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In Jewish religious tradition, the children take the mother's faith so Felicity's father doesn't have to be Jewish at all and her pointing out her heritage could be her distancing herself from Dad.  

Very true, esp in the religious tradition it is generally passed through the maternal line. My Aunt who is Christian married a Jewish man and had 4 children. The guy turned out to be a dirtbag/asshole/jerk and treated them pretty badly. He abandoned them multiple times, but would still come around every often (generally to ask my aunt for money). My Aunt is a very forgiving woman, but eventually she was able to divorce him & luckily got remarried to an amazing man. But regardless, my cousins felt it was important to honor their father's traditions and have kept up their Jewish customs to this day. So maybe that's why I thought that Felicity's Dad may be Jewish. It just hit a little close to home with my cousins trying to hold onto something/anything from a parent that has hurt them & walked away. It sometimes is a way to cope with the sense of loss they feel. A way to identify with a part of themselves. But you're right, there is nothing that indicates that Felicity's Dad is or has to be Jewish. So I guess we can speculate away & be hopefully pleasantly surprised with who they choose.

Also Martin Stein, which is why I was convinced Spy Daddy was her father till MG said no.

Still bummed we won't be able to get Spy Daddy. Victor Garber is just an amazing on screen Daddy and has proven he can play a complicated relationship with his daughter in Alias. Good thing they have him in the spin-off, since he is really the only guaranteed reason I am tuning in.

Oh Gods. Don't tell me we will find out that Rays father is Felicity's father.

Oh my goodness, just NO! I can handle a significant amount of Soapiness. But I draw the line at incest, even if it is unintentional by the participants. The writers know the family trees, so there is no excuse.

I just can't see Oliver agreeing to marry Felicity if he thinks he's about to be locked away in the life of the LoA.  He wouldn't do that, wouldn't take away her option to find someone new and start over.  Of course this would be the point where Felicity proclaims there is no one else for her and the wedding is her way of giving "fate" the finger.  


I still can't make it work in my head.  Too contrived.  I also go back to a comment MG once made when someone suggested a marriage to get the spousal privilege.  I swear he said that would be clever or something like that which sounded close to patting themselves on the back.  

I think the marriage would only happen after he defeated Ras & left LoA, i.e. in the Season Finale. I believe SA said that the jet scene was not connected to the bedroom scene. So I don't think the wedding would occur on the jet or have anything to do with bedroom, Ras plan or immunity. I think it would honestly be OQ finally deciding to live. It would also be the show trying to be bold & crazy. It would also be a smart decision to help silence/please the vocal Olicity contingent. By putting the wedding in the finale, the show avoids months & months of social media harassment about when & how the wedding is gonna happen whenever they decide to make them engaged. Plus their relationship has been non-traditional from the start. They have spent nearly every night together for the past 2 yrs or so and have proven on multiple occasions they are willing to die for each other, so its not that far of a stretch that they might just seize the moment and get married spontaneously.

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Honestly, there is a part of me that would adore an Olicity wedding and just bank on the hopes that TPTB were finally ready to put relationship angst on the backburner and let other stuff drive the stories but I don't have that kind of faith in me.   I know an established relationship could work wonderfully if they would just commit to doing it but would they????

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I think the marriage would only happen after he defeated Ras & left LoA, i.e. in the Season Finale. I believe SA said that the jet scene was not connected to the bedroom scene. So I don't think the wedding would occur on the jet or have anything to do with bedroom, Ras plan or immunity. I think it would honestly be OQ finally deciding to live. It would also be the show trying to be bold & crazy. It would also be a smart decision to help silence/please the vocal Olicity contingent. By putting the wedding in the finale, the show avoids months & months of social media harassment about when & how the wedding is gonna happen whenever they decide to make them engaged. Plus their relationship has been non-traditional from the start. They have spent nearly every night together for the past 2 yrs or so and have proven on multiple occasions they are willing to die for each other, so its not that far of a stretch that they might just seize the moment and get married spontaneously.


If they marry them in the finale, though, that'll be another five months of relationship development that fans won't be able to see (unless they don't follow what they've done in the past and go with no time jump). I think at that point, Olicity fans will get really, really pissed off. I know I would be. As much as I enjoyed the Olicity arc in the Arrow 2.5 comics, I've let Guggenheim and company know that those were things I wanted to see on the screen, not in the comics.

  • Love 5

If they marry them in the finale, though, that'll be another five months of relationship development that fans won't be able to see (unless they don't follow what they've done in the past and go with no time jump). I think at that point, Olicity fans will get really, really pissed off. I know I would be. As much as I enjoyed the Olicity arc in the Arrow 2.5 comics, I've let Guggenheim and company know that those were things I wanted to see on the screen, not in the comics.

I would also be upset if they put everything in the comics. But that is the potential whether they get married or not. Even if they just pursue a relationship at the end of the season, we could miss that development as well. So long as the comics exist to fill the time between the finale & the premiere, the writers have the potential to bury whatever parts of the show they want to. I wish the comics can out during the hiatus, so at least it would make sense chronologically & fill the gap. So hopefully, they find some way to not do that again. Not having a time jump during the summer would make the most amount of sense. But if they got married, I'm just gonna assume that they are on an extended honeymoon until Sept. Unfortunately, due to the nature of network & censors that honeymoon is not able to be shown. It is the CW & not cable, so most of those scenes would never make it to air. Its not Outlander or GOT, that's why we have our imaginations.

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Honestly, there is a part of me that would adore an Olicity wedding and just bank on the hopes that TPTB were finally ready to put relationship angst on the backburner and let other stuff drive the stories but I don't have that kind of faith in me. I know an established relationship could work wonderfully if they would just commit to doing it but would they????

Yeah, I just have this feeling that an Olicity wedding this season would end up being the kiss of death for that pairing in the long run. These writers are too fond of drama. They would either let them have a season of married bliss before killing Felicity off to provide more Oliver angst, or somehow else horribly break them up. You don't marry your endgame pairing off like that this early in a show's run. It just doesn't happen. Especially not on this kind of show. The only reason I could see them doing an Olicity wedding now is if they are not, in fact, the endgame pairing, and....yeah. Let's just say I'd be really surprised they would play that card this early.

Edited by Starfish35
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I sort of have a theory... So I'm back to guessing Felicity will be the one in need of the LP (we did see her in danger in the promo for episode 19 and Ray did look sad in the extended promo. Maybe Felicity is really hurt?). I'm back to believing this because it sort of makes sense in my head (although what makes me believe that Thea might be the one biting the dust would be the fact that Malcolm is there too... Then again, Thea might go to support Oliver even though she doesn't know Felicity and Malcolm might go under the guise of supporting Oliver but has his own nefarious plan).

Note I'm not saying that Felicity will die. I honestly think that it's Akio who's gonna die in the flashback which will mirror Oliver almost losing Felicity (or maybe Thea/Roy) in present day. I'm just saying that Felicity will be close to the point of death.

This makes sense to me because the guy who directed episode 20 said SA knocked that scene out of the park and not SA and EBR. You'd think he'd mention both because both actors play off each other really well but maybe SA stood out because EBR barely has any lines in the jet because Felicity is injured and doesn't speak a lot. This moment would also allow SA to shine as an actor because he'd be able to portray so many emotions in this scene.

Also maybe Felicity getting injured is also why she's not staying behind in Starling helping laurel and Ray save the city?

Anyways, Oliver will probably sacrifice his life for Felicity's. When she wakes up she'll find out what Oliver had done and go to him which will end up with them having sex and saying goodbye to one another because I honestly can't think of Oliver and Felicity having sex while he's worried about Thea or Roy's survival if they're the ones in need of the LP.

I'd also like to note that SA said that Felicity isn't the only woman Oliver is trying to save... But then I look back this season and wonder... When had Oliver tried to save Felicity this season? He hasn't, at least not to my knowledge. He has, however, tried to save Thea multiple times. So maybe this is the moment Oliver tries to save Felicity.

Anyways. This is probably completely wrong :p

Edited by wonderwall
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I really, really don't want to get my hopes up but in the NZ promo it looks like Felicity saves herself...which is always preferable.


I know many here wanted Oliver to save her, and dreaded Ray saving her.   I also know many Olicity fans were hoping it was Oliver controlling the suit saving Felicity but I have always stood firm in my hopes that Felicity save herself (when in a reasonable situation). I don't expect Felicity to go hand to hand with an LoA assassin but use her brain or use the villain's arrogance/ego against them.


So, please, please let it be the case that Felicity escapes Deathbolt on her own

  • Love 13

I sort of have a theory... So I'm back to guessing Felicity will be the one in need of the LP


The only reason I don't think so is because in the BTS pic that KC posted of her during filming of the airplane hangar scene, she had her hair done and full makeup on, lipstick and everything. Felicity's on point even in the worst of times, but I'm not sure she'd be able to reapply her gloss while clinging to life by a thread. :) 


SA could still be the one doing most of the talking in the jet, even if Felicity isn't hurt. Especially if he breaks down and gets emotional. 

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Felicity - I enjoy when Felicity saves herself. I am happy when Oliver is there to help her. Like in 201, when she bashed the head of one of the fake Arrows, saving her & Oliver - before the tarzan jump out the window. Similarly, I enjoyed in Origin of FS when OQ showed up, but it was her that took Cooper down. They are partners, and therefore on multiple occasions save one another. FS being a damsel in distress or always needing saving just doesn't fit in my head canon. I also enjoy that she never willingly puts herself in danger, but is able to somehow fight her way out of it (primarily using her brains) despite not having a mask. Some of the other characters (ex. LL, Thea, & s2 RH) put themselves in danger, so its not always as rewarding to watch them either be rescued or fight their way out of it, because I'm always like you should have never done it in the first place. So I do hope that in 319, FS is able to fully participate in saving herself. I also think that scene of OQ remotely working RP will count as OQ saving FS moment for 3b.


LP - My money is still on Thea. 1. Ras shows up at her house, broken wine glass to remind us of DJ assassin 2. the released shots of MM & OQ behind the priestess over what appears to be a pool. 3. BTS photos of WH getting fitted for a mask, either a hero mask or a heavy make-up mask perhaps for CGI during LP scenes. 4. OQ has officially linked Akio with the memory of his sister while they were roaming through the gardens. The non-action flashbacks generally are for relationship parallels. If Akio is passing in the FB, the parallel connection in the present would be Thea. So Im still thinking Thea..


Akio - I will be shocked if Akio survives this season. Trust me, I don't enjoy the thought of him dying. It's quite tragic & sad. But if everything building up to this moment does not include his death, consider me officially impressed with writers made something so obvious & then took a hard turn. Almost a reverse cliffhanger/gamechanger.

Edited by kismet
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That's why I'm hoping that after the dust clears with the whole LOA/Ra's thing (if it does end this season), Felicity gets kidnapped by her Evil Dad! Or something that would keep her and Oliver apart while "Arrow" is not on TV :)

This. Can we please put the relationship on hiatus *during hiatus* instead of during the season?

  • Love 9

I think Akio lives and Maseo dies by the end of the season.  Specifically, I think Akio gets LPd.  Definitely think it's Thea in present day.


Oliver puppeteering Ray is literally the only thing I've been interested in watching since I quit after The Climb.  I was interested in the love scene until I really thought about the unbearable GD angst that will be part of/following that.  I cannot take the angst.  Real life is difficult enough; I don't need constant misery in my entertainment.  So at the end of the season I'm watching the puppeteering scene and, assuming the season has a happy ending, the final episode (and F. 22, because of the hero faceoff).  That's it for me for this whole season, ever.

A few days ago, MG posted that they just shot a Laurel/Tatsu interaction and then he posted that there was a lot more Tatsu coming up.  I've been trying to figure out how this would happen.  Tatsu would have to meet Laurel either in Starling City or in Nanda Parbat.  Could Tatsu be with the LOA as well, or does she come to Starling City?  Are Tatsu and Maseo together again, or are they still separated?  Did I miss something?

A few days ago, MG posted that they just shot a Laurel/Tatsu interaction and then he posted that there was a lot more Tatsu coming up.  I've been trying to figure out how this would happen.  Tatsu would have to meet Laurel either in Starling City or in Nanda Parbat.  Could Tatsu be with the LOA as well, or does she come to Starling City?  Are Tatsu and Maseo together again, or are they still separated?  Did I miss something?

I'm waiting on that one, someone asked for Tatsu/Laurel scenes and MG responded they just shot something.  However, we know from both Rila and KC that there was a group scene filmed on a mountain somewhere, including Diggle, Felicity, MM, Tatsu and Laurel.  So I'm thinking it's one in the same.  As for where it was, very hard to tell because 22-23 haven't had much spoilers yet.  They could have gone back to NP to try and "rescue" Oliver or maybe Nyssa?

Death & Lazarus Pits - Thea


I think Felicity is going to save herself with the help of ATOM.  He'll shoot rays from his suit which will allow the steam to erupt thus allowing Felicity to free herself from Deathbolt.  Deathbolt defeats ATOM.  (See shot of Deathbolt holding tincanman.)  Ray has his "am I a hero" crisis.  Felicity convinces Oliver to help Ray program his suit to fight.  Cue Deathbolt vs ATOM round 2.  This round ATOM is victorious. 


I have to wonder if the Ray & Felicity breakup doesn't happen until 3.20, right before she gets on the jet with Oliver.  IIRC, when asked about Oliciters' feelings on 3.19 I believe the answer was WTF.  Everyone is expecting a break-up in 3.19.  I wonder if she is still attempting to choose Ray because Oliver is terminally unattainable but the situation with Thea/Ra's/Oliver has her deciding his availability isn't what is important.

I expect the jet scene to be an emotional Oliver scene. The "object of his affection" is going to be who he opens up to. These are the scenes SA seems to really love. One of his favorite scenes from S2 is 2.20 - Moira's death. The director may have responded as he did about SA nailing it simply because SA said it was his favorite scene and is no reflection on EBR's role in the scene.


Regarding who is getting married, I don't really know but I could see them going with Oliver & Felicity for a lot of reasons which I have stated previously.  I am only going to add this. MG has referred to their relationship several times as "lower case r".  He has emphasized that on a couple of occasions.  To me that is his way of saying it's not that important to them.  It is just one of many relationships on the show.  While it would be nice, I don't expect to see dating, engagement, marriage preparations in show. Their target demo is male.  MG has also said that Team Arrow is usually happy between May and October (hiatus).  Finally, if I understood correctly, something happens to or with Diggle in the finale that is almost irreparable.  If they are setting up Oliver and Diggle angst then at the very least I would expect Oliver and Felicity to have worked out their problems at this point.

Edited by Sunshine
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Yeah, I'm thinking 320 opens with Oliver running through the hospital corridors. And then Thea dies, and Ra's magically appears and hands Oliver the Lazarus Pit save in exchange for becoming his heir.


In this scenario, 319 would end with Ra's shish kabobbing Thea.

Yes, that seems to be the case, we know that SA posted the picture of him with the camera harness in the Hospital set on the first day of filming for 320.  So Thea getting "killed" should be the 319 cliffy.  Oliver showing up at the hospital and Ra's making him an offer he can't refuse is the start of 320.  Oliver gets his affairs in order and leaves for NP (with or without asking Dig/Fel to go with - I still think Dig/Fel will show up on their own saying they're not letting Oliver go alone).  Then you have the plane scene, sex scene, branding scene, probably LP scene and goodbye scene

  • Love 2

Yeah, I'm thinking 320 opens with Oliver running through the hospital corridors. And then Thea dies, and Ra's magically appears and hands Oliver the Lazarus Pit save in exchange for becoming his heir.


In this scenario, 319 would end with Ra's shish kabobbing Thea.


Yeah, I'm leaning toward this scenario. The New Zealand promo shows Ra's showing up at Thea's loft, and he could be there to kill her. Although, would that really elicit a WTF? I guess if you're a casual viewer. But for us fans who've been theorizing a Thea death for months, I don't know that it's going to pull much of a reaction (unless they do something unusual in the killing).


Edited because promo did NOT show Ra's killing her. I missed a few words in between.

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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Oliver showing up at the hospital and Ra's making him an offer he can't refuse is the start of 320.  


I so want Oliver to look into Thea's room and see Ra's standing there dressed like a surgeon. Bonus points if he's holding a syringe full of air in one hand and Thea's IV in the other with an evil, amused glint in his eyes.

A dude in his 40s with an Australian accent is shish-kebabing Oliver's female relative.

What season is this again?

Anyway. So 320 opens in the hospital, so we have to get the offer from Ra's, get to the airport, have the plane scene, have the Fckening...which means it will probably end with the post-Fckening parting of the ways, or else the actual ritual thing...or is it possible the ritual thing is in 321? 


That seems like a lot, but then again they blast through things that seem like they should be given attention and lag on things nobody cares about.

Edited by ostentatious
  • Love 9

A dude in his 40s with an Australian accent is shish-kebabing Oliver's female relative.

What season is this again?

Anyway. So 320 opens in the hospital, so we have to get the offer from Ra's, get to the airport, have the plane scene, have the Fckening...which means it will probably end with the post-Fckening parting of the ways, or else the actual ritual thing...or is it possible the ritual thing is in 321? 


That seems like a lot, but then again they blast through things that seem like they should be given attention and lag on things nobody cares about.

I would also add the resurrection of probably Thea. And if you are like me, you are still hoping 'takes matters into her own hands' means a confrontation between Felicity and Ra's.


This episode is starting to sound like The Calm. Really busy.

How are they out of ideas this quickly?  The origin story of the Green Arrow has so much potential, it was set up so well, and now...thud.


"If Oliver doesn't join the League until 3x20, when what's with that scene that seemed to be his branding in the sizzle reel that also showed up in the 3x19 promo (minus the actual brand)? The one where Oliver seems to be in a League area based on the smoke and flickering light and he's quaking?"


The most likely answer is probably that including it for epi 19 was just an error. 

Edited by AyChihuahua

I would also add the resurrection of probably Thea. And if you are like me, you are still hoping 'takes matters into her own hands' means a confrontation between Felicity and Ra's.


This episode is starting to sound like The Calm. Really busy.


I thought we thought taking matters in hand meant showing up at Oliver's room. 


Does the description say she takes matters with Ra's into her own hands? 


Even if it is showing up at Oliver's room, just making sure her presence is felt and actually giving him something to DEFINITELY live as Oliver for...

Edited by ostentatious

The description just says, "a heartbroken Felicity takes matters into her own hands." So, it could be showing up at Oliver's room. I'm hoping it's something more than that. MG did say that she stands up to someone even scarier than MM, so I'm assuming it's Ra's. Right when Oliver's about to hand his life over to him seems as good a time as any to do that.

Edited by apinknightmare
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If Oliver doesn't join the League until 3x20, when what's with that scene that seemed to be his branding in the sizzle reel that also showed up in the 3x19 promo (minus the actual brand)? The one where Oliver seems to be in a League area based on the smoke and flickering light and he's quaking?

Maybe the branding is like a signing of his commitment letter to joining the league. You know when you get into college or some special program and you have to send a check & commitment letter back. The branding is his commitment & security deposit all in one. Its his LoA passport/ID card. He has a hospital scene somewhere around the branding. Before if Thea is in the hospital, after if Roy is in the hospital. Then he gets his affairs in order again & boards the jet. TA is on board to help with the Thea resurrection/LP. OQ finally emotionally breaks down. Maybe FS love confession? They land in NP, security at NP asks to see his branded ID and they grant him admission into the NP headquarters. Team Arrow gets a day pass to visit & resurrect Thea from the dead. Priestess does her thing. The bedroom scene happens, sad goodbyes the next day, training commences for OQ & secret take down LoA planning begins for TA. End episode 321. Preview to 322 ~ Is OQ brainwashed? Is he working an angle? Why is his hair shorter? and Why is he appearing to be so evil all of the sudden?

Edited by kismet
  • Love 2

I don't know why that scene (the branding) turned up in the 319 promo, but I can't see how it could possibly be in that episode. The timeline just doesn't work. The part about Ra's making Oliver an offer he can't refuse comes in 320, so there's no reason for it to happen prior to that. I think it was probably just carelessness on the part of the promo people.

Edited by Starfish35
  • Love 3

Maybe the branding is like a signing of his commitment letter to joining the league. You know when you get into college or some special program and you have to send a check & commitment letter back. The branding is his commitment & security deposit all in one.


Yeah, but the summary for 3x20 says that Ra's makes Oliver an offer he can't refuse (the offer of the Lazarus Pit to bring back Thea or whoever dies), so why would he commit before that happens? 

I don't know why that scene (the branding) turned up in the 319 promo, but I can't see how it could possibly be in that episode. The timeline just doesn't work. The part about Ra's making Oliver an offer he can't refuse comes in 320, so there's no reason for it to happen prior to that. I think it was probably just carelessness on the part of the promo people.

How dare you question the thoroughness of the CW promo department!?! They have an absolutely flawless reputation of getting everything right all of the time! I mean they fact check & double check every single piece of information they release! (I hope the sarcasm is coming through...) It could likely be a promo dept error. :)


Or the branding is the cliffhanger in 319, I mean if Thea dies in 319 there really is no need to send her to the hospital. The hospital can't bring back the dead, esp if you want no permanent record of her death. This is the same group of people that never brought Sara to the hospital or her death to the attention of family/SCPD. Plus, I still think its gonna be Roy in the hospital. So maybe the offer comes in the end of 319/beginning of 320. Not to defend the promo department but maybe the film was mislabel or the official episode edits were done after they pieced together the promo reel, so they were working with misinformation.

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