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Serious question why is there speculation that the show is showing a funeral for Tommy now what make some think this is happening? Thanks.

I don't think they are. I think it's Sara's funeral but the grave stones are throwing it off because it looks more like Tommy's than Sara's
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I don't believe for a second that The CW or the EPs are staging this. It takes money and they don't have it. Plus they may be making one part of the fandom happy but they would be pissing off another. They would also be answering the grave question. Even if they are giving the wrong answer, it's still an answer and people are going to believe it until proven another wise. I just don't see a benefit in that for them. 


If you want to believe Laurel isn't the one being killed off, I would go with Laurel Isn't At The Funeral instead of CW Trolls.


The pap dude posted a picture of Sara's headstone on set yesterday. That imo eliminates a flashback funeral for anyone else.

Also, Willa wasn't in flashback mode. I'm assuming Thea didn't miss Tommy's funeral.

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Serious question why are they showing a funeral for Tommy now? 


To reinforce Malcolm is BSC and has Tommy's DNA and is building his clone ? Or he dug up Tommy's body and took him to the Lazarus Pit years ago?  That's my head!canon anyway LOL

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Don't know if it means anything but Beth Schwartz liked a tweet saying 'I guess Bye Bye Birdie doesn't fit.' 


Of all the tweets about the blacked out titles, she likes the one mentioning Laurel. 

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All the theories involving Tommy coming back for anything other than the occasional one-off seem not to take into account that the actor playing Tommy has a regular gig on a successful show (I think he may be the main character?) and another less regular gig on another show (that one on Showtime or whatever). Coming back to Arrow as a regular or even recurring would be a step DOWN for him.

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I must be in the minority then because this just looks like QL is dead to me. Maybe part of me just doesn't want to hope the show would be that brave to kill off Laurel or I'm just not seeing how these pictures suggest Laurel is in the grave. 


They really should kill off a mask though. What's the point of bring back the 'stakes' if a mask doesn't die?

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All the theories involving Tommy coming back for anything other than the occasional one-off seem not to take into account that the actor playing Tommy has a regular gig on a successful show (I think he may be the main character?) and another less regular gig on another show (that one on Showtime or whatever). Coming back to Arrow as a regular or even recurring would be a step DOWN for him.


David Ramsey has played two roles on opposite coasts for  much of the series.  It can be done if someone wants to do it and the other show cooperates. 

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But you see PB in flashback wig and present day hair. He's also in 2 different jackets and possibly different ties.


Yep, and all the pics of Laurel so far are with brown hair, not her present day blond.

Edited by Sakura12
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I don't think it's Sara's funeral, I think they're going to flashback to Tommy's funeral... But then again we'll see. 


But it's most likely Sara's funeral if it's Quentin who dies.

I really do think it's SL's funeral in the fb. But your suggestion that it could be TM's was a nice swerve. There is a small % that it could be TM. But I wonder why they would bother to show TM. However, there are a lot of guys at the funeral if it's SL's funeral. Also, sometimes at funerals of relatives of Police/Fire, even the guests wear their dress blues. So maybe the lack of dress uniforms might indicate that it's TM, since he would not have any connection to law enforcement/Public Service.


Unless they're going to show a tour of all the funerals we've missed on the show, Sara, Tommy, Moira, and the big question mark, I'm going with Sara's funeral in the past and Laurel's in the present. PB's got flashback hair on, but it doesn't look like it did in S2 when Tommy died. Not much of a clue because the wigs on this show suck. I don't see how you get out of Quentin's funeral without a bunch of people in dress blues. 


I'm going with Morrigan - obvious is obvious unless proven otherwise. 

Thanks for mentioning the hair difference I was wondering if it was the same as it was when TM died. I honestly couldn't remember what QL's hair looked like in s1 when TM died. I do think QL's hair, on top of the rumor SL's gravestone makes me lean towards SL.


But TM's would be a nice swerve, I just don't see why the writers would do it.


ETA - I do think it's smart of the ARROW production team to film a FB & resent day funeral simultaneously because they can sneak in shots without revealing too much. They don't have a lot of money to burn, but I'm sure they could throw a quick scene of PB/KC in the present day to off set rumors.

Edited by kismet
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To me it says Laurel because there are pics of Quentin in both flashback (the wig) and present day. To me that means he's likely not the one in the grave.

On the other hand, the only pics of Laurel are flashbacks - brown hair. No pics of blonde!Laurel anywhere to be seen. No Laurel in present day.

It's not 100% certain of course. There's no pics of Alex Kingston and we know she was there. But I think it's leaning more toward Laurel.

I'm going to guess these are Quentin's flashbacks, and he's remembering Sara's funeral while Laurel's funeral is going on. Two daughters. Cutting between the two.

Edited by Starfish35
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I can totally see a montage of Sara's, Tommy's and Laurel's funerals just to represent Oliver's past - all the people he grew up with are gone - kinda closing the door to the past and they force him to move on to become something new.

Edited by ComicFan777
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And how do we know that's not a fake out?

I don't know if it's a fake out, but I also don't think Tommy has anything whatsoever to do with this storyline. I don't know how to look at these pictures and think Tommy, sorry.

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To reinforce Malcolm is BSC and has Tommy's DNA and is building his clone ? Or he dug up Tommy's body and took him to the Lazarus Pit years ago?  That's my head!canon anyway LOL

One of these days, we are going to find out that Tommy is ALIVE!!! I'm happy that CD got a new successful show, but I will never give up on believing that TM is ALIVE! :)

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However, there are a lot of guys at the funeral if it's SL's funeral. 


I figured Sara would've gotten along better with guys than girls, but that's a lot of guys in the pic. She also seemed well liked since a lot of people showed up at her back from the dead party as well. She didn't talk to a single one of them and left in the middle of it, but it looked like a big party.

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David Ramsey has played two roles on opposite coasts for  much of the series.  It can be done if someone wants to do it and the other show cooperates. 

CD already has two gigs. This would be three. And while I don't watch Blue Bloods, I'm pretty sure he wasn't a regular on that show.

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Even Laurel fans think it's Laurel now. It could still be a bait and switch, but it's not looking good for her. 


I think the best thing they can do is give Laurel a heroic death for her fans and not have her die like the other women on the show on their knees with their hands tied behind on their backs or thrown at dumpsters. 

Edited by Sakura12
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I'm sure Laurel will die saving her dad, or something like that.  Hope they don't have her die saving Oliver or Felicity, though, so that her death can be blamed on them.  Whatever happens to her can't be as bad as practically being tossed on a dumpster, being dragged across the city, thrown in a freezer, and stuffed in a pine box.  God, that was horrible.

Edited by SonofaBiscuit
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I'm going to guess these are Quentin's flashbacks, and he's remembering Sara's funeral while Laurel's funeral is going on. Two daughters. Cutting between the two.

That's genius, and it could actually make me sad for him, even though I hate him and I don't like Laurel.

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CD already has two gigs. This would be three. And while I don't watch Blue Bloods, I'm pretty sure he wasn't a regular on that show.


I was not suggesting he would be back as a series regular.  CD is not a regular on the Showtime series.  Doesn't eliminate him coming back to Arrow for a small arc.   I'm just saying that things can be negotiated if all parties agree. 

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Not gonna lie, looked at those pics and thought "holy shit, they are really doing it".


Notwithstanding that the show might be deliberately throwing people off, what's the chance of the pic taker/releaser deliberately throwing people off?

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For what it's worth Canadagraphs is sorta kinda hinting at confirming that it's LL's grave.

He also debunked the "Clayton" theory.

I thought it was also interesting that he said WM was brought in because she is very pro-Olicity.  Makes me wonder how much Olicity happening is more a function of CW than Arrow showrunners?  Might explain some things on screen in 4B plus a MG tumblr remark.


Does Nyssa have a younger sibling?  Is the LOA the "cult" she escaped from? 

Edited by Sunshine
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I thought it was also interesting that he said WM was brought in because she is very pro-Olicity. Makes me wonder how much Olicity happening is more a function of CW than Arrow showrunners? Might explain some things on screen in 4B plus a MG tumblr remark.

Does Nyssa have a younger sibling?

I think that's his bitterness and anti-Olicity leanings twisting facts. WM has been writing for the show since S1 ans has been part of Berlanti's crew for many years, long before Arrow.

I think she probably got the promotion because of MG's vast array of duties (writing a novel, writing comics, helping LoT etc).

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I thought it was also interesting that he said WM was brought in because she is very pro-Olicity.  Makes me wonder how much Olicity happening is more a function of CW than Arrow showrunners?  Might explain some things on screen in 4B plus a MG tumblr remark.


Does Nyssa have a younger sibling?  Is the LOA the "cult" she escaped from? 

Wait, is this girl supposed to be Talia?!

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The only thing that makes me dread this speculation about it being Talia is that would mean more LoA bullshit and I just want to be done with LoA/Nyssa drama.


I think Nyssa is a kick ass character, but I don't care for the baggage she brings with her. I need a good solid break from Nyssa.

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How is he hinting?

He said something like It's possible that Laurel isn't in the grave but Probable....well"


And he mentioned the Clayton Grave is a role over from the Tombstone and he knows the location. 

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Oh god they better stay away from the Batman story where Talia drugged Bruce Wayne, Slept with him and ended up pregnant with a son! If she is Talia


Oh gods. I would quit the show.  That would be too much.

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Oh god they better stay away from the Batman story where Talia drugged Bruce Wayne, Slept with him and ended up pregnant with a son! If she is Talia

Bruce is a 15 year old boy on Gotham. They're not going to play that card any time soon.

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Canadagraphs (who's a douche but has been a reliable source) responded to a tweet that connected to a rumor that KC was fired for not getting along with castmates and for being late and holding up production with "I can confirm some of that." Obviously the why isn't an issue unless the being fired thing is confirmed. 


I'm a little holy shit at the moment.

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She can always be Nyssa sister but not named Talia, or for all we know she used the pit to keep herself looking young, while Nyssa didn't which is why she aged..


I can't find anything about the sister line up of birth. Talia was first to appear in the comics, but Nyssa was born in the 18th century so.. there's so many canons to chose from they could have gone with either one.


But yea, the resemble is striking when you look at the two actresses together.

Edited by foreverevolving
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This isn't the least bit suprising to me tbh.I thought it was clear something was up at SDCC and then we saw the grave in the premiere,a huge death was teased and I just thought Laurel from the start.I never thought they actually cared about that character and felt that they would get rid of her at first chance they got.

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