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S07.E15: Matryoshka

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We know he had an older sister, who died.  I think we know that his mother, his sister, and him were the entirety of the family on that beach when his mother was killed.


So if it's a baby sister, she was separated for some reason.  I think Arkady is Callen's uncle.

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Well, Anna is a lot younger, so they couldn't have the same mother, anyway. But since Dad is still alive. I was thinking more half-sister, smuggled out and raised by an old friend. Admittedly, this is probably all way off.

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I'm more inclined to think Arkady is some sort of relative, like uncle or cousin, than I am to think that Anna is a sibling. Age difference is a little to big for when Callen left Romania.

I'm actually more interested in how Callen got out of Romania and how his citizenship was sorted out. Was his mother a US citizen? We know his father isn't.

Edited by anna0852
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Ok that would make sense. His mother would have automatically been a citizen through her father, no matter where she was born and that would transfer to Callen.


New questions then: how could he show up in the California foster care system without a known first name but enough records to be a citizen? Methinks Hetty was pulling strings as usual.

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Ugh, did they break up Callen and Jolene(?) just to have Anna as a love interest?


Seconded. This was my immediate reax. (And, clearly, PLEASE don't be related!!!!)  The actress is gorgeous, but I liked him better with Jolene.


I have noticed over the past couple of weeks the Sam/Callen banter has had a touch of a bite to it. Not to read too much into a show that allows partners to sleep/live together, much less staff discussing "work appropriate undergarments" - but Sam seems a little tired of Callen's loner persona AND his loyalty to Arkady. Sam. Leave him alone. You set him up with Michelle's friend, fully knowing how Callen lives, and he broke her heart. I hardly think Callen joining Facebook is going to make him more amenable to a "normal" life. (Plus, how are any of these people on social media!?!?!?!?) I think Sam was justified to be wary of the consulate mission, but it's like he was/will be holding it over Callen's head. For me, his exasperation with Callen is ratcheting up toward his disdain for Deeks.


I'm babbling. I'm not normally awake throw-up early, much less trying to comment with any semblance of meaning. Will try to regroup and come back later.


PS - I will say that the Kirkin love for Deeks makes me giggle. "I will send for you." HEEEEEEEEEEE

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After the kiss Callan and Anna shared, they better not be related!  Callan looked very surprised and shocked at the end of the kiss.


I'm not a fan of "... to be continued ..."  Just tell the story and give me an ending each week.  I might be imaging things, but it seems more shows are doing this mid-season vs waiting until the end of a season which used to be the norm (or maybe my memory is failing me).


I'm still a fan of Kensi and Deeks and the way the relationship is being handled. 

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I've been on the Arkady is Really Callan's Dad train for a long time, but that kiss made me think either Anna turns out to be not related and some kind of scam artist or we've gone into Luke and Leia territory and then run with it lol.


I LOVE the Kenzie/Deeks banter. I think the chemistry in real life that Daniela and Eric have as in-laws makes their interactions so much more entertaining on the screen. It's like their reactions to their character's lines are real reactions and it's just fun to watch.

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I still believe that Arkady worked with Callen's father who he will probably finally meet during this newest 2-parter (no spoilers).


However, I am OK with Callen being in a relationship with Anna. The show has only given us a few working romantic relationships -- and the ones that work and have lasted have been between people who are in the same general field. 


I can see why Jolene may not be comfortable with Callen's job -- it's not for everyone. Quinn is OK with Sam doing it because she wants to be back out there herself.


Deeks and Kensi both get it and have (at least until now) accepted the inherent danger to each other as part of life. If the show survives long enough, I think it would be interesting for them to explore the issue of children since they have both obliquely brought up the topic. If they decided to have a child or even if there was an "oops" pregnancy, I suspect Deeks would be more than a little protective of Kensi at that point which I think would lead to problems between the two.


Nell and Eric (whatever their relationship is) get it as well. 


I think Callen and Anna might be interesting (maybe because I like her).

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The Kirkin-Deeks dynamic never fails to amuse me.  Or should that be Kirkin/Deeks, hmmm?


Anybody want to hazard a guess that Hetty's version of the "proper undergarment" for a kilt is....nothing?  And then further guess how she would know, one way or the other?


I like the Anna character--I find her intriguing--and the actress is certainly beautiful, but she smiles too much.  Aren't Russians supposed to be morose?  ;-)

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I can't tell you how much I love that characterization of getting up ridiculously early!  I'm stealing it for real life!   

I mean - it's dead on, right?? Throw-up early is making a 6:55 train to the city for work. For a big meeting. Requiring proper hair, attire and makeup. Also snow boots. GAH.

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I've been on the Arkady is Really Callan's Dad train for a long time, but that kiss made me think either Anna turns out to be not related and some kind of scam artist or we've gone into Luke and Leia territory and then run with it lol.


I kept thinking, 'hope you don't end up to be relations!' Glad I'm not the only one who's brain when the Star Wars place.



I still believe that Arkady worked with Callen's father who he will probably finally meet during this newest 2-parter (no spoilers).


Deeks and Kensi both get it and have (at least until now) accepted the inherent danger to each other as part of life. If the show survives long enough, I think it would be interesting for them to explore the issue of children since they have both obliquely brought up the topic. If they decided to have a child or even if there was an "oops" pregnancy, I suspect Deeks would be more than a little protective of Kensi at that point which I think would lead to problems between the two.


Nell and Eric (whatever their relationship is) get it as well. 


I think Callen and Anna might be interesting (maybe because I like her).

I don't think kids are potentially that far off for Kensi and Deeks. If for no other reason, Daniella might have another child. And it will be very difficult to write around another pregnancy. What are they going to do? Send her on another long-term assignment? Put her in a coma for months? Give her some injury that keeps her on desk duty?  I think it's coming and I'm looking forward to that dynamic when it does.


I loved the whole 'appropriate undergarments' conversation. Especially when Nell started asking questions and Eric just shot her that grin. Usually Eric is the one who ends up all awkward so it was nice to see him get one over on Nell.


Looking forward to finding out Callen name next week! $10 says it's George.

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Well, we can add another entry to the LONG list of tv dramas and/or movies who conveniently used a lavish party to break into a very secure embassy to steal some vital something.


Just one time, I want to hear something like this:

Team member:  "How are we going to get into that safe/computer?  There are guards everywhere."

Team leader:  "Easy-peasy.  We'll just get our names added to the guest list of the fancy party, and the rest of the team can pretend to be the caterers.  No problem."

Team member:  "Should work.  We'll get Eric to hack their system and get us on the list"

Eric the IT guy"  "Oh, Crap!!!  Guys--I hate to tell you this...but that fancy party was last night."

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