidan are exactly good for TJ, I at least give them credit to trying, because Tommy is barely doing that anymore.  In the end though, TJ really is the only character I sympathize with and hope ends up ahead, when all is said and done.

I kind of suspected they were going to swerve and have TJ actually set-up the bully with the gun instead, but it was still a nice reveal.  I do wonder how this will play-out.  Agree that the guidance counselor seemed kind of suspicious of TJ, so I wonder if she'll say something.

Wolchek has finally gone off the deep end and dropping more bodies, including the detective.  Not sure why the detective allowed himself to get captured.  He had to know what was coming.  Why not make a scene and run?  Or did Wolchek threaten Marisa or something, making him get in? In general, I'm just kind of surprised since they just had him find out about Dion/Marisa, and I figured that was going to be used for more drama.

Tommy reconsiders doing a DNA test for now, but I wonder if Aidan's illness and need for a bone marrow, will somehow bring that up to the forefront.

Pilar keeps on keeping her secrets, and it will probably only make things worse.

Before Wolcheck surprised Dion, I totally was distracted over him handling those stacks of meat, but then clearly wiping his face with his hands, and then going back to grabbing them.  Hygiene, Dion!

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I was a widow at 28, and to say that Tommy is a "sad sack" and just needs to get over it and that Dion would be a better parent since Tommy can't seem to magically erase his grief is just absurd. Losing a spouse is tough enough - finding out that the love of your life was also cheating on you with your best friend makes it far worse.

Dion is a far bigger scum bag than Tommy. Tommy has issues to work through, but at least he is going to grief group and that means, to some extent, he knows he needs help. Dion isn't in NA and continues to snort cocaine like there is no tomorrow (yet he is such a hypocrite and keeps mentioning Tommy's alcohol issues). Let's not forget that Dion sleeps with anyone in his immediate vicinity, has done time in jail for burning down a gangster's restaurant, is involved with said gangster to begin with, uses anyone who crosses his path to make things easier for him, etc. He is a far cry from what I would consider an ideal role model and certainly not fit to be a parent.

Regardless of how Tommy may be dealing with his grief (I think it's been less than a year since his wife passed), he is still less of a derelict than Dion is. No one knows how the death of a spouse will affect them, especially if grieving the spouse is compounded by the fact that you discovered that they lied to you and slept with your best friend and there is a chance your child may not be yours.

Comparing Dion's complete immaturity, drug abuse, prison record, involvement with the mob, taking advantage of anyone and anything that he can, sleeping around, stealing money from the restaurant to pay his debt to the mob, etc. with Tommy's handling of his grief and alcoholism, Tommy still has a leg up on Dion as far as who is more fit to take care of a child as far as I'm concerned.

Clearly neither situation is ideal, but I think people are being harder on Tommy given his circumstances than they are on Dion when Dion has absolutely no excuses for his behavior.

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Except ... Tommy wasn't mourning a dead wife when he started "problem" drinking (and probably checked out of his life as a husband & father).  So he just dove deeper into the bottle that he was already drowning in.

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The show began after Tommy became a widower so we don't know much about his life before then. He certainly has his problems but he is not a criminal, drug abuser or thief which makes him one step higher than Dion or Aidan. Dion is the classic charming villain who we are supposed to fall for even though he has done awful things.

I think Tommy does care for his son and he is just drowning in grief, wondering what to do next, and wondering how to help TJ. The reason we don't know this clearly is because the show wants to go in a million directions, with many different story lines, so Tommy and his story don't get much time. We see Tommy, but we don't get to see him talking to TJ, tucking him into bed, spending the weekend with him etc. So it's easy to say that Dion would make a better father, but with Dion as a dad, TJ could easily be killed or be brought into the drug trade business. And what would happen the next time Dion gets sent to prison? Aidan to me has been portrayed as a Tony Soprano kind of thug-a ruthless man who has a soft spot for family. And he is dying. So to me, Tommy is the best person to raise TJ and with some help, they will both recover. 

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13 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

Except ... Tommy wasn't mourning a dead wife when he started "problem" drinking (and probably checked out of his life as a husband & father).  So he just dove deeper into the bottle that he was already drowning in.

It seems Dion has been a cocaine user for quite some time as well - long before Rie died. So why persecute Tommy even if he was drinking before Rie died?
We also have no idea what kind of father and husband Tommy was before Rie's death, but clearly Rie had issues if she slept with Dion. She may have been a drug user as well if she was spending so much time with Dion.

Given the fact that Tommy's not connected to the mob, hasn't been to prison, hasn't taken his son on a drug deal, doesn't sleep with anything that moves, including his best friend's wife, didn't torch a restaurant, isn't stealing from his current place of employment, doesn't lie constantly or try to take advantage of people,  etc. still makes him better than Dion in terms of raising a child. As has been mentioned, Dion is that "Good Time Charlie" and is fine with TJ as long as he doesn't have to be a real parent to him or set a real example. If he had to look after TJ every day 24/7 and be his sole parent, help him with his homework, be a role model for him, deal with his teachers and counselor, give him life advice, etc. I would hate to see how TJ would turn out as he would definitely be cramping Dion's lifestyle and Dion is no role model for a child. Dion may even resent TJ for affecting his current way of life.

Tommy is flawed, there is no doubt that, but he is dealing with some serious issues, including the shocker of finding out about Dion and Rie recently. However, despite that I think he is less flawed than Dion and at least he can, to some extent, admit he has some issues, though he does have work to do to get past them. He is grieving, he found out Dion slept with Rie and that there is a chance TJ might not be his, yet he still gets out of bed every day and manages as best he can given that it has not been even a year since Rie died. When my husband died very unexpectedly, I had a hard time even getting out of bed just to go get the mail or go the grocery store for over a month. We didn't have children (though we did have dogs, which isn't nearly the same as having a child, but they went to stay with a friend for while as I needed time to grieve in my own way and to be able to take care of myself again before I could take care of anyone or anything else), but I remember all of my friends being insistent that I get back to "normal" right away and not understanding the grieving process that I had to go through. Eventually, things did get back to a slightly different state of normal for me and I was able to function and even enjoy life again (though I still have rough days), but at least I didn't have the added trauma of knowing my husband slept with my best friend either and have to look after a child at the same time. Out of those available to take care of TJ, I think Tommy is the best option. Again, he certainly is not perfect but I think his flaws and problems are less severe than anyone else involved with TJ at the moment (at least that we've been introduced to so far on the show). Despite his flaws and issues that he needs to work on, he is still a better choice than Dion or Aiden, and likely better than having TJ be put into the system and ending up with god only knows as foster parents (though I do know there are good foster parents out there).

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Also, Dion is right in that whatever issues he and Tommy have need to be hashed out away from the restaurant and it should be taken  to the roof or somewhere else.  Tommy seems to want to "shame" Dion in front of the rest of the staff and it just makes Tommy look petty.  I'm pretty sure the other people know just how scummy Dion is but for whatever reason they still want to work with him.  I'm fully expecting TJ to overhear Dion and Tommy discussing whether or not he's Tommy's son.  

If Tommy thinks Dion is such a piece of shit, then he should never have agreed to go into partnership with him.  I certainly could have understood that.   

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So poor TJ has PTSD and was blaming himself. He witnessed it. WHY isn't he in therapy? I knew when they started showing his flip book, that his art will now be an important part of finding the killer. Why can't they smell the gas when they walk into the restaurant? It has an odor added to it for precisely that purpose. Now there have been two fires in restaurants that Dion was involved with. I imagine the cops will be suspicious. How would Dion ever get insurance on ANY restaurant, ever? The show has grown on me. 

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Tommy has a nose that can detect every note of a wine, but doesn't smell natural gas all around him?  I don't think Dion did this one.  It would be foolish for him to be upstairs at the time of ignition.  Woichuk would be the go-to villian, but that would be too easy, but who else is available without being too over the top.  Guess they're moving the wedding dinner to Ernie's Deli.

Kind of cool that TJ built an animated explanation of the hit-and-run and that it finally broke the spell.

This show is morphing into Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?  The Sopranos!

The gripe I have about Tommy and Dion agreeing to settle the problem themselves is, they're amateurs.  The NYPD already has it in for Woichuk; clue them in to what you know. 

Pilar might not be the densest person in the Bronx, but she's definitely in the top five.  He's a crook?  That's okay, he's smart, and he has connections!  His guys carry guns? Okay, but he's sensitive!  Ay ay ay.  Unless she's some kind of long con for players yet unnamed.

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22 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

Tommy has a nose that can detect every note of a wine, but doesn't smell natural gas all around him?

Seriously! That was a cluster f*ck if I ever saw one. Since the show probably won't be back, I will assume Dion and Tommy both died not terribly tragically in the second explosion. Which was probably set by Daddy Woichuk's new second in command, since he considers Patrick a major screw up. Let's see, TJ gets his voice back when he realizes Mommy dying wasn't his fault. That was nice, but I knew he'd speak very close to the end of the last episode. We'll let him live, but he's temporarily blinded by flying debris. After they test all the remains, neither Dion nor Tommy prove to be TJ's daddy. Who could it be??? We will never know. Possibly the same guy that ran over Rie. Pilar returns to Grief Group, grieving both her BFs a little bit, but again looking for a new guy to glom onto. OK, I'm done thinking about this one.

Edited by Ms Lark
The TF's name is Patrick, not Phillip.
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