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If I'm getting this right, nobody from the show has anything to do with these pics. Paparazzi took them, sold them to a photo agency, and a fan who has access to the photo agency database released them.

And it definitely looks like they're filming two scenes. Not certain about two funerals, since we're only seeing one casket, but definitely two scenes. Flashback to Sara's funeral + aftermath of second funeral, maybe.

Edited by dtissagirl
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If I'm getting this right, nobody from the show has anything to do with these pics. Paparazzi took them, sold them to a photo agency, and a fan who has access to the photo agency database released them.

Would they let paparazzi get close enough to take these pics? 

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Sure its not just a better quality wig cause she mentioned that she was trying on a wig for the Oscars. I don't think she dyed it but I could definitely be wrong.

I may have started this. I suggested she could be trying on hairstyles for the Oscars because she posted about beauty products to prepare for Oscars. With confirmation that she was filming dark hair flashbacks, pretty sure I was wrong on the Oscar idea.  

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If I'm getting this right, nobody from the show has anything to do with these pics. Paparazzi took them, sold them to a photo agency, and a fan who has access to the photo agency database released them.

And it definitely looks like they're filming two scenes. Not certain about two funerals, since we're only seeing one casket, but definitely two scenes. Flashback to Sara's funeral + aftermath of second funeral, maybe.

they may just be using the same coffin for both funerals? 

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Oh..maybe it's Thea's boyfriend. He's killed during an assassination attempt. All those guys in suits are his compadres. And Diggle, Thea, Laurel, Papa Lance all go out of respect. 


OR SWERVE, it's Tommy's flashback funeral with a bunch of Tommy's friends from college.

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Are these photos from today? Are they filming during the weekend? Also, they could very well return another day to finish the rest of the present-day scenes with Katie in her present-day look, right?

They're all from yesterday. We know because the paps were talking about day/night shoots at a park and that Sara's gravestone made an appearance
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Are these photos from today? Are they filming during the weekend? Also, they could very well return another day to finish the rest of the present-day scenes with Katie in her present-day look, right?

Photos are from yesterday I believe.


It's possible that they haven't finished the funeral scenes and KC is still in the present day scenes, but I would find it weird that PB was filming present day but not KC. 

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Well I always thought Laurel could be the one in the grave but now i think it's 95% her.


IDK I'm already starting to poke holes into this so there's still hope yet for you!

Such as:

  • The person who posted it is a big KC fan and seems really chill about her upcoming death, way too chill, could be a ruse
  • One of the headstones says Clayton so it could be the baby mama or the kid
  • Stephen wasn't there for the present funeral so it still might be a ruse
  • This all seems too easy, again it could definitely be a ruse
  • The headstone shapes are all different, again could be a ruse
  • The person who posted the pictures said it could be a trick
Edited by wonderwall
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IDK I'm already starting to poke holes into this so there's still hope yet for you!

Such as:

    The person who posted it is a big KC fan and seems really chill about her upcoming death, way too chill, could be a ruse

    One of the headstones says Clayton so it could be the baby mama or the kid

    Stephen wasn't there for the present funeral so it still might be a ruse

    This all seems too easy, again it could definitely be a ruse

    The headstone shapes are all different, again could be a ruse


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  • Stephen wasn't there for the present funeral so it still might be a ruse


This ties in better with that Flashforward, where Oliver was standing alone at the grave.

Edited by Genki
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you were doing so good! *shakes head*


I mean, I have to protect myself to some extent! :p

I'm just going to sit over here and say the simplest answer is usually the correct answer.

You suddenly sounded like Sherlock ;) 

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Laurel could try to save Samantha and they both get killed in a failed rescue...could be multiple deaths.


Part of me would laugh my ass off if Laurel failing at superheroing gets BM killed. 


UNLESS LAUREL KILLS HER....which ties back to my theory that her and BM were in cahoots.  But now she doublecrosses BM. 

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This ties in better with that Flashforward, where Oliver was standing alone at the grave.


That's not the same grave though, right?

I'm just going to sit over here and say the simplest answer is usually the correct answer.


I don't think that's ever happened in Arrow LOL. It would certainly set a precedent if they changed their Byzantine way of plotting.

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Ever since KC went weird on social media, there has been nothing released that has made me believe that it's NOT her in the grave.  These photos have flashback Quentin, flashback Laurel (with a wardrobe change), present-day Quentin, and present-day Felicity, Diggle, and Thea. But no present-day Laurel?  AND, Laurel's outfit change seems to indicate that flashbacks are Lance family heavy.  Makes sense that whoever's in the grave would get quite a bit of screen time right before their death.


I'm not celebrating until we see them throw dirt on the coffin, but I don't actually believe that this is some elaborate ruse to make us believe that Laurel is dying when she's really not.  I'm not sure what would be the point of that.  They try to make us believe it's Laurel...but it's really Lance?  Who cares if it's Lance.  That's not shocking.  Plus, no way I believe that they would waste an entire day of filming, have hair/makeup done, do wardrobe changes, and hire extras just to deceive us.  Until I see something that makes me waver, everything is still pointing to Laurel.   


MG will probably be piiiiiiissed once he finds out about these pictures, ha!

Edited by SonofaBiscuit
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I think TPTB are messing with people. I don't doubt that these are paps photos but I wouldn't put it past them to have planted clues (and people) so as to divert people from spoiling the person in the grave. I'm actually surprised at how much I don't even care who it is at this point.

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Ever since KC went weird on social media, there has been nothing released that has made me believe that it's NOT her in the grave.  These photos have flashback Quentin, flashback Laurel (with a wardrobe change), present-day Quentin, and present-day Felicity, Diggle, and Thea.  Laurel's outfit change seems to indicate that flashbacks are Lance family heavy.


I'm not celebrating until we see them throw dirt on the coffin, but I don't actually believe that this is some elaborate ruse to make us believe that Laurel is dying when she's really not.  I'm not sure what would be the point of that.  They try to make us believe it's Laurel...but it's really Lance?  Who cares if it's Lance.  That's not shocking.  Plus, no way I believe that they would waste an entire day of filming, have hair/makeup done, do wardrobe changes, and hire extras just to deceive us.  Until I see something that makes me waver, everything is still pointing to Laurel.   


MG will probably be piiiiiiissed once he finds out about these pictures, ha!


It isn't necessarily a waste of filming if it's just simple costume changes and changing the name on the headstone. Plus the magic of editing. 

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Have we ever seen Oliver actually attend a funeral? I can't remember.

He DOES have a knack for not attending funerals, BUT, if he were leaving w/ Felicity in that limo it means he must've gone to the funeral with her. So it's weird to not see him there.

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I just had a wild thought.


What if Oliver has been outed as the Green Arrow and it's actually Oliver's fake funeral in the present? Laurel died her hair for reasons.  It's Thea, Diggle, Laurel, Lance. All those people could be politicos, police officers, mobsters honoring Oliver Queen. But he's gone into hiding and is mounting for coming back to the city...


I'm almost not even kidding...

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Unless they're going to show a tour of all the funerals we've missed on the show, Sara, Tommy, Moira, and the big question mark, I'm going with Sara's funeral in the past and Laurel's in the present. PB's got flashback hair on, but it doesn't look like it did in S2 when Tommy died. Not much of a clue because the wigs on this show suck. I don't see how you get out of Quentin's funeral without a bunch of people in dress blues. 


I'm going with Morrigan - obvious is obvious unless proven otherwise. 

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Supposedly Canadagraphs said there's a coincidence in the scene, I'm guessing that's the fact that one grave seems to say "Clayton." I'm about 99.9999999999999% sure it's not her. They all know now that that whole SL was a ginormous fail. They're not going to remind people of that storyline, they're not going to do a redo of the SadDaddyPandaOliver video when he sends him away again, they're not going to bring the kid on as recurring/regular with Canadian child actor rules and the fact that the kid is apparently a shitty actor. If they had any interest in doing DaddyOliver, he would have at least interacted with the kid in 15. I really feel pretty comfortable that the dumb kid and his horrible hag of a mother are in Mandyville forever, or wherever the other brother disappeared to when he walked upstairs in Happy Days.

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