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I thought Quentin was the morality police. . . (lame, I know)


I've thought Diggle was more of a moral center--he was the one giving OQ the pep talks related to restraint and justice. And, it is OQ's story, so I'd assume that the person giving him that kind of guidance would be considered the "moral center" or whatever.


Quentin comes across as a Javert from Les Miserables, and he was a cautionary tale for pricks like QL.

  • Love 7

So I just came up with a mind-blowing theory. What if OQ's new love interest is actually related to DD? Maybe a daughter... DD does wear a ring on the traditional marriage ring finger side. Perhaps she teaches him all about mysticism, maybe innoculates him to her father's magic. But OQ never made the connection between DD & LI until this season. That way they can write all the Daddy Darhk plots & lines they wanted to do it without ruining FS's characterization. They can also do parallels with push/pulls between BabyMama & FB LI without ever having to tarnish O/F relationship. It's genius in a way.


It makes perfect sense. They wanted to do Daddy issues with evil genius but to do it with FS in O/F first yr together was a little rough, especially after s3. So this way they can have their cake & eat it too. It pushes FS father later than when they wanted to initially do it, but I think in the long run it is better for both FS & OQ, that DD is not her Dad.


If they do pursue this angle of FB LI r/t DD than I think it makes her a contender for gravestone death. It would also be a nice parallel to show OQ's growth that in the FB he likely feels guilty & responsible for her death or demise, but in the present he realizes its not his fault. Though it is his responsibility to make it right out of respect to her.

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~~*IN THE COMICS*~~ it's sort of an on going joke that everyone in SC knows it's Oliver, but pretend -- to his face sometimes, even -- that they don't. It might be a good running gag for the show?


Oh, that would be great. This even more so:

Until told otherwise, I'm just going to assume that all of Starling has suspected that Oliver's the Arrow for like two years and everyone let out a giant [offscreen] "duh" at Quentin's announcement last season. And no one believes the story about Roy being the Arrow. They just repeat it to rile up Lance.

Piss off, Lance. Where were you when Brick took over the Glades?


BC is starting a coy little smile at the end of the GIF, so I wonder if that's why the POV is focused on her face like that. However, with the way KC plays LL/BC, I can't tell if it's a gleeful smile because (a) she was saved and the bad guy bit the dust, (b) she and the driver (please let it be Felicity!) set a trap and the bad guy bit the dust, © she can hear OQ/GA being tortured by DD and she always gets off a little on his pain, or (d) the camera is on her and smiling in her mask is her new thing now.


C and D make me chortle. Thanks. But it's 99% got to be B.


I found this wording strange (from Laurel Brown's interview:)

They hope she's a love interest?  Don't they know for sure yet?  Or have they learned something from all the promotion of Raylicity last season that fell short in the viewing?


I also though this was interesting about Quentin's motivation:


I find Oliver falling in love strange. I just didn't expect him to. I mean, he didn't fall in love with Shado who was all around great. Though he just might be so messed up in the flashbacks this year that he falls for someone who is clearly a psycho. Like if Helena and Isabel had a love child and gave her to Malcolm and Ra's to raise.


Agree about the costume. But do I see chains? Does this mean I get to see OQ flip himself around and release himself from chains again. That was a really amazing scene in s1. I love SA & his chain work ;)

Oh, to live in the glory days once more. I gasped out loud when that happened.
  • Love 3

I find Oliver falling in love strange. I just didn't expect him to. I mean, he didn't fall in love with Shado who was all around great. Though he just might be so messed up in the flashbacks this year that he falls for someone who is clearly a psycho. Like if Helena and Isabel had a love child and gave her to Malcolm and Ra's to raise.

  Oh, to live in the glory days once more. I gasped out loud when that happened.****

**** Please can we get back to the glory days of OQ and those crazy hot stunt moments. Maybe the new lair will need him to pull down some concrete again ****


Clearly, the FB LI is going to use MAGIC to make OQ fall in love with her. Its combo Love Potion #9 & Harry Potter potions class mets folklore Mysticism.


And now I really want to see an epic battle of Potter's potions v. OQ magical herbs.

  • Love 3

**** Please can we get back to the glory days of OQ and those crazy hot stunt moments. Maybe the new lair will need him to pull down some concrete again ****

Do not tease me. I now want that too badly. He can even keep his shirt on.




Clearly, the FB LI is going to use MAGIC to make OQ fall in love with her. Its combo Love Potion #9 & Harry Potter potions class mets folklore Mysticism.



So, while looking at the trailer again, I remembered someone here saying Curtis had the same shirt on in his scene with Oliver and when he and Felicity were attacked. He's not.






Also, I wonder if the reconciliation with Dig takes a while and the Hoffmans are far away, will Curtis and his husband become Oliver and Felicity's couple friends?


ETA: I was on Arrow Fashion Blog to see if they had the shoes that Felicity has on with that red dress above and came across this, her outfit from the next episode. It's definitely the blazer she has on when Oliver hands her lunch. But more importantly, is that Colton Haynes' jaw in the top right corner?

Edited by bijoux
  • Love 2



I dunno... it just seems weird to see two Black Canaries in the same scene (when it isn't a drug-induced hallucination).


Antonio Negret called it a yinyang kiss on his twitter. I think its from the episode he directed.

Hey, I described O&F as yin & yang in a previous post.


I love that it's a democracy even though the two times we've seen these people needing to operate as a team without Oliver, they've needed Oliver to swoop in for help. Not arguing that it shouldn't be a democracy, just that they've utterly failed to show that any of these people can function as an effective team without Oliver (which I'm glad for, btw). But since that's not what they're trying to sell, writing fail!

This makes no sense to me.  In Oliver's absence, Team Arrow 2.0 wasn't a democracy - Diggle was clearly the leader.  So why would the team now be a democracy?  


Stop looking at the camera, KC.

I saw this shot as setting up another "cool" moment to show how badass Laurel is as the new BC.  She goes still to indicate her awareness of what's behind her, then smiles to indicate that she's about to take them out, and then whips around and takes out the bad guys.  (Think Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn in some of his LOTR fight scenes where he goes suddenly still when there's a bad guy creeping up behind him, right before he whips around with his sword to combat them - although I hate even making this comparison because I love VM and think he's a fantastic actor.)


So from MG's latest tumblr responses (in Spoilers thread), the dynamic between Oliver and Laurel this season is going to be "More friendly and close – but only after they go through a rough patch."  Still think I'm overly pessimistic?

Edited by tv echo
So from MG's latest tumblr responses (in Spoiler thread), the dynamic between Oliver and Laurel this season is going to be "More friendly and close – but only after they go through a rough patch."  Still think I'm overly pessimistic?


Yes.  Because you're not extrapolating the information to determine the path they're going.  You have been dead set for the past 2 years that this show is going to kill Felicity/Olicity in order to get back to Lauiver.  As such you're looking at the information with a predetermined end point in mind and "twisting" all of the information to fit that end.


ETA: Please note, I'm not trying to be mean but you did ask :-)

Edited by Morrigan2575
  • Love 11

I dunno... it just seems weird to see two Black Canaries in the same scene (when it isn't a drug-induced hallucination).


For me it's more, I hope Sara has extra costumes lying around because the one she was buried in has to be disgusting. It also pisses me off even more that they didn't even change her clothes before just throwing her in a pine box in her old grave. How was that in any way honoring a fallen team mate? 

To quote Clueless, "that was way harsh".


I haven't been "deadset" that they're going to kill off Felicity/Olicity to make way for Lauriver.  I've been dreading the possibility, and theorizing about it happening.  FYI, I've played devil's advocate a number of times because so many people here seem convinced that's never going to happen.  Mostly I've just been speculating based on spoilers.  I don't think I've "twisted" the information provided anymore than anyone else here has.

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 2

Sweat is one smell, I would think being dead for a year is another smell entirely. But I guess we can go with "magic" or the Lazarus Pits smell like Lavender or something.  


Is that "rough patch" bringing Sara back from the dead? I'm imaging that scene like this. Laurel calls Oliver and tells him they need his help with something at their apartment. Oliver is reluctant to go, until Thea comes on the line saying they really need him to come over. Oliver and Felicity arrive, Laurel opens the door and they walk inside and see Thea, then look over and see Sara sitting on the couch or if she's violent tied to a chair struggling to get out. That's where I think SA wishes he was on channel that allowed swearing because you know that would be a situation where a "What the fuck?" is called for. 

Edited by Sakura12
  • Love 4

To quote Clueless, "that was way harsh".


I haven't been "deadset" that they're going to kill off Felicity/Olicity to make way for Lauriver.  I've been dreading the possibility, and theorizing about it happening.  FYI, I've played devil's advocate a number of times because so many people here seem convinced that's never going to happen.  Mostly I've just been speculating based on spoilers.  I don't think I've "twisted" the information provided anymore than anyone else here has.


I think what Morrigan meant was that you seem convinced/worried/whatever (and you have for a long time) that O/F are just a precursor to O/L version whatever.0, and will be broken up (whether by death or natural causes) in order to make that happen. As such, when any information comes out about Oliver and Laurel (like MG's Tumblr answer), you interpret that information in a pro O/L way. And you seem to be aware you're  doing that, just based on your "think I'm still being overly pessimistic?" question.


The show was always going to get them on friendlier terms and move them on from the past, which seems like is happening. But "close" and "more friendly" could mean anything, considering the only information either one of them seems to have about the other is what's going on in Oliver's bones. 

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 11

FYI, I've played devil's advocate a number of times because so many people here seem convinced that's never going to happen.


I'm convinced it's never gonna happen right now. My conviction is always in the present. If/when I see clues onscreen [and not from BTS chatter either], coming from Oliver/Stephen Amell [Laurel/KC don't count] I'll start worrying, and tell you you were right from the start.


As it is, right now, whenever I read your devil's advocates, I feel like you're tempting fate just by putting it out there. It's an irrational response on my part, but there you go.

  • Love 5

To quote Clueless, "that was way harsh".


I haven't been "deadset" that they're going to kill off Felicity/Olicity to make way for Lauriver.  I've been dreading the possibility, and theorizing about it happening.  FYI, I've played devil's advocate a number of times because so many people here seem convinced that's never going to happen.  Mostly I've just been speculating based on spoilers.  I don't think I've "twisted" the information provided anymore than anyone else here has.

I apologize because I truly did not intend to upset or offend you.  I think @apinkknightmare explained it better than I did.  

  • Love 2

To quote Clueless, "that was way harsh".


I haven't been "deadset" that they're going to kill off Felicity/Olicity to make way for Lauriver.  I've been dreading the possibility, and theorizing about it happening.  FYI, I've played devil's advocate a number of times because so many people here seem convinced that's never going to happen.  Mostly I've just been speculating based on spoilers.  I don't think I've "twisted" the information provided anymore than anyone else here has.


You're not the only one, i've seen people doing it in other places. I normally don't think about it at all because of a few factors. Spec away, i enjoy reading all kinds of specs.

Honestly it doesn't matter, i wouldn't be watching Arrow anymore, and if they need to kill FS to move into the Loliver territory i would be long gone anyway

  • Love 3

I've only seen a couple of people on here who are 100% convinced O/L will never happen again. I think anything is possible on this show, particularly one that goes on longer than 5 seasons. These writers love that sort of contrived romantic drama and that's exactly what it would be - Oliver bouncing between Laurel and Felicity because trust me, if they don't kill off Felicity to make O/L happen (legit the only reason she would be killed off, apparently Laurel needs all the help that way), they'll still dangle the possibility of Olicity getting back together and this crap will be never ending and gross.


But honestly, I haven't seen anything ON SCREEN that remotely even hints at O/L. I don't see any shippy moments, but then I certainly never saw the supposedly shippy moments from s3 either. And I don't count the idea of O/L becoming more friendly as a hint either, especially when the guy is loved up with Felicity. Honestly, I can see O/L having a friendly scene and then Oliver will go home to Felicity's bed. Fine by me!


The only reason for this little cloud of doubt hanging over us is because comics which is understandable but also kind of ridiculous because putting Laurel in the BC mask doesn't erase O/L's gross history or the fact that SA and KC have zero romantic chemistry. And until we start to see any hints of it on screen, I don't think Olicity fans should worry. 


Oh, and remember when MG answered a tumblr ask about O/L in s3 and he said that they were the closest they've ever been? Where and when did that happen? Seriously, sometimes MG says things but what appears on screen is completely different from their intention. Eh. *shrugs*

The BC born Dinah Laurel Lance and GA Oliver Queen ended not as a couple

And DC did allow Chloe to get with Green Arrow Oliver on Smallville.

So GA and BC aren't always together.

The new BC was born Dinah Drake and married her Lance. No matter if they get her with Oliver, she's not our Born Dinah Laurel Lance.

And Laurel and Oliver do need a better relationship. Right now it's not even believable they work together. Imo.

  • Love 3

I'd contribute to the Oliver and Laurel discussion but so many already covered what I would say and probably better anyway.

Even with Ray coming back, I'm looking forward to 4x06. It looks like a really fun episode. Does it look like SA had he's lisp on that scene with Curtis?

I'm curious if they built Laurel/Thea a set or if they are just repurposing another one.

  • Love 2

To quote Clueless, "that was way harsh".


I haven't been "deadset" that they're going to kill off Felicity/Olicity to make way for Lauriver.  I've been dreading the possibility, and theorizing about it happening.  FYI, I've played devil's advocate a number of times because so many people here seem convinced that's never going to happen.  Mostly I've just been speculating based on spoilers.  I don't think I've "twisted" the information provided anymore than anyone else here has.

Look at it this way: if it happens, why will you care...you'll have turned off the tv at the first L/O longing glance (as will I).  


(Also, they have to have them become friendly again, otherwise it continues to make zero sense that she's even on the show.)

  • Love 3

From the Hollywood Reporter article posted in the LoT's forum (media thread)...

After Sara Lance's (Caity Lotz) upcoming resurrection on Arrow, she is "haunted, lethal, and searching for some sort of connection," Klemmer teased.

Ray Palmer (Brandon Routh) is currently presumed dead on Arrow, as well. "Hopefully he's welcomed back if he chooses to show himself again," Routh said. "Or maybe he's in terrible peril." Either way, Routh acknowledged "there's still some stuff that needs to be worked out" on-screen with the Atom suit before he takes on full-time hero duties on Legends of Tomorrow.


It sounds like Sara is not entirely back to her former self when she leaves Arrow and moves to LoT.


I'm going to guess that Ray will die if he stays miniaturized for too long.  So Felicity to the rescue.

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 2

From the Hollywood Reporter article posted in the LoT's forum (media thread)...


It sounds like Sara is not entirely back to her former self when she leaves Arrow and moves to LoT.


That makes sense to me. Even though Barry was introduced on Arrow, they basically started all over again with The Flash so I can kind of see them doing the same thing on LoT. The repercussions of Sara getting resurrected is going to be a big part of her characterization now so I don't expect her to ever be her former self completely.

I don't know "haunted, lethal and searching for a connection" sounds like how Sara was in season 2. The haunted and lethal part might be upped because Laurel brought her back from the dead. Which still makes me wonder how the sister's relationship is going to be better after that, with Laurel piling even more trauma on top of Sara.

Marc Guggenheim posted this on Twitter.  An action sequence from this Wednesday's episode. Love how MOST of the talk is ALL about Olicity and Diggle. This show if they mess with this gold mine than they're just STUPID no other word could explain it.





Edited by Ann Mack
  • Love 5

I'm glad that we are going to see Laurel/Thea interact outside of their costumese instead of just being told about it. I'm guessing they are re-purposing the apartment her apartment from when they redid it for the China storyline last season.


How many times can Laurel/Olivers friendship hit a roughpatch before having to be patched up? The two really shouldn't have any drama this season and just be moving in the right direction. But I am glad they are moving into a lighter space with the two of them, Laurel needs more lighter/funnier moments to outweigh all the dramatic stuff they give her. 

  • Love 1

Ah, the magic zipline scene is the next episode, then. And looks like it is the requisite BC cool moment with admiring reaction shot from another character.

Yeah its sort of a desperate attempt for approval to have Oliver standing back smiling. I guess this is the show way of saying he sees the improvement and she has come into her own. I'm at a whatever they have to sell the character because some well probably most still are not buying her as the "Black Canary". I just hope the sell job does NOT come at the expense of the other characters. Quickest way to destroy any warm and fuzzy feelings for Black Canary is by character assassination of another beloved character, just saying.. 

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