PinkRibbons April 1, 2016 Share April 1, 2016 Archer and Lana make a handoff while the others listen to the best voicemail ever. Link to comment
Galileo908 April 8, 2016 Share April 8, 2016 Milton's back! Loved everyone spinning on the chairs. It's season 7, they're gonna do that, even when listening to all-out carnage on the other end of Archer's phone. Link to comment
bmoore4026 April 8, 2016 Share April 8, 2016! As was Pam finally punching Cheryl. I'm guessing one of the theme's this season is Archer's behavior, like the prank voice mail messages, is finally going to bite him in the ass, ultimately climaxing the in the opening scene last episode. I do know that Patton Oswalt needs an award for his guest voice work this episode. (Wonder if the lawyer insisting with shoes off is a character quirk or because of trying to keep the just cleaned floor spotless.) And, after previous seasons of not really not having real power, we've finally got Malory calling some shots! And her taking down the biker leader was fantastic. 2 Link to comment
Lantern7 April 8, 2016 Share April 8, 2016 We got to hear Archer get an erection again. I wouldn't want that in every episode, but it is pretty funny. It's also amusing for the gang to wait for Archer to break into his usual joke. I would have figured they would have put two and two together after about a minute. Link to comment
Charlesman April 8, 2016 Share April 8, 2016 I absolutely loved the Daryl Zero reference. One writer is just insane. Love. Link to comment
Independent George April 8, 2016 Share April 8, 2016 The voicemail-that-wasn't was friggin' awesome. That was just perfectly timed. 3 Link to comment
tennisgurl April 8, 2016 Share April 8, 2016 Oh my God, that voice mail joke was such a long time coming, and it was executed to perfection. "My God, he actually trained crickets." 2 Link to comment
TVSpectator April 9, 2016 Share April 9, 2016 The voice mail scene was perfect. Seeing how everyone at the office just under-react to (what was actually) a fight was amazing. 2 Link to comment
Kel Varnsen April 9, 2016 Share April 9, 2016 I thought the first episode was a bit of a slow start (nothing bad just a lot of set up),but this whole episode was amazing. I laughed more than on any other show i have watched in a long time and it reminded me why this is my favourite tv show. On top of the voice mail, the whole thing with Shapiro recounting what happened to his dogs was hilarious. As was Trunksminster Fuller and the whole set up of it. 2 Link to comment
TVSpectator April 9, 2016 Share April 9, 2016 IMO, Patton Oswalt should be given an award for his voice work. The man must've done a crap ton of voice between September and now because he is showing up (or more like his voice acting is appearing) in so many different shows. 1 Link to comment
thuganomics85 April 9, 2016 Share April 9, 2016 Loved the the voice mail gag! It was only a matter of time before everyone just assumes Archer's phone is automatically going to go to voice mail, only for it to be the real thing. And I liked that the entire fight scene was off screen, so it just fun imagining how exactly it played out. Glad Patton Oswalt had more to do as Shapiro in this episode. Cyril continuing to attempt to be the big boss is hilarious. Love how Malory keeps overshadowing him with ease. I'm glad that it seems like Malory will be getting more to do this season. Even though it was shown in all of the previews, I still laugh at Archer's random "It's after Labor Day!" excuse to being naked when the gang comes in to rescue him and Lana. Link to comment
Kel Varnsen April 9, 2016 Share April 9, 2016 Oh yea and Carol freaking out and storming off because the money they made wasn't pirate booty and the reason she gave why was the kind of joke this show does perfectly. Link to comment
bittersweet4149 April 10, 2016 Share April 10, 2016 The voice mail scene was perfect. Seeing how everyone at the office just under-react to (what was actually) a fight was amazing. Yup, it was brilliant! And the realization that it was not a drill? Epic. Mallory in mama bear mode is always a thing of beauty. Link to comment
Bruinsfan April 24, 2016 Share April 24, 2016 The only thing keeping this episode from being absolutely perfect was Archer missing the chance to reply to Ray's statement that he was dressed to blend in with "Where did you expect to be blending, the Blue Oyster Bar?" Link to comment
gwhh April 25, 2016 Share April 25, 2016 What does blue oyster bar mean? What is it? The only thing keeping this episode from being absolutely perfect was Archer missing the chance to reply to Ray's statement that he was dressed to blend in with "Where did you expect to be blending, the Blue Oyster Bar?" Link to comment
Bruinsfan April 25, 2016 Share April 25, 2016 It's a running joke from the Police Academy movies: Link to comment
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