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Because I'd rather talk about anything other than who's in the grave and #Poppy, EK just posted a video with EBR and CR and it looks like they're at the PT set. So...looks like we're building up to that '6 months later' presentation they have to give.


I'm still not convinced they're gonna create tech to make Felicity walk again but they made such a thing out of it that there must be something going on. Just no idea what it could be. Thoughts?



Edited by Guest

I actually wondered if the tech from 412 is going to be the thing that saves PT.

It's hard to tell if they're actually filming a PT scene or just waiting off set. They very often put the actor's chairs over on the PT set.

Part of me thinks that 412 might just have some McGuffin for the VOTW plot to bring the Calculator on and Felicity is making some sort of press conference to save face for herself as CEO and as PT as a company, maybe introducing Curtis's T-spheres as for possible sale. Or maybe they could be one in the same.

At this point, PT hasn't been brought up much yet for me to be totally on board for the thing that might make Felicity walk again, but if it becomes highlighted more for the rest of 4b, then maybe? At this point, with all of the emphasis the season has on it, it seems like magic might play a part in helping Felicity, but honestly I'm bot sure. If they are there in PT for 417, then maybe the new tech will have something to do with helping Felicity and the company, but I always thought that the T-spheres would be the company-saving tech, since Mr. Terrific is a character in this season and the little Easter egg in 403.

Edited by way2interested

What tech was in 412? I've not watched any of the promos. Have I missed something?



Since Felicity has nerve damage and she and Oliver seem to think that her never walking again is worst case, I'm wondering if she's just going to gradually regain feeling and/or get the help of some magical herby type thing.


I think I prefer the idea of her gradually regaining feeling in her legs. It's much more realistic than magical cure or special tech. Imagine her saying "Oliver, I think I can feel my legs" after a particularly tense scene or something. MY HEART.


Okay, now I want that to happen. That is, if this isn't permanent. Not convinced they'll heal her yet either.

Did Oliver's pouch of magical island herbs disappear along with the trunk with the vodka in it? I thought that whole thing and some extra weapons got moved to the secondary lair. See, Felicity would have been fine after getting gut shot if Oliver just had some of the herbs with him. And maybe some of Tatsu's penicillin tea :P Kidding aside, I wonder if it'll be a combo of magic and tech that will help Felicity walk again. I don't think it's the T-spheres because they were described as communication devices in 4x03 (they may just be Easter eggs). But Felicity and Echo have time to come up with something between now and end of season, if they're going to push the paralysis story line that long (I doubt it).

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What tech was in 412? I've not watched any of the promos. Have I missed something?

It looks like Felicity is presenting something to a crowd including the Board of Director guy from 402. Roy is also sent to PT to steal some sort of tech.

Since Felicity has nerve damage and she and Oliver seem to think that her never walking again is worst case, I'm wondering if she's just going to gradually regain feeling and/or get the help of some magical herby type thing.

It could be nothing but the talk of magic and meta humans in that conversation makes me think it won't be tech. It does make me wonder if Nyssa's offer is a cure but, I can't make it work with Felicity still being in a wheelchair in 414

Edited by Morrigan2575

I thought whatever they come up with for PT will be what cures her but now I think it will be a magic cure.I think they confirmed its permanent again in this episode.Oliver and Felicity say she may never walk again and that its worst case scenario but I took that to be sort of denial since he says at the end of the episode that her condition is permanent and its not healthy to live in denial.But that speech about the world they live in and Oliver helping her find a way to walk again makes me think it will involve him too and I don't think a tech cure would.That theory about the box DD has being a mother box and being what cures her makes a lot of sense to me right now.

Edited by tangerine95
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I think it was the exact opposite. The fact that they went from "she'll NEVER walk again" in 410 to "she may never..." in 411, tells me they were already putting something in place to make it inoffensive for her to recover.

Which does lead back to Apinknightmare's suggestion that there is no "cure" and she just recovers naturally.

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It could be nothing but the talk of magic and meta humans in that conversation makes me think it won't be tech. It does make me wonder if Nyssa's offer is a cure but, I can't make it work with Felicity still being in a wheelchair in 414

Exactly my thought process. I still think Nyssa's offer is going to be a cure but it will either a) not work or b) not be given for some reason. Since this seems to be Oliver's first attempt at helping Felicity, by law of plot it can't succeed to make the actually recovery once it happens later in the season mean more. In a way, it would be interesting if Oliver's attempt to get a cure fails while Felicity's own proactive recovery succeeds down the road, even though I do think at this point that it has something to do with magic.

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I thought about a cure relating to Nyssa's offer because it's something Oliver finds hard to refuse. And as he said in 411, he'd do anything to help Felicity walk again. Maybe that involves making another deal with the devil and Felicity doesn't approve? 


It could still fit with Felicity being in a wheelchair in 414 if Nyssa doesn't hand over any 'cure' until she's got what she wants out of the deal. 


I still prefer the idea of her healing naturally though. 

I thought about a cure relating to Nyssa's offer because it's something Oliver finds hard to refuse. And as he said in 411, he'd do anything to help Felicity walk again. Maybe that involves making another deal with the devil and Felicity doesn't approve?

It could still fit with Felicity being in a wheelchair in 414 if Nyssa doesn't hand over any 'cure' until she's got what she wants out of the deal.

I still prefer the idea of her healing naturally though.

I really hope they don't have Nyssa doing something like that. She's been shown to be ruthless in many ways, but I'd rather her not hold some kind of cure for Felicity's injury over Oliver's head over something he probably doesn't want to do.

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I thought about a cure relating to Nyssa's offer because it's something Oliver finds hard to refuse. And as he said in 411, he'd do anything to help Felicity walk again. Maybe that involves making another deal with the devil and Felicity doesn't approve?

It could still fit with Felicity being in a wheelchair in 414 if Nyssa doesn't hand over any 'cure' until she's got what she wants out of the deal.

I still prefer the idea of her healing naturally though.

Very true. Nyssa is in 412, 413 and 415. It's possible she either witholds the cure or leaves to aquire the cure which she brings back in 415 (along with funtime fighting).

I could see them giving Calliope her wish. Having Felicity dump Oliver in 415 while walking out on him.

Think of the angst, Felicity reveals her recovery to Oliver when she dumps him. I was going to surprise you when I walked down the aisle but sine there's no longer goin to be a wedding.... .

Oh, and even better 415 is the last sweeps episode before a 2 week break. LOL

Edited by Morrigan2575

I really hope they don't have Nyssa doing something like that. She's been shown to be ruthless in many ways, but I'd rather her not hold some kind of cure for Felicity's injury over Oliver's head over something he probably doesn't want to do.


I hope she doesn't do something like that either but you just never know with this show. And Nyssa can be ruthless so it's possible. But yeah, not ideal.

I keep wondering what Nyssa wants with Katana (since it looked like in the preview they are together).  Could a "cure" be why Nyssa is going to see Katana?  Wasn't she the keeper of the magic herbs last season when Oliver survived his fall off the cliff?  Could Nyssa get some sort of "cure" (and takes Katana hostage) and go to Oliver with an offer?  

Yay! Someone else on the "QL dies and LL goes away forever" train. I hope it happens.  


Oh, I'm on this train. I hate the idea of it being QL because of Paul Blackthorne. Having adults like Quentin and Donna around just makes the Arrow world a bit more "normal" for me. I hate shows where the adults have basically disappeared (looking at you, TVD). But if it would mean no more Laurel Lance AND no returning Lances on my TV screen ever? Yeah, I'd sacrifice Quentin in a heartbeat.


Any ideas on what the Calculator seems to be assembling? I watched the promo again and it seems like Roy had already hit a few other facilities before Palmer Tech. Like he's "shopping," in the words of Felicity. 

SA tweeted that he wrapped his 85th episode yesterday. Since it obviously includes islad flashbacks, I imagine everyone did and they're starting with 4x17 today. Which will hopefully result in some new spoilers.


I wonder if the thing on Felicity's lap is the tech she's presenting and Roy is supposed to steal or if it's just a fancy remote.



Sorry, guys, but I still don't think it's Laurel in the grave.  Even if KC wanted to leave the show, I think they'd just have Laurel leave Star City and keep the door open for return appearances.  However, if a big screen movie of the Black Canary is planned, then I could see them killing off Laurel.


Laurel has as much storyline in 4B as anyone else not named Oliver (conflict between being BC and ADA, having a big role in taking down Darhk). And for S5, the EPs are going to have to come up with new storylines for everyone.


Laurel having the goodbye scenes with Sara on Arrow and LoT could've been more about giving KC more screen time and exposure than anything else.  She is still the second billed actor on Arrow and her character is a costumed comic superhero - unlike Lance - and these EPs are all about the costumes.


So I would still be shocked if Laurel is the one who dies.

Edited by tv echo
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Awww.  I love the short new clip with Roy in the lair.  My favorite parts are the shared looks between different characters that show shared history and understanding.  They're such intimate micro moments.  I also love Oliver's "Really?" to Roy saying he can't believe he shot him! Adorable.


Oh, and Felicity's "I love the Internet." She's pretty much awesome in every way, but especially in the little quirks and nuances.

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