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Unforgettable - General Discussion

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Suzanne Mills dead body found in a park. Later we find out she is actually Claire Johnson. Some stuff here as it went along confused me, but we had more and more suspects. I to was surprised at the Matchmaking Meeting that Carrie swayed the 3 guys so easily. The "Duchess" would not have been happy, whoever she was? I thought maybe more would have come from that, but nope. I did think when Gwen Stein(Liked the actress on Criminal Minds, but not so much since), introduced Al and Carrie to her BF Jake Thompson(later to be found to be Jack Burton) that he must have had something to do with it. Love affair gone wrong, BINGO! Eliot protecting the well known in town....again!! But Al in interrogation really gets intense! He was all over Lee Ross and others. The orange Coffee Mug did stand out. Was interesting it had data on it. Jay also got excited,"How awesome is the Jay Man!" But he got no high 5! But they liked Smiling Pig Donuts!

Maria Torres was Claire's gf. The shoe size difference and bag of dope kinda gave clues. We ofcourse find out she was protecting her, helping her. We find the Cartel is after her. When they went to the Catskills to find her I was surprised again no back up. 3 guys in a Lincoln start shooting. They are stopped and we find the Cartel was using the girls and Jack to get prominent peoples Id's and info. Jack asked for protection. The US Marshals help Maria get a fresh start.

Liked how the Commissioner is suing Gwen's company. Also liked how Al and Carrie flirt and "Clyde" is buying "Bonnie" a drink!

Actor Fletcher Sayers found dead in his dressing room! Model/Activist wife Amira Bouaire(hot), glad she wasn't a big suspect. I thought at first Producer Larry Weinstock, the guy that found him dead was the killer. He to me was the most well known actor. But when Al and Carry interviewed him at the studio, I could tell he wasn't the killer. He wasn't mad at them or mean to them.

Super fan Lester Weberman, it was sad to me he got killed. Other suspects were fan Freddie Albertson, ex GF Shiels Evans,(liked her turning herself in), fixer Colin Keyes and Lamar Musgrove. When we saw Malone at his desk I kinda thought I should remember that name. We findout that they were moving maid slaves and EVA, Monika the cleaning woman was one. Sayers was trying to help. The team frees them and it was cool 2 times when Al and Carrie talk on thier phone to get in the studio and then on the sidewalk to get by the 2 guards. Then at end they go for a drink with more flirting. She seems to be forgetting Secret Service Agent Francis Simms.

Undercover Hollywood reporter Tina Forbish trying to get Eliot to give her all the "dirt" on the murder. Hated her streatching the truth to Eliot after her run in with Murray. Funny that Murray told her the last person to see him was the murderer! Nice the fake out sending Tina to record the Old Fisherman illegally fishing off the pier, lol.

Thought Carrie in the laundramat was cute. Manny the Nanny was confused on the clothing he had just washed/dried. 4 ladies seeing that it is expensive stuff try to trick him into giving them some of the clothing. Carrie the Cop straightens them all out. Manny asks her out, but because he wears speedo underwear she don't want to go out. She could have turned him down a little easier couldn't she have?


Thought Carrie in the laundramat was cute. Manny the Nanny was confused on the clothing he had just washed/dried. 4 ladies seeing that it is expensive stuff try to trick him into giving them some of the clothing. Carrie the Cop straightens them all out. Manny asks her out, but because he wears speedo underwear she don't want to go out. She could have turned him down a little easier couldn't she have?


That was one of my favourite scenes too.

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I figured when Al and Carrie were talking with the Senator Thomas Carlyle and they talked about the poisoning, I saw the Security Guard Nikos Hastis take his water bottle and whatever and I figured he would poison it. Then Carrie figures it out as she sees his bottle is almost full now. As she chased Nikos through the building I thought the dusty curtains was strange, then her running into the Janitor. Then in the morgue she felt funny and Jo thought she was drunk, I said as others have said, well she's pregnant. But we find she was poisoned also. But Nikos was eatten by a big truck out in the street as he ran from Carrie. I figured he would be when he ran out there.

I really didn't think activist Goodacre Oyenusi was the poisoner, but when they found him in the cafe, he looked guilty. But he was dealing in forged ID's and papers.

When Dr. Phillip Miller told Carrie she should stay in bed and let the res of the team handle the case, she sounded like a spoiled brat. She said that Jo was a Dr, and that Jo makes her laugh. It really sound like a kid there. It was nice that she wanted to help , but the toxin made her forget stuff. Al was so worried about her. Rest of team was to and helped a lot. Jay telling Al and Carrie when they were looking in each others eyes, "You want a room or want to catch a killer?!" Was funny.

Elizabeth Koban being murdered almost made me think her husband Eric had more to do with it all. But they just sold Nikos the security shirts. Hubby not understanding it, got him off the hook for me.

Al and Carrie talked to retired Judge Logan Sale and finds out about Kincaid and he was upset about the Oil people coming to his town and spreading money around. So he was almost done taking down the whole board of the Oil Company.

Now I know she has been working out with a trainer, and is a cop, but when former CIA Agent August Kincaid(The Janitor she couldn't remember) came in the mens room he must have been gloating that she forgot seeing him before. Then when she remembers and they both pull guns it was interesting. But with Carrie being weak and wobbly she was very lucky taking him down. Then Al came in at the right time and stepped on his hand. "Your done Kincaid", Al says. Nice!

Wonder if Carrie's memory loss and regaining of it, will jog her memory on her sisters killer ID? Her and Al in the hospital was so cute. He brings her the jello she wanted. They are now an item for sure! It had been building up the last 4 episodes or so. Then as Eliot, Murray and Jay head out for a drink they meet Eddie Martin, Carrie's husband??? Carries phone rings! How did she forget him and Al didn't know? True as pointed out Al lost track of her for awhile. But in transfer papers or whatever it didn't show up? I hope he is not the one that killed Carrie's sister. That would not be a good twist, but it will be interesting. Have to wait for next Summer! I hope!

Edited by webruce

Since this show has been cancelled (again!), I guess we'll never find out who killed Carrie's sister. That was the predominant theme in Season One and we barely heard anything about it this past season. Ugh. Guess we oughta be grateful that CBS brought it back for one more year though. Good riddance Unforgettable.....you were pretty good.

Has this show been forgotten*?

Apparently not by A&E.  They've just picked up the show for a fourth season. 




I have to admit, I'm somewhat tickled by the network hopping that has been all the rage lately. Longmire to Netflix.  Unforgettable to A&E.  The Killing to Netflix.  Community to Yahoo...etc. 


*Pathetic pun but I can't help myself.

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Huh. I guess that's a good thing. I wonder if the cast will change again.

It will and I'm sad because I loved Jane the most of the cast.  Tawny and Dallas are also leaving.  


In addition to Kathy, EJ Bonilla and Skeet Ulrich are joining.  



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Carrie  is as annoying as ever.  Glad they aren't dragging out the husband story line. although, from what I've read in online articles, it sounds like he will be recurring - or I could have misunderstood.   I'm sorry Dallas is leaving, I really liked his character. 


I like the new guy and new ME.  I wonder who will be the new captain. I don't know if that's even been mentioned anywhere.


Does Rachel Dratch ever play a character who isn't an annoying ditz?

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I'm wondering if the objective for casting and writing of the new characters was to make them even more annoying and obnoxious than Cary?

I hate story arcs that involve the main character and an addiction problem in general, but aside from that, didn't she seem pretty cheery about doing it?

Edited by shapeshifter
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This show has more lives than a cat.

Sorry, but the latest iteration has shown no improvement.

IMO it has declined.

The Carrie & Al bantering was way over the top.



Amen to all of that. I thought the first season of this show was actually watchable, but every season after that has been wandering farther and farther into rom-com territory. I'm out.

I'm hoping now that they got the explanations and introductions regarding cast changes out of the way with 4.1&2, maybe the show will be a little better. Plus I like jazz. Come on, Show, don't let me down.

Editing after watching:

Kind of a bummer to think that the talented singer will now be in prison--especially since we never got to hear the dead trumpet player and so couldn't feel a similar loss of talent.

Edited by shapeshifter
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Once again the joke "if this show is so Unforgettable why did I forget it even existed?" comes to mind. It happened last time the show went away and mysterious came back and now... gasp... the same happened again.


Really either this show's producer has connections, or it's REALLY cheap to make.

Does Rachel Dratch ever play a character who isn't an annoying ditz?

It's strange to me that someone would even cast Dratch on a show anyone's supposed to take even slightly seriously (emphasis on "slightly", since even for a procedural this is a fluffy show).

Exactly!!  That really put me off.


And further to my previous post, Kathy Najimy will play the new captain.



I have to say though the way they swapped out the ME was even worse. So she worked with these detectives EVERY day but then suddenly left for cooking school and left a note?  Holy fuck that's bad writing. All the show had to do was have them walk in, already knowing the new ME and then talk about how the old one had left. The way they wound up doing it instead was the very essence of shit writing.  One of the worst character transitions I've ever seen anywhere.

Edited by Kromm
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Ack. I have to say though the way they swapped out the ME was even worse. So she worked with these detectives EVERY day but then suddenly left for cooking school and left a note?  Holy fuck that's bad writing. All the show had to do was have them walk in, already knowing the new ME and then talk about how the old one had left. The way they wound up doing it instead was the very essence of shit writing.  One of the worst character transitions I've ever seen anywhere.

Good point. I'm guessing either the writers were told to make the change last minute and were annoyed and responded with juvenile spite by writing a terrible transition, or maybe the writers all had the flu at that moment, or maybe they thought it was a meta joke, or...?
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Speaking of bad, that fight with machine guns at the airport was also one of the most cliched things ever. Although the Fat mean cop shit talking our heroine who turns out to be the actual bad guy? And the unknown ex-husband who never signed the papers showing up?  And the scene where the ME has to prove herself to the arrogant guy who assumes she's a ditz? And in the 2nd episode?  Even more. For example, Rachel Dratch being that annoying stereotypical shady witness the cops have to protect, while she annoys them. Heck, even the "video game" they gave her to help her annoy them made stereotypical "game sounds" straight out of the mid 80s (from back when people played handheld games other than Game Boys). Oh, and Elliot "flying to Florida to say goodbye" to them was another piece of hackneyed (but also uber-shit) writing too. You know... since they were all actually on some Hollywood stage set anyway, and we're supposed to believe he wouldn't still be on the job a day later when they flew home.

This kind of stuff runs the Only on TV topic.

Edited by Kromm
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The Major Crimes team learn that a deli employee's murder is linked to a foreign criminal organization that has the ability to cripple the world's financial markets.

I thought it was going to be a recycled plot from another crime show in which having an extra second or two of speed would let them buy and sell stocks ahead of all the other online traders. Instead it was a just a fancy DNS attack.

I know it's not nice to diss the hair and wardrobe people, but her hair looked as bad as mine has lately--and I don't even color mine--and her low cut dresses made her look pregnant--or maybe she is? Or still breast feeding? Anyway, it only bugged because she was supposed to be irresistible enough to a rich famous guy that he would let her invade his personal space--but I guess if he didn't know anything about the planned attack, he had nothing to hide and she did have some initially good pick-up lines.

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I thought it was going to be a recycled plot from another crime show in which having an extra second or two of speed would let them buy and sell stocks ahead of all the other online traders. Instead it was a just a fancy DNS attack.

I thought it was going to be the same plot too.  Was that on Elementary?


It was a fairly decent episode.  Kathy Najimy seemed okay as the new captain although I don't know why there always has to be "history" with one of the leads.


I liked that the French man wan't guilty of anything.

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darnit.  I was actually looking forward to the return of this show which is fun to watch while doing something else and  yet not losing track of what is going on.


And then I forgot.  But, very lamely, A&E only puts up the most recent episode On Demand.  They're repeating the third ep but not these first two.

I shudder to think of paying for this show, but I think two or three different services have that option (usually either a per episode or a season pass).

I didn't get around to watching this until this past evening (instead of on a Friday night at the end of a long week), but I fell asleep yet again. But to be fair to the show, I only had 3 hours of sleep each of the previous three nights.

Hey, the show is great for insomnia.

But what was up with the triangle with Carrie, Al, and Eddie? Was Al supposed to be "giving Carrie breathing room"? Because it came off as fatherly.

Anyway, was the case supposed to be based on the Chappaquiddick Incident?

ETA: So Eddie was kind of hot.

According to this article, he was "recast": tvline.com/2015/05/20/unforgettable-season-4-spoilers-carrie-husband-skeet-ulrich-recast/

Edited by shapeshifter

Carrie, Al and a captured criminal hole-up in an abandoned precinct as a sinister storm approaches, with their captive's violent crew hot on their trail.

Probably the best of the season, but that is not saying much. Still a lot of unbelievable plot developments.

Carrie's hair looked so much better than in the episode in which she was supposed to look hot and attractive.

Okay. Now I know for sure the writers (and possibly everyone involved with the show) have thrown in the towel and figure WTF, anything goes. I mean. Seriously. A Mission to Mars Program includes a self-destruct feature that blows up the entire facility? Overkill much? Is that for when they get boarded by space aliens intent on taking over their minds?

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