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S01.E04: Two Tigers Subdue Dragon

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Heh.  Clearly Clippers who aren't Sunny and Waldo ain't shit.  Quinn picked the right color for his Clippers, because they've been dying at an alarming rate.


Jacoby (or is it Jacobee?): "My daddy didn't like you, Quinn. I really can't stand you.  And I ain't going to help you with the Widow."


So the Widow and Zephyr are in cahoots? Girl Power to the max! But putting Ryder in the mix? I don't know how that will work out to their benefit.


Sunny is in a tight spot.  Everybody wants the boy he swore to protect.  What's the plan going to be?

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So we know 5 of the Barons now--Quinn, Minerva the Widow, Jacobee, the River King, and Rojas--out of 7?

Even though all the Barons are supposed to be equally bad, it's kind of hard not to root for the Widow vs. the old boys club, especially with Albino Regent Girl on her side. They just have to jettison slimy Quinn Jr. Every time I see her fight in this, I wish that Emily Beecham had gotten the Black Widow role in the Avengers movies, instead of the tiny, unathletic Scarlett Johansson.

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Is the River King a Baron? I thought he was a separate power.  


The highlights of the episode for me were the blood spurting on the Widow's face post-decapitation, the action figure passkey, and Tilda's wonderfully harsh bob. It's actually kind of relaxing to watch something purely for the visuals with no emotional or intellectual investment.


I would be totally okay with Sunny lopping MK's head off. 

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Is the River King a Baron? I thought he was a separate power.

The River King leaves the Badlands on a regular basis as a human trafficker...He is probably not a Baron, more like a Concierge of Crime (where have I seen that before?). He owes Waldo a debt...why does Waldo not know about the sanctuary (Logan's Run again) where the King has been dropping people at for some time?

Edited by paigow
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The River King's existence as separate power outside the baronial system also explains a lot about the economy of the Badlands.

I had wondered who was consuming all the heroin that Quinn is producing since the Cogs don't seem to have the purchasing power and the elite is tiny. And that applies to Jacobee's gold as well, since there can't be that much in circulation in the Badlands.

Now we can reasonably assume that the River King ships heroin, gold and other products up the river and brings back Cogs and other products from wherever place he visits. Which makes sense, since the plantation system the show's system is based in was one geared primarily for export.

On another note... So that's where the flyer came from that the nomads had with MK's face on it. I thought it was awful fast that Quinn had already printed flyers looking for the kid, but this makes much more sense.

And what we learn about Jacobee also makes Ryder not look as moronic as before, since the is precedent for a baron inheriting the position

Edited by AzureOwl
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Not really, because Jacobee could have killed his pappy for the spot.



Did the Widow kill all the other Colts? The Baroness? Why was the Fort completely quiet? Why was the gate closed? Nobody inside wanted to help?


It would make sense to kill the Colts as well, since she only has women as her Clipper force.  If the Widow has Ryder, she should have Lydia and Jade unles she left them in the Fort by themselves.  I guess it was smart of M.K. to go where Sunny was because he might have been killed or captured again.  It was a great plan to lure the majority of the cogs away so that Quinn's productivity grinds to a halt.


One thing I hope they expand on is the supposed code of ethics between Barons.  Jacobee and the other presumably male Barons don't like the Widow, but are equally displeased about Quinn snatching her property.   I'm guessing that Jacobee thinks Quinn is talking out of his ass about avenging his son when he refused to pay the Nomads who captured Ryder as a child.

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The solution to Sonny's problem is obvious, kill the Baron and his son with M.K.'s help. Sonny can then become baron marry El and help M.K. find his mother or Sonny takes Veil and leaves with M.K. Of course, this would mean that the show would only have one season. 

Edited by SimoneS
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Ok Lydia and Quinn seem to know just about everything going on in the fort. If Lydia knows Ryder sleeping with wife #3, does Quinn? It could be the reason he stomps on Ryder at any opportunity available .

The real super power on this show is held by MK, but it is not when his eyes go completely black, it is his he can constantly disobey orders and sneak around without ever getting in trouble . I thought MK was a total innocent in episode one, now I think of him as an extremely spoiled teenager. He is Ryder Jr.

I find it strange that Viel is so open with MK, even when she found out he stole the book from Sunny's room.

The kid always has this smirk on his face that I wish a butterfly throwing star would remove. How do they communicate between territories? Is there a phone system I missed ?

So the widow uses Tilda as her regent?

Although I know this will not occur , I wish Sunny & veil escaped to a utopia leaving MK to fend for himself . He could probably return to the widow to continue his courtship of Tilda.

I wonder what the widow's husband was like. It seems woman have very little choice in the badlands.

Ryder wants to be the baron so much that it blinds him to the fact that Sunny has no desire to be baron. I wonder, who enforces law ? The whole no children thing, Waldo said he had a dozen kids running around, when these ladies are pregnant who do they claim is the father?

Is it that clippers are forbidden from having children or regents?

Where were the scouts and lookouts ? How did Tikda sneak into the area? Oh she has the same power that MK has.

Teenagers on this show never know when to shut up and have no poker face.

Sunny 'MK take this package to the fort, do not open it.'

MK 'Why do you treat me like I am stupid?'

Sunny just stares at him. MK kicks his foot in the dirt and walks to the fort .

MK open the package and glass figurines fall to the ground and shatter. (Stupid)

The figurines were a wedding gift from Baron Jacobee's wife, what will MK do to get out of this terrible situation , Oh wait Sunny knows a glass blower in the village who can replicate all of the figurines by nightfall . And they owe Sunny a favor which he has to use to protect MK.

After the new figurines are made and wrapped

MK to Sunny 'Di you want me to deliver those to the fort?'

Sunny 'remember that question you asked me earlier today?'

MK 'why fo you look at me like I'm stupid? '

Sunny ' because you say and do things that are stupid , you think that I would trust you to deliver this package after all of the stupid things you did today? Go cut yourself and jump in a river.'

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Ok Lydia and Quinn seem to know just about everything going on in the fort. If Lydia knows Ryder sleeping with wife #3, does Quinn? It could be the reason he stomps on Ryder at any opportunity available .

I find it strange that Viel is so open with MK, even when she found out he stole the book from Sunny's room.

How do they communicate between territories? Is there a phone system I missed ?

So the widow uses Tilda as her regent?

Although I know this will not occur , I wish Sunny & veil escaped to a utopia leaving MK to fend for himself . He could probably return to the widow to continue his courtship of Tilda.

I wonder what the widow's husband was like. It seems woman have very little choice in the badlands.

Ryder wants to be the baron so much that it blinds him to the fact that Sunny has no desire to be baron. I wonder, who enforces law ? The whole no children thing, Waldo said he had a dozen kids running around, when these ladies are pregnant who do they claim is the father?

Is it that clippers are forbidden from having children or regents?

Where were the scouts and lookouts ? How did Tikda sneak into the area? Oh she has the same power that MK has.



My take on these points in the above order:


Quinn probably knows, but pretends not to so he won't be forced to kill Ryder.  It's interesting that he constantly refers to Ryder as Lydia's son and not his own.


Veil is a woman with a lot of secrets.  It's probably nice for her to have someone like MK that she can be open with.  Plus she figures that MK won't tell anyone else because she knows it's get him killed too.  Whether MK is smart to also realize this is an open question.


They communicate between (and within) territories via carrier pigeons.


Tilda is probably The Widow's Regent and also likely her heir.


Figure if The Widow gets MK he won't be doing much courtship of Tilda as he'll be too busy being her pet superweapon.


I think it's been established that The Widow's ex-husband was a vicious pedophile at the very least.


I think it's more that Ryder wants to be respected, especially by his father.  He feels that becoming Baron is the only way to get that respect.


The Clippers are the ones who enforce the law AKA their Baron's will.  Presumably when women are pregnant by a Clipper, they don't claim the real father.


It's not that Clippers (or Regents) are forbidden to have children.  Figure Clippers are at subtly encouraged to have children.  New children are relatively cheap sources of both Cogs and Clippers.  I think instead Clippers are forbidden to have families, probably for two basic reasons.  First, the Barons explicitly want their Clippers to have undivided loyalties.  The Clipper owes loyalty to his(or maybe her) Baron and his Baron alone.  Secondly, the Barons don't want to create a true class of "under nobility" with Clipper families sharing privileges, rights and potentially property, income and political power.  Presumably a Regent inherits power from a childless Baron, given that Quinn disdains The Widow because she murdered her way to power. 


I suspect that both sides of the parley had put out a bunch of scouts and lookouts, however, Tilda has the same power that all the main cast have - relative immunity to the abilities of non-main cast members.  Tilda wasn't going to be spotted (or stopped) by Clipper Guard #3.  She was going to be spotted by MK, to facilitate her learning his secret and him preventing Quinn's death.  Plus Sunny now knows that Tilda is a person who is capable of bringing MK out of his "super-murder" state.

Edited by johntfs
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Did the Widow kill all the other Colts? The Baroness? Why was the Fort completely quiet? Why was the gate closed? Nobody inside wanted to help?

I got the impression that the Widow hit everything outside the walls.

Presumably a Regent inherits power from a childless Baron, given that Quinn disdains The Widow because she murdered her way to power.

I don't think that's the case. Quinn himself murdered his own baron and seized power. And his interaction with Ryder and Jacobee tell us that he looks down on inherited power.

It is something else about the way the Widow murdered her husband that Quinn objects to, but it hasn't been revealed yet. Not so much what she did as how she did it.

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I think there is general disdain towards the Widow because she is a woman. The Badlands are incredibly patriarchal in how they run things.  The other Barons are probably on this "How dare she take power from her husband" tip but hate Quinn for taking the advantage in going after her.


I dig M.K. being a killing machine when he is cut, but he can stop fainting afterwards. Gah, boy. At least come to on your feet! 

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Overall I enjoy this show, for the most part, it's weaknesses are easily overlooked in light of those things it does well, however....   The more I see of Ryder the more problematic I find the character, He's an important part of shifting allegiances around Sunny, Quinn and the Widow but I can't stand to have him on my screen and he needs to go because he ruins every scene, even those that merely reference him. He's so awful that I think Jade is better off marrying Quinn and being poisoned by Lydia. I can't even take him playing unconscious. In fact I wouldn't even care at this point if they had someone say he died and then cut every shot of him without bothering to reshoot, with the result that we get inexplicable scenes of other characters having conversations with no-one, because that would still be better than having to look at him pulling dreadful faces and spitting out his lines in a monotonous snarl.  He's fucking awful. Terrible actor, really terrible, playing a grating, unlikeable, useless character. I can usually find something to enjoy in a performance or character I otherwise despise, but not him.

Edited by yuggapukka
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Ok Lydia and Quinn seem to know just about everything going on in the fort. If Lydia knows Ryder sleeping with wife #3, does Quinn? It could be the reason he stomps on Ryder at any opportunity available .


I think Quinn knows. Just look how he taunted Ryder about it. Ryder had a thing for Jade when they were younger and Quinn acknowledges that it must be difficult for him to think of her as his new mother. Ryder says she nothing like his mother and Quinn responds "especially the way she tastes" while looking him dead in the eyes. Pure Alpha move right there.

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The solution to Sonny's problem is obvious, kill the Baron and his son with M.K.'s help...

The Baron is more valuable alive than dead...Sunny knows that a dead Quinn would only invite all Barons to attack the Fort. The best chance of survival is to escape while Quinn fights to the death against impossible odds....

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The Baron is more valuable alive than dead...Sunny knows that a dead Quinn would only invite all Barons to attack the Fort. The best chance of survival is to escape while Quinn fights to the death against impossible odds....


Exactly and Sunny said as much in the episode. At this point, I think Sunny's best option would be to "agree" to the River King's terms and then at the point of "surrender" just have MK cut himself and take out all the unnecessaries. But I guess someone will need to operate the ship...and communicate with whoever the heck is at the dock at the other side...

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Hello again, Edi Gathegi!  You really are starting to appear on every show I watch.  He was pretty fun as Jacobee.  I'm guessing Zypher is more or less his version of Sunny, right down to her actually being against him.  Only this time, she's totally a mole for The Widow!  Now, that's a pair I can get behind, even if they have to drag boring Ryder with them.  At least Zypher got to have a brief fight scene with Sunny, but I'm hoping these next few episodes will really let Ellen Hollman break out her fighting skills again.


So, I'm guessing it was always the Widow's plan to bribe Quinn's cogs to join her, and the whole start a war between Quinn and Jacobee was just a distraction, because she knew there was a likely chance someone would figure everything out.  She really seems to have thought up of everything.


Lydia and Jade are clearly never going to be friends.  Have a feeling this is going to end with one of them trying to take out the other.


M.K. is still lame.  The final scene with The River King was suppose to be suspenseful, but I was really wanting Sunny to just be like "Sure thing, buddy!  One head coming up!" about it.

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Lol I see I will be the only one to dub Jacobee and Zephyr as Team Twilight. It probably helps that they looked like the backup people from the movie.

I agree that MK is a bit of a one trick monkey. I keep waiting for someone to prepare to incur his 15 sec wrath then beat the brakes off when he faints.

Tilda's eyebrows are everything.

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