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Small Talk: Stargate SG-1

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Hi everybody! Since this forum is for introductions and off topic discussions I'd love for you guys to make some threads to talk about the show!
Examples of topics that populate show forums include (but by no means are limited to):

  • Character topics
  • Episode topics
  • Season topics
  • Spoiler topics
  • Speculation topics
  • In the Media topics
  • Favourite X topics
  • ...you get the idea

Happy trails beyond Small Talk!

ETA: feel free to link to fan fic or talk about your ships. We are happy to help enable your addictions here. ;)

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An upcoming show about aliens influencing the rise of the Ancient Egyptian culture. Sounds interesting. Reminds me of something else like that, too. But I just can't place it... In the meantime, I have this awesome idea. The aliens could travel in great big pyramid-shaped ships. But when they don't want to bother flying all that way, they could use sort of ring-shaped teleporter things. And to save money on prosthetics, they could be parasites possessing humans! What do you say? Think it would work? I'm not so sure.

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An upcoming show about aliens influencing the rise of the Ancient Egyptian culture. Sounds interesting. Reminds me of something else like that, too. But I just can't place it...


Was it the old In Search of ....series , Joe, in this case "In Search of Ancient Astronauts"? Not a drama, but it's the thing that sprang to mind when you mentioned that.  Admittedly, I have insomnia tonight, so my brain isn't making any truly logical connections at present.  

OMG how do I get one and does it work?


I find myself unexpectedly unemployed and I've turned to SG1 for comfort, again. SG got me through my unemployment last time (that lasted nearly a year and I was able to watch all of SG1 and Atlantis and finish the day SGU aired). I'm already half way through season 5 but I fully admit I am skipping episodes I don't like.

So I now have a "vitreous detachment" in my left eye that might involve a retinal tear that they are going to "watch closely." So far this means that between Saturday morning and Monday afternoon I had 2 ophthalmologists and 1 retinologist and an assortment of technicians shine lights in my eyes and ask me to follow the light. Finally I recalled 4.6, "Window of Opportunity," and amused myself by imagining asking them, "What can shining that light in my eye possibly tell you?"

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