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I don't think there's going to be major interaction in 3.14 with Felicity and Diggle. I think it's just going to be something that causes Oliver to notice what decent people they are and remember it later. I wonder if they're going to try to say that Oliver was behind Moira hiring Diggle, because that would really be stretching things.

I agree. They will most likely be just cameos. And yeah I doubt oliver will have anything to do with Moira hiring him. it will just be a coincidence,

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How nice that 314 is supposedly a 'love letter to the fans' when it sounds very much like Felicity and Diggle will hardly be in it. Sounds more like hate mail.

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I'm really really really hoping that Oliver will lead Thea to Robert's grave. I think it would be a great, emotional moment between the siblings. 

LOL you are making me have high expectations.

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I think, maybe, Slade's been out of his cage for a while now because where did he get those clothes/jacket? Maybe Waller's been using him to do stuff for A.R.G.U.S. and he's been making a home out of that island for some time now.


I'm more than likely going to watch next week (3x14) because seeing Diggle and, probably, Felicity in the flashbacks with Oliver is making me really curious about the circumstances. And Manu has always been great as Slade, even with the stupid in love with Shado retcon/motivation. Also, I've always been all for more Queen family feels (except that's kinda been tainted now with the crap they're pulling with Malcolm) so seeing Thea and Oliver together on Lian Yu is making me smile.

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I don't think Felicity and Diggle will be cameos. While they will be cameos for the flashbacks, I think they'll be very present in the... present. :p I'm sure they'll be the ones trying to figure out where Oliver and Thea are and how to get them back. 

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I think, maybe, Slade's been out of his cage for a while now because where did he get those clothes/jacket? 


It's an ARGUS onesie.


ETA: ARGUS shirt and pants apparently. I'm sad it's not a onesie.

Edited by apinknightmare
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At least they have coats and flashlights and walkie talkies. Maybe Malcolm dropped them with a 6-pack of Fiji water and some K-rations. 

"And don't come back until you hug it all out!"


Yeah, I don't think Oliver letting her in on his secret is going to go any better than Felicity hearing he's going to work with Malcolm. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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I have the feeling that after tonight I will have had my fill of Laurel, Malcolm and Thea.  So I'm not looking forward to an episode with little Diggle and Felicity.


I have a sick, sinking feeling that after tonight not only am I still not going to give a shit about Laurel, but I'm going to not like the people I still cared enough about to tune in for.

I hope I'm wrong about all this, but...I've got the dreads. 

I have that feeling about what they're going to do to Felicity, and they're not going to let Diggle lay down the truth bomb for Oliver.


Right now, I feel like my line in the sand is Felicity telling Laurel what a good heart she has and she should keep on fighting out when what she really should be doing is telling her to call Nyssa and get some more training. There's time for that with Oliver back.


lol I always thought that was extremely, extremely douchey and unnecessary of Oliver. And they never even showed him apologize for it lol. Like sure Roy wasn't listening to him but there are other ways to stop him beside immobilizing him. 

Oliver always was a douche though.  The purpose of that arc was to show that Oliver was a terrible mentor and give him a chance to get good at it for this season.


Maybe the "game-changer" this episode is that Sara wins the fight and Sara's personality takes over Laurel's body. When they talk about Laurel "becoming her sister," surprise! She does literally. This would give them an excuse for why she gets better all of the sudden and resets the character to boot. There's an Insta-Canary idea I haven't heard yet.

That's far more creative than anything they're going to come up with.

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I read an interview with David Ramsey where he said this:


Diggle is Oliver's right-hand man. He's accepted that's where he is. He loves that position. He will always have Oliver's back. Even though he despises Merlyn, Diggle understands why Oliver has to do this and why he has to risk his life to face Ra's al Ghul again, if that's what is to happen. We'll see Diggle talk about how much he gets it in later episodes.



So, I think Felicity might be the only one really opposed to the Oliver/Malcolm BFF team-up, which is idiotic in my opinion. Of course these are the same writers  who seem to think that Malcolm is redeemable.

Edited by drspaceman10
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If they show anyone besides Felicity from QC in the flashbacks, I would think it would be Walter, but we haven't heard anything about the actor returning for this episode, have we?


I just want to know how they reveal when Oliver "knew" he was in love with Felicity. I'm thinking it will be in a conversation with either Slade or Thea. I can't see how else they will reveal it, because I don't see him telling Felicity something like that in 3.14.

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I just want to know how they reveal when Oliver "knew" he was in love with Felicity. I'm thinking it will be in a conversation with either Slade or Thea. I can't see how else they will reveal it, because I don't see him telling Felicity something like that in 3.14.


I feel like the natural order of things would be Slade talking about her in front of Thea and she asks him what that's about at some point when they're not being pursued by that psycho. So that probably means it won't happen that way.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Haha, I finally managed to look at those spoiler pics and that one of Thea going up against Slade is hilarious. Oliver looks damn fine in that jacket though. 


Does Malcolm just abandon them there though? And if that's the case, how did he get Thea and Oliver to go with him on a plane in the first place? 


Sigh, I knew Diggle would change his mind. Or maybe not so much change his mind but accept that's how things are going to be. But so has Felicity. She's still there working with them. If she was that opposed, wouldn't she leave the team? I don't think Diggle and Felicity agree with Oliver joining forces with Malcolm but they've both just accepted it. What else can they do?

Edited by Guest
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I read an interview with David Ramsey where he said this:



So, I think Felicity might be the only one really opposed to the Oliver/Malcolm BFF team-up, which is idiotic in my opinion. Of course these are the same writers  who seem to think that Malcolm is redeemable.

Yeah it's stupid and leads more credence to the Felicity haters being justified

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DR's interview is such a different experience than the others.  Even the stuff I don't love like him "understanding" Oliver's need and ego to go back and face Ra's is explained in a way that makes sense character wise.


Peter Roth from Warner Bros. came in, and he's like, "I've known this for a couple of months already, but I've got to let everybody know that you've been picked up for a fourth season." They already knew. For an early pick-up, they knew even earlier.


I feel like this explains a lot of the crazy mess from this year.  They knew pretty early on they could do ANYTHING and get away with it.  Grr.

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Does Malcolm just abandon them there though? And if that's the case, how did he get Thea and Oliver to go with him on a plane in the first place? 


Sigh, I knew Diggle would change his mind. Or maybe not so much change his mind but accept that's how things are going to be. But so has Felicity. She's still there working with them. If she was that opposed, wouldn't she leave the team? I don't think Diggle and Felicity agree with Oliver joining forces with Malcolm but they've both just accepted it. What else can they do?

Maybe he calls it a training exercise.  Which would actually be rather stupid now that I think about it because the whole point of Oliver training with Malcolm is to learn how R'as fights, not Slade. He's already defeated Slade.


Do  they have Amanda Waller's permission?


DR said that Diggle sees the reasonableness (is that a word?) of Oliver working with Malcolm to defeat Ra's.  I hope Felicity is just working down there to help Starling City and not because she's drinking the kool-aid.


If Ray gets his suit going and can justifiably help the city, at this point I can see Felicity leaving Team Arrow to work with Ray over the  Malcolm, issue.

Edited by statsgirl
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The only way I will ever buy Thea even surviving hand to hand combat with Slade is if Slade is just so weak because no one ever fed him in that damn cell. Otherwise…nope!

Now we know what happened to Cap Boomerang.  Slade ate him. 

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DR said that Diggle sees the reasonableness (is that a word?) of Oliver working with Malcolm to defeat Ra's.  I hope Felicity is just working down there to help Starling City and not because she's drinking the kool-aid.


If Ray gets his suit going and can justifiably help the city, at this point I can see Felicity leaving Team Arrow to work with Ray over the  Malcolm, issue.


I don't think Felicity will ever drink the Kool-Aid. But I just see it that even though she hates Malcolm, she still believes in the team and the work they do. Until that becomes an issue (if it ever does) I don't see her leaving the team completely. I'm sure she will work with Ray though because he can't survive without her so...

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But it's okay because they're soooooulmates, right?


Regardless of whether this scene stays in the episode or not, it was filmed. If you're KC, why would you want Laurel to be with Oliver after that, on top of all the other foul shit Oliver has done to her? Honestly, I feel like KC only wants Lauriver to happen again so she can "win" and snatch the leading lady title back from EBR. From an acting standpoint, I can see the dramatic appeal of being in a toxic, shitty relationship. There's lots of drama and scenery-chewing to be mined from that. But she doesn't view their relationship that way, and the fact that she views them as soulmates indicates to me that she doesn't give a shit about whether Laurel is loved, valued, and respected by Oliver. She just wants them to be together because comics and reasons (and ego).

I don't necessarily believe that they are soulmates or not. Frankly, I haven't really given much thought into O&L's relationship since S1, except for how TPTB might use them as a wrench in Olicity. I also think the writers believe themselves to be highly gifted storytellers, so as much as they want to own all the greatness of Felicity, they also want to prove that they can deliver the "comics" to the people who want it. So, I do believe that the writer & TPTB may want to manipulate and write them into a platonic soulmate relationship. All the more reason they should avoid any overt physical violence. Violence in a relationship is never an acceptable solution, it happens too often in real life & for those that suffer from it the reality is very stark and there are not always ways out. O&L romantic relationship was very toxic, I hoped that their platonic relationship moving forward on this show would not be as toxic. Violently shaking a person whom you care about to get through to them is NOT OKAY, soulmate/friend/partner/lover. Its NOT acceptable & I hope TPTB do not try to spin it as okay or make it part of Oliver's PTSD. Because I do not believe that can do justice to realistic consequences of domestic violence. Plus I think if they tried, it would be to overhanded & emotionally bog down the show & characters. Its essentially not needed, even for shock value.


I do agree with some of what said about KC. I think she is looking for more job security, than actually caring about her character or what she may represent for people. Which is a shame, because if I remember from other threads the DLL/BC in the comics was all about protecting women & no woman should suffer under the hands of men. I would love to have LL/KC actually try to do that. But there is no need, to pull Oliver's character down anymore to make her the protector of women. Its just not right, there has been enough character bending to make LL/BC work, its about time they find better ways to make her a hero. If they really want her in a dramatic shitty or possibly abusive relationship, all they have to do is have some guest star come in & play that part. L&O romantic relationship was always toxic, but it was never abusive. Emotionally damaging because of actions on both sides - yes, abusive - no. They were mutually responsible for the toxicity of that relationship. But the writers always love a challenge, so I can see them trying to redeem some type of a close relationship between the two.

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If Ray gets his suit going and can justifiably help the city, at this point I can see Felicity leaving Team Arrow to work with Ray over the Malcolm, issue.

I can easily see this happening. At the beginning of season 3 I would NEVER have said she'd leave because TA is her family. Maybe this is her choice. Regardless, I'm sure Ray would come up with plenty more reasons to quit ATOM than Oliver can to make her quit TA. I mean, he's going to shrink to probably do nefarious crap because it's in his repertoire.

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I'll be honest. I really don't have any issues with Oliver shaking Laurel. I hope there is some context where it's because Laurel has done something to endanger herself or someone close to Oliver. He didn't treat Roy with kid gloves. And just because they had a relationship at one time doesn't mean he has to cut her any slack. Ymmv

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I'll be honest. I really don't have any issues with Oliver shaking Laurel. I hope there is some context where it's because Laurel has done something to endanger herself or someone close to Oliver. He didn't treat Roy with kid gloves. And just because they had a relationship at one time doesn't mean he has to cut her any slack. Ymmv

I'll second that. I think shaking in a manner of "hey idiot wake up you're acting like a dumbass" sort of shake if different than the abusive type everyone seem to think it will be. Oliver may not love her but he still care for her, also: I don't think Oliver has ever been shown to be the physically abusive type...

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Watching "Canaries" wondering what people are thinking. I'm dreading this Laurel/Felicity scene cause of Propping. I will still love Felicity though this writing is lacking

Also wondering what Felicitys worse fear is?

I love Felicity but really MG Laurel has a light in her Sara didn't? Fuck You MG I think he thinks if Felicity accepts her she will be loved

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What? Felicity said Laurel has a light in her? Lmaooooo

Soon Felicity's propping duty will be expanded to include "Lauriver champion"... Just watch. MG would think let's make Felicity a Lauriver shipper... the viewers will like what she likes. Errr... Nope.

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I'm not watching the episode but everyone is reacting on twitter and yeah. Felicity would never say that about Sara. They're bringing one character down to prop another while using Felicity to do it. They should be ashamed. 

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I'm not watching the episode but everyone is reacting on twitter and yeah. Felicity would never say that about Sara. They're bringing one character down to prop another while using Felicity to do it. They should be ashamed.

It's a Goddamn shame but I still love Felicity. MG should realize yet again Laurel isn't well liked and shouldn't be thinking just cause Felicity and Laurel are friendly it doesn't mean we will like Laurel.

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Come to the quitting side...I haven't seen the last four episodes...it's soooo good........The 100 is really good this season.......no Laurel!  (Or Ray, or Murderin' Merlyn, everybody's buddy!)


I already have. I might watch 314 purely because I like Manu/Slade but this show has pushed my limits too far and what I'm seeing on twitter reaction-wise makes me glad in my decision. It's a complete mess and they are ruining all the characters for Laurel's sake. I hate it. I've gone from absolute indifference to her to resentment in 13 episodes. That's no easy feat. Laurel's a hero now within 3 episodes. They just jumped the shark. 

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