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Past Seasons Thread

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I actually ended up watching most of the back half of Denver yesterday (well, it was on the in the background) and it really was pretty terrible. There was absolutely no one to root for. Just bad casting all-around and the fights were super, super petty ("Davis called you fat").

Miami had Cynthia who was a delight but yeah, that was a pretty bleak season as far as roommates go. But I think the series was still new enough and their escapades were pretty fun to watch at least. Miami also just looked really beautiful on screen. I don't think Denver looked especially gorgeous but that might just be me. Their actual house was pretty cool though.  

But I really do think the creator of that list was pretty spot on in his assessment. Denver was for sure the least appealing season and having so many episodes certainly didn't help. A lot of those middle seasons (maybe after original Vegas?) sort of blend together into one big "meh" for me though.

Edited by burner
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But I think the series was still new enough and their escapades were pretty fun to watch at least.

Yeah, as much as I didn't like the cast of Miami, there were some great moments, like the 3some in the shower episode, and some fun to watch fights, like Dan and Melissa's "Bitch!/Flamer!" fight.

What dragged that season down for me as my least favorite 90s season of the show was the never-ending pathetic and lame attempts of theirs to start a business. I can see why from that point on the show had them all working together, but damn, watching them all bicker about starting a business for forever and a day was so, so bad. Hell, watching them all do their own thing in the previous seasons was better.

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I want to hate the whole "let's all work together" thing because it really starts getting even further from any attempt at a real life (not that 7 20-somethings generally live in a mansion with complete strangers) but it did gift us with the Boston season where they worked at the after school program. That was such a beautiful trainwreck. Agreed that it didn't work at all in Miami and them sitting around trying to come up with business ideas was really boring.

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I'd have been just as much of a pill about the business thing if I'd been a Miami roommate -- "I don't want to open a business.  Someone buy my share; I'm going to Everglades." 

And, oh my god, if I'd showed up in Boston and found out I was supposed to work with children?  I'd have pulled a Montana and got myself fired so I could go do something else.

I understand why it was much easier from a production standpoint to force them to work together as well as live together, but I found the show much more enjoyable when they were left to their own devices.  If some of them sat on the couch all day, so be it.

  • Love 4
On October 24, 2016 at 9:39 AM, burner said:

I actually ended up watching most of the back half of Denver yesterday (well, it was on the in the background) and it really was pretty terrible. There was absolutely no one to root for. Just bad casting all-around and the fights were super, super petty ("Davis called you fat").

Miami had Cynthia who was a delight but yeah, that was a pretty bleak season as far as roommates go. But I think the series was still new enough and their escapades were pretty fun to watch at least. Miami also just looked really beautiful on screen. I don't think Denver looked especially gorgeous but that might just be me. Their actual house was pretty cool though.  

But I really do think the creator of that list was pretty spot on in his assessment. Denver was for sure the least appealing season and having so many episodes certainly didn't help. A lot of those middle seasons (maybe after original Vegas?) sort of blend together into one big "meh" for me though.

I live in the region, so Denver is our "local" city. One of the more disappointing aspects of the season for me was how little they showed of the city and the surrounding area. But ether way, we still were stuck with that dud cast. 

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The NOLA kids getting their own cable access show wasn't too bad, right? We had the horror of David producing, Elton ripping into Jamie after he laid an egg, and the fun you can have with Julie running things. Featuring Matt as The Mullet Hunter!!

Thinking about it, I don't know if Hawaii had that likeable a cast. You had the raging alcoholic that was merely the tip of the iceberg; the young lovers who probably were better off as separate people; the "deep" white chick with the bindhi (sic?); the unblinking sociopath who was crushing on the alcoholic; the "playa" that probably fathered three or four kids during his stay (because protection is never 100 percent); and the most horrifically-miscast roommate in the show's history, who looked even worse when BMP cast somebody really cuddly in the "gay guy" slot the following year.

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I found the show much more enjoyable when they were left to their own devices

It was somewhat more "real", too (despite, as others pointed out, them living in a fabulous house in one of the cities trendier at the time neighborhoods).

I am mixed though, since the jobs MTV came up with did give us some good moments.


Thinking about it, I don't know if Hawaii had that likeable a cast

No, but they were an entertaining mix.


the unblinking sociopath who was crushing on the alcoholic

Ha. And then the unblinking sociopath goes on to crush on the alcoholic's twin sister when the alcoholic isn't interested in him...


The NOLA kids getting their own cable access show wasn't too bad, right? We had the horror of David producing, Elton ripping into Jamie after he laid an egg, and the fun you can have with Julie running things. Featuring Matt as The Mullet Hunter!!

It gave us "Time the fuck out!" from Melissa, and Kelly wisely counseling her that stooping to David's level merely provided a distraction, when remaining professional would out him as the malcontent he was to the team.  But I'd have still preferred to see them in their natural habitat, rather than forced to share that job.  There was good stuff from that cast, but not much from their assigned job.


Thinking about it, I don't know if Hawaii had that likeable a cast.

Ugh, they had a hideously unlikable cast,who only look less awful in hindsight after having watched a few more seasons before walking away from the shitshow RW had become.  Colin and Amaya were immature idiots on their own, but actively repulsive together (especially him).  Kaia and Justin both had buried redeeming qualities, I suppose, but went beyond the "wow, people can be insufferable at this age" demeanor to join them as twits to be dismissed from my screen.  The remaining options being Matt, Ruthie, and Teck?  Again, had I but known, I'd have appreciated them more.  But on their own?  No thanks.

I'm glad we've got a bit of a discussion going! Agree that Hawaii wasn't a likable cast. I think Colin and Amaya had the potential to be alright if they hadn't coupled up with disastrous results. Ruthie, too, could have really been a great character especially being local to Hawaii but the whole alcoholic thing kinda killed that, obvi. But they weren't awful, just sort of middling.

So which casts do you guys think we're the most likable? I'd say first NYC was actually incredibly successful with only Andre being a bit of a dud. The first San Diego (minus Frankie) was really fun and funny too I thought. 


It gave us "Time the fuck out!" from Melissa

There was good stuff from that cast, but not much from their assigned job.

Didn't we also get David producing a fashion show with strippers? And one of them tripped over her heels while walking down the catwalk? That was good.


Ruthie, too, could have really been a great character especially being local to Hawaii

I did like Ruthie for the most part. She was definitely much more likeable once she got out of rehab, though.


So which casts do you guys think we're the most likable?

NYC 1.0 for sure. The London crew were also pretty nice, too. Regardless of whether you found them boring or not, they all seemed like a bunch of sincerely nice people for the most part. I'd have to say the first New Orleans cast were also overall generally likeable, especially if you are judging them against the rest of the casts.

Edited by AndySmith

For me, the switch to a group job usually was a double negative strike. One, aside from the inevitable disasters, it usually didn't end up as scintillating television. Two, people who had time to run off and play TV roommates for three or four months without any real consequence were simply less interesting to me. Even if we didn't get to see a lot of their other lives, seeing bits and pieces of people's aspirations was more interesting than watching a bunch of slackers sit around getting drunk because they had nothing else going on (both by MTV design and their own boring existence).

Yeah, I'd say the first NYC cast wins the award for most likable.  London second. 

Forcing the roommates to have a team job ruined everything IMO. It was no longer a show about young people navigating their way through relationships, careers and identities.  It was all about forced drama and drunken hookups.

Edited by IndianPaintbrush
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14 hours ago, IndianPaintbrush said:

Yeah, I'd say the first NYC cast wins the award for most likable.  London second. 

Forcing the roommates to have a team job ruined everything IMO. It was no longer a show about young people navigating their way through relationships, careers and identities.  It was all about forced drama and drunken hookups.

The misconception, in my opinion, is that there is something the show did to create the shows general change in nature. Reality TV is what changed the show. People realizing they could use the show for exposure. The need to up the ante because you are not the only game in town. People becoming too aware of the cameras. It was going to happen no matter if they gave them jobs or not.

I honestly don't take that list that was posted too seriously. It's clearly made through the eyes of a gay man. Nothing wrong with that. But, him having extra interest on what the gay cast members are doing and certain things he's looking for skewed the list.

I find San Diego 1.0 the most likeable. Only two people I found generally unlikable or not enjoyable to watch (Cameron and Frankie) and only couldn't downright stand Frankie. 

It was also was the only season with a shit they should of shown bonus episode worth a damn.

Also, I honestly find the early seasons overrated. Episodes are often boring as fuck, because people are off doing their own thing there is far less actual bonding going on. Yes it's more real but it's not enough fun. 

What do you think is the less objectionable "twist"?

S29: "Hey, it's your exes! And they're gonna live with you!!"

S30: "Hey, it's people you don't like! And they're gonna live with you! For a few days! Oh, and since we couldn't find anybody who would get on Nicole's nerves, we're bringing in her triplet sisters."

S31: "Hey, we're gonna make you do stuff that's a little out of your comfort zone in order for you to stay in the house!!'

S32: "Hey, we're bringing in people you can't stand . . . AT THE SAME TIME!!!"

I keep imagining that the next season would be based on a G.I. Joe two-parter, where a flamboyant terrorist organization brainwashes loved ones of the roommates and programs them to raise hell. "Captives of Cobra" can really fuck with your head when you're a kid.

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The exes twist at least had pretty good casting that gave us a few new good Challenge competitors. So that's something at least. I actually didn't hate that season. I can't remember her name but the blonde girl with the giant boobs who was hooking up with Corey was kind of hilarious. Wish we'd seen more of her.

The current twist for S32 probably has the best potential for different kinds of drama versus it just being exes. Bringing everyone in all at once should mean that we'll get to know the second set of roommates as more than just a twist.


Season 31 was the least objectionable as far as concept but the actual challenges they had to do were BEYOND LAME. I wouldn't mind them giving that concept another go with a better cast and more well thought out challenges.

On October 26, 2016 at 2:40 AM, burner said:

I'm glad we've got a bit of a discussion going! Agree that Hawaii wasn't a likable cast. I think Colin and Amaya had the potential to be alright if they hadn't coupled up with disastrous results. Ruthie, too, could have really been a great character especially being local to Hawaii but the whole alcoholic thing kinda killed that, obvi. But they weren't awful, just sort of middling.

So which casts do you guys think we're the most likable? I'd say first NYC was actually incredibly successful with only Andre being a bit of a dud. The first San Diego (minus Frankie) was really fun and funny too I thought. 

When you really break them down, there were some seriously unlikable sides to a lot of the NY 1.0 cast. Kevin was the most overtly prickly, but Becky definitely had her bitchy side, as did Heather and Andre, and Eric's good qualities only just barely overshadowed the problematic and annoying elements of his persona. I think Norm and Julie both had a uniting effect on the others that saved the atmosphere from being toxic because I can't see Becky, Heather, Andre, Kevin, and Eric spending time together for long without killing each other. 

The lack of a person with that kind of open, adaptable personality on the LA cast is probably what made that season feel so tense. 



Yeah, as much as I didn't like the cast of Miami, there were some great moments, like the 3some in the shower episode, and some fun to watch fights, like Dan and Melissa's "Bitch!/Flamer!" fight.

What dragged that season down for me as my least favorite 90s season of the show was the never-ending pathetic and lame attempts of theirs to start a business. I can see why from that point on the show had them all working together, but damn, watching them all bicker about starting a business for forever and a day was so, so bad. Hell, watching them all do their own thing in the previous seasons was better.


Yeah, Miami is one of those seasons that I think I'd enjoy rewatching only if someone were to truncate it into a highlight reel, because there definitely were quite a few, but the episodes themselves drag a bit. 


The NOLA kids getting their own cable access show wasn't too bad, right? We had the horror of David producing, Elton ripping into Jamie after he laid an egg, and the fun you can have with Julie running things. Featuring Matt as The Mullet Hunter!!

That was probably one of the better jobs as far as both creating conflict and getting some decent tv moments. 


Thinking about it, I don't know if Hawaii had that likeable a cast. You had the raging alcoholic that was merely the tip of the iceberg; the young lovers who probably were better off as separate people; the "deep" white chick with the bindhi (sic?); the unblinking sociopath who was crushing on the alcoholic; the "playa" that probably fathered three or four kids during his stay (because protection is never 100 percent); and the most horrifically-miscast roommate in the show's history, who looked even worse when BMP cast somebody really cuddly in the "gay guy" slot the following year.

Oh, Hawaii had some total nightmare castmates. Terrycloth Matt is one of the creepiest cast members ever, IMO, classic dickhead in "nice guy" clothing. The whole cast treated Amaya pretty appallingly (some of which she probably did bring on herself by being a bit of a mean girl in the beginning), but Matt's (along with Kaia's) treatment of her was the ugliest because it was so faux nice. "I'm telling you how awful you are to HELP you, can't you see that?" I didn't notice it as much when it aired, but when I rewatched it as an adult, it really creeped me out. 


Ha. And then the unblinking sociopath goes on to crush on the alcoholic's twin sister when the alcoholic isn't interested in him...

The LESBIAN alcoholic, no less, which he seemed to regard as nothing more than a passing obstacle, which also fits right into his general persona. No regard for someone's expressed sexual preference, she just hadn't met the right terrycloth-wearing sanctimonious prick yet, that's all... And the sister thing, ugh! 'They look the same, except this one's not a lesbian so it's a totally valid substitution, even though I'm kinda using my "concern" for her sister as an inroad to get with her.." I really can't stand Hawaii Matt, lol. 

I genuinely liked Teck though, he was funny and his attitude toward the pretentiousness of some of the other castmates was refreshing. Colin also wasn't that bad, just got into an ill-advised relationship and then didn't make the most graceful exit from it. 

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Terrycloth Matt is one of the creepiest cast members ever, IMO, classic dickhead in "nice guy" clothing

He makes San Francisco Judd and Boston's Sean and Jason look good. And I couldn't stand any of them. Shit, he even makes Los Angeles Glenn look somewhat decent by comparison!


The whole cast treated Amaya pretty appallingly (some of which she probably did bring on herself by being a bit of a mean girl in the beginning), but Matt's (along with Kaia's) treatment of her was the ugliest because it was so faux nice. "I'm telling you how awful you are to HELP you, can't you see that?"

Yeah, I never got why they turned on her, because she treated Colin badly...or something? It wasn't their business anyway. Unless they wanted to treat her like crap and that was just an excuse.

And yeah, they really changed their tune once Amaya "fixed her issues", suddenly, it was them giving her tough love or whatever. I love how she shot them down and said it was Ruthie who was the one who helped her, not them.


'They look the same, except this one's not a lesbian so it's a totally valid substitution

That would have still been creepy even if Ruthie was straight. I mean, going after the twin of someone you can't have? That shit only happens in soap operas. Then again, the show was something of a soap opera by that point anyway.

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On Thursday, November 10, 2016 at 4:43 AM, nsharma21 said:

I KNEW this was too good to be true. I had a feeling after London they would skip right to Las Vegas. 

We are kind of past that. They did Vegas 1.0 early on. I don't mind these types of seasons but I would like to see at least a bounce from pre Vegas to after Vegas since that seems to be the baseline for most fans. In particular, I want to see the Boston season asap.

Real world Hollywood rewatch on. Fucking episode 3 man.

Joey - " I love everyone in this house but one day you all are going to turn around and say where is Joey. Because I will be gone."

I don't want to live any more"

Fucking A.

On another note, I reminded that Kimberly from this season made gold for Joel McHale and the soup writers with her, I don't care what ghetto BLACKville you come from in regards to Brianna.

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2 hours ago, snarts said:

I know I watched the Hollywood season but damn did I forget almost everyone and everything about it.  For good reason too.  Ugh.

Was there really some contest to select a cast member?  ...and Greg was the winner????

Yes and yes. The Internet obviously trolled the show by putting the clear not giving a shit butthole of a person in the house.

Never had a problem with this season. 

Watching the second half of Hollywood right now. This might actually be my least favorite season from what little I actually remember.

Half the cast is deplorable and the other half is beyond boring. And it's like the producers didn't even try with the mandatory Improv thing. Greg was an asshole but it's more interesting to watch him do his own thing (which it looks like he's actually doing, going on casting calls and stuff) rather than those lame ass classes.

It's also SO GROSS AND IRRESPONSIBLE for them to put Joey back into the house post-rehab. And to expect the cast to adjust their behavior to accommodate him.

I'm really annoyed that they're skipping solid seasons and giving us Denver and Hollywood. Ugh.

Edited by burner

Good news: There will be a marathon on Sunday. Bad news: It's RW2, so we'll have David, Young Beth, and the other major irritants of 1993. Sure, the season is "classic," but I'm still hoping for something really good and more recent.

ETA: I liked MTV's contest in 2000, where the winner would get to the final stage of the casting process, as opposed to filling a slot immediately. Lori didn't turn out as memorable as Coral or Mike, but at least BMP had sense back then.

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Watching the abortion episode right now. They actually had a disclaimer before the episode about "life challenges" or something. I wish I had recorded it and could see the exact language that was used. Anyways whether you like these people or not it's really refreshing to see something discussed so candidly on the show.

I'm sure it's too late at this point but I'd love it if MTV tried to do another real Real World season. No gimmicks, just young people from different backgrounds living together again. I think with everything going on in America right now that it'd be cool to give that another shot. Get some rust belt people in there. Hell even put it in a "less glamorous" city. Real World Cincinnati or something.

Edited by burner

I give up. They are going seasons 1 through 4 and straight to Vegas again. I mean, do that not properly own those seasons from Miami to Hawaii? Is music licensing a issue? I don't get it. I know the first batch of seasons were sold to syndication and first Vegas season was put on DVD so I guess music rights were already worked out there but damn. Stop recycling early seasons.

Yeah my guess is that the music is the issue. Still you'd think with them devoting a new channel to "classic MTV" that they'd go ahead and scrub those seasons of all the music like they did with the first 4.

Caught a good chunk of the SF season this weekend. Hadn't seen it in a while. I know it's one of the highest regarded seasons but man, that season was pretty boring a lot of the time. Pam, Mohammed and Cory were all basically non-entities. I also forgot that Puck actually lived in SF so even when he was kicked out they still had him on the show and followed him around. That was cool. Even his girlfriend got a couple personal interviews which might have been the first time that happened on the show. Pedro's husband Sean got one too.

So . . . Bad Blood has to be among the worst seasons ever, right? I mean, it's boring like London, only with more people, phones in place of a TV, and a lot more sucking. A few people probably would've benefited from getting their tongues nipped off . . . and yet, they're still not as odious as most of GBOGH. As bad as Mike and Peter were, they can't hold much of a candle to at least half of the assholes from the prior season. In case you didn't read the episode threads, I can sum up Bad Blood in four words: No. Bah. Dee. Caressszzzzzzzzzzz.

Any world from MTV Classic? As much as I'd like to see something good, maybe it would be for the best to not get those if we were to get an altered soundtrack. What fun is the Mardi Gras episode without "Big PImpin'"? Or "Say My Name" as we come back from commercials, as David admits he didn't know the identity of his latest conquest.

I saw a movie with Jacinda Barrett the other day and it got me thinking about this show.  Glad there's a place to discuss it here.  I was 14 when the first season came on and I watched faithfully through the New Orleans season, and then sporadically through San Diego.  I'll be honest I had no idea they were still doing actual RW seasons, but I knew the challenges were still on.  Like most I used to think I wanted to be on the show, but I was way to quiet and subdued to ever get considered and I knew it.  My idea of a good time when I was in my late teens/early 20's was renting a movie with my boyfriend.  

Thoughts on the actual seasons....

New York-I loved it at the time, but I have a hard time remembering a lot now.  I know Julie was a big focus of that season, and Andre was the first of a long line of roommates who kind of faded into the background.

LA-These people were way too wild for me, but enjoyable to watch.  Isn't Jon sitting around watching tv too much the reason why they banned tv's in every season after?  Why did the cast someone they knew would be getting married and leaving?  

San Francisco-An unpopular opinion but this one bored me.  I think I've only ever seen it once.  Like most Puck repulsed me.

London-Another UO, I liked this season.  Generally nice people.  I think I actually dislike Jacinda and Neil the most, but even they weren't that bad.  I quite like Jacinda as an actress now.  

Miami-Love Cynthia, liked Sarah, meh on everyone else.  I hated the starting a business idea.  

Boston-Great season.  Genuine people, even if they did something you didn't like they were still likable.  I remember the house splitting into two cliques Genesis/Jason/Kameelah and Elka/Montana/Sean/Syrus.  

Seattle-I had such a crush of Nathan.  I have no idea why, but yeah.  Most of these people were chill.  I think without Steven and Irene and the slap this one would have probably been considered lame by most.  Well, maybe not they still had David and his Kira drama.

Hawaii-Matt and Kaia were my two most loathed roommates ever.  I wonder if Matt at the time actually thought he was coming off genuine?  I know I also disliked Amaya, but near the end everyone started ganging up on her and it made me feel sorry for her.  

New Orleans-I think this was maybe my favorite.  Nice people, but fun.  I know I never thought much of Jamie until near the end, and then I loved him when I saw him on a challenge.  I think Kelley got there and was totally over it by like the second week and then disappeared as much as possible, her friendship with Danny was adorable.  

Back to NY-Saw the first two episodes and bailed.  It mostly consisted of Mike vs Coral.

Chicago-Watched here and there only ever really liked Keri.  Years later I was forced to watch Kyle on my soap for 3 and a half years.

Las Vegas-Knew from the first episode it wasn't for me.  Even Frank, who I thought was maybe the decent guy was lame.  

Paris-All i remember really is CT.  Didn't he puke on the bed?

San Diego-Watched sporadically, liked most of the cast.  Why did they bother even replacing Frankie with the new guy when he was only in like 2 episodes?  Also this one produced Jamie Chung, who I absolutely adored as Mulan on Once Upon a Time.

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This Sunday, The Real World turns 25. I checked all three MTV sites to see if the first season would be rerun. Nope, on all three counts. Honestly, it's like MTV really doesn't care that much for BMP programming, but BMP will keep producing crap forever. At least there's no megaparty where the sane people stay home and the rowdy kids fuck shit up ten minutes into it. Seriously, Jeffery Ross turned into a punk after he got shoved into the pool.

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I've been hearing rumors that RW is officially dead. What would you think to be the main cause? I'm thinking the gimmick seasons in the end had to be the final nails in the coffin. I'm also thinking the irregular schedule (seasons deviating from the one-per-year format), the vain attempts at trying to give the kids something to occupy them, Las Vegas in general, incredibly shitting casting (remember Greg? It didn't just start and finish with Dionne and Racist Jenna), and the truly awful Bad Blood season. And I think it's perfectly acceptable to throw Puck on the pile because fuck him. And Nia.

Well, it's been what, 27 years? For a show, any type of show to last this long, whether scripted or reality, isn't bad.

But there are tons of reasons why. There are more reality shows out there, more competition (remember in the 90s where the RW and Road Rules were the only major shows of that nature?). I think the concept just went as far as it could, they tried mixing it up the last few seasons, but at the end of the day, there is only so much you can do with the "seven strangers living together" concept.

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Judd is in the top 3 of my most hated Real World people. I couldn't stand the guy.  One of the things I remember that sticks out in my mind is when they went to Hawaii. Some of the girls jumped off a cliff but Judd was too chicken shit to try it. Even though he was too scared to try it, he had no problem telling the girls how to do it and what they did wrong after. He was a wussy little know it all.   He did many they that annoyed me but that is what jumps to my mind first when I think about it. He just creeped me out. 

It's hard to think of Pam and Judd as a Real World couple when we never saw them be a couple on the Real World. I remember Pam and her boyfriend. 

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On 8/26/2017 at 10:52 PM, Lantern7 said:

but they would be at the top in terms of all-time RW couples, right?

Well, they certainly beat Rachel and Sean!

From what we saw of Judd and Pam during their season and the little I've read about either of them since, they both seem like good people, so if they're still happy together after all this time then I am happy for them.

I still wish the show had aired all that footage they shot of Pam at work; I'd have much rather seen that than Puck's antics.

On 8/29/2017 at 7:07 PM, Bastet said:

but they would be at the top in terms of all-time RW couples, right?

Well, they certainly beat Rachel and Sean!

From what we saw of Judd and Pam during their season and the little I've read about either of them since, they both seem like good people, so if they're still happy together after all this time then I am happy for them.

I still wish the show had aired all that footage they shot of Pam at work; I'd have much rather seen that than Puck's antics.

Not sure what the criteria for "best couple" would be and it seems like a rather small pool, but if it was who I enjoyed more on TV, Sean and Rachel win hands down. I hate Sean's (current day) politics and Rachel's were problematic for me during her season as well, but they were more compelling TV than Judd and Pam. 

Pam seems like a good person and she was a genuine adult during the SF season, which unfortunately doesn't translate to great TV. Judd was more of a bumbling doofus and had a lot of "nice guy" tendencies that bugged (such as being dismissive of Rachel when it was clear he had a raging crush on her), but he also seems like a genuine person, so I'm glad they found each other and made it work all these years. But I'd never watch them on TV again. 

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