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"The View": Week of 12/07/15

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Sunny Hosten is unbearable and coupled with CCB, I just may scratch my own eyes out before the show is over.  



LOL, I'm kind of wishing I had.  Ugh is right.  


I would say this was the best show in a while if Sunny and Raven hadn't been there. I do like how Joy and Paula worked together to moderate, with Paula taking them to break. Flashbacks to what could've been with Whoopi/Rosie O. I notice we haven't seen any of the contributors in a while.... I guess the Sarah/Sunny rumors are true. I hope Sunny'll be fired at the end of the season with Whoopi and Candace then because I can't stand her any more than Raven.

When I first saw Sunny come out my instinct was to delete but I was slow on the trigger finger wondering if No Whoopi would be worth listening and looking at Hostin.   For the record, not really but my standards are so low for this crapfest that the absence of anyone being bullied or spewing misinformation made it the best show this week - not that that's saying much.  


While I get tired of Candace constantly talking about 1) her faith or 2)her family [-seriously, does she know anything about anything else ever?]  I couldn't help but notice the Not Hot Topic about the billboard today happened without anyone shouting or slapping their hand on the table and saying, "Listen!!" or even any eye-rolling besides my own.   And while I found the whole thing boring I can't even imagine how it would have gone with Whoopi at the table but I'm sure it would have ended in some sort of fart joke.  


I skipped Noonan because I've seen her like a thousand times in the past six months and she almost never says anything new. Skipped Downton Abbey because I don't watch that show.  In fact, total time was about 15 minutes.


On a shallow note, I loved Paula's outfit again today and thought Hostin looked terrible.  I don't know if  her hair color is too dark or if it was the makeup or what but I didn't like it.   I thought Raven's makeup on the other hand was flawless - as usual. That girl is better suited to Instagram - where she can't open her mouth. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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The show was worth watching for the Downton cast, if you watch their show.  They were all delightful and very funny.  I teared up when the actor who plays Tom Branson said (Downton spoiler)

he comes to realize where his heart/home is.

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When I first saw Sunny come out my instinct was to delete but I was slow on the trigger finger wondering if No Whoopi would be worth listening and looking at Hostin.



Yep, and I agree with your further comment about her appearance, CosmoCrush.  There is NOTHING appealing about that woman--at least nothing that would appeal to an average* television viewer.  She's not interesting.  We know she's smart because she tells us...but WTF? Sunny Hostin?  Does she have dirty pictures of people in high places?  If we have to see her again, will someone please give her a makeover?


*Not that we are average.

I felt sorry for Hugh Bonneville's (Downton Abbey) "look."  His hair was an odd/uneven shade of red and his lipstick was all wrong.  Anyone know the story?  Cherry Kool-Aid shots before going onstage?

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^^^Agree.  Sonny Hostin is a narcissist on fleek.   It's so funny watching her trying to preach about anything from her father telling her she's "hot", but brains are more important, to the fact that her husband is wealthy but she always payed her way.  She talks toward a crescendo, waiting for an eruption of validation from the audience, and,…….nothing.   :)

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Regarding CCB commandments comment: Lying (for example) : "I think your haircut looks great" when it looks awful in one's opinion.

same sin equivalent to

... someone murdering a loved one. Alrighty then. I don't get it.

Not crazy about that Sonny Hostin woman. She does that... what do they call it?  humble brag thing. As mentioned above, her dad told her she's hot, but  she should rely on her awesome brain and super smarts that she has - or whatever she said.  BLARG>.

Example : Humble brag, "yeah I was rejected in the modeling community bc I was too blond and too busty and too 'short' at 5' 6" " yeah like that... and I actually heard someone say that IRL.

Edited by ari333
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Here ya go: 


Oh wow, I scanned this and missed it all  I have ADD and that shows here. . She is very accomplished and indeed married to a surgeon.  Wow.  My opinion just escalated and that in itself is worthy of note.  I don't like her personality but on hearing her education, career and husband I flipped.  What is that saying about me?

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Oh wow, I scanned this and missed it all  I have ADD and that shows here. . She is very accomplished and indeed married to a surgeon.  Wow.  My opinion just escalated and that in itself is worthy of note.  I don't like her personality but on hearing her education, career and husband I flipped.  What is that saying about me?

You're duly impressed???  LOL.

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Really, to me I can't relate to Sunny, she doesn't have any charm, sense of humor or anything as a woman I can relate to......and I know and have in my family very well educated and well respected  professionals. She just doesn't seem well rounded. IMO.

Edited by maggiemae
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Remember how Michelle was talking about secondary embarrassment the other day? That's exactly what I feel for Raven every single day. Every time she opens her mouth. She is just SO immature! And her birthday party was one big embarrassment. I can't believe SHE is the one they chose to represent the 'younger' generation!


CCB doesn't bother me. I thought she would, but she doesn't. I may not agree with her politically, but she does manage to show compassion and doesn't seem always angry like our former Republican Bitsy.


 Yes, re Raven.  She's too up on her high horse with her overly-inflated opinion of herself, to realize how ignorant and ridiculous she is.   And she is shockingly immature, just way too cutesy and in love with the sound of her own voice and the dumb faces she makes.  Every day I think that she's just a fool.  I can't even laugh at her.  She's that annoying.


I expected to not like CCB, but I have to say that most of the time she's okay.  Her voice still really bothers me, and I don't expect ever to get past that   It's just so grating, and she's often overly loud.  However, there's something likable about her, and although I do not agree with her religious or political beliefs, she seems to be a nice person and not stupid (a la Bitsy).  And she seems to be a good mom, a good family person, and more open-minded (or at least she listens) than other hosts both past and present.  She also has a sense of humor, and doesn't seem to be there for drama or to put the spotlight on herself.  I also don't think she's at all mean-spirited.  She smiles, acts happy to be there, and doesn't interrupt.  All good qualities for someone who is on my TV every day.


So - although I disagree with her a lot of the time - I do have more respect for her than I would have thought possible.  I would take 1000 of her over one Raven any day.  It would be okay with me (not that anyone's asking!) if she stuck around.


I'm still having a hard time believing these Friday shows are live.


They are live on Fridays.   I've been invited to be the audience several times, and at least a few of those times were for live shows on Fridays.  Their regular routine this season certainly does seem to be that the Friday shows are live.  



Thank you for posting this!  I had intended to watch, and then forgot all about it.  Much appreciated

Edited by DebbieM4
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I didn't know this.  I can find nothing online that supports that she is married to a physician. 


She very conveniently tossed it into the conversation on Friday.  I didn't know either.   And I easily could have lived very happily without knowing that.  She wanted to be sure everyone knew  - Clearly an overt effort to impress.

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Everytime I watch this on my computer live as it happens the quality of the feed is always awful. Watching a bit of the video linked above it looks completely different. I see in the comments below the video there are still people going bat shit crazy about the nurses stuff. 


I saw that too, but then I looked at the dates.  Those comments are not recent.

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