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Ten seconds of Amy Gumenick as Cupid was more compelling than anything Laurel has done. I'm actually looking forward to that episode.

"I'm Cupid, stupid." was probably the worst line in the history of the show, if not the world. And her delivery was terrible.

That being said, you are correct, sir!

Edited by Jack Kerouac

Regarding Laurel's "am I me or am I my sister" journey, I think the EPs want to have their cake and eat it too.  Laurel could have a crisis moment after she puts on the costume of wondering "am I just trying to be my sister?"  Then Sara's ghost or hallucination or dream vision will appear to Laurel and tell her that putting on the costume is not being her (Sara), but that Laurel can be her own version of the Canary and still be herself - she can be the Black Canary.  Then Laurel will stride forth as her own superhero.  I will be shocked - SHOCKED, I tell you - if Laurel gives up her suit.  They'd have to peel it off her cold, dead body.


Thea could be the one who decides not to become a superhero.  She could decide not to become like either Malcolm or Oliver, but remain a normal person with a normal life (a former vigilante like Ted Grant).

  • Love 5

MG said that we will get a serious hint about Ray Palmer at the end of this episode. So I really want us to get that hint and the next scene is Felicity in the Foundry after their date. The Team is there and someone asks her how her evening went and she says something to the affect of "It was nice." Pause for dramatic effect "He is up to something. I don't trust him."

  • Love 2

At the very end of the New Zealand promo, there is a scene of Felicity with tears in her eyes, and she's wearing the blue dress and necklace.  What do we think is going on there?  Maybe Oliver stops by to see her and tells her that he wants to be with her, but she tells him that she's moving on with her life?  She's been crying a lot this season, and I don't like it. 

  • Love 2

Question: wasn't the Clock King supposed to be in the crossover? Or I got that all wrong? lol he is never mentioned in the episodes descriptions. But he appears in The Flash 107.. maybe he will team up with that guy who robs banks?


Re: Palmer, since apparently we're going to see a flashback to the night of the siege involving Cupid, maybe at the end of the episode they'll show another flashback involving him that same night, seeing Team Arrow in action.. who knows!

Question: wasn't the Clock King supposed to be in the crossover? Or I got that all wrong? lol he is never mentioned in the episodes descriptions. But he appears in The Flash 107.. maybe he will team up with that guy who robs banks?


Re: Palmer, since apparently we're going to see a flashback to the night of the siege involving Cupid, maybe at the end of the episode they'll show another flashback involving him that same night, seeing Team Arrow in action.. who knows!

No, he wasn't ever mentioned as being in the cross over, he's in 107 of Flash.

  • Love 1

I would like to share a weird theory I have regarding a comment I read yesterday about the promo pic that showed Ray doing the salmon ladder: "Is it strange that I feel weirdly protective of the salmon ladder? Swear to God, my first thought when I saw it was “HEY!!! That’s Oliver’s thing! Find your own hot work out Palmer!” (http://jbuffyangel.tumblr.com/search/Arrow)


Indeed, "that's Oliver's thing!" But maybe the show does this Ray-as-Oliver-Queen-imitation with a special purpose in mind. It is striking that Ray is similar to Oliver in many respects. Ray seems to have some of Oliver's good qualities - e.g. being hot (abs...), athletic (salmon ladder...), rich (Queen Consolidated), intelligent, determined, proactive etc. - and even some of his bad qualities - e.g. being kind of obsessed with control and (maybe) overly protective and paternalistic.


Why would the show do this? My theory is this: Let's suppose Felicity lets herself in to some sort of romantic relationship with Ray in 3x07. (The pics we have from the upcoming episode seem to indicate something like this.) Ray being similar to Oliver would explain IMO why Felicity would fall for this guy (in spite of him being a bit of a creepy stalker): He reminds her so much of Oliver whom she really loves- although she probably isn't aware of this. Since (right now) she can't have Oliver himself, she goes for some kind of "ersatz" - without noticing it. Maybe Ray attracts her, because she sees in him somebody who is - in at least some respects - the kind of person Oliver could be if he didn't have all the inner emotional scars of his traumatic memories and experiences.


Now, if Felicity really (but unconsciously) chooses Ray, because he serves her as "ersatz-Oliver", so to speak, then this will be, no doubt, a terrible decision on her part, since the copy can never be as good as the original! Therefore, the next step of her personal growth will consist in realizing that she's chosen just that - an ersatz, and that the ersatz can't make her happy. And finally - at least that's what I hope - she will understand that she has to dump the "copy" (i.e. Ray) and grab the "real thing" (i.e. Oliver). Does this rambling make sense?

Edited by Kordi
  • Love 8

Brian Ford Sullivan was one of the writers on the Felicity episode.  I hope he treats her as well here.  By ep 12, Oliver will have been missing for 3 episodes.  Does the title "Uprising" have anything to do with how he gets back?


I wonder what Brandon Routh thought when they told him he had to do the salmon ladder in this ep.


Regarding Laurel's "am I me or am I my sister" journey, I think the EPs want to have their cake and eat it too.  Laurel could have a crisis moment after she puts on the costume of wondering "am I just trying to be my sister?"  Then Sara's ghost or hallucination or dream vision will appear to Laurel and tell her that putting on the costume is not being her (Sara), but that Laurel can be her own version of the Canary and still be herself - she can be the Black Canary.  Then Laurel will stride forth as her own superhero.  I will be shocked - SHOCKED, I tell you - if Laurel gives up her suit.  They'd have to peel it off her cold, dead body.


Thea could be the one who decides not to become a superhero.  She could decide not to become like either Malcolm or Oliver, but remain a normal person with a normal life (a former vigilante like Ted Grant).

When the EPs first came out with that, I thought Thea was going to be the one who decides not to be a superhero, and Laurel who is.


But looking at them now, Thea is way, way  more competent at fighting and just generally while Laurel .... isn't.  And Laurel really is going SWF with the fighting and the black leather and the long blonde locks.  So at this point, logic would suggest that she's the one who decides she's not a superhero.


Except I can't ever see AK and MG giving up on their fantasy of Dinah Laurel Lance as the Black Canary on this show.


Question: wasn't the Clock King supposed to be in the crossover? Or I got that all wrong? lol he is never mentioned in the episodes descriptions. But he appears in The Flash 107.. maybe he will team up with that guy who robs banks?

I thought the Clock King was in the Flash episode but it was what brought the Arrow team to Central City since they had knowledge of him.

Edited by statsgirl

I was thinking something similar. In the summer Marc said something about not everyone will meet their comic book destiny. At the time I assumed it was Thea, but after Stephen said last night that she wasn't going bad, I wonder if it could be Laurel. If this happens then this insta-canary story line makes sense, if in the end she decides to give it up. Since this is logical it probably won't happen. I've been searching for that interview, I'll post if found.


Do you mean this quote:


IGN: Obviously we want to avoid spoilers for the finale, but I want to look ahead to Season 3 of Arrow. In broad strokes, could you say what would be the theme of Season 3?

Kreisberg: One of the things we're talking about now is that every one of the characters is really asking themselves, "Who am I?" From Oliver to Laurel, everyone is faced with a decision about what their destiny is going to be. Each and every one of them over the course of next season will be making that journey. For some people it's a dark journey. For other people it's a lighter journey. For some people it's becoming their comic book characters. In other cases, it's actually definitively not. We talk a lot about identity being the theme of the season, and everyone's asking themselves, "Who am I?" That's that.





I could be wrong, but I think AK was most likely referring to Sara as one of the characters that won't be becoming their comic book counterpart (Black Canary) because she was going to get killed off in the season 3 premiere.

I could be wrong, but I think AK was most likely referring to Sara as one of the characters that won't be becoming their comic book counterpart (Black Canary) because she was going to get killed off in the season 3 premiere.


Yes, that's the one. Thanks for finding it. I originally thought he was talking about Thea but now I'm not so sure. He could be talking about Sara, but she doesn't actually have a comic book character destiny since she's an original character. At this point that dark journey feels like it's split between Laurel & Oliver, and Thea's on the lighter path. Total opposite of what I originally thought.

  • Love 1

Yes, that's the one. Thanks for finding it. I originally thought he was talking about Thea but now I'm not so sure. He could be talking about Sara, but she doesn't actually have a comic book character destiny since she's an original character. At this point that dark journey feels like it's split between Laurel & Oliver, and Thea's on the lighter path. Total opposite of what I originally thought.


Yeah, Sara's iffy because she isn't in the comics but until she died, many people were thinking/hoping that she would turn out to be the real Black Canary. That's why I think the quote could apply to her. I also don't know who else it could be about if Thea isn't going to turn evil. There's no way that Laurel isn't going to become the real Black Canary, IMO. If they intended to make her something else, they wouldn't have needed to kill off Sara in the first place.

Edited by strikera0
  • Love 3

"Uprising'…….LOA…….Oliver fighting to come back……(possibly to a City in trouble)…..The Dark Knight Rises anyone?


Lol. I've been thinking that Oliver probably missing for a few episodes, the LoA as big bads, plus "The Climb," "Left Behind," and now "The Uprising" seems suspiciously similar to TDKR. Aren't they also bringing in Brick for 3 epsiodes? Is Brick going to be the Bane to Arrow's version of TDKR? I really wish the writers will realize that Oliver is not Bruce Wayne and Green Arrow is not Batman but if they are intent on ripping off of TDKR, then I demand that we see Oliver and Felicity, on their second date, at a cafe in Italy by season's end!

  • Love 2

May be I'm missing something in the discussion... but isn't Thea supposed to become Speedy? And Speedy isn't a villain, but a heroe. My personal speculation is that in the long run, Speedy/Thea will form part of a larger superheroe team that supports the Arrow in defending Starling City. So, Thea CAN become her comic book character without turning evil, can't she?

Edited by Kordi

Lol. I've been thinking that Oliver probably missing for a few episodes, the LoA as big bads, plus "The Climb," "Left Behind," and now "The Uprising" seems suspiciously similar to TDKR. Aren't they also bringing in Brick for 3 epsiodes? Is Brick going to be the Bane to Arrow's version of TDKR? I really wish the writers will realize that Oliver is not Bruce Wayne and Green Arrow is not Batman but if they are intent on ripping off of TDKR, then I demand that we see Oliver and Felicity, on their second date, at a cafe in Italy by season's end!

Brick is in 310-312 which are most likely the 3 episode where Oliver is "missing". SA said that he is in every episode but in a few it's just Flashbacks, which seems kind of stupid to me.

  • Love 2


 For other people it's a lighter journey


I think the lighter journey part might be about Malcolm. We know every character is on an identity journey this season, so I can imagine that would include Malcolm too, who is, after all, currently a dark character so the only thing left for him is to become lighter; and I sort of think that is already happening to him.

Barrowman said Malcolm was used to using money, power and fear to get people to do his wishes (which we already knew), but that doesn't work with Thea, so he is choosing to use emotional manipulation, because what Thea need and want is her family back; but, she isn't the only one, Malcolm wants that too! and until Tommy died he had it! - under his own crazy terms, but he had it. However, thinking about it now, I wonder if Thea is gonna be the one to have the last laugh; because in the end, when all is said and done, it will Malcolm, who will end up being drawn back to the light side because he doesn't want to lose Thea once she and Oliver's relationship will get mended. They did kind of showed it in a round about way; while Oliver and Thea were sitting together- a sign that they were mending things - Malcolm was literally separated from them not only by a window, but by an entire road. He is the one on the outside looking in. He is the one not able to have what he has probably coveted for along time now: his [Dysfunctional] family back. his wife is dead, so is his son, Moira, who we assume he loved, is also dead. All he has left is Thea and Oliver (whom, according to Barrowman, he has always loved as a son), they are his ticket to a happy life, to regain his family back. All he has to do is just learn to let go of the Darkness inside.


it's just a theory that popped in my head as I was reading the quote from the IGN interview.

Edited by foreverevolving

If I understood SA on the AfterShow, 310-313 is also where the payoff for Laurel as Black Canary is. So I imagine that Brick is her first 'villain.' She gets her butt kicked right out the gate in 310, fumbles around. Then probably calls up Diggle, Felicity and Roy to help. By 313 when Oliver gets back he sees her as a 'warrior' now and bonded with the his Team. 


I really have no desire to watch the back half of the season.

Edited by 10Eleven12
  • Love 7

If I understood SA on the AfterShow, 310-313 is also where the payoff for Laurel as Black Canary is. So I imagine that Brick is her first 'villain.' She gets her butt kicked right out the gate in 310, fumbles around. Then probably calls up Diggle, Felicity and Roy to help. By 313 when Oliver gets back he sees her as a 'warrior' now and bonded with the his Team. 

I would hate that so so much, three episodes of Laurel becoming the Black Canary while Diggle, Felicity and Roy back her up, not to mention whatever Ray is up to that we're supposed to find out about then.   I'd seriously be considering what else is on at 8 p. on Wednesday.


That's why it's so risky IMO, because the potential to lose viewers is so great.

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 3

  I'd seriously be considering what else is on at 8 p. on Wednesday.


That's why it's so risky IMO, because the potential to lose viewers is so great.


I think that's why they're doing it in January. Maybe they realized they just had too many superhero origin stories to tell (especially with Laurel and Ray) and didn't have enough time for Oliver's story too. I think it's stupid to have episodes without Oliver in the present day, but I also remember MG saying over the summer that the show is more of an ensemble now. 

Brick is in 310-312 which are most likely the 3 episode where Oliver is "missing". SA said that he is in every episode but in a few it's just Flashbacks, which seems kind of stupid to me.

I was under the impression that he's only gone for 2 eps, since he said he had to shave his mustache on 11/13. I'm thinking SleepDeprived is right. He'll come back in 3x12, the city is a mess because of Brick, and Laurel couldn't handle it. God these writers love to knock off TDK.

If the three episodes do encompass Black Canary and Atom origin stories, that is a lot to throw in to the ring. With the a wrap speed they are going this season it wouldn't surprise me at all. It sounds like they plan on turning the back half into some type of B-Movie Justice League (which would be supported by SA's comments at that convention).  


I don't understand turning a show called 'Arrow' into an ensemble cast. IMO they are already having trouble with the plot lines they started.

  • Love 6

Brick is in 310-312 which are most likely the 3 episode where Oliver is "missing". SA said that he is in every episode but in a few it's just Flashbacks, which seems kind of stupid to me.


It seems awfully risky to me. When the show deviates from being Oliver's story, it doesn't do as well, possibly because the writing isn't as good.  And since Laurel will be becoming the Black Canary at that time, and we'll get lots of Ray's story uncovered and Roy as Arsenal, will there be enough left to watch for?


I've always had the impression that the flashbacks are one of the least popular parts of the show.  Does it seem that way to anyone else?  So yeah, I agree that this is a stupid idea and has the potential to cost the show viewers right out of the gate.  I'm not sure that I want to watch a show called Arrow that doesn't include The Arrow!

  • Love 3

I was under the impression that he's only gone for 2 eps, since he said he had to shave his mustache on 11/13. I'm thinking SleepDeprived is right. He'll come back in 3x12, the city is a mess because of Brick, and Laurel couldn't handle it. God these writers love to knock off TDK.

The mustache is because he had a longtime between filming, if they're only filming flashbacks he could easily go 10 days between filming flashbacks for two episodes. He would need to shave that ugly thing off for filming flashbacks as well as present day scenes. However he could be back in 312, or show up at the very end of 312.

  • Love 1

It seems awfully risky to me. When the show deviates from being Oliver's story, it doesn't do as well, possibly because the writing isn't as good.  And since Laurel will be becoming the Black Canary at that time, and we'll get lots of Ray's story uncovered and Roy as Arsenal, will there be enough left to watch for?



I think that's why they're doing it in January. Maybe they realized they just had too many superhero origin stories to tell (especially with Laurel and Ray) and didn't have enough time for Oliver's story too. I think it's stupid to have episodes without Oliver in the present day, but I also remember MG saying over the summer that the show is more of an ensemble now



If the three episodes do encompass Black Canary and Atom origin stories, that is a lot to throw in to the ring. With the a wrap speed they are going this season it wouldn't surprise me at all. It sounds like they plan on turning the back half into some type of B-Movie Justice League (which would be supported by SA's comments at that convention).  


I don't understand turning a show called 'Arrow' into an ensemble cast. IMO they are already having trouble with the plot lines they started.



I've always had the impression that the flashbacks are one of the least popular parts of the show.  Does it seem that way to anyone else?  So yeah, I agree that this is a stupid idea and has the potential to cost the show viewers right out of the gate.  I'm not sure that I want to watch a show called Arrow that doesn't include The Arrow!


To me, this theme right here is the biggest problem and one of the stupidest things I've ever seen.  


TIIC have so much hubris that they are taking a pretty successful television show, which obviously had viewers turning in for a reason, and are turning it into something completely different.  That's a transition that may work in comics, but I think they'll find the fickle television viewing audience may not be as forgiving.


I set aside my 8pm hour on Wednesday nights to watch that beautiful mess named Oliver Queen as the Arrow try to figure out his life.  Felicity and Diggle quickly became the cherry on top of my Oliver sundae.  


I could put up with Laurel as his bossy ex because that was part of his story.  A small part. I wouldn't have minded if they would have fixed that damage and made them friends. I enjoyed Sara as Black Canary but even so, I felt she did take too much away from Oliver's story and the OG Team Arrow interaction.  But still...a part of Oliver's story.


Now, they are making this, as stated above, no longer about Oliver.  No longer the Arrow's journey.  It's now the Black Canary (non)comedy hour.  The origin of the justice league.  WhatTheFuckEver.  I don't want your bait and switch.  Ain't nobody got time for that! I signed up for Arrow.


I watched Hell's Kitchen on Wednesday.  HELL'S KITCHEN!!  I want my Arrow back!

  • Love 15

The casting announcement for Ra's killed a great deal of the anticipation I had for this season.


Killing Sara ruined what was otherwise a great premiere and put a further damper on everything that followed.


Now, they are making this, as stated above, no longer about Oliver.  No longer the Arrow's journey.  It's now the Black Canary (non)comedy hour.  The origin of the justice league.  WhatTheFuckEver.  I don't want your bait and switch.  Ain't nobody got time for that! I signed up for Arrow.


Now this could be the last straw. I rarely give up on shows I have already been watching for a couple of seasons, unless they totally change the nature of the show or do away with whatever I was watching for. I'm still going to watch Arrow, for now, but I no longer really...care.

  • Love 4

I liked the flashbacks on about 1 in 5 episodes because I find the rest boring.  (Worked well for Guilty though, although maybe because I found the present day story to be boring.)  But I've read posts from people that think they're the best part of the s how.

 If the three episodes do encompass Black Canary and Atom origin stories, that is a lot to throw in to the ring. With the a wrap speed they are going this season it wouldn't surprise me at all. It sounds like they plan on turning the back half into some type of B-Movie Justice League (which would be supported by SA's comments at that convention).  


I don't understand turning a show called 'Arrow' into an ensemble cast. IMO they are already having trouble with the plot lines they started.

I can understand turning Arrow into more of an ensemble cast because there is only so much you can do with the character of Oliver Queen, 45 minutes per episode, 23 episodes per season.  So it's natural to spread out, to show Diggle's past and give him some things with the Suicide Squad, and Merlyn training Thea.


The problem is whose stories are they going to tell and how much time will they spend on them, and will it be balanced by the stories of characters I do want to know about.  While I've liked most of Ray's scenes (in Sara not so much), I'm not yet on board the Ray Palmer/Atom train.  I find CH best in smaller doses, although I wouldn't mind larger one than we got in this last episode.  As much as I like Sara, I got tired of so much of her in 2b.  Moira, on the other hand, I could watch endlessly.


So while I'm okay with tweaking the show to include stories about characters other than Oliver, it depends which characters they're doing.  Every spoiler we've had about episodes post 3x09 have been about Laurel and Ray, and those are the two characters on the show I care the least about, especially Laurel.  I don't care much for Malcolm Merlyn either but John Barrowman is always entertaining.


Consequently, every spoiler that comes out about the January and February episodes makes me less and less interested.


I was going to say that maybe Ray Palmer's story was about why he wanted the Applied Sciences tech, and then I remembered to pictures of BR being fitted for his mask.


The idea of Ray, Laurel and Roy all in superhero costumes, and Diggle and Felicity doing back-up for them, is such a turn-off for me.

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 5

I guess Laurel is a fixture in the Arrow cave now.


I really don't like her down there but I hope she's more like the new Roy (silent and in the background) than the new Oliver. 


I hope she leaves the foundry when Oliver comes back because five people is way too many (as evidenced by season 2B).

Edited by drspaceman10
  • Love 1

Something's been gnawing at me for a day or so...it finally hit me.  Maybe we're looking at Ray the wrong way.  We've been caught up in how he appears to be stalking Felicity.  


Well, I'm not sure exactly how it fits with their overall plans, but with the "identity" theme of the season, Ray's appears to be more am I Oliver Queen or am I someone else.  He's not really stalking Felicity, he's stalking Oliver.


Company?  Check.

Brainy, gorgeous partner?  Check.

Salmon ladder?  Check.

Secret identity?  Not quite check.  But maybe.

  • Love 4

If more and more people are liking Laurel as BC, and if Oliver is leaving for 2 episodes I hope they use this opportunity to pitch a spinoff idea with Helena coming back whilst Oliver is gone. I hope the network approves of this idea. And I hope Laurel leaves. She makes no difference to the show and is just dead weight :/ Regardless of how much ass she kicks, she will always be dead weight. 

  • Love 3

So, I finally watched the Aftershow segment. It was not as bad as I thought. What I took away from it was that:


- Laurel will be the focus of  episodes 10 up to at least 12 if not 13 and Oliver is not around for those episodes. (That was the speculation you guys had already but the way SA talked about it seems to all but confirm that) Those episodes will pave the way for the finale episodes which will be crazy. (No idea if that is just an assumption of his or a way to tease the audience)

- Laurel will not be immediately be a superhero but by the end of the season she will be a good BC (He said that things have to happen quicker on TV) 

- I don't think they understand why people don't like her (or they do and will never say it out loud) or they are just not willing to give up on their vision.


He doesn't like criticism of the show but then again who does like to be criticized. They see it but don't really listen to it in a major way. 

The pictures of BC were probably not supposed to be released this early. He did not seem happy about that. Seems as though the instagram picture caused a lot of problems. But honestly who is really surprised by Laurel as BC. It is not like they were super subtle about it.


 I don't think a BOP spinoff would do well with those two girls. Just my opinion though. They can't carry a show. Especially considering KC can't carry her role in Arrow.


Well, maybe they could try but I doubt that the spinoff would have an audience. These days they can expect bigger numbers from a comic book show and I cannot image that one of the least liked female characters on a show would get a spinoff. It is hard enough to pull of a female driven show as it is. I doubt she'd be able to pull a whole show off.


For the predictions on who killed Sara: First of all: I don't really care anymore at this point. I just miss her. CH said in an interview that the audience would hate who it was.

EDIT: I read the interview again. He feels bad for that character who did it because people will just hate that character. They did not find out beforehand who did it but now that they do, he feels really sorry for that character.


If I had to pick someone at this point that I'd hate it to be, it would probably be Tommy. I don't care how he'd come back from the dead. If I have to believe that Laurel is a superhero in under 5 episodes then I can also believe that Tommy is alive. It would work (for me) on a lot of levels. Tommy - Oliver and their relationship, Tommy-Laurel and their relationship, Tommy and Merlyn as well as Thea. Everyone would be somewhat affected. And if Sara knew that also changes the way everyone else will see her. Maybe Tommy killed her because she was looking for Malcolm. Who knows. The only problem I have with my own prediction is that what I did not like about S1 was T/L/O stuff. 


As for next weeks episode...I don't like the triangle and not because I am indifferent to Ray. I just don't like triangles. I however hope we finally see Ray's agenda. But I want to see how they deal with Cupid. And I want to know what happens to Oliver. There is one scene in the promo where he seems to be lying on the ground with a lot of blood next to him. 

Edited by Belinea
  • Love 1

@apinknightmare - That's mature and probably pretty smart. Sigh


I mean...it's just one picture. She was in the foundry all of what...a minute or two last ep? Someone could've taken a Foundry Fridays pic of that and we could've thought "OMG SHE'S DOWN THERE!!111! AGAIN!!!11!" and it's nothing. I know she's going to be around more, and I know her role is increasing, and yeah, I'm not looking forward to what looks like 2-3 episodes without Oliver, but I'll see how it plays out. I have no idea what the circumstances surrounding any of this is - it's pointless getting disheartened and worrying about it until I watch it and I maybe hate it. Then it's time to get disheartened and worry about it IMO.

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