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Last week's ep was such a nice departure from the new norm, I just don't want them at odds again. 


Although I do hope that Felicity tells Oliver something along the lines of, "Just because you think you can't do both doesn't mean he can't."

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Wait, Felicity sides with Palmer wanting to take down the Arrow? What? That makes no sense.


I think that lead may be misleading? EBR is talking about supporting Palmer in his superheroing, in the direct quotes from her. But her answer is not really about him going up against Oliver, it's about him using the suit, and she's supportive of that.

Edited by dancingnancy
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Wait, Felicity sides with Ray wanting to take down the Arrow? What? That makes no sense.


I think that lead may be misleading? EBR is talking about supporting Ray in his superheroing, in the direct quotes from her. But her answer is not really about him going up against Oliver, it about him using the suit, and she's supportive of that.


Yeah, paired with the comment that the newbie vigilantes aren't so trained, and EBR saying that they need the help that Felicity's siding with Ray in her fight with Oliver, who I assume says he can't take the risk (because he doesn't think that he can) or something.

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She does end up supporting it because we need it, but she’s nervous and anxious because he’s out in the field and he’s in danger,” Emily Bett Rickards says. “It’s a friend and it’s someone she knows and is growing to love. You’re putting your teammate in danger, so she doesn’t necessarily feel gung-ho.”


So, by the end of the episode she will be ok with Ray going after Arrows? Is Palmer her teammate? Or is Oliver her teammate? Because if she is talking about Ray, then he is putting himself in danger and she knew it all along and went with that because she thought she could control Ray. And I cannot stress how much I don't like the storyline of "Felicity is worried and nervous because he is out in the field" Well, then she should tell him to get proper training before being an idiot. If she "grows to love" him so much, it is the least she could do for him.

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Felicity sides with Ray about using his suit but then he gets injured in the next episode. Haha. What. This is all just proving Oliver right and I thought one of the whole points of Raylicity was to show Oliver that he's wrong and he can have it all. I'm confused. 

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LMAO Natalie Abrams is the worst when it comes to misleading people. I don't take anything she says seriously to be honest. Even her direct quotes are twisted to make it misleading... smh IDK how she does that but it's apparently a gift

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Ray going after Oliver will not make him any more liked than the general apathy bordering on irritation that seems to be the consensus on him so far. Felicity supporting Ray going after Oliver will turn yet more people on the character, because everyone is fully aware that she would just fucking know better than to do that. Egregiously bad writing, if it comes to pass.


These idiots seem perfectly happy to throw anyone under the bus to prop up their agenda characters, huh?

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Felicity supporting Ray going after Oliver 


She's not supporting Ray going after Oliver, she's supporting Ray being out in the field in his suit (which it seems like Oliver and Diggle will be against, if the interviews that came out today are anything to go by). 

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All this is just making me think Felicity is going to be super worried/upset about Ray getting injured in 318 and I really don't want to see that tbh. 

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So these spoilers really irk me about the whole R/F/O tension over the suit and having it all. I think I finally figured out what irritates me the most about the whole situation. I think the only reason that the EPs are harping about this "love" between RP & FS is because she is a female. I believe that they feel she just can't have a casual sexual relationship with RP without her having growing love. I never got the feeling that love was a priority during the Sara/Oliver thing last season. I believed they cared about each other, but there was no growing love between them. It was a matter of comfort between them, not this fated in the stars rom-com pairing that they are trying to make R/F out to be. I get they wanted to postpone O/F and give FS an opportunity for a life outside of Arrow, but that doesn't mean they have to hang on to these cliches that they have been throwing out. Nothing in R/F interactions to me have indicated that they have a blossoming love, so lets just call it what it is 2 grown adults working closely together that are physically attracted to each other and acting on impulse. I think the love word is being thrown in too casually into all of the discussion about their "thing". Of course FS is gonna side with RP's suit, she helped build it she probably wants it to succeed. Of course OQ is gonna be more jealous of the ATOM than RP, he's getting it all. Once Again, RP can do no wrong - he truly does walk in the light doesn't he? But lets not throw in words like "growing love" just to make it seem more important than what it might be, just because its a female character choosing to have agency and pursue a romantic opportunity. Nobody tossed around growing love when OQ was hooking up with any of his LIs (s1&2), why do we have to do it for FS? Sorry for the rant, it just got under my skin the way they talk about R&F in the media and countlessly fail to show that in what they write/show on the screen.

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Felicity is 'growing to love' Ray? Please tell me they're kidding me with this shit. Haha, I knew last week's high wouldn't last. Oh well.


It kinda of undermines everything that they’ve been building with Olicity IMO for the last years. My fault for getting excited in the 1st place about the episode and the remaining of the season I guess. 

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And speaking of Lyla and Diggle, they’re going to be affected in a very serious way by Ra’s al Ghul, because no one is off limits to him getting what he wants. In an upcoming episode, they will be touched in a personal way.


I somehow skipped over this earlier but I don't like it. I'm guessing this maybe relates to what changes Diggle and Oliver's relationship forever but JFC can no one be happy on this show? I don't want Ra's to go after Lyla or baby Sara. UGH. It's all so depressing. 



It kinda of undermines everything that they’ve been building with Olicity IMO for the last years. My fault for getting excited in the 1st place about the episode and the remaining of the season I guess. 



I agree. They've had such a great slow build and their romance is based in friendship, loyalty, trust and communication, but then suddenly Felicity is falling in love with some guy she's known a few months. I know that happens but it doesn't line up with how they've presented Olicity this season, at least to me. In some way, however much she didn't want to, she was still hanging on and hoping for more with Oliver as far as 312 so this 'growing to love' crap doesn't sit right with me.

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As much as it pains me to say and as unbelievable as it sounds to me, for whatever reason, Felicity cares about Ray. It's obvious she's going to be worried about him and judging by the fact that he gets injured in episode 18, she's right to do so. Ray is not Oliver. Ray can't defend himself like Oliver can and is relatively new to the vigilantism thing and can't fight. 


She's really giving moving on an honest to god try and I don't blame her for that because Oliver still hasn't gotten his head out of his ass and Felicity still believes that what Oliver said in episode 1 is true. Does it undermine Olicity? I don't think so because this is a separate issue. Felicity being with Ray has no effect on Felicity's feelings for Oliver and the friendship they built over the past two seasons. 


I guess I'll withhold my judgement until I watch the episode. But I gotta say, I'm not as excited about it anymore. Ray just sucks the life out of the show. 

Edited by wonderwall
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They are trying really hard to make Ray come across as a serious threat to Oliver where Felicity is concerned. I can't take the "growing to love" statement seriously when you know R. Palmer's going to peace out to the new spin off soon.

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Well, 'growing to love' and 'being in love with' are two different things. She even referred to him as a friend in the very same sentence. Not sure how much of this is EBR putting a spin on it and how much of this we're supposed to be getting from the show (because if I thought she was 'growing to love' Ray, all her interactions with Oliver last week kind of made me think Ray wasn't all that to her). Regardless of love or not love, she cares about the guy. I don't really think this undermines her and Oliver's relationship at all. 


I wish I cared about Ray even a little bit so this would at least be interesting instead of off-putting to me, haha.

Edited by apinknightmare
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She's not supporting Ray going after Oliver, she's supporting Ray being out in the field in his suit (which it seems like Oliver and Diggle will be against, if the interviews that came out today are anything to go by). 


Oh, so she's just arguing that an untrained person who has no experience of fighting criminals should be out in the field just because he's made a suit that may or may not help him fight criminals (not quite sure how it's supposed to help, to be honest. Does it make him stronger? Faster? Does it have totally-not-ripped-off-from-Iron-Man blasters in the gauntlets?)? That's much better.


If Oliver and Diggle are against it, then they're the only people being written with brains. I guess the characters on Arrow only get two or three brains to share between them all, and that episode will be the guys' turn.


Never mind that Oliver has been doing this for years and presumably knows a couple of things about being a vigilante that all these random costumed goons have yet to learn, I guess he's just not allowed to be right. If he didn't want Laurel to wear her dead sister's skin, and everyone disagreed with him, I'm sure his dislike of Ray zooming about in his power ranger costume will be portrayed as unreasonable in the face of Felicity's faith in her new love.

Edited by Danny Franks
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Oh, so she's just arguing that an untrained person who has no experience of fighting criminals should be out in the field just because he's made a suit that may or may not help him fight criminals (not quite sure how it's supposed to help, to be honest. Does it make him stronger? Faster? Does it have totally-not-ripped-off-from-Iron-Man blasters in the gauntlets?)? That's much better.



Yeah, seems like that's exactly what she's arguing, given they seem to be fighting a never-ending army of Arrow dopplegangers courtesy of Ra's. Maseo said that for every one Oliver took down that two more would take his place. In a situation like that, maybe an extra set of hands, even if it is an untrained set of hands, might be helpful? 


Edited to remove testiness! Sorry, mods.

Edited by apinknightmare
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I think as an actress, EBR needs to sell Raylicity for whatever plot point is coming up.  And yeah, I could see Felicity growing to love him, as she loves Roy and Diggle (except ewww to the idea of sleeping with either of them).


They also want the audience to see Ray as a serious option opposite Oliver and they can't do that if it's a FWB relationship.


Since everyone is okay with Laurel out in the field these days, why not Ray? The bar has really dropped lately.  At least he has a suit that protects him.



Amell says. “Oliver being someone else other than just himself is the precise reason why he doesn’t want to be involved with Felicity. He’s fine with Ray being involved with her, except if he’s The Atom, it creates the exact same set of problems.

Not for Ray.  He's not being the idiot.


Love how Oliver tries to control everyone.



Felicity is 'growing to love' Ray? Please tell me they're kidding me with this shit. Haha, I knew last week's high wouldn't last. Oh well.

Didn't they do this last season too?  They gave us a good episode (19 I think) after a bunch of bad ones, and then went back to the bad until ep 21.

Edited by statsgirl
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It just disheartening what should be an awesome episode, with Dyla and Sara, Deadshot & Cupid, a wedding!, Oliver in a tux with braces!!!!, and they kill it by forcing weird storylines like Ray officiating.

If Ray wasn't at the wedding at least I could enjoy it before the Arrow/Atom tension and maybe there would be some plausibility about Ray targeting Oliver since they wouldn't be together when the first murder happens.

Felicity siding with Ray as a vigilante is hopefully written as her subconsciously counteracting Oliver's martyr complex, more heroes, less burden on Oliver. If they acknowledge this in show I may even forgive some of the Laurel propping.

I think the episode will end on a positive note for Olicity based on the tweet for that PR person and SA's quote about favourites scene.

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Yeah, seems like that's exactly what she's arguing, given they seem to be fighting a never-ending army of Arrow dopplegangers courtesy of Ra's. Maseo said that for every one Oliver took down that two more would take his place. In a situation like that, maybe an extra set of hands, even if it is an untrained set of hands, might be helpful?


How is having some unproven yahoo with a dangerous, possibly weaponised suit going to help anyone in Starling City? Because Felicity says so? He wants to be helpful? He can stay in the lair and man the security cameras. Seems like a more suitable use for him.

Edited by Danny Franks
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It's Diggle's job to stay in the lair and man the security cameras this season. You didn't get the memo?


I see Felicity's point. If Laurel and even Roy are out there fighting, why not Ray?


I think the episode will end on a positive note for Olicity based on the tweet for that PR person and SA's quote about favourites scene.

Not to be a downer, but the PR person is prefers Laurel and SA's favourite scene with Susanna Thompson was the one where Oliver learns his baby died. If Oliver is all conflicted about Felicity's new boyfriend also being a vigilante, and Felicity is scared for him but loyal to his ideals, it could be really good for the actors (which is not to say that it's necessarily good for the fans).


I figure they're going to end the season on a positive Olicity note (hopefully they're not that stupid to end with Ray's proposal) but until then we'll get all sorts of nastiness thrown at them.

Edited by statsgirl
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And not every post criticising something Felicity does is an attempt to dig up the foundations of her ivory tower. How is having some unproven yahoo with a dangerous, possibly weaponised suit going to help anyone in Starling City? Because Felicity says so? He wants to be helpful? He can stay in the lair and man the security cameras. How about that?


I never said Felicity was right, but she does have a valid argument. There's something to be said for having extra help when you need it, depending on what you need it for. If they need the help and Ray has a weaponized suit (that he built and therefore probably knows how to use), then I can see her wondering what the harm is in him helping them fight criminals and fighting Oliver on not wanting Ray in the field, because it seems like part of Oliver's issue (per SA) is going to be that it's Ray, not necessarily that he's some unproven yahoo.

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I'm sort of expecting Oliver to give Palmer the same speech he gave Barry -- we can't do this and have a normal life, guys like us don't get the girl -- maybe add an "you're gonna hurt Felicity when you realize you can't have a life". And if Palmer sees right through Oliver's bullshit, it might actually give me the first glance of this dude having an actual personality. He apparently had it all with Anna, and it was taken from him because he couldn't DO anything back then... and now he can do something about it.


And someone needs to tell Oliver he's wrong about his dumb idea that having a life is a distraction. I wish it was Diggle, tbh, but Palmer will do.

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I think Oliver has seen and experienced too much, so for someone like Ray to say "you can have everything" and for it mean anything to him. Diggle, Barry, Pre-death Sara, saying it...maybe.

I think (fear) it will have to be something big to shake Oliver from his current mindset.

@statsgirl I could see neutral as the end note for Olicity and I agree about the PR lady's preference, but seem to be hopeful that we've reached rock bottom for this season, in terms of episode quality and enjoyability, and it can only go up from here. Hence better Olicity....Probably wrong.

Edited by Genki
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Okay based on what people have been saying here, here's what I think:


I totally get why people here are pessimistic about the latest news. I would be if I cared enough about this season? All I know is, Palmer is outta here and I don't care what happens now till then so it's easier to be optimistic about O/F :p

To those who are frustrated by the little rough patch O/F are going through, you don't know if they're not going to make progress in episode 17 like they did in episode 16. All we know is there's a little turbulence. None of you could've really have expected it to be smooth sailing from 16 onward right? As long as O/F end on good terms by the end of the episode, I'll be fine.

As for what EBR is selling in terms of Raylicity... I think what the EPs and EBR are selling and what's happening on screen is completely different. They say they want Felicity to have a choice, but is it really a choice between two men? Or is it a choice between the easy route or the more difficult route? IDK Regardless, I think that last episode made it clear that Felicity is just with Ray because she can't be with Oliver and is trying to move on. Imagine what would happen once Oliver gets his head out of his ass and starts fighting for her? Ray doesn't stand a chance.

I also think that if Felicity is okay with Laurel going out into the field with minimal training, so can Ray. Ray just needs help from the team which is what I think EBR was saying. I just don't understand why it's Felicity's responsibility to tell people to train when THEY are supposed to take initiative? Like Ray knew he wanted to fight crime yet didn't take any lessons in boxing or martial arts? That's on HIM. Not Felicity. Felicity is pretty much the exact opposite of Oliver. While Oliver is too controlling, Felicity isn't. She lets people make their own decisions.

Edited by wonderwall
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Felicity sides with Ray about using his suit but then he gets injured in the next episode. Haha. What. This is all just proving Oliver right and I thought one of the whole points of Raylicity was to show Oliver that he's wrong and he can have it all. I'm confused. 

Ray gets injured while NOT suited up.  So a separate issue.





I agree. They've had such a great slow build and their romance is based in friendship, loyalty, trust and communication, but then suddenly Felicity is falling in love with some guy she's known a few months. I know that happens but it doesn't line up with how they've presented Olicity this season, at least to me. In some way, however much she didn't want to, she was still hanging on and hoping for more with Oliver as far as 312 so this 'growing to love' crap doesn't sit right with me.

EBR's quote doesn't say she's falling in love with Palmer, just growing to love.  She can came to love him without what she feels for him outweighing what she feels for Oliver.  Of course she might pause and wonder if that's that best she's going to get if she can't be with Oliver and so she could consider Ray as a viable contender. 


I figure they're going to end the season on a positive Olicity note (hopefully they're not that stupid to end with Ray's proposal) but until then we'll get all sorts of nastiness thrown at them.

I think for all of MG's trolling (and I really think he is about an actual wedding or killing baby Sara) we might actually get a proposal from Ray.  Worse yet, I feel like I need to brace myself for the possibility that "for reasons" Felicity might accept.  Then I have to repeat over and over - Ray is going away, Ray is going away.  Whatever happens CAN'T last but it would be a grand way for MG to mess with our heads over the summer. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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There is literally nothing in the spoilers released regarding Oliver and Felicity that was wasn't spoiled at the beginning of the year. Oliver and Felicity go on a date, Oliver thinks he can't be both and they 'breakup,' Felicity meets Ray Palmer, Ray Palmer embraces the man and the hero, Oliver watches and learns. The only surprise is how late in the game it is being played. Also, Oliver being faced with Felicity dating his Mirror-Lite is one of the last steps.  I wish everything had been done better, but I really can't get worked up over what I already knew would happen.


I fully believe that this fight over Ray is going to have so little to do with Ray it won't even be funny. The whole thing is going to be ripe with subtext. 

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I think for all of MG's trolling (and I really think he is about an actual wedding or killing baby Sara) we might actually get a proposal from Ray.  Worse yet, I feel like I need to brace myself for the possibility that "for reasons" Felicity might accept.  Then I have to repeat over and over - Ray is going away, Ray is going away.  Whatever happens CAN'T last but it would be a grand way for MG to mess with our heads over the summer. 


I think that if the season ended with Felicity engaged to Ray it would lead to some viewers becoming less invested and questioning whether to bother watching season four over the summer.

Edited by nagevs85
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I think that if the season ended with Felicity engaged to Ray it would lead to some viewers becoming less invested and questioning whether to bother watching season four over the summer.

Me. That would be Me. 

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I also think that if Felicity is okay with Laurel going out into the field with minimal training, so can Ray. Ray just needs help from the team which is what I think EBR was saying. I just don't understand why it's Felicity's responsibility to tell people to train when THEY are supposed to take initiative? Like Ray knew he wanted to fight crime yet didn't take any lessons in boxing or martial arts? That's on HIM. Not Felicity. Felicity is pretty much the exact opposite of Oliver. While Oliver is too controlling, Felicity isn't. She lets people make their own decisions.

This. Also, it's not like Felicity is gonna start supporting Palmer in his superheroing in this episode. She's already been supporting the ATOM from the moment she gave him the right chip some... 4 or 5 episodes ago? She's already gone through the dilemma of Palmer putting himself in danger without having the proper skills for fighting, and she decided he had a better chance of not dying with her help. She said so, it's text and everything.

So the issue here isn't Felicity's support of Palmer, it's how Oliver's gonna react to the fact that the guy who's dating the woman he loves is also into vigilantism. And I'm guessing Oliver and Diggle might take issue with the fact that Felicity hasn't told them about it.

Plus: the official description says Felicity and Palmer hit a rough patch. That has got to do with Robotboy wanting to take down the Arrow, and Felicity not being down with that for obvious reasons.

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There is literally nothing in the spoilers released regarding Oliver and Felicity that was wasn't spoiled at the beginning of the year. Oliver and Felicity go on a date, Oliver thinks he can't be both and they 'breakup,' Felicity meets Ray Palmer, Ray Palmer embraces the man and the hero, Oliver watches and learns. The only surprise is how late in the game it is being played. Also, Oliver being faced with Felicity dating his Mirror-Lite is one of the last steps.  I wish everything had been done better, but I really can't get worked up over what I already knew would happen.

I'm upset because it's being played out so late. If the Raylicity stuff had happened earlier in the season, it would have given them time to start fixing things between Oliver and Felicity so they could end the season in better place than how they've spent all of season 3. As it stands right now, there is no time left to have them get close again romantically, (Oliver apparently spends episode 21 in Nanda Parbat and MG said that episode would not make Olicity fans happy) which pisses me off because what is the point of angsting the whole season if they don't leave some hope at the end?


I think that if the season ended with Felicity engaged to Ray it would lead to some viewers becoming less invested and questioning whether to bother watching season four over the summer.

If the season ends with Felicity engaged to Ray it would be an easy decision for me to not watch season 4. It's hard for me to quit the show right now, with new episodes coming out weekly and a shred of hope thrown here and there, but give me 4 months to think about how they've wasted my time this year twisting beloved characters into pretzels for plot!reasons and launching spinoffs, and I'll be sticking to my vow to not watch Arrow or anything these EPs get their hands on.

Edited by lemotomato
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I don't think people realize its not going to be as simple as Felicity sides with one man. She is going to get into it with both Oliver and Ray. I personally am looking forward to both confrontations. I want to watch Felicity rip into Ray for going after Arrow. And I want Felicity to call Oliver out.

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“It may not even be the only wedding you’ll see this year,” Guggenheim hints.

Say what? I don't like the sound of that. At all.

MG said this year and not this season, so It'll probably be in season 4. He's a big troll

Edited by Morena
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Ray gets injured while NOT suited up.  So a separate issue.



I didn't know he gets injured when he's not in the suit. I must have skipped that spoiler because it's Ray.


But wait, if he's not in the suit why does he question his ability to be a hero in 319? I'd understand him being concerned if he'd been injured while wearing the very thing that's supposed to help him.

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I'm upset because it's being played out so late. If the Raylicity stuff had happened earlier in the season, it would have given them time to start fixing things between Oliver and Felicity so they could end the season in better place than how they've spent all of season 3. As it stands right now, there is no time left to have them get close again romantically, (Oliver apparently spends episode 21 in Nanda Parbat and MG said that episode would not make Olicity fans happy) which pisses me off because what is the point of angsting the whole season if they don't leave some hope at the end?


In Season One Tommy and Laurel broke up in episode 20 and then Oliver and LL hooked up in episode 22. In Season Two Oliver and Sara broke up in episode 20 and then Oliver told Felicity he loved her in episode 23, so I don't think the writers necessarily believe in waiting between couplings.


My point is that anything could still happen with Oliver/Felicity romantically this season; whether or not it might seem rushed is another question.

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I didn't know he gets injured when he's not in the suit. I must have skipped that spoiler because it's Ray.


But wait, if he's not in the suit why does he question his ability to be a hero in 319? I'd understand him being concerned if he'd been injured while wearing the very thing that's supposed to help him.


Maybe it'll be because he'll fail trying to save the Mayor and the Mayor dies and so then because this show is based on logic, Laurel becomes Mayor. Then starling becomes screwed and it'll be Ray's fault

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Oh, so she's just arguing that an untrained person who has no experience of fighting criminals should be out in the field just because he's made a suit that may or may not help him fight criminals (not quite sure how it's supposed to help, to be honest. Does it make him stronger? Faster? Does it have totally-not-ripped-off-from-Iron-Man blasters in the gauntlets?)? That's much better.


If Oliver and Diggle are against it, then they're the only people being written with brains. I guess the characters on Arrow only get two or three brains to share between them all, and that episode will be the guys' turn.


Never mind that Oliver has been doing this for years and presumably knows a couple of things about being a vigilante that all these random costumed goons have yet to learn, I guess he's just not allowed to be right. If he didn't want Laurel to wear her dead sister's skin, and everyone disagreed with him, I'm sure his dislike of Ray zooming about in his power ranger costume will be portrayed as unreasonable in the face of Felicity's faith in her new love.


I don't understand this need for the writers to throw untrained "heroes" out into the field. I don't want to see Ray or Laurel succeed against the odds; I want their asses to get handed to them.


And if the Show insists on turning Ray into Phony Stark, I'm going to compare the two. RDJ easily convinced me he was a mechanical genius, and apparently, Iron Man barely had a script. Ray hasn't convinced me he would even be allowed to run a company due to HR concerns, let alone be allowed to run around in his Robocop cosplay unchecked. I know this isn't a movie, but they haven't built Ray into a character that should be confronting baby Sara, let alone Oliver Queen/Arrow. If anything, they had/have 23 hours to build up a character they think deserves a spin-off that I should watch, and yet so far, they've failed miserably. 


This show is 1 step forward, 42 miles back for me.

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Maybe it'll be because he'll fail trying to save the Mayor and the Mayor dies and so then because this show is based on logic, Laurel becomes Mayor. Then starling becomes screwed and it'll be Ray's fault

damn, another Mayor dies. I sure hope this city offers hazzard pay to anyone that takes the job
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damn, another Mayor dies. I sure hope this city offers hazzard pay to anyone that takes the job

Maybe it's cursed like the defense against the dark arts position. 


HEY if Laurel becomes the Mayor can she die next??? :D At least have something happen that makes her flea the country?

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My point is that anything could still happen with Oliver/Felicity romantically this season; whether or not it might seem rushed is another question.

That is the problem, I would rather something happens meaningfully and unrushed and w know they don't have a good track record. Also I don't want a repeat of the 2.5 comics frustration.

It really does feel like they are draaaagging things out because reasons, this season.

I think Oliver is going to be more upset with Ray because the potential to hurt Felicity emotionally rather than the fact that he is an untrained vigilante (even though this will come up).

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if Akio die (flashbacks), could be baby Sara saved (present) in LP?parallel (a child is dead, another is saved) and that would forever change Oliver and Diggle's relationship.  she could be the "other woman" to be saved that SA mentioned

Edited by Morena
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Sigh. "growing to love" or was it "in love"? Regardless I went "what snot" in my head. What a line to be said.

These writers are really sticklers for storylines aren't they? We knew this would happen in the summer but for some reason I forgot about it.

Tbh, it shouldn't be surprising that Felicity wants inexperienced Ray to help. She's pro Laurel so standards this year are non existant. Anyone can be a vigilante, it's all about heart.

I rolled my eyes so hard they nearly fell out of my head.

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One thing Ray's got going for him is that with the suit, he conveniently doesn't really need to know how to fight (unlike Laurel), so I don't think it's necessarily his lack of training that they'd be worried about, it's the wild card nature of the suit. Does everything work properly? Will it misfire and hit some civilians? Has it been tested enough? I mean, he'd need to know how to fight for sure, at some point, but it's not as urgent as it is for Laurel, and I don't think he's necessarily a liability without "proper" fight training. Fony Stark has lasers or electricity or whatever ridiculous thing. And he can fly, so (this is so ridiculous, but I digress)...


Obviously the suit's going to need some tweaks/have some issues, hence the trip to Central City. 

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Ooh but I thought Deadshot and Cupid would have a thing?

Wild card, lack of fighting experience, things blowing up unexpectedly, it's all similar to me. He's an unknown entity and that's the problem. But I guess Iron Man had the same issues. Only I actually like Tony Stark.

I do wonder how many issues I'd have with Ray if I actually liked him.

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Ooh but I thought Deadshot and Cupid would have a thing?


I do wonder how many issues I'd have with Ray if I actually liked him.


Totally here for "Flutter."


I also wonder what I would feel about Ray if he'd been written better. I just have so much difficulty getting past his introduction, crazy eyes and "50 Shades of Ray" personality. Also that this has dragged on for SO LONG. I hate to say it, but it would've made more sense for Felicity to sleep with him after Oliver was declared dead. The fact that they waited until episode 14...and now everything seems to be on rush with them.

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Wild card, lack of fighting experience, things blowing up unexpectedly, it's all similar to me. He's an unknown entity and that's the problem. But I guess Iron Man had the same issues. Only I actually like Tony Stark.


I guess the suit being a wildcard doesn't necessarily bother me, because if the guy's fighting with tech, isn't it always going to be a wild card? He could have used that suit and tested it for years and still have something malfunction in the field and hurt someone. - this is why I think super suits are generally stupid. So it'll always be an unknown entity -I don't think not being field tested is such a huge deal all things considered, especially if it seems like they're outnumbered by faux Arrows and need the help.  

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