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S02.E09: 209

Tara Ariano

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The shock wasn't that Whitney was making out with a woman.  The shock for us was that her shitbag Dad tried to join in.

OMG.  Still trying to process all that is wrong with that scenario.  Makes me want to bleach my brain.

Noah has become the slimiest slimeball who ever slimed.  Yuck.  



I really hope previous encounters like this aren't why Whitney didn't want Helen to call him "Uncle Max" last episode.  I'd much prefer it be because she knew Helen was dating him, not because she's been going to wild parties with him.

I noticed that, too.  Whitney was pretty serious about not wanting him referred to as Uncle Max.  I wonder if Max has come on to Whitney, or if he's her supplier, or if he introduced her to the "photographer" who says she should be a model?



I call shenanigans that Martin would be sitting on the couch watching Babe, pig in the big city, with his brother and sister.

Well, then, Helen wouldn't have had a reason to show her "Look at my sweet kids.  I love being a mom" face after she told Doc Tinder that she sometimes wishes she wasn't a mom.

Hated the doctor. Understood Cole's being so upset, even if it was selfish - he had obviously hoped to move on and have another child, just like his ex. To find out that wasn't going to happen, and when he's already lost a child.


Eden hid Noah's phone? What a horrible woman. And he's an ass for trying to cheat on Alison. I did really feel bad for her here, and loved it when she told the doctor not to show him in. 

That's why I listed IMDB and Showtime's website.  I thought Alison with one 'L' was correct too.  Just very surprised to see it spelled whith two 'ells' on Noah's phone messages and in his dedication of the book.  Maybe the showrunners aren't up on every detail.  ;)



I'm wondering now if it's meant to show carelessness on the part of Noah, or if the show runners are themselves careless. As someone pointed out above, the POV title cards spells the name "Alison."



A LOT of doctors talk badly about their patients and their patients family members.  Like, way worse then calling them a "needy bitch". Doctors love a good "my patient is a dumbass/asshole/freak" story.  It took me a long time to get used to the way a lot of docs talk about their patients.



I think this may be true. This is, of course, based on a small sample size. My best friend is an ob/gyn, and through my friendship with her, I've become acquaintances with an internist. While I don't think they speak sarcastically or anything of their patients in front of the nurses, I do get stories from my friend (and sometimes the acquaintance will post a story on Facebook, though she never says the patient's name or exact age. I.e., she's posted before how an older, white male patient saw her--a black female doctor--walk into the room and reacted to her presence) about how a patient does X, Y, Z and doesn't listen and is being stupid about A, B, C. I have another close friend who is an ER nurse, and she tells stories just the same way.


Relating this back to Dr. Ullah, I got the impression that he isn't this way with his colleagues while at the hospital. While he was on the phone, he seemed exasperated, but he didn't go off on whomever was on the other line. He waited until the call had ended to show his frustration with the call, and he did it with someone who would never know which patient he was talking about.


That said, I can see why it would turn Helen off because were I her, I'd be thinking, "What the hell was he saying about me after the surgery? I wonder how he relayed that fight he saw between Noah and me?" Because I can see Dr. Ullah talking over drinks "...and then I walked into the OR waiting room to see these two assholes arguing like they were the only ones in the room..."

On 11/29/2015 at 11:38 PM, nara said:

Can anyone tell me if Martin was being a baby about the injections or if they really do hurt that much?  I don't have enough experience in that area to judge.




 I take Enbrel injections for RA.  It's a weekly annoyance that far outweighs  RA symptoms.  I use the top of my leg and it usually feels like a bee sting.  It definitely smarts but only for a few seconds and it's over.  The "doctor" is correct in saying to wait 20-30 minutes before injecting...it helps.  

Suck it up you big baby...life's full of ouchies & boo boos!

Awersome episode!
I suspect, that the baby's father is Cole, because at the scene of birth we can see only Alison and him. They both are suffering, both in despair.
I think, in this moment Alison is scared and aware of how unreliable her new partner is.
And Noah is really awful, he repeats his mistakes - I waited for such moment from the beggining of their affair! It always happens, people do not change. His sudden meeting with Whitney 🤦‍♀️- just icing on the cake. 

When Gabriel came to Cole, it was so affecting and fearful. 
Hope that Cole will survive, we need him. 

Edited by Mariya

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