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Right, I forgot that Oliver's fighting skills have been neutered this season to make everyone else on his team his equal. 

this is ridiculous. his character took five years to become the fighter he's today.  Thea took 1 year of training, LL took six months

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He is still the main character and gets the most screen time, they haven't forgotten anything. 


Everybody talks down to him. We talk in show, ad nauseam about every mistake Oliver has ever made but can handwave LL's idiocy because everybody lies. They've decided he's not the leader of Team Arrow.


Not to mention suddenly everybody can take him down. They've made Oliver less skilled as a fighter so that the others seem to be closer to his level, in effect diluting his skills so that the others could shine. In what universe is a few months of boxing followed by accelerated deployment as a vigilante equal to Oliver's 8 years since the Gambit sunk? In the world of Arrow, where apparently LL is now OQ's equal. 


Yeah it's his show, I'd just like TPTB to remember that and treat him like it is. I don't turn in for random superhero team up and with the name "Arrow" I don't think its too much for them to deliver a show worthy of that name. 

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Still can't get over this scene


Oliver: "Why didn't you come to me?"

Laurel: "Come to you for what you expertise on magical resurrections or that judgmental look on your face"

Oliver: "FOR HELP FINDING HER, Laurel! before she gets hurt or hurts anyone else"


This plus the second all about Laurel's feelings scene is why I'll never get over everyone forgiving Laurel at the end of the episode. I'll add to my post from the Laurel thread. Not telling everyone that she rose Sara from the dead, understandable. Not telling anyone that Sara escaped and is killing people for an entire week. IDIOT. She didn't even tell Oliver, he found out by seeing Sara hurting someone. 

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Yeah, I mean, I think there were some pretty good reasons in-show for not being angry about her lying about the actual resurrection (as Oliver himself said, he has no business getting angry at someone else for lying). But Laurel waiting a whole week to tell someone that Sara was missing? So stupid. And yeah, Sara killed a bunch of criminals, but shouldn't a DA actually want those people to get their day in court? I liked that Oliver was angry about the aftermath rather than the actual resurrection, but that was the last we heard of it, really.

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The Chihuahua that is my avatar is my actual Chihuahua, and his name is Biscuit.  He's four, and weighs about six pounds.  This season, he could completely kick Oliver's ass.  I also have a second Chihuahua named Lexi, who weighs seven pounds, and who would cover Biscuit's six.  Between the two of them S4 Oliver would be defeated, bound, and gagged within minutes.

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this is ridiculous. his character took five years to become the fighter he's today.  Thea took 1 year of training, LL took six months


The only reason I can handwave Thea is that she was trained by BSC Malcolm Merlyn, who probably had her training 6 days a week, 10 hours a day.  Laurel....pffft

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Next week, on Arrow: Laurel has to do the paperwork on all the perps Sara killed in a way that closes all cases without arresting anyone, and somehow erasing the crazy blonde woman suspect that a whole bunch of witness saw up close.

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Loving the snark :-) ;-) And that would be one hell of a fight: Green Arrow vs. Boo, the Pomeranian. 

Boo is an adult Pomeranian, so that would really not be a fair fight.  For S4 Oliver to have any chance at all it has to be a puppy, preferably not yet weaned.

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He is still the main character and gets the most screen time, they haven't forgotten anything. 


Yeah, more screen time =/=  being treated as the hero or even anti-hero of his own damn show. He's not Walter White for pete's sake. It's ridiculous how they've beaten him down.

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That has to be a staged proposal right? right?


It's so not Oliver and Felicity.


I mean, I'm not sure what the circumstances are, so IDK. 


I was wondering if maybe it was fake, kind of like the mansion scene in 2x23, only this time she's in on it. To put herself in Darhk's crosshairs maybe? Although if that's the case I hope he actually proposed to her in private first. Or will at some point, haha.


I'm guessing this is probably real though. And probably right before she gets kidnapped or hurt and we'll get another shot of the grave ANVILS ANVILS ANVILS

Edited by apinknightmare
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That has to be a staged proposal right? right?


It's so not Oliver and Felicity.


That's what I'm thinking. Something to do with the campaign? Because one) NO to a public proposal and two) that is not them at all.  

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I'm hoping this is something the two of them talked about before in a private moment, and if not, at the very least talk about after, privately.


But yes, I hope it's part of some strategy, whether political, to do with Damien Darhk, or both.

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Um...that was not what I expected or wanted at all. I hope it's staged and he's already proposed to her in private because no.

Also, it looked more like SA and EBR than Oliver and Felicity, if that makes sense. I wonder if they were messing around.

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Okay watched the episode, and.. it wasn't the best one but..

KC was decent most of the time (the hallway scene was not too bad- minus her not taking the blame for this entire shit hell).. and - this pains me so, so much to write it , but at the end? I think I saw some chemistry between her and SA... I'm not drunk or high, I am tired though, maybe i'm sick? I should go and lay down.

I pray to the gods of DC they'll keep it platonic but.. Yea. If they'll keep it like that? I have a bad feeling guys, like super super bad about the future of Olicity in the long run.


I think the dead's are playing a trick on us.. right?

I need a drink.


I'll see myself out.

Edited by foreverevolving
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The same guy who posted the video did spoil that there would be a kiss in 2x23. So it could be (like someone else mentioned) part of a bigger plan to distract. I hope it is at least. A ploy to get to Dahrk like they got to Slade, except this time Felicity actually gets hurt/taken and Oliver can't save her. 

Edited by HighHopes
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He'll probably be beaten by a Pomeranian puppy next.  Those tiny little puppy teeth are SHARP!


Hey! Tiny dogs are scary!





I hope the proposal plays out differently because it seems like it's being done for political reasons and that is no bueno with me. It's still Olicity, so awww, but yeah, I wanted more than a public proposal at a rally.

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The same guy who posted the video did spoil that there would be a kiss in 2x23. So it could be (like someone else mentioned) part of a bigger plan to distract. It's hard to tell, especially since the guy who is responsible is a less than enthusiastic Felicity/EBR fan...  


I'm shocked he released the video. The timing is ironic.

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I love you guys. You're speculating about whether it's real or not, meanwhile I'm over here screaming "HE'S ON HIS KNEEEEEEEE" loudly enough to scare actual human people. I don't even care if it's real, it can be for a Zale's commercial for all I care.

Y'all keep me semi sane....I appreciate it so much. :)

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It's possible they're running through the scene when that sneaky video was being filmed?


Yeah, that's what I'm thinking, too. This show, which gave Oliver and Felicity an almost 2-minute love scene, is not gonna rush a proposal like that. I could almost see the script: "a series moment" :)

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Okay watched the episode, and.. it wasn't the best one but..

KC was decent most of the time (the hallway scene was not too bad- minus her not taking the blame for this entire shit hell).. and - this pains me so, so much to write it , but at the end? I think I saw some chemistry between her and SA... I'm not drunk or high, I am tired though, maybe i'm sick? I should go and lay down.

I pray to the gods of DC they'll keep it platonic but.. Yea. If they'll keep it like that? I have a bad feeling guys, like super super bad about the future of Olicity in the long run.


I think the dead's are playing a trick on us.. right?

I need a drink.

LOL It's the shock of seeing them friendly. Your mind starts playing tricks on you. 

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Hey! Tiny dogs are scary!





I hope the proposal plays out differently because it seems like it's being done for political reasons and that is no bueno with me. It's still Olicity, so awww, but yeah, I wanted more than a public proposal at a rally.

My little old lady Chi who passed away two years ago (4.5 lbs, 17 years) could have kicked S1 Oliver's/The Hood's ass.  So yeah, I hear ya.


I am not as vehemently against public proposals as some of y'all.  I can really see Oliver just getting super-excited and basically blurting it out.  He's kind of a sap now.

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The same guy who posted the video did spoil that there would be a kiss in 2x23. So it could be (like someone else mentioned) part of a bigger plan to distract. I hope it is at least. A ploy to get to Dahrk like they got to Slade, except this time Felicity actually gets hurt/taken and Oliver can't save her. 


I'm shocked he released the video. The timing is ironic.


The guy who uploaded it said he would upload it when his blog post reached 15,000 views. He posted about having this video already last week. And he's not an enthusiastic Olicity fan at all - he even acknowledges himself he's a bit of an a-hole - so I don't think there was any plan to it. At least not from his side. :)

Edited by Soulfire
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What's weird is I think that scene was filmed before the cast did that round of interviews last week. EBR was asked about the ring and said something along the lines of it being big, but also said she hadn't tried it on yet. I remember thinking when I read it that the scene the pap/autograph guy teased must not have been a proposal after all.

Either EBR was fibbing or maybe it is unplanned and Oliver just gets really excited and blurts it out? And then something happens to Felicty before Oliver can give her the ring?

That was really fast, but maybe it was just a quick run through or rehearsal that was filmed. I hope so, I want to see more than just a quick peck when those two get engaged!

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What's weird is I think that scene was filmed before the cast did that round of interviews last week. EBR was asked about the ring and said something along the lines of it being big, but also said she hadn't tried it on yet. I remember thinking when I read it that the scene the pap/autograph guy teased must not have been a proposal after all.

Either EBR was fibbing or maybe it is unplanned and Oliver just gets really excited and blurts it out? And then something happens to Felicty before Oliver can give her the ring?

That was really fast, but maybe it was just a quick run through or rehearsal that was filmed. I hope so, I want to see more than just a quick peck when those two get engaged!


Yeah, I was thinking that either she was fibbing so she didn't spoil (cause that's a pretty big spoiler!) or that Oliver's proposal was unplanned and he never got the chance to actually give her the ring (or hadn't yet, at the time of the interview).

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So, depending on the circumstances, I wouldn't mind if this was real. 


What I'd kind of like is if this was public specifically to catch DD's attention, and we got an inverted version of the mansion scene in 2x23. 


Like, we're watching, we think this proposal is real. Felicity gets kidnapped or whatever over the winter break, and then when she's found, we get a flashback of his actual, real proposal and their plan to use the proposal to make her a bigger target so she could infiltrate HIVE/Darhk's compound or whatever.



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I wouldn't really care about the proposal being public, because it's a show that likes to do Big Moments, so something small and intimate would be more than I could hope for. But this...doesn't look right. It's all just too fast. I mean, that all happened in like 5 seconds. I hope there is something more to it, whether it's a total fake-out (in that they staged this to throw us off) or just a fake-out in-show...I don't know. I feel ungrateful saying this, but yeah...I hope this isn't IT.

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I was underwhelmed too. It didn't last 2 seconds and only a peck? Nah. I'm sure they had a private proposal before because this couple deserves way more. Like 5000 candles in nanda parbat more except more appropriate of a location lol

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Wow Oliver face is NOT too happy when Felicity brings up Ray Palmer and his right before the grave message. So glad someone else captured his facial expression. I believe his struggling with Felicity being neurotic over saving Ray is going to be very very interesting and very very real! I think ALL of Oliver's insecurities are going to come flowing forward. I think he loves her so much and is so afraid of losing the one person who has finally given him some peace of mind and happiness!



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Wow Oliver face is NOT too happy when Felicity brings up Ray Palmer and his right before the grave message. So glad someone else captured his facial expression. I believe his struggling with Felicity being neurotic over saving Ray is going to be very very interesting and very very real! I think ALL of Oliver's insecurities are going to come flowing forward. I think he loves her so much and is so afraid of losing the one person who has finally given him some peace of mind and happiness!


That screen cap is misleading. He didn't seem upset by it at all, and actually seemed pretty sympathetic about what she was telling him. 

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Ohhhhh I just saw that Stephen did a dialogue tease.


I'm guessing this proposal was a part of a plan to suss Dd out and quentin was part of said plan. But Dd threatens laurel and Quentin trades Felicity for Laurel?

So Felicity gets kidnapped for real and that's the cliffhanger?

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Ohhhhh I just saw that Stephen did a dialogue tease.


I'm guessing this proposal was a part of a plan to suss Dd out and quentin was part of said plan. But Dd threatens laurel and Quentin trades Felicity for Laurel?

So Felicity gets kidnapped for real and that's the cliffhanger?



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Ohhhhh I just saw that Stephen did a dialogue tease.


I'm guessing this proposal was a part of a plan to suss Dd out and quentin was part of said plan. But Dd threatens laurel and Quentin trades Felicity for Laurel?

So Felicity gets kidnapped for real and that's the cliffhanger?


I can see it happening, I really hope it wouldn't because I don't want Quentin to die! and we all know he will if something like this happens.

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