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S01.E12: Bizarro

Tara Ariano

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Also, looking at the slate of upcoming villains, it seems like some of them could easily be Asian or Latino/a. The precedent is already there for racebending to increase diversity.

I can't recall exactly where before, but I KNOW I've seen bitter complaints along the lines of "oh sure, you created diversity by making them the BAD GUYS!"

In other words, it may be a solution for you, but other people would probably bitterly rail against it if that's how it was accomplished.

Given that we've already seen via Martian Manhunter that there are other heroes out there (even if somewhat hidden) perhaps the solution is to do what The Flash did and slowly introduce some other (more diverse) heroes who can guest star (so it's not just villains popping up). You don't even have to racebend. DC admittedly has FAR more Asian and Hispanic villains compared to heroes, and of the heroes they have of those backgrounds most have already appeared on Arrow, The Flash, or even Gotham, but there are at least a few left that could show up (one version of The Atom is Asian, one version of Blue Beetle is Hispanic, one version of Aquagirl is Hispanic, one version of Batgirl--admittedly unlikely to show up just because they hate to mix Bat and Supes on TV--is half-Asian, etc.)

Edited by Kromm

Out of topic: but why a particular show needs to go out of its way so that every element of society appear to be represented? There are bunch of shows on BET that care not a bit about diversity.

It's the liberal movement in this country that worships political correctness.  It's the knee jerk reaction if TV shows don't bow down to them. 


The reality is that TV does is very diverse and the main aim of a TV show is to get an audience and make money, not bow to political correctness. 


I look for TV shows that will entertain me, not make some close minded political stand.

I can't recall exactly where before, but I KNOW I've seen bitter complaints along the lines of "oh sure, you created diversity by making them the BAD GUYS!"
Well yeah, if only the villains where non-white, that would be horrible. But the show already has two non-white heroic figures and if they also had more recurring characters who were non-white, then having non-white villains would just be more representation.


They do a decent job at Catco with the background players... in the conference in Cat's office, there were PoC staffers with lines and while I didn't count, my impression is that the overall group seemed reasonably diverse. So the groundwork is there... the show just needs to use those characters a bit more and flesh them out. 


Personally, I think that would also be good for the show by making the workplaces feel more real.


Bizarro wouldn't kidnap the guy that Kara was kissing the last time she kidnapped her? Isn't that a simpler leap of logic? Supergirl loves --> guy she was kissing/smiling with?
Yeah, that leap of logic didn't make much sense unless Bizarra and Kara have some kind of soul link due to the DNA transfer. I'm also not even clear if Kara is even still that into James... she seemed sincerely interested in Adam and over James. I guess the kidnapping is supposed to reveal that no, she's not over her feelings for James yet, but it was pretty tell don't show. I liked Kara/James before Lucy came on the scene, but ever since, the show hasn't known how to write it in any interesting way.  

Disappointing episode. Max Lord's portrayal was actually interesting at first: he had a point that Supergirl/Superman might appear to be benevolent, but humanity needed to have some means of containing them (or as another paranoid billionaire put it in a recent movie, "If there is even a 1% chance of him turning on us, we need to treat it as an absolute certainty!") - an over-reaction maybe, but not entirely without foundation (particularly as Kara has brought a slew of Kryptonian villains with her). But now he seems to be acting purely out of spite - conditioning Bizarro (Bizarra would be more appropriate, I would have thought) into obedience to him makes sense but it seemed purely "For the EVULZ!" that he conditioned her to hate Supergirl. And if you want to condition somebody, maybe don't show a whole load of unedited footage of her saving people? You could cut together some stuff of her screwing up when she "allowed" an oil slick in the harbour, any super battle that caused collateral damage or the time she was depowered and "failed" to appear during an earthquake, which would at least put across the "See, she doesn't care about people!" He did, however, get the best line of the episode when he went "Detention without trial - what could be more American than that!"


Not that anyone else is acting much better. I'm almost surprised Alex didn't go "Would you care for a tour while you're here?" because why did he let Max see ANYTHING until he was safely in the cell? You're already violating his rights (and I'm sure THAT'S not going to cause problems down the line) and he probably already knew about the DEO base, but don't make it easy for him. The Supergirl/Bizarro battles were pretty uninspired (obviously they don't have the budget for city destroying titanic struggles every week, but all their clashes seemed pretty anaemic). And I have to agree with Cat that perhaps they should just leave the personal stuff at home and maintain a strictly business relationship at work (though it comes to something when Ally McBeal is telling you to quit talking about your personal life!)


legaleagle53 - Oliver and Barry can't accidentally kill their sex partners while in the throes of passion


What, "Thighs of steel, man of balsa?" as Larry Niven might have put it?

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