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The Daily Dumbest

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Even though Nicole is a close second, I still have to vote for Abigail for today’s Daily Dumbest.

“I slept with a man who pays someone to kill people,” she says sounding surprised!! It takes her till NOW to figure out what the Dimera’s do??? OMG, Salem U take back her degree because whatever is in her head isn’t brains.

And was she being serious when she said “Hit men are known for having a conscious!” Really Abigail what hit men do you know that are so good natured and give the money back after they do the job?

Please let the next murder mystery be about who killed her!

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Abby...just stop breathing. 


OH YES.  YES. Oh, LP, yes.....


Today's dumbest is Daniel.  "Nicole never lies."  Have you met Nicole?

That was the single stupidest thing I've heard on this show since someone complimented Brady on his business skills some months ago.  HUH????  Nicole is honest??  Anyone who heard him say that should seriously think twice about letting Dirty Dan operate on them.


I have to give Eric honorary dumbass standing today as well.  As Nicole spun her very weak yarn about Daniel's love for her, Eric flaired his nostrils and basically swallowed the story without any thought.  Eric has a pretty face but the lights are definitely dim in there.  He's been working with Dan for how long now, and Dan's been trying to help him, and with only one word from Nicole he's ready to believe the guy is trying to steal Nicole from him??  Idiot.  Eric is just not very bright.  I suspect that revolving doors completely defeat him.  This is a guy who may put his pants on one leg at a time, but I bet it takes him several tries before he gets even that right.

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Today's dumbest is Daniel.  "Nicole never lies."  Have you met Nicole?


That one astounded me. Did he not just spend two episodes backing her into a corner about the evidence while she lied her fucking ass off the whole time? I had to make the assumption that he just got the line completely ass-backwards because that's the only thing that made the tiniest amount of sense.

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I hate to defend Dr Dan - but he said that line about Nicole never lying sarcastically.  After he said that is when he started frantically trying to get in touch with Eric to see if Nicole had told him yet.  

"Hey Eric, it's Daniel.  Where are you?  Did Nicole tell you what she did to you yet?  If she did, call me!" 

"Uh, Eric, Daniel again.  Did Nicole tell you yet?  Can you call me now, please?" 

"Daniel again, Eric.  I'm waiting for your call to me once Nicole tells you what she did.  I should be your first call, okay? Um, it's Daniel. Ok, bye."


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He was being sarcastic?! I did not get that at all from his inflection OR the expression on his face.


Heh - yeah, he certainly won no awards with that scene!  But, I had seen this line quoted on Twitter so I watched it twice and he was being sarcastic.  That's when he finally started to take some action as far as trying to get in touch with Eric.  And then doubting whether it was actually Eric who texted him.  You mostly had to watch closely to see a tiny eyebrow raise and then put that line in context with what he was doing about it. 

Had I not see the quote before watching I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have realized he meant it facetiously either.  We should not have to work so hard to follow a character's thoughts - another fail for Dr Dan! LOL

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Can we nominate the writers and the directors for the Daily Dumbest???  This whole SL should get them the award hands down...

So Gabby kills Nick because he’s blackmailing her over the Melanie stalker thing and the original attempted murder, which was self defense, and he didn’t report, and EJ cleaned up all the evidence. And yet rather than take her chances with those two charges, she kills Nick in cold blood this time thus ensuring she’ll go to jail and lose her daughter for good.  I’d say that made Gabby dumb, but I’m dumbfounded on the writing and direction where Gabby is a nervous wreck after dumping Nick in a river but calm and collected when shooting him three time in the chest. Oh then when viewing his body only hours after killing him flashes back to their “happier” times and “romantic” moments together. WTF??? Not to mention that if Sami hadn’t showed up that one afternoon Gabby looked very willing to have sex with Nick only a few weeks before murdering him when he was supposedly blackmailing her. 

Since CB did not make an abrupt departure (heck we’ve known about it for months), its not like the writers had to make some hasty SL changes resorting in this ill thought out crap!

And finally, two things that bugged me about Gabby’s confession scenes…why in the world did Gabby not tell Hope and the DA that Nick tried to rape her at one point? All she said was he got physical. Give details!!! I wanted Hope to at least walk out of that room realizing what a menacing little prick her cousin really was, not still clicking her tongue, saying for the twentieth time, “He didn’t deserve to die.”  And the DA---what a witch she was!  If I was EJ, I’d put her on my hit list next for being so unprofessional to opposing council.

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Can we nominate the writers and the directors for the Daily Dumbest???  This whole SL should get them the award hands down...


YES to your post, completely.  I said somewhere that it was nice to see this wrapped up so quickly but I sort of take that back.  There was so much buildup to this murder, and the resolution falls flat for all the reasons that Peanut 67 outlined.

And I feel a little bit cheated.  Very much to my surprise the actor playing Gabi turned in a very good performance today, which I found doubly impressive because of the weak material she had to work with.

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Eric for not walking out the minute Nicole walked in the pub. At least we know that's where he's living now, there was a question. Go put on your footie jammies now, Eric.


Agreed.  Although I did feel sorry for the poor schmoop when he turns around from Nicole and is staring into the unmoving face of his beloved mama - and next to her is Sami.  If Eric was going to ever show a human emotion it would have been then, and he would have run screaming into the night.  And as Dandesun has now implanted into my mind, Marlena would have calmly watched and taken notes.


Oh, yeah, I was going to mention that the question of where Eric was living has been answered.


i wonder if he's in the bed where Nick and Gabi made love.


Do you think he lays his little head down to sleep each night on Nick's heartshaped crotch pillow?  The one that plays a starring role in Gabi's memories of Fish Lips?

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Jawn is such an overbearing idiot.   How long will it take for Mr. Eagle Eye, Professional Spy, to realize that every time Brady sees him, it just makes everything worse.  But instead, he lurches around like Herman Munster with a bad dye job, making Theresa's job sooooo much easier.


He and Marlena really should get back together ASAP and leave everyone else alone.

I want to nominate the writers/director for today's episode as the dumbest.  Kate's in Poplar Bluff, Missouri, just how long was that plane ride she had to take from Salem, which is in the Midwest?  And why did the juke box in the diner have to play plinky banjo music, and the special of the day was grits and red eye gravy?  Stereotype much?

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This is actually several days old, but after watching Maggie the Mouth today I think it's worth putting in the nomination process.


Several days ago when Maggie was talking to Brady about his drug and alcohol use, she said, "I never judge".  Oh really??  Today's show started with her doing nothing but judging.  Twice she slammed Sami and her wedding, the second time right before Abigail told them about EJ being arrested.  Yep, Mrs. Never Judge obviously doesn't quite know the meaning of the word.  Then, after Jenn tells her about Eve sueing for her rights, she says that Eve was a "stone cold bitch" years ago, and is worse now.  So her current observation was based on what, exactly?  Seeing Eve, who embraced and complimented her, and then hearing Jenn's brave little whimper about what the Big Bad was doing to her.

Yep, that Maggie is pretty great.  Because, ya know, she doesn't judge.

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I think we have a tie in this category today. 


Nicole, as often these days, comes running down the course, running neck and neck at the front of the pack to the Daily Dumbest with her EVEN THINKING that she has anything Eric - or EJ, or that matter, would want.  And for to think that Eric is going to believe anything she says at this point is just absurd.


But, neck and neck, keeping up the pace, pearls whipping from side to side, we have Maggie, saying to Brady, "You are too smart for this".  Maggie, Maggie, Maggie,.....saying Brady is "too smart", or even of average intelligence would be like someone complimenting Maggie on being up on current fashions instead of imitating an 80's version of Joan Collins.


Stupid was served up in heapin' portions in Salem today!

Edited by boes
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So Marlena says, when protesting that she can't emcee the gala says, "I'm a psychiatrist.  I don't warm people up".

Well, no shit, Sherlock.  Marlena is so chilly I bet Jawn's tongue freezes on her face when he kisses her.  Now if Roman tried to smooch those botoxed rocks he'd break his dentures.

If she breastfed her kids, then they got used to frozen yogurt at a very young age.

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Somebody can fill Will's mouth full of nickels and tape it shut after that b.s. he spouted at E.J. today about "taking advantage of a grieving, confused girl".  Go suck on another lemon, Will, and be grateful you've had E.J. and your mom in your corner the million or so times you've needed it.


And we have two ties for second place.  Adrienne for simply making sounds out of that wind tunnel she calls a mouth, and Lucas for his prissy "poor little Abigail" b.s.

Edited by boes
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Jen for assuming everyone is so involved in her goddamned life that Dr Dirt would of course know he was forbidden from being friendly with Eve.  Although I have to admit Jen was right for pointing out she is Theresa's sister and that should make him think (go ahead, Jen, call him stupid, he deserves it) and I have to admit loving it when Dr Dirt caught Eve in the outright lie that she didn't know about him and Jen. How pathetic that when Jen ventures to leave the house and someone upsets the holy little bubble she lives in, she goes running straight back home.

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Jen for assuming everyone is so involved in her goddamned life that Dr Dirt would of course know he was forbidden from being friendly with Eve.  Although I have to admit Jen was right for pointing out she is Theresa's sister and that should make him think (go ahead, Jen, call him stupid, he deserves it) and I have to admit loving it when Dr Dirt caught Eve in the outright lie that she didn't know about him and Jen. How pathetic that when Jen ventures to leave the house and someone upsets the holy little bubble she lives in, she goes running straight back home.


Your post is a thing of beauty, Quelle! 

I think that in Jenn's perfect world she would have a giant glass jar filled with all the manparts (like what Bernardi tried to harvest from Rafe) from all the men she's dated, past and present, in a place of honor on the Horton Mantel.  Some folks save flowers, or concert tickets, or cards and letters from old relationships.  Jenn.....well, she'd like to collect something a little more.....permanent, if she could.

Edited by boes
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The "Is Caroline the Voice of Reason" post on the DOOL FB page shows virtually everyone agreeing Sami should forgive EJ.  Ugh.  I'm so glad I have this place.



The latest SOD poll has everyone loving Sami's revenge and not wanting her to forgive EJ.  I think Corday and the writers are the dumbest for polarizing the fans to the point that no matter how this SL ends, they will have alienated a significant number of them either way.

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Talk about dumb.


So Brady today, says to Theresa "Everyone needs to pay for their crimes, right?"


Uh...Brady??  He's never paid for anything that I can remember, other than cocaine.  The big oaf assaulted a cop at the station late last week and nobody did anything.  Nobody ever does anything.


I'd like him to pay for his crimes.  And while he's doing so, he can also make Bubba in Cell Block 3 a happy man.  That might wipe the smug off those choppers of his.

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The Daily Dumbest must go to Will and Sonny today. I once had hope for Sonny but today even he didn't come off too sharp. What the heck did he and Will expect when Will aired his family's dirty laundry? When you write a sleazy tell-all article, you open up the whole story to the world. Were they both really so naïve to think that Will could just reference the “mistress” and nobody would identify who it was. Even JJ had a moment of brilliance (in Salem terms) pointing out what a crappy son Will was and how easy it was to figure out Abigail was the home-wrecker.

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I've let this thread alone since we talk about the stupid in the Current thread so much, but Paige really stood out as an idiot to me today.  

She overhears Rory - RORY, of all people, for whom she has no respect, throw doubt on JJ, and this time she believes him.

Then she talks to whatshername in the park and buys her line about JJ hook line and sinker.  When JJ has never given her any reason whatsoever to doubt him.  

She's dumb enough to be Jenn's daughter.

Edited by boes
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This is actually several days old, but after watching Maggie the Mouth today I think it's worth putting in the nomination process.


Several days ago when Maggie was talking to Brady about his drug and alcohol use, she said, "I never judge".  Oh really??  Today's show started with her doing nothing but judging.  Twice she slammed Sami and her wedding, the second time right before Abigail told them about EJ being arrested.  Yep, Mrs. Never Judge obviously doesn't quite know the meaning of the word.  Then, after Jenn tells her about Eve sueing for her rights, she says that Eve was a "stone cold bitch" years ago, and is worse now.  So her current observation was based on what, exactly?  Seeing Eve, who embraced and complimented her, and then hearing Jenn's brave little whimper about what the Big Bad was doing to her.

Yep, that Maggie is pretty great.  Because, ya know, she doesn't judge.

What Maggie means she never judges a Horton or anyone she likes.

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I just watched the scene where Xander and Serena show up at Dan's where Nicole and Dan are preparing for a hot date....bowling. This is the girl that was ooohing and ahhhhing over almanac in her bisque with EJ. I don't know why but the prospect of Nicole bowling as like a thing to do on a date bothers me more than any other stupid thing in their relationship. She really needs to get away from Dan for real and then we all need to take a shower.

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