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Veterinary And Animal Rescue Shows

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Not a fan of watching a horse becoming a gelding in another episode but Dr. Dee got the job done with this  "wild" horse. Then we see the docile horse with the eye problem. From one extreme to another. Dr. Dee's own pet is battling dizziness and old age is setting in. Beautiful home she has and a wonderful husband too.

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I've never been around horses but I'm often amazed at how docile they are. That eye looked very painful, too.


The cows on farm calls generally seem to be a lot more trouble to deal with than horses. Well, llamas, alpacas, goats, and pigs are often not in favor of any kind of doctoring, either!

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IMO horses are a helluvalot smarter than cows.  Just sayin'.  :-)


I watched a new show called Kangaroo Dundee the other day - all about rescuing orphaned baby kangaroos.  Rescued baby animals turn me into a mushpuppet, so it was right up my alley.  The cutest thing was how they learned to jump into a pillowcase as if it was their Mum's pouch.  They actually dive in head first and do a semi somersault roll.  Cute!

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IMO horses are a helluvalot smarter than cows.  Just sayin'.  :-)


I watched a new show called Kangaroo Dundee the other day - all about rescuing orphaned baby kangaroos.  Rescued baby animals turn me into a mushpuppet, so it was right up my alley.  The cutest thing was how they learned to jump into a pillowcase as if it was their Mum's pouch.  They actually dive in head first and do a semi somersault roll.  Cute!

Wow I would have loved to see that.


I found this.


Edited by rcc
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rcc, on 09 Dec 2015 - 11:01 AM, said:

Wow I would have loved to see that.


I found this.



rcc - yes, that's it!  For anyone interested, Kangaroo Dundee airs on Saturday evenings on NatGeoWild.  Episodes 1 & 2 will repeat this Saturday morning, and again after the new episodes on Saturday night.

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Did any of you guys watch Emergency Vets when it was on Animal Planet years ago?

I loved Dr. Kevin Fitzgerald. His voice was so soothing and he just seemed like a great man. I miss that show, even though it made me cry every time I watched it.

I googled Dr. Kevin, he's still in practice and I guess he had a crazy stalker for a while.

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rcc - yes, that's it!  For anyone interested, Kangaroo Dundee airs on Saturday evenings on NatGeoWild.  Episodes 1 & 2 will repeat this Saturday morning, and again after the new episodes on Saturday night.


THAT was why I couldn't find the show.


When you posted about it, I remembered I wanted to watch it. But I went looking for it and could not find it. I couldn't remember what channel it was on and Google was no help at all.


I looked on every channel BESIDES NatGeoWild....


Oh well, season pass set! Looking forward to watching it!

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Jenkins, on 10 Dec 2015 - 12:47 PM, said:

THAT was why I couldn't find the show.


When you posted about it, I remembered I wanted to watch it. But I went looking for it and could not find it. I couldn't remember what channel it was on and Google was no help at all.


I looked on every channel BESIDES NatGeoWild....


Oh well, season pass set! Looking forward to watching it!


I almost missed recording it myself, Jenkins.  I only caught it because I sometimes scan "my favorites" channels and notice a new show.  :-)

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I hope people aren't shy about posting reminders about new shows coming up.


No joke, my season pass manager has 83 shows in it currently....I honestly forget new shows are coming on. So getting reminders are great.


Not to mention, kind of getting up in there in age and my brain isn't what it used to be. :)

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Poor Fred. I had never seen a chinchilla before. He was very cute. Dr. Dee had her hands full with horses last night. One had to have a rectal exam and the other tried to kick her. Also what a shock to see that small horse walking through the house for a birthday party! Who knew that mama pigs could be so vicious too. I am so glad that dog prone to seizures found a loving home. The previous owner obviously didn't care at all and said she was stuck with taking care of it.

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It is interesting (and sad).


You go from a woman crying over a chinchilla she bought at a garage sale a few months before to a woman casually giving up a dog with no emotion she had for 2 years after a relative died.


Oh well, I am sure the dog is in a MUCH more caring home.


And I will say, as a man, ENOUGH with the castration/neutering...I cringe every damn time! :)


@smittykins, people like that should never and I repeat NEVER be able to own another animal...not even a goldfish. Glad I didn't see that episode or it would have pissed me off as well and probably ruined my mood for the rest of the night.

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Trending now?  Goldfish surgery.  Dr. Chris, Pet Vet just removed a tumor from a goldfish's head, and the entire surgical procedure was shown!  Very cool.




I hope people aren't shy about posting reminders about new shows coming up.


No joke, my season pass manager has 83 shows in it currently....I honestly forget new shows are coming on. So getting reminders are great.


Not to mention, kind of getting up in there in age and my brain isn't what it used to be. :)


Jenkins - my "Series List" is 5 x that (even though a lot of those shows were cancelled or limited run). and my addled old brain couldn't keep up without my DVR.   My provider keeps adding Sports channels I have to find and hide on my channel guide - that keeps me busy!   :-)

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There was an episode of Emergency Vets featuring a German Shepard with epilepsy, and its owner had it put down because "they didn't want to be bothered with giving it a pill every day." P*ssed me right off, it did.

I used to work for a vet and we had a client who wanted to put a 2 year-old Corgi down because it developed an easily manageable thyroid condition. Sometimes I literally want to stab people.

The lady crying over the chinchilla was really sad. You could tell she's one of those types who doesn't have a lot of money but does the best she can by her animals.

Edited by BitterApple
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What about the former owners who sold their chinchilla at a garage sale? Careless pet owners, good grief.


And I will say, as a man, ENOUGH with the castration/neutering...I cringe every damn time! :)


OTOH, we women don't feel a thing watching ovaries being removed! It did shock me a little when Dr. Dee said pigs are generally castrated without anesthetic. Ouch.

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Did any of you guys watch Emergency Vets when it was on Animal Planet years ago?


Yep.  And I had a little bit of a crush on one of the doctors of Alameda East (Dr. Peterson, might have been his name).


I most remember an episode when a couple and their child brought in their dog, who turned out to need a leg amputated but would be perfectly fine afterward.  Their response?  "We have no interest in having a three-legged dog."  Gee, I hope your little kid standing right there listening to this never gets seriously injured or ill, lest you have no interest in a "defective" kid, either.  Assholes.  One of the vet techs adopted the dog.

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What do you guys think of Yankee Jungle? It's on Animal Planet about the DEW Animal Kingdom and Sanctuary in Maine.


I saw the first 3 episodes but found the owners hard to watch, to be honest. Bob especially looks so disheveled and dirty that it's unpleasant for me. I can only imagine how he -- and the whole place -- smells.


After I searched to remind myself of the names, I found a couple of sites that are trying to get the show canceled because of what people claim are the poor conditions of the animals there.

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What do you guys think of Yankee Jungle? It's on Animal Planet about the DEW Animal Kingdom and Sanctuary in Maine.


I saw the first 3 episodes but found the owners hard to watch, to be honest. Bob especially looks so disheveled and dirty that it's unpleasant for me. I can only imagine how he -- and the whole place -- smells.


After I searched to remind myself of the names, I found a couple of sites that are trying to get the show canceled because of what people claim are the poor conditions of the animals there.

I've watched it a couple of times. I noticed that last night during Dr. Dee there were previews for more episodes coming next month. I'll watch again. I agree that Bob looks too dirty but he seems to care for the animals. They both do IMO.

Edited by rcc
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Dr. Dee was into grooming her patients, her cats and even her mother last night. I hope she used a fresh electric groomer for her mother! I liked seeing Dr. Dee at home caring for her own pets.

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It was nice seeing Dr Jeff again.


Even nicer seeing Jakes (the beagle the owner was going to put to sleep) new home is treating him good. That story STILL pisses me right the F off....going to put a dog to sleep because...well, just because apparently.


Hopefully new episodes are coming up, I really enjoy that show.


Dr Dee was pretty good too. Her mom is getting around pretty damn good for her age. Heck, she gets around better than I do and I am half as old as she is.


It is interesting that Dr Dee and Dr Jeff both have similar personalities. Neither wear their heart on their sleeve. You could tell Dr Dee loves her mom, but sure didn't show much emotion. I guess you HAVE to develop that thick skin when working with animals (or people for that matter) when death is a near daily issue. But you can tell they both REALLY care about animals.


And I have seen the previews for the new season of Yankee Jungle. And yeah, they do seem a bit on the disheveled side.


Though from what I read about the protests, they mostly seem to be due to the fact they breed and sell exotic animals.


I am pretty surprised Animal Planet would continue to film such a controversial family/sanctuary. I personally haven't done enough research to form much of an opinion on it yet.

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I really like Dr Dee and Dr Jeff and was glad they both got Christmas specials.


I was surprised that there will be more Yankee Jungle, I had thought that after some folks were trying to stop the production of more episodes that it was the end.


I am conflicted about this show, on one hand I appreciate them taking in abandoned exotic animals and caring for them. On the other hand by breeding their animals they are in a rather compromised moral position IMO.

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The holiday special with Dr. Jeff gave me a pretty good case of the cries. It was heartwarming to see the new adoptions as well as revisit some older patients who are now thriving.


All the doctors featured on these shows clearly have devoted their lives to helping animals, but the others at least seem to make a decent enough living. Jeff charges so little and gives so much away that he's constantly on the precipice, not to mention living in a small apartment above the clinic. I can only assume that the other staff members also take a lower wage than they might otherwise earn. I suppose Jeff is divorced but I wonder what his life is like outside the clinic, or if he even wants one.

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Just watched the marathon of Vet School.  I had to add that one to my queue!  I love the contrast between the first years and the fourth years.  That one girl who was trying to grab the horse's tongue with just her fingers cracked me up.  I'm not a vet student, but I'd have no problem reaching in with my whole hand and grabbing it!!  Of course, I do have 40 years of working with horses. 


The one episode where Sam(?) was starting his rotation in the ER and both dogs that came in didn't make it was so sad.  I'm about 50/50 on ER visits with my dogs.  Three times I've come home with a dog and 3 times without.  Not fun and SOOOOO expensive!

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I am 3 for 3 bringing home my dogs after an emergency vet visit...as you said, not fun at all...and expensive.


And just a reminder for those that don't have DVR's (though I think everyone here does), new season of Dr Pol starts tonight. Haven't watched him before, so looking forward to it.

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Dr. Dee coordinating air lifting that horse was really something. The helicopter driver and everyone involved all worked together well and Lucky made it to land. Unfortunately his leg injuries were too severe and he eventually had to be put down. Brought tears to my eyes and Rick the owner is a special man. I'm sure a lot of people would have just shot Lucky right then and there. Instead he tried everything he could. The other horse made it thankfully.

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I thought it was so funny after the horse took his first helicopter ride, the first thing he wanted to do was eat grass....like the ride didn't bother him a bit in the world.


But yeah, what a downer to learn he had to be put down. You could tell the owner REALLY loves his horses.


Those were some really gross wounds they had on their backs but apparently fairly insignificant since they didn't really need much treatment.

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The horse rescue was fascinating to watch.


Okay. I eat meat so would never presume to say people shouldn't hunt, but it is interesting to me that Rick would spend so much time and effort and money trying to save his horse and yet make a living as a big game guide. Most of us create these personal hierarchies about which animals are "okay" to kill and which aren't ... some of it is even codified by law.


I suppose in an ideal world I'd be vegan and wouldn't have to make peace with the dichotomies, except that I will still kill any roach or spider that comes near me as well as any stray rodents who might get in the house ... gah. When I see owners on Dr. K with their pet rats and snakes and whatnot, it all just makes me reconsider my world view.

Edited by lordonia
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So, Vet School just had it's first season finale - the 1st years had their finals and the 4th years graduated. What are they going to do for season 2? I can see following the now 2nd years, but are they going to follow the graduates on their next journey or randomly pick some new 4th years to follow?

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Anyone watch Yankee Jungle last night? It was the 2nd season premiere. A monkey had growths on her body with the vet called in to see if it was cancer. It wasn't. What was interesting was that the vet made a point to say that they care about the animals more than themselves.

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rcc, on 24 Jan 2016 - 09:09 AM, said:

Anyone watch Yankee Jungle last night? It was the 2nd season premiere. A monkey had growths on her body with the vet called in to see if it was cancer. It wasn't. What was interesting was that the vet made a point to say that they care about the animals more than themselves.


Yes, I really like the Miners.  They seem totally dedicated to their animals, and the loving bond they have formed with them certainly shows in their interactions.  I also like that the animals are all rescues, coming from zoos and other places that have closed, or from owners who were unable to properly care for them.

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Yes, I really like the Miners.  They seem totally dedicated to their animals, and the loving bond they have formed with them certainly shows in their interactions.  I also like that the animals are all rescues, coming from zoos and other places that have closed, or from owners who were unable to properly care for them.

So do I.

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MelinaBallerina, on 25 Jan 2016 - 05:21 AM, said:MelinaBallerina, on 25 Jan 2016 - 05:21 AM, said:

Animal Planet has been doing lots of re-runs of Animal Cops: Houston lately.  Is that the only city that the show is still featuring?  


It would seem so, yes.  Why no reruns of Detroit, Miami, Philadelphia or San Francisco?  I loved watching them all (difficult as it was to witness some horrific abuse) and really do miss them.

Edited by walnutqueen
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Last night's episode of Yankee Jungle was one of my favorites, because - baby animals!  The little lamb who followed Julie everywhere was adorable, and I was so invested in the twin baby goats' survival that I started crying tears of relief when the weak one was finally able to stand up.  I love watching babies try to stand for the very first time, and watching the baby donkey do so was a real treat for me. 


Jake and Tanjo are a hoot.  That monkey really doesn't like Jake, and now that he has a baby to protect, Jake is in for it.  It's nice to know that Bob & Julie don't just let the animals procreate willy-nilly, and that there is a reason behind the selective breeding they do allow.  Tanjo has a mate and a baby, which will greatly improve the quality of his life (which seemed like a miserable existence before coming to DEW Haven).


I also enjoyed the raccoon rescue, and hope we can see a little more of them before they are released into the wild.  I'm particularly fond of raccoons, because a couple of generations of raccoon mamas have chosen to raise their young in my back yard, and I have nightly visits to my feral cat food bowls and back door, where they beg for special treats.  The babies are little roly-poly balls of furry masked cuteness, and are a constant source of joy for me.

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Singingflutist, on 03 Feb 2016 - 11:57 AM, said:

Anyone watch supervet a British show? It's interesting. He has interesting prosthetics and procedures


Singingflutist - I watched the original Bionic Vet and SuperVet back when they first aired here in the US.  But I haven't seen either show in ages.  Do you happen to remember what channel was airing the show?   I love Dr. Noel Fitzpatrick and his innovative surgeries and prosthetics.  He seems like a very caring and dedicated vet.

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Singingflutist, on 04 Feb 2016 - 6:53 PM, said:Singingflutist, on 04 Feb 2016 - 6:53 PM, said:

I watched it on my android box on 1channel. There are 4 seasons of supervet (not many episodes in each) and 1 in season 5 so far.


Figures.  Dr. Fitzpatrick US TV-only fans will just have to wait and hope for his return.   My DVR is primed and ready, though - just in case.  :-)

Edited by walnutqueen
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Last night's episode of Yankee Jungle was one of my favorites, because - baby animals!  The little lamb who followed Julie everywhere was adorable, and I was so invested in the twin baby goats' survival that I started crying tears of relief when the weak one was finally able to stand up.  I love watching babies try to stand for the very first time, and watching the baby donkey do so was a real treat for me. 


Jake and Tanjo are a hoot.  That monkey really doesn't like Jake, and now that he has a baby to protect, Jake is in for it.  It's nice to know that Bob & Julie don't just let the animals procreate willy-nilly, and that there is a reason behind the selective breeding they do allow.  Tanjo has a mate and a baby, which will greatly improve the quality of his life (which seemed like a miserable existence before coming to DEW Haven).


I also enjoyed the raccoon rescue, and hope we can see a little more of them before they are released into the wild.  I'm particularly fond of raccoons, because a couple of generations of raccoon mamas have chosen to raise their young in my back yard, and I have nightly visits to my feral cat food bowls and back door, where they beg for special treats.  The babies are little roly-poly balls of furry masked cuteness, and are a constant source of joy for me.

I missed this episode last week. Bummer.


We almost lost one of the hosts and the show last night. Scary sight of him lying there and saying "I need help." Who knew deer could be vicious but they are wild animals after all. He's in his 70s and not in the best of health as it is.

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rcc, on 07 Feb 2016 - 09:31 AM, said:

I missed this episode last week. Bummer.


We almost lost one of the hosts and the show last night. Scary sight of him lying there and saying "I need help." Who knew deer could be vicious but they are wild animals after all. He's in his 70s and not in the best of health as it is.


Sorry you missed it, rcc.  Hopefully they'll have a marathon some day and you can catch it then.


Those deer were SO wild - I know Bob has heart problems, and I thought the stress would kill him, and maybe the deer, too.  Julie nearly collapsed with relief after the ordeal - I couldn't tell whether she was more afraid for the deer or for Bob!  A little of both, I think.  :-)


Funny, because watching the show intro I thought getting the wolf DNA swabs would be much more dangerous, but Julie didn't have any problems at all.  She really does have a way with the animals.

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Last night's episode of Yankee Jungle was one of my favorites, because - baby animals!  The little lamb who followed Julie everywhere was adorable, and I was so invested in the twin baby goats' survival that I started crying tears of relief when the weak one was finally able to stand up.  I love watching babies try to stand for the very first time, and watching the baby donkey do so was a real treat for me. 


Jake and Tanjo are a hoot.  That monkey really doesn't like Jake, and now that he has a baby to protect, Jake is in for it.  It's nice to know that Bob & Julie don't just let the animals procreate willy-nilly, and that there is a reason behind the selective breeding they do allow.  Tanjo has a mate and a baby, which will greatly improve the quality of his life (which seemed like a miserable existence before coming to DEW Haven).


I also enjoyed the raccoon rescue, and hope we can see a little more of them before they are released into the wild.  I'm particularly fond of raccoons, because a couple of generations of raccoon mamas have chosen to raise their young in my back yard, and I have nightly visits to my feral cat food bowls and back door, where they beg for special treats.  The babies are little roly-poly balls of furry masked cuteness, and are a constant source of joy for me.

They ran this episode again this afternoon. OMG I loved this. My favorite episode of this show. Julie is amazing with all those baby animals and the mamas. I'm glad the goats made it. Without Julie I doubt they would have.

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They ran this episode again this afternoon. OMG I loved this. My favorite episode of this show. Julie is amazing with all those baby animals and the mamas. I'm glad the goats made it. Without Julie I doubt they would have.


I'm so glad you managed to watch it, rcc - it was my favorite, too.  It's no wonder Julie forms such strong bonds with these animals - she is soft spoken, patient and very nurturing.  This lovely lady has a true gift.



ETA - new episode tonight looks good, too - "Birth and Rescue"..

Edited by walnutqueen
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Lurker here. Just posting about Yankee jungle. Alpaca had to go to the dentist so to speak and also a baby being born.

Edgar the alligator.

And they visited a nursing home I believe for vets in Bangor.

Felt bad for Heidi. Looked like baby didn't want to leave.

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Lurker here. Just posting about Yankee jungle. Alpaca had to go to the dentist so to speak and also a baby being born.

Edgar the alligator.

And they visited a nursing home I believe for vets in Bangor.

Felt bad for Heidi. Looked like baby didn't want to leave.


Welcome, AshleyLyn!


That newborn alpaca was all kinds of cute.  Once again, Mama Julie to the rescue helping it breathe and bond with Mum.


That poor little monkey with the pulled teeth, malnutrition and skin condition just broke my heart.


I loved seeing Bob and Julie visiting the veterans.

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I hate that people would mistreat that monkey. Ignorant and disgusting.


The birth was another Julie grand moment. I never tire to see baby animals taking their first steps right away. It really is amazing to see. I am such a fan of this show! 


Julie and her new grandchild at the end. Precious.

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