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S12.E02: First Timers

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Jake better get control of his crew.   Maybe Sig had a point about not hiring friends (except he did, plus family).   Although Sig's way is not the only way.   Sig needs to stop criticizing Jake for not doing things  exactly the way Sig would do it.   Sure Jake learned a lot from Sig, but he is not Sig.   He's Jake.  On the other hand, Jake needs to stop apologizing to his friend and just tell him "do your job or your off the boat."


Had to laugh at how Sig's corkscrewing backfired on him.   Then he got mad at them for doing it right back.   Don't dish it if you can't take it Sig.   I liked Sig a lot better when he pranking, not being the mean girl of the fleet.


Speaking of laughing, did you catch Captain Sean's crack about how "I haven't learned how to just sit in the wheelhouse and drink coffee yet?"   Hmmmm, who could he have been talking about.


Bill can pick his deckhands can't he?   How many have lied to him?   Maybe he should check references BEFORE they get on the boat, not after they are out to sea.  


ETA:   Was that a fragging on the Saga?    Wow.    

Edited by merylinkid
  • Love 9

^ but Sig didn't seem to get screwed by the corking at all, though. He's on top of the leader board. The only thing I can think of is that while setting a line on top of someone else's is considered bad form, corking must be worse? Because it completely cuts off a chance for the middle string to get crab? I guess?

Sig, Sig, Sig...sweetie, you aren't allowed to be upset at Jake for doing the same as you did to him. My brother thinks Sig is purposefully playing mind games with Jake because he knows what an emotional disaster he his. I don't quite think Sig's an evil Moriarty-mastermind, though :P

Glad to see everyone is doing okay for the most part. Surprised Sig's on top of the crab count considering he was corked by Casey and Jake.

Jake is still an emotional disaster. So, nothing new there. I'd boot the guy off the boat.

And of course the other guy has a warrant.

Not much else to say about this episode.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
  • Love 4

OK.  I'm glad others are mentioning this because I was beginning to think I misunderstood.  Sig started this whole thing and then he acts all condescending when it's done back to him.   Karma's a bitch Sig.  They 'got' you.  Get over it and accept you got a taste of your own medicine.


I'm liking Sean so far.  I hope he does well.


Has Bill ever had a whole crew that works out? 


Wish we would get to see more Edgar.  It seems he's just not the same with all the back problems.

  • Love 5

The whole corkscrewing thing would have worked better if Jake had just admitted it.  Tell Sig...you screw with my lines I'll screw with yours.  The whole not answering the radio and then avoiding the direct answer was just another sign of Jake's lack of maturity. Even his rant about towards his friend was more whining.  
"please behave, I need him...I'm sorry...but I need him  instead of "get your shit together and do what the deck boss tells you or you are off my boat"


I wonder if new boat Sean, who seems very likeable, will ever recover from the entire world hearing his mother call him "Seany Pooh"

  • Love 7

I actually paused my TV and started bitching at Sig. "You corked his pots first! You even named the string after it!" (My poor husband just poked his head in the room and stared at me during this). I love Sig, but that was not his finest moment. I wonder if he was already starting to not feel well?


Jake needs to fire his friend, that guy is an ASS. He reeked of entitlement. He's really not much of a friend, Jake.

  • Love 7

Oh, I can only imagine the reactions of the other captains to Jake's pleading with his friend.  He will be hearing about that.  On the other hand, when he got fierce, it was fairly convincing. And he didn't actually back down from his position (which was that the other guy was more important and not going to be thrown over in favor of the friendship), but he also didn't shut that nonsense down fast enough.  Can you imagine any of the others leaning against a wall listening to two deckhands go at it like that while weather was good and there was fishing to do?


I wonder if the whole Sig corking thing was a one or two string thing they dropped for drama on their way to town or something.  Because I don't see any of these guys wasting time that way unless they're already done for the season or something and just trying to make tv (timelines have been played with in the past)


Johnathan and Keith have sure come a long way since that burn barrel.  Of course, that might be part of Keith's problem.


Still like the new guy, especially his adorable "Moms." comment after talking to her.  We know you love your mama, big boy, but go ahead and play that eye rolling tough guy part ;)


I can't figure out why the memorial sign in the new guy's wheelhouse honoring his father has the last name whited out and written in ink.  WTF?  Did they spell his name wrong?  Not know it?  It's just... peculiar.  Hopefully by summer they'll have a nice plaque.  I'm sure fans would make one. Then again, it's not like they're exactly hard or expensive to get in the first place.

  • Love 5

One thing I would bet my very life on is that if the Reds season would have been poor, we would have had endless V/Os about global warming ruining the fisheries.  I note there was not one word uttered mentioning the possible connection there was to how fantastic the fishing was and that the waters were unusually warm.   There was also no mention of the coincidence? that the quota increased for the 2nd straight year.


I was shocked that we did not see some B roll of the legendary (and super traditional  hahahahahahahaha) burn barrel when John sent Keith a$$ over tea kettle as they had that little confab on the radio (which of course, was NOT staged - no.  not at ALL).  I do feel for Keith, though.  Tragic pain.  For realz.


Jake is correct about affirming good and hard work.  But, he still hasn't learned that he has to lay a predicate of fear/respect before he does anything else.  I hear, "I'm your CAPTAIN!!!!!" being sung by Grand Funk Railroad whenever I see him get red-faced.  


It seems the CM finally had a productive season.  Congrats to Captain/Owner Josh for.....what?  Ohhhhhh.  Congrats to Casey for sitting that fame whore Josh's a$$ in a chair with zero authority and getting it done.  I will admit I am gobsmacked we did not see Josh at the helm for even one second of their Red harvest.   Unless Josh lost his license, I am at a complete loss to understand why Disco didn't show him in charge.

  • Love 5

Next week's episode looks fantastic. Can't wait to see Wild Bill murder Josh.

I've just recently realized that Jake technically started this whole thing with Sig. Last season. When Jake pulled his stunt against Sig. I remember Sig claiming he was going to destroy Jake and he never followed up on his threat. Until now, a whole season later.

Either way, Sig should have just let it go (and the producers need to stop egging him on with this crap).

With Jake- I'm kind of shocked that Sig is beating him to the punch when it comes to having a heart attack. The way he flips out is not good for his health. He'll be in line for a heart attack or stroke soon enough if he can't find a healthy way to deal with stress.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
  • Love 1
I note there was not one word uttered mentioning the possible connection there was to how fantastic the fishing was and that the waters were unusually warm.



The fishing wasn't awesome because the water was warm -- they just all headed out to the deepest water because they knew the crab would go there.  Where they chose to fish was based on the water temps, and they seemed aggravated about it, which indicated to me that it was further afield than they wanted to be.  And deeper means tying more line which is more deck work and wear and tear on the gear.


The show likes to highlight the silly, folksy rationale for fishing in particular places, but despite the emphasis on their gut feelings and fond memories of previous "honey holes", most of it is driven by actual data and each captain's ability to interpret that data.  The older guys have been around many years and know how crab move in relation to weather patterns.  In Sig's case, he's got all his father's charts and records going back decades before he ever made a decision.  So when he picks a "honey hole" it's because he would expect there to be crab there under very specific conditions, not just because the coordinates came to him in a dream or he just figured he hadn't been there a while and might as well check it out.

  • Love 7

I still enjoy Deadliest Catch, but I think over the past few seasons it has been falling into the reality TV trap. At this point it seems more scripted and staged than reality to me. It's a shame, this show avoided the reality TV fakery for a long time, but not anymore.

After Wild Bill reamed yet another unqualified hire he turned the to the cameraperson and said, "This used to be about fishing."   I said, "This show used to be about fishing too!"  Well, fishing and relationships but I think the relationships between the captains have largely run their course and I'm not interested in greenhorn/deckand drama taking up 75% of the show.  That's not relationship - it's reality show drama.  

  • Love 2


OK.  I'm glad others are mentioning this because I was beginning to think I misunderstood.  Sig started this whole thing

That's what I thought, too. I thought Sig started it to "teach Jake a lesson" or something like that....The whole thing just makes me irritated. I don't think Sig should be angry at Jake because Jake did the same thing Sig did. Hi Pot, meet Kettle. 


Yeah, Jake, don't hire your friends unless you know they can do the job. 

  • Love 5

Yes, Keith asked Johnathan to give Freddie a chance.  That could be a very interesting mix -- Soper and the Hillstrands are used to throwing their weight around, and Freddie seems to have been battling major demons in recent years that manifest in ways that in prior years might have made Johnathan violent.  Johnathan has mellowed, but who knows what will set him off?


Edit to say that Soper's a CM guy.  Nevermind ;)

Edited by kassa

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