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Ratings & Scheduling: The 100... People Watching

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Courtesy of TVBTN


On the CW, Arrow notched a 0.8 down 11 percent from last week's 0.9 adults 18-49 rating. The 100 earned a 0.6 down 14 percent from last week's 0.7 adults 18-49 rating.

Not great, but I'm hoping it can hold on and somehow get itself renewed. It's a fun Wednesday night show, and the only thing I'm interested in in the 9pm hour.

Wow.  Color me impressed.  I was shocked The 100 even got renewed but was pretty sure it couldn't get itself past a a second season.  If it keeps itself more of a summer show, it might experience a bit of longevity. 

Its not a summer show though. This season it was a mid season show airing in spring and next season it will air in the fall.

Its not a summer show though. This season it was a mid season show airing in spring and next season it will air in the fall.

Thanks for the correction and information about the proposed time slot the show will occupy in it's second season.  Though I have a sneaking suspicion you understood the point I was making: this show will get the ratings it needs to allow for longevity if the meat of a season is not competing against a typical fall season line-up. 

Thanks for the correction and information about the proposed time slot the show will occupy in it's second season.  Though I have a sneaking suspicion you understood the point I was making: this show will get the ratings it needs to allow for longevity if the meat of a season is not competing against a typical fall season line-up. 


I really don't think airing midseason is the reason its been steady in the ratings this spring. Usually CW midseason shows flop big time. I think the premise had more to do with it attracting an audience. The show is Hunger Games esque and there's no other YA dystopian shows on TV at the moment. I think it will actually do even better in the fall when there's a larger audience available. 


This came up on the last episode thread because of a crawling message in our area about the show's schedule, but in case anyone is watching in the Land of the Blackhawks (Chicago area):

There will be a "special" episode airing on June 7. I'm not sure, but I think next week's episode will still air on the 4th, but then the finale will air earlier here, on the 7th, instead of on the 11th, as it is scheduled elsewhere (looking at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_The_100_episodes), which seems a little odd.

So maybe they're not really showing "We Are Grounders: Part 1" until the 7th???

Anyone have anything more definitive?

I guess it doesn't really matter since the CW is very nice about putting episodes up online soon after they air.

ETA: Not airing tonight in Chicago because Mets v Cubs. Airing Saturday at 8 CDT.

Edited by shapeshifter

Turns out the ratings continue to be crappy as well.  0.5 18-49 rating, 2 18-49 share and only 1.48 million viewers, basically flat compared to last week's season premiere (which is also the same as the Season 1 Finale), tied for lowest rated show on 'The CW' with Reign and Jane the Virgin.



The ratings went up a bit but continue to be crappy.  From 0.5 to 0.6 18-49 rating, 18-49 share remained flat at 2 and viewers increased from 1.48 to 1.79 million. Still, it's an improvement when 'The 100' only managed to shed 30% of Arrow viewers vs. last week when 40% of Arrow viewers changed the channel.



Spoke too soon -- ratings were revised and the 18-49 rating was reduced down from 0.6 to 0.5 while total number of viewers remained approx. the same after the revision.  Which means it had more viewers this week than last week, but they weren't in the coveted 18-49 age group.



Edited by ottoDbusdriver

The 18-49 rating increased from 0.5 to 0.6 and 18-49 share stayed the same from two weeks ago while adding about 200,000 viewers, but 'The 100' still managed to lose nearly 1.6 million viewers from its lead-in 'Arrow'.



The 100 continues to bleed viewers (in addition to losing nearly half of its lead-in) -- 18-49 rating and 18-49 share remained flat at 0.6 and 2 respectively, but lost over 250,000 viewers week over week.



Viewers absolutely don't matter. Only the demo does. Being very stable is good, but Jane the Virgin getting that Golden Globe nom definitely worries me - its ratings are considerably worse, but having critical success could matter a lot for a network that's consistently overlooked by critics even when it shouldn't be (I mean, Arrow totally deserved a stunts Emmy, for instance). I'm back to being worried for the show, because, together with Homeland, it's probably the drama I'm invested the most at the moment.

Edited by FurryFury

I think the success of The Flash could bring even more superhero shows on the network. Other than The 100 and The Flash, I don't watch anything on CW, either. 


Hart of Dixie is toast, it was clear with 10 episodes order. No idea about Beauty and the Beast which was miraculously not canceled last year, it's in s3, so it has a promise of syndication, but the ratings were really bad, IIRC. Reign has it worse than 100 and is in its 2nd season too, so it's my hope they'll cancel it over The 100.

Jane the Virgin's globe nomination cinches Hart of Dixie for cancellation more than anything (because I don't think it's official yet). I think The 100 should be worried about any new genre sci-fi shows. Are there any? I don't watch any other CW shows.

SyFy has apparently recommitted to making actual SciFi, and a new space exploration drama mini, Ascension, is airing this week. It's only a mini, but I suppose if it's well received SyFy might make good on their threat.


Edited by kieyra

SyFy has apparently recommitted to making actual SciFi, and a new space exploration drama mini, Ascension, is airing this week. It's only a mini, but I suppose if it's well received SyFy might make good on their threat.http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ascension_(TV_series)

I saw the first 2 hours, and it's actually more along the lines of The Killing.

They are not actually in space, they only think they are.

I saw the first 2 hours, and it's actually more along the lines of The Killing.

They are not actually in space, they only think they are.




Yeah, after I posted I went over to the threads to see people's thoughts, and I was disappointed by the stuff you spoilered. I'm really over that kind of thing. (Not sure about your reference to The Killing, though, do you mean tonally/direction-wise?)

I think the success of The Flash could bring even more superhero shows on the network. Other than The 100 and The Flash, I don't watch anything on CW, either. 


Hart of Dixie is toast, it was clear with 10 episodes order. No idea about Beauty and the Beast which was miraculously not canceled last year, it's in s3, so it has a promise of syndication, but the ratings were really bad, IIRC. Reign has it worse than 100 and is in its 2nd season too, so it's my hope they'll cancel it over The 100.

Reign's ratings arent that much worse and it has more episodes than The 100 which works in its favor.

Without Arrow as a lead-in and the Survivor finale playing opposite in the same time slot, 'The 100' dropped ever lower going from 0.6 to 0.5 in 18-49 ratings and shedding 250,000+ in total viewers week over week.  This show still managed to have fewer viewers than a rerun of some crappy commercial highlight show as its lead-in.  And it tied a series low -- I guess no one cared that the love quadrilateral was now back to a love triangle, because Bellamy is totally going to bang Clarke or Raven or both, probably at the same time (there is precedent -- Bellamy had two hotties in his bed back in the do whatever we want days, of course they have since disappeared and no one mentioned anything).



Edited by ottoDbusdriver

They are 0.2 points worse, which translates into whopping 30%.

We'll see how The Messengers and IZombie do ratings wise but retention from Arrow is weak, special effects aren't cheap, Reign has the advantage of being closer to syndication in episode numbers. The Messengers is an apocalyptic drama as well so it will be interesting to see how it performs compared to how The 100 performed its first season.

I saw the first 2 hours, and it's actually more along the lines of The Killing.

They are not actually in space, they only think they are.


Final O/T on this subject, with the point being we are discussing possible SciFi competition and the SyFy channel's recent commitment to going back to producing BSG style dramas: (Spoiler for Ascension on SyFy, airing this week):  

Apparently they flipped the twist back again in a subsequent episode and they really are in space.


TL;DR, there COULD still be SciFi-based competition for The 100. 

Edited by kieyra

Well, there was also some vague information about how The CW is looking at doing some summer series, and shorter seasons for some series, etc. I actually think that's really brilliant, and could allow for more of these shows to survive. I think The 100 probably benefits from not being 23 episodes a year, for example.

They haven't renewed Hart of Dixie and Beauty and the Beast. Generally, they've had a good year (mostly thanks to The Flash), so the only renewal I'm really shocked at (and not content with) is Reign. 

While technically true, neither of those shows started until January.  Is there anything from the Fall schedule that didn't get renewed?

Oh, I was under the impression the previous ep got a 0.4, guess it got adjusted up in the finals. Anyway, I hope they'll wrap up the storyline in s3, they should realize they don't have many chances to go on after that. I like the show way too much for it to end on a cliffhanger.

Edited by FurryFury

The ratings numbers on this show appeared to have plateaued. Never seems to get above 0.5 in the 18-49 ratings, and consistently loses half of Arrow's viewership, averaging around 1.4 million total viewers



Eh.  It's never going to be a highly rated show and I don't think the lead-in matters; it's a relative outlier (not based on a comic book or targeted at teen girls).  And even with barely any promotion and a delayed start date, it still got renewed for a third season.  And it's Emmy-nominated and receives quite a bit of critical acclaim.  I'll take it!  

Eh.  It's never going to be a highly rated show and I don't think the lead-in matters; it's a relative outlier (not based on a comic book or targeted at teen girls).  And even with barely any promotion and a delayed start date, it still got renewed for a third season.  And it's Emmy-nominated and receives quite a bit of critical acclaim.  I'll take it!  

This show is definitely targeted at teenage girls. Lets not pretend its not. They aren't targeting adults with this writing.Not to mention its an alloy entertainment show. It probably would be a higher rated show if they made it more of an ensemble and didnt drag one plot the entire season. Also the emmy was for special effects not acting or writing. And it doesnt have much critical acclaim either. 

This show is definitely targeted at teenage girls. Lets not pretend its not. They aren't targeting adults with this writing.Not to mention its an alloy entertainment show. It probably would be a higher rated show if they made it more of an ensemble and didnt drag one plot the entire season. Also the emmy was for special effects not acting or writing. And it doesnt have much critical acclaim either. 


I agree with you here In2You which is why I think Bellamy & Clarke are the OTP of the show and will eventually get together. It would be nice for once to not have the male lead and the female lead end up in a relationship but this is the CW. Romance and poor writing tend to go hand in hand with the network and this season's finale showed me that The 100 is not the exception to the CW's bad-writing trope. I guess only Jane The Virgin will fly that flag :)

Who cares if the show is targeted at teenage girls? That shouldn't be a knock on it. A lot of good shows have been targeted at teenage girls. And honestly I think The 100 is very underrated. It's way better written than the novel, which I tried to read, and yikes. Yes the show has problems with things like continuity, but it treats its characters and their relationships very well, it's not afraid to go to certain places, it shows that there are consequences for your actions. That is way more than I can say for a lot of shows.

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Your definition of bad writing is the male and female lead getting together? Seriously?


No. My definition of bad writing is spending most of the season developing world and it's people only to chuck it all away in one scene. I know everyone won't agree with me about "the deal" so it's a YMMV situation.


I don't really ship, in fact I get more enjoyment from a show when a popular shipping choice doesn't happen. All I meant was that to would be nice to have a show where the main leads (male and female) don't end up in a relationship. Does it mean I'll stop watching the show if it happens? No. I will however, stop watching the show if we keep getting plot-holes like the one in Part 1.


I'm straying from the topic of this thread but hopefully I've made myself a little clearer now :)

Edited by kdm07
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All I meant was that to would be nice to have a show where the main leads (male and female) don't end up in a relationship.


Well, first, it may still happen. Yeah, Bellamy and Clark are obviously one of the relationships of focus on the show, but I'm not 100% convinced they are the endgame, not after Lexa. Although personally, from an objective standpoint, them ending up together would make more narrative sense than any other option for Clarke so far - but their platonic relationship is interesting enough so it doesn't even matter much.


Second, I wouldn't really call Bellamy "male lead" here. This isn't X-Files, or Sleepy Hollow, or Castle - shows with clearly defined leads. Clarke is the main characters, all others are supporting. For instance, I feel like Octavia has got the same focus as Bellamy this season.


Third, there are shows where male and female lead didn't/won't end up together. Not as few as you'd think, actually.


As for the last episode twist, I loved the hell out of it, personally, because it made a lot of sense, was set up well and resolved a few of my fears about the future direction of the show. It also felt genuinely shocking for me, but yeah, I know, YMMV.

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