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I don't find any of those three theories plausible personally.

However, while I don't believe the brainwashed Nyssa theory, there was a spoiler not too long ago about a young Nyssa being cast. Young Nyssa wouldn't fit into Sara flashbacks.

you're right there was a young nyssa but I still think it's funny that people are willing to believe dead/alive Tommy or Brainwashed Nyssa over Thea.

While you might not find any plausible or preferably I have to ask how those two are somehow better options. - general question, not you specifically.

Edited by Morrigan2575

Maybe Young Nyssa is also about how Ra's preps her to be brainwashed later.  It's all about the induction.


Thea is the most obvious choice in terms of characters left on the show and it gives her a redemption arc for the next season.  There's little in science that justifies Ra's being able to brainwash Nyssa to that extent.  (As much as I wish it were Laurel getting her final revenge on her younger sister, that's really unlikely.  Hey, maybe Laurel was brainwashed.  The anger at Sara was there from years before, making her more likely than Nyssa.


There was talk about Sara flashbacks to show how she went from the island to the LoA.
If they happen now it will probably be in 313.

That makes sense if its called Canaries and its about the handing over of the torch.

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I feel like the writers have finally found a way to make Thea interesting and make people care about her and I don't think they'd waste all of that on a "shocking" reveal. Plus, the way SA responded at the Arrow Aftershow when someone said they thought Thea was going to be evil made me think she was going the exact opposite way. But, this is just my opinion and I've been wrong before (I didn't think that they'd kill Sara).

Edited by drspaceman10
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you're right there was a young nyssa but I still think it's funny that people are willing to believe dead/alive Tommy or Brainwashed Nyssa over Thea.

Maybe because people like Thea, and it's very hard to redeem a character that cold-bloodedly killed a friend, or friend's sister? I don't know - just a guess. Until proven otherwise, I'm standing behind the Waller involvement theory myself.

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Well we'll find out in 309 so no point in worrying about it at this point.

I hate the idea of it being Thea but that seems more plausible (to me) then resurrection or brainwashing.

Maybe because people like Thea, and it's very hard to redeem a character that cold-bloodedly killed a friend, or friend's sister? I don't know - just a guess. Until proven otherwise, I'm standing behind the Waller involvement theory myself.

But that doesn't make it more plausible just more preferable. I mean I hate the idea that it's Thea, I think it's absolutely stupid and the only thing I hate more is the idea that it's Sin. However, Thea choosing to killSara to protect Malcolm at least seems within the realm of the show and the season's theme of identity. Having a brainwashed Nyssa, a resurrect and evil Tommy seems more like a cop out. Edited by Morrigan2575
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I think Thea would have to be brainwashed too to kill Sara, his brother's exgirlfriend, her friend's younger sister, and someone who has never done  her any harm.  


It would just be easier for Malcolm to brainwash  Thea, than for Ra's to do it to Nyssa.  (Wow, these guys are a couple of wonderful dads, aren't they?)


Stephen Amell seemed very enthusiastic about Katie Cassidy in his red carpet interviews.  "She's really come into her own this season."  Given the four episodes that have highlighted her, I can see that she's "come into her own" (i.e. doing better).  I just can't get enthusiastic myself, although maybe "coming into her own"

Edited by statsgirl
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So either Malcolm brainwashed Thea into killing Sara to get to Ra's, or Ra's brainwashed Nyssa into killing Sara to get to Malcolm? Because they're basically two grown up dudes playing hide and seek with each other? Super very progressive, Arrow, men coercing their daughters into killing for them.

Zombie Tommy is looking more and more appealing. And it's probably jinxed now.

Edited by dancingnancy
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Maybe Thea chooses to reject what Malcolm does to her/expects of her?  Instead of continuing down a dark path with him, she rejects him and then has to earn her way onto Team Arrow?  It's the same idea, to choose either Malcolm or Oliver, but just from a darker staring point.



Zombie Tommy is looking more and more appealing. 

Zombie Tommy was always my preference.


Really, the pool of suspects is so small at this point.  Thea, Sin, Nyssa or Zombie Tommy, with Malcolm, Ra's or Amanda Waller pulling the strings. The puzzle is almost all filled in.


I was looking at the pictures from The Flash vs Arrow, and Felicity's already wearing three different outfits. She's like the wardrobe department's personal Barbie doll.

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However, Thea choosing to killSara to protect Malcolm at least seems within the realm of the show and the season's theme of identity. Having a brainwashed Nyssa, a resurrect and evil Tommy seems more like a cop out.

I guess I can't see how Thea being the killer (without some sort of brainwashing/trickery going on) is even remotely plausible. Thea has never ever to this point been shown to be a killer, much less the kind of cold-blooded killer it would take to do that. And when have we been shown that her attachment to Malcolm is so great at this point that she would stalk and kill to protect him? It just makes no sense to me at all.

Edited by Starfish35

The only way I can make the Thea theory work as far as motive goes is to believe that MM could have convinced her that the reason Slade killed Moira is because of Sara or Thea killed her to protect a secret that Sara found out while she was spying on MM.  Anything else takes away agency from Thea. 


Seriously going to be pissed if the show makes either of those two female character nothing more than pawns for a mans grand plan. Way to make sure the none of the women on this show have any agency in their lives. Sara wasn't killed in battle she went out as a victim, MM is using Thea to carry out his dirty work, or Nyssa murdered her lover because dear old dad is controlling her thoughts.  Because only men get to motivate themselves. Oh Arrow turn back now you are heading for a very slippery slope.

  • Love 7

I guess I can't see how Thea being the killer (without some sort of brainwashing/trickery going on) is even remotely plausible. Thea has never ever to this point been shown to be a killer, much less the kind of cold-blooded killer it would take to do that. And when have we been shown that her attachment to Malcolm is so great at this point that she would stalk and kill to protect him? It jut makes no sense to me at all.

Didn't she shoot Malcolm at the end of last season? That was fairly cold. The problem with making Thea brainwashed is that it to totally eliminates her story. She has no choice, no decision, no growth or realization. Am I the daughter of Malcolm Merlyn or Moira Queen? Non of that matters if all of her actions are forced upon her by another, then she's nothing more then a tool or a victim.

She shot Malcolm because  he killed over 500 people and he wouldn't stop stalking her.  But why would she kill Sara?  As far as she knows from the newpapers, the female vigilante is a good guy.


She has no agency at the point of killing, but she does have when she realizes what she's done.  And it would parallel Roy's story about killing the cops, how do they fix this now?

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From the other spoiler thread


“I think I’m losing the Oliver Queen side of myself”

Oliver Queen to Barry Allen during one of the crossover episodes
[source: Marc Guggenheim interview with Daniele Turchiano 11/22/2014




If I were Barry, I would ask: "Oliver, are you sure you do not have multiple personality disorder because it sounds a lot like that. Do you want me to look up a doctor for you? May be Caitlin can help."

Edited by TanyaKay
  • Love 5

Of those  Sara killers "spoiled" Nyssa and Thea, I at least find Nyssa's brainwashing by her own father who hated her girlfriend...believable. Therefore it will be Thea, the one that makes almost zero sense, and I'm having problems figuring out when she hopped a plane from Corto Maltese to Starling and back again. Meh.


I can't with the Laurel quadrilogy (hee thanks In A World...). Here's an idea writers, give your viewers reason to know and like Laurel, like in *every episode* she appears in, give us that instead of beating us to death with her bitch face and her whining, and her angst in these useless mini marathons. I'm not here for it, I'm not there for it and I'm not anywhere for it. 

  • Love 5

She shot Malcolm because he killed over 500 people and he wouldn't stop stalking her.

Well that makes it easy then? I'm not saying she was wrong to shoot Malcolm but the question was when has she ever been presented to be a killer. She was presented as such last season. Even if Malcolm deserved death for killing 500 people (he did). What Thea did in that scene was cold, she wasn't in danger, she wasn't protecting herself or others, that was revenge/vengeance pure and simple.

Now, do I think it's smart or good storytelling? Nope. Do I like the idea of Thea being Sara's killer absolutely not, I hate it.

But I think it's the more plausible and probable storyline over Dead Tommy, Brainwashed Thea or Brainwashed Nyssa. Frankly brainwashing to me is a giant copout, its oh we wanted the shock factor of having this character kill but we don't want to commit to it so we'll just say they weren't in control so it's totally OK that they killed someone.

Edited by Morrigan2575

Here's another one from 4chan (not sure if it's the same person or not) but I thought I'd bring it over anyway


I work on "Arrow" as an assistant.


Nyssa was brainwashed by Ra's into killing Sara, and doesn't remember it was her. When she finds out, she betrays the League of Assassins and helps Oliver fight Ra's. They're thinking to adding her to the recurring character in season 4.

Edited by drspaceman10

She shot Malcolm because  he killed over 500 people and he wouldn't stop stalking her.  But why would she kill Sara?  As far as she knows from the newpapers, the female vigilante is a good guy.


She has no agency at the point of killing, but she does have when she realizes what she's done.  And it would parallel Roy's story about killing the cops, how do they fix this now?


Not just paralleling Roy's story that would be Roy's story. Not in my right mind and killed someone. Should I be punished or feel guilty even though it wasn't my choice? How do I come to terms with having done that.


The only way to do that would be for Roy and Thea to come to different conclusions. One takes responsibility and turns themselves in and the other excuses their actions. Or one chooses to be a hero and try to make up for what they did while the other embraces the kill. Either way that's super repetitive until the final choice gets made.

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I just haven't seen evidence that Thea is far gone enough anger wise about Oliver to murder Sara, without being manipulated by Malcolm, and even then WHY why would Merlyn want to start shit with Ra's, why would killing someone Ra's doesn't even like start any shit with him at all?


Dammit it I wanted two things Dead Tommy back to Life killing Sara, and reunited Olicity by episode 8. Fuck this season.

Why would you want dead tommy back to life and killing Sara? Tommy died a good heroic man, so let's resurrect him and have him kill a fan favorite?

As for seeing Thea being so evil that she'd cause Oliver this much pain and deliberately lying to him and showing no remorse or guilt? Nope, I don't see that either but it wouldn't be a gotcha twist if they did that.

I'm not saying I like this or its a good idea or even that it was well set up. I hate everything about it. However, look at what they did with Slade last year...are we really saying these guys aren't capable of making Thea a killer and thinking it's brilliant?

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Not quite the same thing, to me. I hated the Slade thing, but I saw it coming a mile away (not the Mirakuru thing, but that it would be over Shado somehow). I can honestly think of no conceivable reason that Thea would kill Sara of her own free will. It just does not compute.

Edited by Starfish35

Seriously? It's the exact same post only now they're claiming to be an assistant. I smell foiler.


I'm not saying it's true (in fact it's probably not), but 4chan did spoil Moira's death and the exact way she was killed at least a month before that episode aired. They also spoiled Moira running for mayor and The Huntress returning before it was announced, so who knows...

Yeaaaaah, I think I'd rather it was Nyssa who killed Sara. I don't know if I believe it but it makes more sense to me than Thea, whose only reason for going with Malcolm in the first place was so she could become strong and not feel the pain of everyone's lies. I can't get my head around how she went from someone who was angry at everyone for lying only to become a murderer a few months later. 


Nyssa makes more sense because she's trained with the LoA and Ra's probably has the ability to brainwash her, but even if he didn't, he could have set her the task to kill Sara and she had to adhere to it because rules. I know she loved Sara but she did also kidnap Sara's mom and threaten to kill her if Sara didn't go back to the league. I guess what I'm saying is the killer instinct is there and I don't see that in Thea. 


Plus I'll be annoyed if it's Thea. As I said before I'm still hoping she's playing Malcolm at his own game. 

Edited by Guest


Why would you want dead tommy back to life and killing Sara? Tommy died a good heroic man, so let's resurrect him and have him kill a fan favorite?

Eh, I like Tommy, I really like Colin Donnel, and I don't enjoy characters only because they are good heroic men. Barf. I'd enjoy "evil" Tommy, especially a Tommy that has been resurrected, not coming back "right", essentially a tool of Ra's, I like stories about formerly good people going Evil, yet still retaining the potential for redemption. Further it was my understanding that Tommy DOES go evil in the comics, so whatever I'd enjoy it, that's the only reason I need. I'm not like arguing it in the grand scheme of good stories, come the fuck on, I never even wanted Sara to die, but now that these idiots done did it, at least give me something I can care about Tommy as a bit of consequence for the utter shit heel Oliver was in season 1. It would also play into a the bigger story of Merlyn and what he considers to be his kids: Oliver as well as  his actual children Thea/Tommy.

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What I can't connect the dots on is Oliver going to the LoA's for anyone other than Thea. Okay, maybe for Zombie Tommy he would, but why would he be missing for Nyssa? That I can't figure out. Theories, anyone?


Yeah, I can't see him offering himself up for anyone but her. I also can't help but think that even if Thea is revealed to be the killer that it's still ultimately a red herring to kick off dramatic events and the REAL killer will surface later in some kind of 'gotcha' moment.


But for that to happen Thea would have to steadfastly deny it and have someone (Oliver) believe her, I can't think of any reason why she'd admit to doing it if she didn't actually do it/remember doing it, unless the brainwashing thing comes back into play, which...no.

Edited by apinknightmare

I'm not saying it's true (in fact it's probably not), but 4chan did spoil Moira's death and the exact way she was killed at least a month before that episode aired. They also spoiled Moira running for mayor and The Huntress returning before it was announced, so who knows...

4chan is also where the Thea spoiler originated earlier this week. In fact it seems like these are mocking the other spoiler, that anonymous source claimed they were a production assistant.

Like I said it's just funny, people would rather believe zombies or brainwashing over Thea choosing to kill Sara. To me all three are stupid horrible stories but only one fits the theme of the season and involves a series regular

Yeah, I can't see him offering himself up for anyone but her. I also can't help but think that even if Thea is revealed to be the killer that it's still ultimately a red herring to kick off dramatic events and the REAL killer will surface later in some kind of 'gotcha' moment.

How does that work when the killer is going to be revealed in 309? They fake Thea for 308-309 and then reveal at the end of 309 that it wasn't Thea so..haha?

I guess they could do that but then that means 4 fake outs (komodo, Merlin, Roy and Thea) and dragging the mystery on indefinitely.

Edited by Morrigan2575

Okay, I can buy that. Felicity asks Caitlin to test some DNA in the crossover, the results point to Thea in the "shocking new suspect" scene Natalie Abrams watched being filmed in 309, Oliver volunteers as LoA tribute to save her.

...Only for it to be revealed that is was Nyssa in whatever episode it is that we see her at a young age. 312 or 313 most likely.

I don't exactly care for any of that, but I can totally see it happening.

4chan is also where the Thea spoiler originated earlier this week. In fact it seems like these are mocking the other spoiler, that anonymous source claimed they were a production assistant.


I looked for that Thea spoiler on 4chan and I couldn't find it, but since we don't really have any concrete clues in-show it could pretty much be anyone. I guess the DNA they find could be Thea's (they'd be much more likely to have Thea's DNA on file than Ra's/Nyssa's).

Edited by drspaceman10

But the killer will be revealed in 309, they've said that 3 times. MG twice once at SDCC, once recently and SA said it last night.

So are they lying about the reveal and won't resolve the mystery by 309?


I think they'd want us to think the mystery was solved by then so that the real reveal was a surprise. This is me refusing to accept that Thea did it.

Do we know that Oliver offers himself up to Ra's?  It's a theory to explain why Oliver goes where he goes, and a potential reason for Felicity "don't do it, big Julie" scene, but it may just be that Oliver goes to whatever mountain for another reason and disappears.


All signs seem to point to that since the summary for 3x09 reads that Nyssa shows up in town and gives Oliver 48 hours to deliver Sara's killer or Ra's will start killing the citizens of Starling City. Seems like he offers himself up either to save the killer or to save the city.

Edited by apinknightmare
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I know they said the reveal is in 3.09. Is it possible they don't get the DNA test results back until after Oliver has gone to meet with Ra's? If Oliver doesn't know who the killer is it would still make sense that he would sacrifice himself/attempt to reason with Ra's to protect the citizens of Starling City.

To whomever said they couldn't figure out when/how Thea would have been in Starling. Malcolm was there. Sara took surveillance photos. She might have been with him.

So why drag the mystery out past 309?


That's the thing - we wouldn't know that it was being dragged out.


The only reason this is a problem is that if Thea didn't really do it, then she'd deny it, in which case we wouldn't think it was solved and the whole point of a "gotcha" later in the season is pointless, because we would have an inkling of doubt about her being the killer. Or, she'd admit to it, which would also be strange if she didn't do it, unless she was trying to protect the real killer, which would have to be Malcolm.


This hurts my brain too much, I need to stop thinking about it.


To whomever said they couldn't figure out when/how Thea would have been in Starling. Malcolm was there. Sara took surveillance photos. She might have been with him.

No I get that's it's possible but it's not really playing fair to show Malcolm/Thea 'settled" in Corto Maltese, immediately after Sara's death in Starling,  and have them dialogue about how Thea's ready to "go back" to Starling, and Malcolm fighting it when they both fucking KNOW they were in Starling and she killed Sara! There is no good reason to go through that accept to fake the audience out. Haha audience you couldn't figure it out because we straight up lied to you, aren't we the next Agatha Christie's!


I also agree what ever reveal is made in 3.09 will be a false climax, and Ra's will get a hardy shrimp on the barbie laugh about it when he gives the really real reveal after Oliver has already sacrificed a ton of stuff in the name of the false killer. RME.

Edited by blixie
  • Love 4

I think Thea will be who Oliver thinks killed Sara, leading him to leave in 3.09. I would not put it past this show to have her be the killer for the time being (she may not even remember it, because... 'reasons') but she may not actually be the killer after all.


My money is on Malcolm pulling the strings and possibly somehow actually pulled the string that killed Sara. But there would need to be some retconning and... oh wait.  this show LOVES to retcon stuff, so yeah.


I think the DNA found at the scene will link to Oliver for enough of the markers for him to suspect Thea. Hence he offers himself up.  


In many ways, Thea does fit the bill but overall, i think her being the killer would prove too problematic for the show.


Then again, this is a show that is handling the Laurel as Black Canary arc with the finesse of an elephant dancing in a china shop. 


I've been a Black Canary fan for a long time and I've disliked Laurel since the early parts of Season 1. I loved Sara's Black Canary.


Note: AK now asserting that they considered Sara sort of a Canary is retconning on his and the studio's part. She's been called Canary and Black Canary in many DC endorsed items. Most recently, the Lego Batman 3 video game and at least 1 action figure.  I think this "Sara was a Canary but Laurel is THE Black Canary" crap is a pathetic attempt to downplay how much weight and credibiity CL's Sara/Canary had on the show and beyond.


Back to Laurel as Black Canary. If she's instaCanary, that means lazy writing for a subpar actress.  No way will she be universally accepted.  If she's FumblingCanary, then it's an insult to the comic book character (any version of her, to be exact) and to how Sara's "Canary" was.  It also adds bitterness, in my opinon, over the death of Sara.  "Sara died for this?" type of thinking...


if Laurel gains meta-human abilities - super strength, a cry, anything - then she doesn't belong on "Arrow."  She could go to "the Flash" or just go away.  Because the female lead should NOT have meta-human capabilites if the lead and show's namesake does not. 


Ditto for the Atom...


Finally, while Diggle, Felicity, Roy, and Thea may have stuff to do in 3.10 - 3.13, it does seem that the show is actively marketing (as of now) those episodes as Laurel becomes BC.  And I personally have no interest in any of that.  It's even worse when it's also as well known that Oliver won't be on much or at all. 


Sara's story was often told in parallel to Oliver's and even then, it was too much for my tastes at times (and I liked her and the storyline).  Laurels' is her own story, independent of Oliver's.  Why on earth is this taking place on this show?  If the studio wanted to tell Laurels' story so badly, spin her off for her damn show and leave Arrow to Oliver.


I'm also irked that we're 3 seasons into Oliver's story and he's still being called Arrow, not Green Arrow.  There is absolutely nothing to justify that Laurel has earned the official "Black Canary" title. 


Bottom line for me based on the spoilers: I will watch the show when the main focus is Oliver Queen and his adventures as Green Arrow.  I am not the least bit interest in watching the Black Canary 2.0 story to the exclusion of his. 


I plan to watch the crossover episodes and probably 3.09 but that's it, My husband and son will be watching the Arrow crossover but only because it's a continuation of the Flash.  I'm still the only one who in the household who is still hanging in there for the most part (they watched & loved the Felicity episode).

  • Love 8

In MG's interview last night he made some remark about after 3.08 he realized that metahumans could work on Arrow so he was back to never say never.  I assume Captain Boomerang is a metahuman since he is a Flash villain.  I have to wonder if at some point in the future Laurel goes to CC comes in contact with something residual from the particle accelerator explosion and ends up with her canary cry.  It worked in 3.08 so now we can have some super powers in show kind of attitude.  Not sure they would go there with shrinking though.

I have to wonder if at some point in the future Laurel goes to CC comes in contact with something residual from the particle accelerator explosion and ends up with her canary cry.


I really hope not, because all I can think is that a reality-based canary cry would look absolutely ridiculous on screen. And I'm not talking about KC doing it, I'm talking in generalities - no way this show could pull it off without looking cheesy as hell, and not in the good way. I'd prefer she just have a sonic device like Sara did.

  • Love 1

So why drag the mystery out past 309?


Creative bankruptcy. 


But really, I can see Thea being who everyone thinks is the killer, but surprise! It's really Zombie!Tommy, or Nyssa, or Talia, or whomever they make up. Do I hope this happens? Oh hell, no. But like the kid story line, I'm bracing myself for the worst. 

I really hope not, because all I can think is that a reality-based canary cry would look absolutely ridiculous on screen. And I'm not talking about KC doing it, I'm talking in generalities - no way this show could pull it off without looking cheesy as hell, and not in the good way. I'd prefer she just have a sonic device like Sara did.



Especially if she kept using it on a regular basis -- it would just look so odd against everyone else having reality-based abilities.

Really, there's no need to draw even more attention to how inorganic Laurel as BC is.  I can see Sin as the Black Canary before I can see Laurel.

Edited by statsgirl
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